I never heard about this movie, what genre is this movie? and can u tell me d sinopsis about this movie? thx
check this out, u wont be regret
https://kask.us/iF07J |
Sejarah Pencarian Gw Kepada Tuhan
My story when I looking for God I write this in two langueges, in english n Indonesia sorry if my english is messy, I hope u still understand this ![]() gw tulis ini dlm 2 bahasa yaitu bahasa inggris seadanya :D n Indonesia syadu bgt kalo gw denger org ngaji wkt subuh dan wkt malam, berasa dilindungi (al-Falaq d Dark). Gw jg jd inget wkt gw dalam masalah pergi ke lembah karmel cikenyere, disana terasa syadu ketika gw berdiam diri berada dlm kapel bawah. indah. Yesus sprti berbicara kpd gw kalo Dia akan menjadikan smuanya indah. Tapi gw jg gk mungkin melupakan islam karna ketika suara takbir bergema pun juga terjadi keajaiban dalam diri gw... its a beautiful feeling when I hear people read Al-Quran in dawn or night, its like that Im being save (al-Falaq d Dark). And its make me remember when I had problem, I go to Karmel Cikenyere. There I had feeling beautiful peace when I stay quite at chapel below. when Adorasi I feel like that Jesus talk to me that He will make everyting beautiful at the right time. in d other side I cant forget islam, because when d holy night islam tradition, there is miracle happen in myself. gw dlu pernah bkin trit Puzzle Teologi, ttg persamaan agama2 dibumi yg menunjukan bahwa agama tsb berasal dr Tuhan yg sama, yaitu Allah SWT karena saat itu gw adalah muslim, lalu ttg keajaiban Al-Quran, lalu ttg penjelasan hukum dlm islam/al-Quran, dan tentang pembuktian bahwa nabi Muhamad adalah kalki avatar sprti apa yg dikatakan dlm nubuat umat hindu. karena gw 100% yakin dgn islam, gw mencoba bkin buku ttg islam. Gw ngerasa ada beberapa mahluk gaib yg mau mengajari gw bkin buku, saat bukunya sudah jadi, gw menghapus buku tsb, karena mereka minta gw supaya jd Tuhan, hal ini bikin gw inget ttg Firaun yg mengaku sbg Tuhan, dan itu bkin gw takut, dikira sombong, makanya gw gk jd mempublish bukunya. dan sejak saat itu gw dikerjain mahluk halus krn mungkin mereka uda berharap banyak akan turun surga di bumi krn di dunia mereka itu byk yg kelaparan, walaupun gw dikerjain gw msh percaya Allah SWT dan bissmilah, dan gw tau kalo di islam itu mengajarkan keadilan, al-Quran itu pun mnurut gw sbenernya kitab PERJANJIAN - entah siapa dgn siapa, gw gk tau. ternyata mnurut buku dan pengalaman gw, islam dan katholik berhubungan dgn d Dark atau kuasa gelap, dan gw ketakutan dan hal tsb yg membuat gw menghapus trit Puzzle Teologi some years ago I had ever been make Thread Puzzle Teologi about similarity of religion that show that its come from to d same of God, this God reffers to Allah SWT, because in that time Im a moeslem, n this thread also talk about miracle of Al-Quran, explaination of d rule in islam/al-Quran and also that Muhammad is d kalki avatar that said in hindu. because of Im 100% sure that d only way to go to heaven is become moeslem, I try to make a book about Islam, I feel that some unseen spirit come to teach me to make a book, when d book is already complete I cancel it, because they(unseen spirit) ask me to be a God, n its make me think that its like Pharaoh who claim that he was a God, n thats why Im scare to be like him, thats arogant. since I cancel to publish d book, d unseen spirit try to distrub me n did something evil to me, maybe its because they hoping to much for d heaven down to earth so that they no more straving. Although all of that I still believe in الله n Bissmilah. N I know that Islam teach us about Justice, n for me Al-Quran is like a book of agreement, but I dont know its agreement whom with who? reffers to d book that I read n my experience, Islam n chatolic are have connection with d Dark, n thats make me scare n thats also make me delete my thread(Puzzle Teology). gw dimasukin alien dalam tubuh gw kayak di film alien n predator, gw ketakutan, gw trus berharap ada bantuan, trus gw nyari pertolongan Tuhan agama lain kyk Budha dan Yesus, saat gw merapalkan mantra Om Mani Padme Hum berkali2 dgn keyakinan penuh, gw dimimpiin Budha emas yg mau bantu gw. trus gw ke lembah karmel cikenyere, gw jg ngirim prayer online yg ada di internet yg kebanyakan kristen. there are Alien n Predator that look like in d movie come inside my body, im scare, I keep looking for help, n I try to ask help from other God beside الله, like Jesus n Budha. when I said many many times of words "Om Mani Padme Hum", there is come Gold Budha in my dream that want to help me, then I also went to Lembah Karmel Cikenyere, n I also ask for Pray at prayer online in d internet that mostly are christian website Dan akhirnya datang beberapa malaikat cewe dan