Community > Posts By > Skad

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:32 AM
Edited by Skad on Thu 01/29/09 11:33 AM
Has obsessively asked the males around the site about their packages (mainly just to see where he sized up in the grander scheme of things, but he never said this). Although he normally would get no reply at all, there was this one time when a homophobic big burly guy wrote him back and threatened his life. Instead of beating him to a pulp, his punishment for "clowning around" was made evident.

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:26 AM

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:17 AM

Hey Skad, took your advice. If you remember what it is email me LOL

Hmmm.. a 10 min. high rate cardio? Oh gosh, the trees are closing in on me. I don't know where I am anymore. I'm...I'm...lost!tears

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:15 AM
Heya Kerry & Perry! waving

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 07:10 AM
but, still.. that was good constructive critism.. I'm sure that's the kind she's looking for.. and now I'm going to stop talking for other people, lol.. bad habit of mine. :D

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:58 AM

Skad kind of summed up why I would say that about getting involved with someone of another "faith". While I respect someone's right to believe as they choose - I may not agree with them. Why get into a relationship with someone that you will not agree with on a fundamental part of your life? I guess I should say I also don't want to be around someone who smokes. If that is narrow-minded too, then I guess I am. But I think smoking is a gross habit that stinks - tastes bad (I've kissed a smoker) - and will probably kill you in the end (my Dad died from cancer because of smoking).

Would you criticize me if I said no smokers? I am curious.

Also - a few beers is okay - but someone that drinks often or a lot... no. Again - am I being too judgemental? Oh, maybe it helps to know my step-father was a mean alcoholic.

I guess I would say my choices are not made lightly even if they may seem narrow minded to some. Is it any different than a guy that only wants to date skinny blondes? I dunno.

I have no problem with your personal choices, it's just I see your profile as referring to the Catholic religion as a false religion, due to this statement: "WARNING: Only interested in a real Christian". In my profile, I have written that I will not consider dating an athiest. My oldest sister married a Lutheran, and she converted. My other sister married a Protestant, and they raise their kids as Catholics.

Your personal choices are what make you you. I'm just saying.. If I were Muslim, and my faith was strong, of course I would look for another Muslim. The same for Hindu, or any other non-Christian religion.

Don't think the term false religion was used.. Just different on some of the beliefs.. There are people whose faith isn't as important when it comes to relationships and there are those to whom it is. I've dated a Catholic. And even Catholics don't refer to themselves as Christians, they use the word Catholic in most cases. Sorry if you were offended. But at least for me (Bible Church), I love Catholics too) and I think we'll see each other on the other side.. drinker

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:36 AM
Heya Deb!! flowerforyou

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:31 AM

Skad kind of summed up why I would say that about getting involved with someone of another "faith". While I respect someone's right to believe as they choose - I may not agree with them. Why get into a relationship with someone that you will not agree with on a fundamental part of your life? I guess I should say I also don't want to be around someone who smokes. If that is narrow-minded too, then I guess I am. But I think smoking is a gross habit that stinks - tastes bad (I've kissed a smoker) - and will probably kill you in the end (my Dad died from cancer because of smoking).

Would you criticize me if I said no smokers? I am curious.

Also - a few beers is okay - but someone that drinks often or a lot... no. Again - am I being too judgemental? Oh, maybe it helps to know my step-father was a mean alcoholic.

I guess I would say my choices are not made lightly even if they may seem narrow minded to some. Is it any different than a guy that only wants to date skinny blondes? I dunno.

Well said. I'm sure we all have our preferences, and you are entitled to them))

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:29 AM

What is a real Christian ?

If you want to know the doctrinal beliefs of protestants, I can give you that. This is not a universal..just beliefs of basic Methodist, Baptist, Church of Christ, Lutheran, Bible Church, Presb., and these are just the doctrinal similarities that promote our ability to work together as the Christian body--the Church.

1. We believe in the Scriptures and the Old and New Testaments as inspired of God, and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life.

2. We believe in one God existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, co-equal and eternal.

3. We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word, and deed.

4. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true Man.

5. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all that believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood.

6. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension in the heavens and in His present life there for us as High Priest and Advocate.

7. We believe in that blessed hope, the personal and visual return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

8. We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God.

9. We believe in the eternal security and everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the eternal conscious punishment of the lost.

10. We believe that Christ instituted the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, to be observed until He comes.

But, when you're finished..can we get back to the subject of this nice lady's profile? maybe move this to the right threads?.. especially if you want to argue about belief systems.. I was just answering a specific question about one of her statements.

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:22 AM

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:19 AM

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 06:16 AM

WARNING: Only interested in a real Christian. Will not consider Catholic because of religious differences.

HUH???? But Mormon, or Lutheran, or Methodist, or Baptist aren't mentioned?

This isn't Belfast, we can get along here in the states.

To some believers their faith is something they need as much cohesiveness with..just like some others with their "sexual compatibility". Active Christians often do their work in husband/wife pairs within the church and need to be following the same doctrine in doing so.

The reason Lutheran, Methodist and Baptist aren't mentioned is that these all fall under the same umbrella of doctrine as most mainstream protestant beliefs. *see Mormon below

Tho I've seen many Catholics who could agree with my church's doctrine in practice, the Catholic church as a whole still has four books in its Bible that aren't congruent with the rest of the New Testament. And they often put Mary as high up as Jesus, an area in which protestants differ. And these four books claim that Jesus sinned.

