Community > Posts By > verbatimeb
If you are a heavily codependent personality you probably are scaring
them off. |
Just for my dignity...
OK, I searched and searched... even using the search box for "brooks"
got nothing. What is the ARTICLE ???? |
Just for my dignity...
Which article is it? Please give the name of the article and the URL... I am looking for it... |
OH boy - once you get to the site there are quite a few interesting
articles up now... just scroll down!!! |
The title should read:
Research project could help create computers that run on light |
Attosecond technology -- tech that enables light pulses to be fired
every billion-billionth of a second -- could be the key to making computers that run on light. A team of physicists at the University of Bath in the UK are to carry out research into this high frequency technology which could potentially bust through the upper limit of Moore's Law. The ultimate aim of the research is to find a way of manipulating light waveforms into different shapes, and expanding the area known as "photonics" (in other words, getting light to usefully convey information). Currently it's only possible to create lightwaves in a conventional sine form: the hope is to create waves that are square or triangular, which have far greater value for communication within a computer. The fine details of the research project go way above our heads, but it's safe to say that it involves a bunch of crystals, fibres, and friggin' lasers (minus the sharks). Right now attosecond tech isn't the only platform that looks to light to solve problems like Moore's Law's limit: check out previous posts where we look at condensing light for super storage, using lasers to boost computing power, and slowing light to create photonic computers. From where we're sitting, the future of computing is full of light: whether or not that light is full of hot air is still unconfirmed. MORE article and pics are here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOW! |
REDMOND, Washington (March 14) - Video gamers who use PCs will soon have
access to some Xbox 360 titles, and in some cases will be able to challenge opponents playing the same game on the Xbox console, Microsoft said Wednesday. The Redmond-based software maker's first move to broaden cross-platform play is set for May 8, when Microsoft begins selling "Halo 2," originally designed as an Xbox game, for PCs running the new Vista operating system. In June, Microsoft said it will offer its own shoot-em-up game, "Shadowrun," for PC and Xbox users, followed by a PC version of "Uno" later this year. PC gamers who play "Shadowrun" and "Uno" will be able to connect to both Xbox and PC gamers using a service Microsoft calls Games for Windows - Live, a parallel to an existing service for the Xbox community. Gamers can create an identity, see which of their friends is online and invite them to play games. Article location: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, this is good news for fans of xbox games and gamers in general. I just want all the lemmings games to run on XP! ![]() |
LOL garden! We could do with less lawyers...
A good one net! Fortunately I learned the meaning of "hype" a
looonngggg time ago! ![]() |
birthday funnies
I ran shirtless with the kool-aid man because im sexy as hell
No sweat message.
I meant to say SUBscription! lol. Verb ![]() |
I doubt spay will be THAT much of a bother, as I will be packing heat...
A fly swatter will do for him though. Just a slight pest, he is. LMAO too! OH, I know, Flypaper for spay. We can keep an eye on him that way... Just yanking ur chain spay! ![]() |
SAN FRANCISCO (March 15) - Google Inc. is adopting new privacy measures
to make it more difficult to connect online search requests with the people making them - a thorny issue that provoked a showdown with the U.S. government last year. Under revisions announced late Wednesday, Google promised to wrap a cloak of anonymity around the vast amounts of information that the Mountain View-based company regularly collects about its millions of users around the world. Google believes it can provide more assurances of privacy by removing key pieces of identifying information from its system every 18 to 24 months. The timetable is designed to comply with a hodgepodge of laws around the world that dictate how long search engines are supposed to retain user information. Authorities still could demand to review personal information before Google purges it or take legal action seeking to force the company to keep the data beyond the new time limits. Nevertheless, Google's additional safeguards mark the first time it has spelled out precisely how long it will hold onto data that can reveal intimate details about a person's Web surfing habits. While Google will still retain reams of information about its users, the changes are supposed to lessen the chances that the company, a government agency or another party will be able to identify the people behind specific search requests. Privacy experts applauded Google's precautions as a major step in the right direction. The rest of the article is here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope this is not a ploy to allow terrorists and pedifiles to roam free... Privacy is one thing but hindering criminal investigations is another matter entirely. Your Opinions? |
Count me in, I'll bring a dictionary and encyclopdia volume.
