Community > Posts By > verbatimeb
Happy AND sad ...
I am sure the wine made the confession easier too...
Good one. ![]() |
Hard to believe I have not heard this one before.
geeze a loo... ![]() |
Bubbas trip to the DR
Have seen this one but it has been awhile so read it anyway.
lol. It is still a great one. Verb ![]() |
I have an account at myspace but do not go there anymore. I learned to
dislike it intensely after bugs and viruses kept creeping around whenever I would go there. Not to mention all the crap in my email box. SO, I need to go dump my profile there but don't even want to spend THAT much time on the site! I do like ryze and the assist networks and use them a lot but myspace, FF and and some others are not worth anyone's time to set up and learn the site only to find it does not mesh with your needs or wants for a networking or finding friends place. I suppose it is a personal preference but MySpace is a kiddie place in my estimation, and should be monitored as such to keep kids safe. Again, that is just my OHpinion. Verb |
"Proving" who you are...
At first I thought it was odd to see those pics too but as time has gone on I realize that it is a ploy to get folks to go to their profiles to see the real pics. I hope "ploy" is not too strong a word as it denotes somewhat to the negative side and I do not want to sound negative about this issue. I am not crazy about the pics that border on porn or ARE porn (in my narrow view. lol) but any nice pic of anything is acceptable to me. It does make me go to the profiles and really isn't that what we should do anyway to make friends? View the profiles? I have a very cute cartoon pic I was thinking of using now, just to see how many DO click to see the other pics. lol. Just my .02 cents worth. Verb ![]() |
Saudi threatens the US
Yep, it is all coming.
Step up and WATCH. Verb |
I have been watching this site for um... wow around 10 years I guess. I was turned on to it by an ex-police friend back when I was target shooting a lot to get a feel for difference hand guns. It is amazing how many folks defend themselves or others using handguns. Something you will NOT see in the news. Take a look... I think it is GOOD news to know. Verb |
OMG they're everywhere
Thanks so much for this information, I sent it on to my children and
other family members. Verb ![]() |
Oscar Time!
OH, I missed the whole shebang! I usually watch but had to work, yet
again. I did see the trailers for all the movies though, yesterday, finally! lol. Yes, we have movies, even in Kansas ToTo! I just have a TOO busy life to pay attention some of the time. And missing the Oscars was a big MISS! lol. I need to catch up with life outside of work... lol. Verb ![]() |
Holy crap batman!
Thanks for the info... Verb ![]() |
Can We Post Links Here?
Thank you for the feedback Mike. I was pretty sure it would "look" bad
even if done with an innocent intent. How about this? Make a section for website builders? Maybe or maybe not... lol. I know there are many of us... who happen to be online a lot. Verb ![]() |
old people
Hello Duffy,
I am not quite 60 yet but old (in years only) just the same. Some of us still feel "18" in our minds and hearts (right?) and strive to feel that way physically too. YES, my pic is OF ME on 10-15-06 - nobody believes that BUT IT IS TRUE! I guess it is good genes... lol. My Mom is 82 and looks like my sister, still. Not in a million years would anyone on this earth guess her age. Guess I lucked out. That does not mean everything else has not gone south. Gravity works for us too, except in the face (???). sigh... Verb ![]() |
Thank you Sushi and Cybear.
I had not read about this one as of yet. OK, now I have. I guess I have not bought any of those so don't even have to look in the frig or freezer! lol. Verb ![]() |
Welcome Surrybirdman!
Hello Surrey,
Glad to see you showed up in here. I love this site! It is so much more ADULT in attitude and all THAT. I have been comparing the posts here to the posts "there" in the past few days and "geeze a loo" I am soooo much happier here. I cannot believe all the money I spent over there either, for "abuse" on a grand scale! lol. I do wish they had a spell checker here but you know what? I could care less now. After the CRAP over "there" this is SO much of a welcome change! I am so exstatic over that too... Since this site is much newer AND they ASK for our opinions and DO lay eyeballs on a but*load (sorry!) of stuff, it can only get better as time goes on. I spend my time mostly in the current events and news section and the feedback sections as those are my main interests. However, if that gets a bit heavy or nothing new shows up there are SO many more threads to explore it is never boring, only slightly (minutely) abusive (at times) and many, many more folks talking about any given subject. It is hard at first and I have been here looking around for two months or so (off and on). Am still finding my way... Get your arse used to it, it is SO much better! Verb (happy as a lark!) ![]() |
immigration and IRAQ
TO MikeMontana,
I agree, up to a POINT. How many folks do you think the USA can take on each year? Please see the new post about "immigration numbers" and take the time to digest it all. I watched it twice as it has a real meaning that take a few minutes to understand. I am not a dimwit (by any means) but watched it twice to SEE exactly what the guy was telling us. I was distracted the first time... lol. Verb ![]() |
Immigration by numbers
Hello Sluggo,
More than worth the time. I sent the link to all my family members. Immigration is a huge issue with all of us (we are quite political) and we spend a lot of time discussing it. No details but it effects all our lives on a daily basis here. We are not immigrants but the issue is a top priority. VERY good link. Thanks so much for posting it, it will make a difference to all in my family! Verb ![]() |
Advice for the Newbies
Dad gum. People ask for nude photos? I can guess why I have not been
asked! lmao. Just kidding. How lucicrous. How rude. How crude. Men AND women can be PIGS if given half the chance. No chance for us decent folks. Great post. Keep them coming for those of us who ARE decent folks. OH, you should put this in the feedback area to the moderators to post. Or better, post it there yourself. Coming from a member might have a better impact! Have a great (and decent) day all, Verb ![]() |
Fedman and BigGlenn are correct, in my view. If it was possible to win
with "peace activity" all wars or military actions since time began would be fought with words. NOT POSSIBLE. Kick a$$ and take names, it's the only thing "terrorists" understand. ONLY, do not publish their names, it gives them glory unto Allah. Just get rid of them. Verb |
Oops! LOSS. Jeeze a loo. I cannot even spell now! lol.
Verb |
Hi All,
If Hill-I-forgive-him Clint'n makes the White House again, we are all in for a raking over the coals that will never be forgotten or forgiven by the entire planet earth's population, in general, bar none. Geeze a loo. Get a clue! lol. I have no PROBLEM with a president of African decent but it should be someone who knows what LIFE (outside of their race card) is all about and I think (in my humble opinion) that the honorable Mr. Obama does not yet know. He is a smart, well educated, politician. I am not that fond of politicians (in general) who have NOT seen WAR first hand or been involved in world conflict (also first hand). So, my vote would be "NO" on his behalf. I have no clue, at this point in time, who I would vote FOR as there are no candidates that warrant my YES vote. The criteria for the "Leader Of The Free World" has not shown up yet,anyhousen. I am at a lose for WHO it could be. Verb |