Community > Posts By > TakingitSlowwithyou
would you rather fight...
thanks to everyone's input. I have to say that at this point Jesse's first hand knowledge of both a camel and an ostrichs attack trumps most all the other opinions.
Priceless, can anyone beat Jesse's accounts? |
i am enjoying all the answers. the camel outwieghs you, the ostrich has the "talons". I'm not sure how one would fight a camel, they seem to be very tough animals, and they guy who would jumb on a charging camel back and curbstomp... (i liked that one) thats a really high jump. I have looking up some viseo online of both camels and ostrichs fighting... damn i am still leaning towards fighting the ostrich as i don;t know how i would hurt a camel. To the lady that would let the camel out of the room for animal rights, thats fine, but thats not part of the hypothetical question. the room has no doors, its just you and the rabid animal of your choosing that wants to snuff you out.
very good answer and well though out thanks, as of now i have 2 people choosing to fight the ostrich and zero that would choose the camel.
room is 30ft high as well
Here is the question:
Would you rather fight a Ostrich or a Camel? Details: 30ft by 30ft square room. no weapons, chosen animal is a female Camel/Ostrich (no outside organs to attack), Animal is full grown and in the mindset that they are gaurding their young. Please let me know which you would rather fight to the death and why or at least how you would go about defending attacking. I know its an off the wall question but i need to settle a debate. |
would you rather fight...
Here is the question:
Would you rather fight a Ostrich or a Camel? Details: 30ft by 30ft square room. no weapons, chosen animal is a female Camel/Ostrich (no outside organs to attack), Animal is full grown and in the mindset that they are gaurding their young. Please let me know which you would rather fight to the death and why or at least how you would go about defending attacking. I know its an off the wall question but i need to settle a debate. |
True Romance
"I'm gonna go jump in the tub and get all slippery and soapy and then hop in that waterbed and watch X-rated movies 'till you get your ass back in my lovn' arms" "I had to come all the way from the highway and byways of Tallahassee, Florida to MotorCity, Detroit to find my true love. If you gave me a million years to ponder, I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together. And til this day, the events that followed all still seems like a distant dream. But the dream was real and was to change our lives forever. I kept asking Clarence why our world seemed to be collapsing and things seemed to be getting so ****ty. And he'd say, "that's the way it goes, but don't forget, it goes the other way too." That's the way romance is... Usually, that's the way it goes, but every once in awhile, it goes the other way too." ![]() |
Your Song Of the Day?
Edited by
Tue 01/06/09 12:03 PM
"Be Best" Sales Techniques
thats funny
Does time truly exist?
Time as we know it is based on relativity....studies are beginning to show a great deal of evidence to the belief that time is not a straight line, although the idea has been around for ages the concept is difficult for most to grasp and very difficult to explain in simple terms, at least for the purpose of general understanding. Time exists, yes, but not in the way we chose to understand it...the way we explain time is an effort to gain control of our circumstances..believing that we have some control is a comfort, the same way faith is a comfort to those who realize that somethings are not in their power to control.... ![]() |
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
ok then its a retarded metaphor
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
i think the issue here is that retarded dog.
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
Edited by
Wed 12/17/08 08:52 AM
i don't know any dog that sits on a nail and returns to do it again the next day, thats why invisible fences work, look into pavlov's experiments. i know its not the point. Possibly its a retarded dog.
![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 11:32 AM
![]() testing to see if i got it... |
how do you paste a gif into your reply?
HOUSTON lets keep it active
yah sound good but I will be out of town until 2009. I'm game then though!
HOUSTON lets keep it active
i was just about to holler at everyone so they chime in on whats happening for this weekend, Thanks for the hookup at hush dude. i found out last weekend that i am not in the right frame of mind yet for the Club scene, at least dance clubs, but i'm sure someone else will take you up on the free admin.
So people whats happening this weekend? |
HOUSTON lets keep it active
lolas in the montrose area, its a total hole in the wall but great. poison girl on westheimer near dunlavy is quite cool too. Where are these belly dancers again? is it at the hole in the wall place you listed above? and i am definetely up for a coll laid back place to drink with some interesting people who don;t have there walls up. ok i found it... Agoras has belly dancers? |
HOUSTON lets keep it active
lolas in the montrose area, its a total hole in the wall but great. poison girl on westheimer near dunlavy is quite cool too. Where are these belly dancers again? is it at the hole in the wall place you listed above? and i am definetely up for a coll laid back place to drink with some interesting people who don;t have there walls up. |
HOUSTON lets keep it active
what is an IPA (<------- slightly out of the loop)