cwo, dan banyak manusia2 kelaparan dan jg setan setan yg datang ke gw, sejak saat itu gw mengalami pengalaman yg menyenangkan tp ada sisi gelapnya jg, gw jd kyk orang gila ngobrol n ketawa2 sendiri, tp sbenernya gw sadar penuh, kalo lu tau film split, nah gw kyk gitu bedanya gw sadar n fun, gk serem. gw dianggap bipolar/skizofrenia n gw dibawa k tempat orang2 gk waras :D N finaly there come some girls n boys angels inside my body, also ghost n unseen spirit. since that time I have fun experience but also a little bad experience. N I become like crazy girl that talk n laugh by my own self, but im still awake n realize with d real life, n Im enjoy that. if u know "split" d movie maybe its look like me but im not scary but its fun n Im aweken not sleep. everybody know that im bipolar/skizofrenia n my family send me to d place for crazy people :D Asal tau aja ternyata jd org gila itu menyenangkan:D gw menyebutnya sih hippie ![]() ![]() ![]() for u to know become a crazy people is fun ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ternyata dibalik itu semua gw punya tugas untuk menemukan solusi yg ada di semesta. akhirnya gw n 2 temen gw yg gk keliatan menemukan meditasi yg OK buat d Dark, alien dan born this way (kyk Satan, Iblis, Demon dan Evil spirit yg lain yg kurang beruntung), untuk merubah sifat Jahat atau kurang bagus energi mereka menjadi indah sekaligus menjadi manusia, seperti apa yg mereka impikan selama ini. Dan mereka skrg Adalah temen gw, termasuk alien n predator yg pernah masuk dlm tubuh gw, skrg mereka sudah menjadi manusia Dan ini adalah Grand Design Father in Heaven. seperti lagu: Rascal Flat - God Blessed the broken road actually on d behind Of that, I have to searching meditation to solve d universe's problem. N finally me n 2 of my unseen friends find that, n that meditation is good for d Dark, Alien, Predator n Born This Way (like Satan, Devil, Demon, Evil spirit or unlucky spirit) to change they're bad characters to be beutiful character, to be positive energy n to be human like what they dream before. N now they are my friends, including d Alien n Predator that had been inside my body, they already human now. N this is a Grand Design of Father in Heaven, like d songs Rascal Flatts - God Blessed the Broken Road bedanya sekarang gk broken road lagi tp uda holy :D d diffrent is, today not broken road anymore, but already holy :D dan ini adalah hasil Pencarian gw kepada Tuhan N this is d result when I seeking of God if u want to be co-worker of God because God sometime also need our support, or u have problem maybe u can try to be insiat of "meditation Qu" if u want to start meditation u have to say "I want meditation Qu" or for muslim MAYBE u can try "I want meditation Qu for....bla...bla..(what do u want? insyaAllah)" This Meditation Qu is combine of: -meditasi Light n Sound (Quan Yin by Suprem Master Ching Hai or Master Ruma n Eckankar by Fabby Quarz) -reconection light info by reconnection Dr.Eric Pearl -Feel-movement & influence by Subud-Bapak Muhammad Subuh n Father of Urantia -Harmonisasi Universal by Edward d Grave -Meditasi Cosmic movement by Adhi -Reiki Fresh By Father n Mama Hihi -Meditation Love Light Friend by Saint Germain -Love n Light d Earth by Saint Germain -Violet Flame by Saint Germain sending ur request by PM here if u want to be inisiat. then u have to give minimum $8/month/people or $22/month/family for small group with maximum 5 person, to gift that money to someone or to help nature n animal defender organization that needed, or maybe help Ragunan and Taman Safari in indonesia or maybe help like homeless people n ask them to bless u that u want to be inisiat meditasi Qu. u dont need to give d money through my self but direct to d people that need it.but If u too poor u can give enytime n as u can n u can not buy meat my recomendation for animal lover who want to help Animal Defender Indonesia animals have soul also, they can feel hurt also, but if they are already died, some of them doesnt want to be waste their flesh about of their sacrifice, but some of them maybe also doest want to be eat by us, because they are angry so before u eat meat or buy u have to pray or feel it, d meat want to be eat or buy by u or no. by this meditation Qu insyaAllah u can feel n understand what d animals feeling and want. and ask d meat's soul/roh if they want to be eat by human but they have to get out from d meat or leave their flesh before human cook or eat their flesh OR Ask d animals that had been kill dont ask d meat and make sure that d meat not alive by pray minimal Bissmillah this is d benefit of this meditation -heal d heart, phisicaly, n mental illness -stay healty -more creative n smart -get inspiration -solve