Mormons, in the eyes of traditional protestant religion, are very, very different. There is no book that we, in the protestant faith group, need to supplement the Bible. In fact there's a verse in the Bible about adding or taking away from the Scripture.

BUT..! I'm just answering your questions. Please don't come behind me if you belong to another faith group and think I've been negative, that was not my intent..only stating differences.

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:46 AM
Morning Tx, Charles, Ash! drinker

Skad's photo
Thu 01/29/09 05:40 AM
Edited by Skad on Thu 01/29/09 05:41 AM
Yes.. The same liberals (on kool-aid) who were against spending on something that keeps us safe are ALL FOR spending to bail out lazy Americans who haven't handled business properly. I can see that "temporary" (it won't last, you'll spend it and it'll be gone) money in their pockets is more important than safety in the country. They must not have known anyone in the WTC bombing. That's sad.

Here..take a look if you dare, but I doubt any liberal reading this forum will actually take the time to cut and paste. Maybe Obama could come do it for you. Notice the big govt. countries and average income of the so-called middle class. The only dark green countries left are the ones who have fought against big govt.

You guys definitely should take a look at what was in this huge spending effort. But the dems know you won't. You'll blindly follow. Big govts. exist in China, Russia, and France. And if you want our society to be as poor as them, keep voting the way you have. The people are poor, not the govt. they have rich govts., but the people don't have that money--they have poor healthcare and have to go without the things we as Americans enjoy. Again.. investigate it.

Skad's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:07 PM

The United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.”

Phil Gramm.
His wife was a lobbyist for Enron and helped him add provisions to a bill that deregulated the home loan industry. Making it easier for people who couldn't afford a home to get one.

Foreclosure Phil!!!

drinker drinker drinker

again.. since you felt the need to do so as well. Phil Gramm wasn't in the lead of those who got the home loan industry funds.. here they are.. again..

In the First place: Democrat Christopher Dodd with $165,400
Second: Presidential Candidate Barack Obama with $126,349
Third: Democrat John Kerry with $111,000
11th: Democrat Harry Reed with $77,000
12th Hillary Clinton
18th Nancy Pelosi with $56,250
62th... Republican John McCain with $21,550.
217th is Joe Biden with $3,300

There are bigger fish to fry hun)

Scanty list but I don't buy it, I think the information is flawed anyway.

again.. don't drink it! please)) do the research, that's all we ask.

Skad's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:06 PM
Edited by Skad on Wed 01/28/09 10:06 PM

The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.
They want to tell Americans what they want despite the results of the Elections.
They are trying to control the will of the people in favor of Large Corporations.
They have to go.
Vote them out one by one if necessary.
Two years gives us another chance to be rid of a few more.
Give your vote to a third Party rather than the Republicans....

The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.

LOL there were more Dems Against it than Repubs who supported it Un-American HA HA HA HA For not supporting a Stim...I mean Porkulus bill most of this bill will not even take effect for 4-8 years Keep Drinking that Kool-aid Fanta...Conservatism in 2010-2012

Extreme conservatism is dying a slow painful death because people are learning what it really means. It means that the religious run the country with no respect for those unlike them, it means that the well to do get cart blanch to support those like themselves and to hell with all others, it means that ideology is the call of the day with no regards to the price everyone pays, it means that America becomes pasteurized so the powerful all fit one mold, etc....

Until conservatives make the changes with the times they will be the underdogs.

Thats not what Conservatism is.....Faith is A PART of it but not its whole...please....Regan was not a Zelot

So I have heard but I have yet to see it.

It's all that kool-aid.. ;p

Skad's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:04 PM

The United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.”

Phil Gramm.
His wife was a lobbyist for Enron and helped him add provisions to a bill that deregulated the home loan industry. Making it easier for people who couldn't afford a home to get one.

Foreclosure Phil!!!

drinker drinker drinker

again.. since you felt the need to do so as well. Phil Gramm wasn't in the lead of those who got the home loan industry funds.. here they are.. again..

In the First place: Democrat Christopher Dodd with $165,400
Second: Presidential Candidate Barack Obama with $126,349
Third: Democrat John Kerry with $111,000
11th: Democrat Harry Reed with $77,000
12th Hillary Clinton
18th Nancy Pelosi with $56,250
62th... Republican John McCain with $21,550.
217th is Joe Biden with $3,300

There are bigger fish to fry hun)

Skad's photo
Wed 01/28/09 10:00 PM

The United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.”

Phil Gramm.
His wife was a lobbyist for Enron and helped him add provisions to a bill that deregulated the home loan industry. Making it easier for people who couldn't afford a home to get one.

Clinton did that with the Repeal of the Glass Stigel act and Carter before him allowed it by in-acting the community re-investment act so try not get your info from the Huffington post and Dailykos whoa

And I think Gramm was right this recession was created by the left wing media...they kept yelling bad economy as one of the lady lefties (dragoness I think) pointed out u say a lie enough times and it becomes true and yes we are a nation of whiners back in the old days people were tougher all we do is cry about crap instead of takeing care of business

There is nothing about the Dems that leads us to anywhere but a socialist society.. Come on guys.. they already have plenty of countries.. let's keep what's worked in America going, please! ;p If you like socialism so much, please go join them, but this is as far west as we can go))

Skad's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:52 PM
No, my neighbor is a sweet little 94 yr. old lady who can't see very well. She gives me gardening tips)

Skad's photo
Wed 01/28/09 09:50 PM
Have you been financially stabile for at least 10 yrs. and are you good at keeping the books? (there's got to be one of us, and I'm not it..but I don't spend, I just can't keep track so well)

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