Dixie chicks
I find it disgusting that so many hide their political agenda's behind
"freedom of speech." Sure everyone can say whatever they think. It is also treading on my basic freedom for musicians/entertainers to besmirch the memories and honor of our lost soldiers who gave their lives to support their hate speeches to "captive audiences" who paid good money to hear MUSIC and not "hate speech." If I want to hear a speech about my president, my country and my contrymen I will go to city hall and political meetings. I have not purchased a Dixie Chicks CD, listened to their music or supported them in any fashion for years. And that is my right to FREEDOM FROM HATE SPEECH and the basic freedom of choice. |
Red Hat Launches 'Customer-Friendly' Linux System
RALEIGH, N.C. (March 15) - Red Hat Inc. has unveiled the latest version of its Linux operating system as the open-source software company continues to combat Microsoft 's market-dominating Windows platform. Developers for the Raleigh-based company touted Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 as more flexible and more manageable than its prior versions, and said they worked for two years on the product. "Our customers are an integral part of the development process," said Paul Cormier, Red Hat's executive vice president for engineering, echoing the open-source tenet that users be allowed to view and edit the software's code. Resoundingly, Cormier said, customers wanted less complexity. The new operating system supports "virtualization," which Red Hat said will help companies consolidate their technology workload onto one server - saving energy, space and money. "Customers have figured out that they've got rooms full of racks and servers," said Nick Carr, the marketing director for the operating system. "They're taking up heat and power and space, but they're only 15 percent loaded. They want to know how they can use what they have more efficiently." For desktop computers, Red Hat touted its advances in security to protect systems from external and internal attacks. Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft, which recently launched its long-awaited Windows Vista operating system, still dominates the software market. Red Hat says Linux can be found in the majority of Fortune 500 companies, where savvy tech departments have switched to Linux to cut down on costs. Along with the new Linux product, Red Hat launched several new service programs to help companies migrate their data centers to Linux and to help customers get support for a variety of different open-source programs. Red Hat's business model is based around service. Unlike Microsoft's proprietary software, Red Hat delivers its products for free but makes money by selling subscription packages for service. Shares of Red Hat fell 19 cents Wednesday to close at $22.52 on the New York Stock Exchange. The article can be found here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something we have been talking about recently and makes sense to me. I would be willing to buy a prescription pack to make my life easier, have more freedom and SIMPLIFY. Verb |
101 year old beating/mugging
Just a portion of the article...
NEW YORK (March 14) - Here's a tip for the guy who beat up a 101-year-old woman in a walker and took off with her purse: Get out of New York. The vicious mugging, caught on surveillance tape, has sparked outrage in a city where people are accustomed to hearing about strange and violent crimes. Police have launched an all-out manhunt, but it's not just the cops who want the villain's head. "I could hold him, and let the woman beat him up," said Joe Sarju, 59, who lives in the Queens neighborhood where the attack occurred. "I'd love to beat him, but then they would lock me up." The heartlessness of the March 4 attack is clearly conveyed on the grainy, black-and-white videotape, which has now been broadcast well beyond New York. In it, 101-year-old Rose Morat is trying to leave her apartment building to go to church. The mugger, a man who looms over the senior citizen and is holding onto a bicycle, pretends to help her get through the vestibule. Then, he turns to grab Morat's head and delivers three hard punches to her face, and swipes her purse. The dazed victim tries to reach for her purse when the mugger hits her again, pushing her and her walker to the ground. He got away with $33 and Morat's house keys. She suffered a fractured cheekbone and spent time in the hospital. The attack didn't break Morat's spirit, though: She has said in the days since that if she had been just a bit younger, she would have gone after the guy. The rest of the article can be found here: I would love to get a hold of this guy in a dark alley with 5 big guys to help me... |
Johnny Cash
Oops! Sorry, we got crossed up on that. Yikes!
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Johnny Cash
Mike, that song was "One Piece At A Time"
Here are the lyrics: Well, I left Kentucky back in '49 An' went to Detroit workin' on a 'sembly line The first year they had me puttin' wheels on cadillacs Every day I'd watch them beauties roll by And sometimes I'd hang my head and cry 'Cause I always wanted me one that was long and black. One day I devised myself a plan That should be the envy of most any man I'd sneak it out of there in a lunchbox in my hand Now gettin' caught meant gettin' fired But I figured I'd have it all by the time I retired I'd have me a car worth at least a hundred grand. CHORUS I'd get it one piece at a time And it wouldn't cost me a dime You'll know it's me when I come through your town I'm gonna ride around in style I'm gonna drive everybody wild 'Cause I'll have the only one there is a round. So the very next day when I punched in With my big lunchbox and with help from my friends I left that day with a lunch box full of gears Now, I never considered myself a thief GM wouldn't miss just one little piece Especially if I strung it out over several years. The first day I got me a fuel pump And the next day I got me an engine and a trunk Then I got me a transmission and all of the chrome The little things I could get in my big lunchbox Like nuts, an' bolts, and all four shocks But the big stuff we snuck out in my buddy's mobile home. Now, up to now my plan went all right 'Til we tried to put it all together one night And that's when we noticed that something was definitely wrong. The transmission was a '53 And the motor turned out to be a '73 And when we tried to put in the bolts all the holes were gone. So we drilled it out so that it would fit And with a little bit of help with an A-daptor kit We had that engine runnin' just like a song Now the headlight' was another sight We had two on the left and one on the right But when we pulled out the switch all three of 'em come on. The back end looked kinda funny too But we put it together and when we got thru Well, that's when we noticed that we only had one tail-fin About that time my wife walked out And I could see in her eyes that she had her doubts But she opened the door and said "Honey, take me for a spin." So we drove up town just to get the tags And I headed her right on down main drag I could hear everybody laughin' for blocks around But up there at the court house they didn't laugh 'Cause to type it up it took the whole staff And when they got through the title weighed sixty pounds. CHORUS I got it one piece at a time And it didn't cost me a dime You'll know it's me when I come through your town I'm gonna ride around in style I'm gonna drive everybody wild 'Cause I'll have the only one there is around. (Spoken) Ugh! Yow, RED RYDER This is the COTTON MOUTH In the PSYCHO-BILLY CADILLAC Come on Huh, This is the COTTON MOUTH And negatory on the cost of this mow-chine there RED RYDER You might say I went right up to the factory And picked it up, it's cheaper that way Ugh!, what model is it? Well, It's a '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56 '57, '58' 59' automobile It's a '60, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67 '68, '69, '70 automobile. |
Police Comments
LOL to Oldsage and Duffy too. ![]() ![]() ![]() |