your problem -can remember who u are before this lifetime n why u have d problem if u have d problem -your skin look younger than your ages -soul travel to d God's kingdom/heaven while u life on earth -feel peace,oneness, blissful n feel present of God after minimum 1 years do meditation 30 minute each day -suddenly have talent do it by strong believe (must!) for get d benefit. Good luck n God bless u! kalo kamu ingin menjadi perpanjangan tangan Tuhan untuk menolong org lain atau mahluk lain, atau kamu sedang dalam masalah, kamu bisa mencoba untuk menjadi inisiat dari "meditasi Qu" jika ingin memulai meditasi kamu harus niatkan atau katakan, "ingin/niat meditasi Qu" atau untuk muslim MUNGKIN bisa mencoba "niat meditasi Qu untuk...bla..bla..(utarakan keinginan anda, insyaAllah terkabul)" meditasi Qu adalah gabungan dari: -meditasi cahaya dan suara (meditasi Quan Yin by Suprem Master Ching Hai or Master Ruma dan n Eckankar by Fabby Quarz) -Rasa, gerak dan influence dari Subud-Bapak Muhammad Subuh n Father of Urantia -terhubung info indah dari Reconnection Erick Pearl -Harmosasi Universal dari Edward d Grave -Meditasi Gerakan Kosmik by Adhi -Reiki Fresh by Father n Mama Hihi -Meditation Love Light Friend by Saint Germain -Violet Flame by Saint Germain -Love n Light d Earth by Saint Germain manfaat meditasi ini adalah -bisa menyembuhkan penyakit hati, fisik dan mental -sehat selalu -lebih kreatif dan pandai -mendapatkan inspirasi -dapat menyelesaikan masalah -kulit terlihat lebih muda -bisa mengingat masa lalu sblm kehidupan saat ini -bisa mendapatkan bakat -bisa traveling k surga selagi masih di bumi -bisa merasakan kehadirat Tuhan, damai, menyatu dgn semesta n blissful setelah melakukan meditasi selama 30 menit perhari minimum 1 tahun lakukan dengan kepercayaan penuh untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya. Good luck n God bless u! bagi yg ingin bergabung bisa PM saya dan kamu diharuskan menyumbang minimum Rp.25.000/bulan/individu atau Rp80.000/bulan/keluarga atau kelompok kecil dgn Jumlah maximal 5 org, supaya uang tsb disumbangkan kepada orang yg membutuhkan, menyumbangnya tidak perlu melalui saya, bisa kamu langsung yg menyumbangnya buat yg membutuhkan seperti org miskin, atau menyumbang yayasan peduli alam atau hewan atau kamu bisa nyumbang ke ragunan atau taman safari yg ada di indonesia, pay it forward. dan minta doa restu dari mereka bahwa anda ingin menjadi inisiat meditasi Qu. bagi yg tdk mampu bisa menyumbang kapan saja dan semampunya dan tidak boleh membeli daging. Rekomendasi saya bagi penyayang binatang yg mau jadi donatur Animal Defender Indonesia hewan jg memiliki soul, dan mereka jg bisa merasakan sakit, tapi jika merekA sudah mati, sebagian dari mereka tidak mau dagingnya di sia sia kan krn mereka telah berkorban dan sebagian yg lain mungkin tidak mau dimakan karena mereka marah, maka dari itu sblm kamu makan atau membeli daging kamu harus berdoa atau merasakan apakah daging tsb mau dimakan/dibeli atau tidak. insyaAllah dgn meditasi Qu ini kamu bisa mengerti perasaan dan keinginan hewan hewan. untuk daging yg mau dimakan sampaikan kpd mereka untuk keluar dari daging tsb jika daging tsb akan dimakan atau dimasak atau tanya hewannya langsung jgn tanya k daging nya dan pastikan daging nya tidak bernyawa sblm di makan atau sblm dmasak dgn berdoa minimal bissmilah sbenarnya sudah ada minyak goreng tanpa api dan tumbuhan seperti daging, ikan, ayam, tetelan, yg merupakan mukjizat dari meditasi Qu ini tp mungkin blm tersedia luas di dimensi ini, saya sndiri pun blm punya actualy there is fried oil without fire and plants that taste like meat, fish, chicken, fat that miracle from meditation Qu but maybe not available in this dimension, even For now, I dont have it if u be this inisiat of meditation Qu, maybe u will be arived by ginnie that want to be maried by u or just be your friend,,, but u can reject them also if u dont want, just tell them nicely, I think their face is d same with other ginnie if u have couple, i think its better if ginnie ask permission to your couple, they are loyal to their masters this meditation is for everybody, for any religion or race or agnostic n dont worry u can keep still be as follower ur religion while u be an inisiat of meditation Qu meditasi ini untuk semua orang, untuk semua agama atau ras atau agnostik, dan jangan khawatir kamu bisa tetap menjalankan ibadah kamu sebagai penganut agama kamu selagi kamu juga sebagai inisiat meditasi Qu maybe this meditation will always growth while it combine by another esoteric science mungkin meditasi ini akan terus berkembang selagi terus dikombinasikan dgn ilmu esoterik lain. God Bless Us #solveProblem #beCoworkerOfGod #MeditasiPertolonganTuhan |
