Does God exist?
is the universe made with many things that kill, earth burning with fires, and spewing and sputtering volcano's, and typhoons and hurricanes? if one believe in god, then one believe all these things god made as well, as just many of these are called EVIL by the mind, so does the mind say evil is within the world, so go about creating it with it's reactions that come from this thinking? ALL IS GOD OR THE OPPOSITE IS CREATED BY DEFAULT WHICH WAS CALLED SATAN, just the simple action of defining what is good and evil based on WHAT SELF WANT as good? if self want a new car, then it becomes as good, but if it FIRST thought this was a "sin", then it find ways around this thought, by seeking prooof how it is not, and so then drive it around all day, and say it now ok for others to so so as well, now that self has done it, and seen, HEY THIS AIN'T SO BAD? but the GUY THAT REFRAIN FROM DRIVING, AND THEN TRY TO IMNPOSE UPON ALL OTHERS TO NOT DRIVE, these even destroy their own fammilies and communities before seeing one is FOLLOWING FEAR OF GOD, based most on simply what self first HEARD FROM OTHERS AS WHAT WAS GOOD, WHICH CREATE HATE....... Garden of Eden--everything perfect. Man outside the garden because he chose to try and have the knowledge of God, not so perfect. Christians who impose not driving? Doesn't happen. Christians who believe in law, sure--but the laws are set to govern the things that are bad, not driving cars (refer to 10 commandments). All acts of crime can be referenced from them, the country's laws are very similar. For example, when a man covet's another person's car and acts upon it, stealing it, this is wrong. I can't speak for other Christians, but there is no one that I could say I hated. In fact, even writing in opposition on these forums is because I love people and want them to have the chance to hear the truth about Christian's beliefs. The only hate comes from people who think Christianity and God shouldn't exist. Who cares if there's a nativity displayed in the town square? Everyone else has the right to display their own artistic or religious works, too. Who cares if the 10 commandments are on the walls of the courthouse? I'm sure you could ask to have a nice painting put up, too. And Christians aren't fighting because they think you should have to read the plaque upon entering the courthouse, they're fighting it because it's an attack on our beliefs, and no one should have to endure that. Unless, of course, your beliefs impose death and destruction to anyone who believes differently, such as the case with radical Islamists. But regular Islamists, no harm done. It's about freedom from persecution because of belief, and I wish people would stop knocking Christians in their own quest for freedom and knowledge. |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hi Skad .... having a good evening? Doing well) yourself? Hey Ash! |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hi Way2bizzee!
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Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hey Celtic! ![]() ![]() How's it going? pretty good and you? doing well, but I have a horrible upper back ache right on the spine.. what's that caused from? drinking a little wine to try to knock it out. |
is very happy to find out his common interests with Kewe
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hey Celtic!
![]() ![]() How's it going? |
Edited by
Tue 01/27/09 06:26 PM
just thinks she's far enough south...
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hi Romee)
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Matchmaking Game - part 168
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Tue 01/27/09 06:17 PM
lol.. Etrain says hello)
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Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hi revoice!! welcome)
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Matchmaking Game - part 168
Edited by
Tue 01/27/09 05:38 PM
Hey Deb, Direct, Longislandangel, Donnie and Shadow! Hail, hail, the gangs all here)
Matchmaking Game - part 168
nothing realy got home early for onc just took nice long hot bath and came online to see whom I could flirt with tonight ![]() Thinking of prank texting a few friends, then catching up with some online then watching it snow. haha.. I see.. I'm reading a book and hopping in and out of forums in between chapters. |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Hey there Kojack) What are you up to this evening?
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Out of class early tonight!! Our prof. thought the roads might start freezing over a little. It's um..37 degrees now, lol.. But I'll take it!
How's everyone doing? |
Does God exist?
Edited by
Tue 01/27/09 01:23 PM
"not everyone's silly theories (which can be made up with mere visual observation by any tom, **** and harry)." False. Wrong. Here: In short, When scientists use the word theory, it has a different meaning to normal everyday use. In science, a theory is not a guess, not a hunch. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for our observations. It ties together all the facts about something, providing an explanation that fits all the observations and can be used to make predictions. In science, theory is the ultimate goal, the explanation. It's as close to proven as anything in science can be. Moreover, a theory never becomes a law. In fact, if there was a hierarchy of science, theories would be higher than laws. There is nothing higher, or better, than a theory. Besides that, the question of evil has always been one to plague me when it comes to God. Evil exists. If God does not remove it, he is not omnipotent. If he leaves it, he is malevolent. He cannot be both omnipotent and benevolent. Laws are higher and better than theories, but you're young--and most people don't pay attention in class at your age. I'll give you some slack.. Where does it say that an Omnipotent God has to get rid of evil?.. Is that your rule? the rule of (insert name of young new guy here) As Christians believe--and you don't have to be one, but I hate it when you down us without provocation..we're meant to learn how to stand up against it. This is getting off subject tho, and is turning to a rant on some people's part. So many people say that Christians are overbearing. I think clearly, if you read through these threads, you'll see who does the taunting and childish insults. Since you seem to miss the full idea of what I wrote..Basically.. Existence of God by Christians is measured in faith. No Christian is obligated, especially to another human, to try to prove the existence of God, which is what every post of mine has stated. We just belive in him ourselves and let you do your own thing. Atheists (so completely obsessed with God or no God, it's unreal), claim humans and science can answer all their questions, yet can't find enough of this so called "proof" that they say rules the world to disprove the existence of God. If you claim science can do it, that man can answer everything, go for it. I certainly won't start a thread and call it "Does an atheist really have a brain?" or something mean like that. |
Yes, such as cuddling. That counts, right? ![]() Cuddling, backrubs, foot rubs, hot baths together, etc.. yes! But nothing calling every 30 mins. while someone's at work.. In a couple-few years, the newness will wear off anyway. It will slow down on its own. :D But you'll have great memories to feed upon when you want to light the fire again.. |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Morning Storm) ![]() Morning (((Skad))) ![]() Have you worked out yet? Im procrastinating LOL Yes, but I only do a 10 minute cardio every day, lol. Makes it easier to get on with it. Eating a high protein cheese omlet now) Start the day off right. Hey Deb.. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope all goes well and the school admits the error of their ways! Sic em cat) |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Morning Storm)
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