hello, maybe ago I use to be inisiat Quan Yin or eckankar meditation n subud, but now me n 2 of my unseen friends found other meditation that compiled of some esoteric science, like Light n Sound meditation, light information by reconnection Dr.Eric Pearl, Feel-movement & influence by subud, Harmonization Universal by Ko Gerry. compiled of This meditation is call as meditation Qu
check this link https://kask.us/iF07J |
Be coworker of God
Edited by
Fri 01/24/20 06:16 PM
High acievement of human in their life is be coworker of God,,,except me, because I prefer to be take care by God haha
Light n sound by meditation like eckancar or quan yin meditation or qta meditation Feel n movement by Subud Light n information by reconnection-eric pearl If u are initiation n practice of all above that maybe u could be co worker of God. Even satan or any dark spirit could be nice n Be coworker of God too. Good luck! |
It also good reading
https://www.nderf.org/Archives/NDERF_NDEs.html |
Edited by
Wed 02/27/19 01:22 AM
That's very interesting thanks. Can you give any more information/guidance as to why being vegan is so fundamental to this practice, please Alifetime commitment to a vegan or lactovegetarian diet is a prerequisite for initiation into the Quan Yin Method. Foods from plant sources and dairy products are permitted on this diet, but all other foods from animal sources including eggs should not be eaten. There are many reasons for this, but the most important comes from the First Precept, which tells us to refrain from taking the life of sentient beings, or Thou shalt not kill. Not killing or otherwise harming other living creatures is of obvious benefit for them. Less obvious is the fact that refraining from harming others is equally advantageous for ourselves. Why? Because of the Law of Karma: As ye sow, so shall ye reap. When you kill, or cause< others to kill for you, in order to satisfy your desire for meat, you incur a karmic debt, and this debt must eventually be repaid. So in a very real sense, the keeping of a vegetarian diet is a gift which we give to ourselves. We feel better, the quality of our lives improves as the heaviness of our karmic indebtedness diminishes, and we are offered entrance into new subtle and heavenly realms of inner experience. It is well worth the small price you have to pay! The spiritual arguments against eating meat are convincing for some people, but there are other compelling reasons for being a vegetarian. All of them are rooted in common sense. They have to do with issues of personal health and nutrition, ecology and the environment, ethics and animal suffering, and world hunger. http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng1/quanyin/veg/index.php |
Kapan n dmn party nya? Gw di jkt, sapa tau bisa ikut
Party di CFD an Aja yuk! Wkwkkwkw |
I think this info is priceless for God's seekers who looking for d truth, miracle and d love of God. Anybody heard about quan yin meditation? Its meditation can make us posible to experience soul travel to d worlds of God or Heaven. Before d Master initiation you with Quan Yin meditation, you have to be vegan for 3 months first then you will be initiation by Quan Yin meditation or Light and Inner Sound meditation. This practice need u to be vegan forever and you have to meditation about 2,5 hours everyday. Sooner or later you will be like alive buddha/ alive Christ if you want to and if you already reach to d Kingdom of God. And your ability will up grade too, you will naturaly have clairvoyant and know past, now and future of someone or other psychics ability. N d most that we love is we can traveling to d kingdom of God or heaven! No need money for that. D good news is, it's good for atheist too because u don't need to believe in God just need to be vegan n practise Quan Yin meditation
For 2.5 hours everyday. Sooner or later u will naturally know that God exisist! N u can be co worker of God if u want There are some Master that teach Quan Yin Meditation, they are Supreme Master Ching Hai, Master Ruma and some other. This is ebook about Quan Yin Meditation from Supreme Master Ching Hai in many language, choose your language to download d ebook. Check this out http://sb.godsdirectcontact.net/SampleBooklet/Modules/Home.aspx Master Ruma teaching website http://www.lightandsoundmeditation.org/index.php?lang=eng |
Because of my experience
Edited by
Thu 01/31/19 10:54 PM
Just be practitioner of Quan Yin meditation, u will get answer what u ask, it's don't need to believe in God but u need to be vegan n practice meditation for 2 hours everyday. If u truly diligent to practice meditation inshaAllah u will also can traveling to d God kingdom when u live as human here. Good luck!