Community > Posts By > Seamonster
chimpanzee riding on a segway.
Thor would kick the bible god's ass!!
With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from. There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped. Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it. When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary. I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness. Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it. You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it. Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was? The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe. Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm. But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism. So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand? But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions. Wouldn't you agree that this is seen as it's most obvious with the examples of Stalin and Hitler? Both of these men claimed that their actions were justified by religion. Hitler claimed he was doing God's work, Stalin was an adherant of the religion of Evolution. ![]() Actually the crusades they were following the bible to the letter. Religion of evolution like the religion of mathmatics, ok there Hovind. Hovind is a true christian. On July 11, 2006, Hovind was charged in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida in Pensacola with twelve counts of willful failure to collect, account for, and pay over Federal income taxes and FICA taxes under 26 U.S.C. § 7202, forty-five counts of knowingly structuring transactions in Federally-insured financial institutions to evade the reporting requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 5313, in violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5324, 18 U.S.C. § 2 and 31 C.F.R. sec. 103.11, and one count of corruptly endeavoring to obstruct and impede the administration of the internal revenue laws under 26 U.S.C. § 7212. Twelve of the charges were for failing to pay employee-related taxes, totaling $473,818, and 45 of the charges were for evading reporting requirements by making multiple cash withdrawals just under the $10,000 reporting requirement (a technique known as "smurfing"). The withdrawals, totaling $430,500, were made in 2001 and 2002. Jo Delia Hovind, his co-defendant wife, faced 44 charges. Hovind was sentenced on January 19, 2007 to ten years in prison and ordered to pay the federal government restitution of over $600,000. After his prison term finishes, he will serve another three years of probation. A tearful Hovind had hoped to avoid prison, telling the court, "If it's just money the IRS wants, there are thousands of people out there who will help pay the money they want so I can go back out there and preach." But Hovind's court room behavior was in stark contrast to phone calls he made while in jail. One conversation with Eric Hovind, Kent Hovind's son, showed the two plotted to hide a motor vehicle title and property deeds to prevent the government from collecting the property to pay for owed debt. Wikinews has related news: Kent Hovind's April 2007 appeal denied In February 2007, Hovind claimed, among other things, that his convictions for structuring transactions (cash withdrawals from a bank) to evade currency reporting requirements should be thrown out. But on April 18, 2007, the court rejected the defendants' "unit of the crime" arguments, and the motions for acquittal were denied. ![]() ![]() |
I'll bet.
I just picked up tonight one of my fav movies GlenGarry GlenRoss. Oh and I grabed Dark City. |
evolution theories that can not be proven. any more than creationism...YET everyone wants hard core proof of that see where I'm going with this seamonster???? now give me your tentacles and we will walk through this together lol ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey Film, is that the dude from the original movie the hills have eyes in the pic with you?
| were the only one that even tried to answer that question. ty at some point...we can't explain it. or at least not prove it through science or in a way for others to believe That's right. So we use what we can prove and build on it. And we come up with ideas and hypothisis and when we try and try to prove those ideas wrong for many yrs. and can not they become theory. Gravity is a theory, evolution is as sound a theory as gravity. The big bang is a very strong theory, but what was before the singularity? No-one knows yet. The LHC will recreate the events 1 billionth of a sec. after the big bang, that will (fingers crossed) answer a great many questions, but there will always be more. And we will always say "I Don't Know" about something. That's what makes science so exciting. The truth is we are part of everything else, always have been, always will be. |
which is why i said with CREATIONISM it's faith oh my bad then lol |
but one from the evolution side can prove where the "dot" that started everything came from evolution can't prove that anymore than creationism. at some point we all have to say "I don't know". for creationism, it's a matter of faith well it's not faith because in science you can say "I Don't Know" And science is constently trying to prove itself wrong. Religion has the end and trys to cram everything into it and then says it has all the answers. |
From Eljay: "Most likely for the same reason you won't read anything by Kent Hovind unless it's from someone attempting to discredit him". Kent Hovind, is in jail for tax evasion. What has that got to do with his lectures on Evolution? And..... From Wik: Hovind maintains that biology textbooks are lying and that he considers evolution to be a religion. Specifically, he claims that "all" evidence "used to support the evolution theory is [sic] errors." His reason is that there is a conspiracy "brainwashing" youth and that "evolution theory supports communism, Nazism, socialism, and the New World Order." In addition, he claims "I am not trying to get the evolution theory out of the schools." He has claimed that everything is a religion, including mathematics. Evolution is a religion. You need more faith to believe in Evolution than you ever would Christianity. Most people who believe in Evolution do so with a blind faith. Hovind has several conspiracy theories about the U.S. government. He believes that the cyanide-releasing compound Laetrile is a "cancer cure" and argues that the US government is conspiring to suppress a cure for cancer. On his radio program he has said that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks by Al-Qaeda terrorists killing nearly 3000 people and that a "lot of folks were told not to come to work." I'm unaware of this. What's your source for this so I can check it out? He also believes the Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by the government. "Did you know the Federal Government blew up their own building to blame it on the militias and to get rid of some people that weren't cooperating with the system?"Regarding UFOs Hovind recommends books by conspiracy theorists who believe "some UFO’s are U.S. Government experiments with electrogravitic propulsion as opposed to jet propulsion, while others are Satanic apparitions." Again - unaware of this - Source? Additionally, Hovind believes that the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, and various other groups are actively planning to create a one world government and that the 1993 World Trade Center attack was staged by the US Government in order to pass "anti-terrorism" legislation that restricts civil liberties. He says, "I love my country, but fear my government. And you should too."He also believes there is no such thing as the separation of church and state, and opposes public schools. The "One World Government" is not something new. This has been going on for some time, and has even been put into motion in Europe. Again - I don't know of his statements on the World Trade Center Stuff. What's the source for this. There's no such thing as the separation of church and state other than a mis-interpreted ruling by the courts over a letter by Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. There is nothing in the constitution about separation of church and state. It says the governemnt shall make no laws concerning the practice of religion... Something the courts have been ignoring for years - as they make laws and rulings against religion all the time. The courts have become un-constitutional, and the lame-duck Congress we've had for decades does nothing about it. Public schools are useless, and a joke. I know this first hand. Went to them, and taught in them. They're glorified baby-sitters, and expensive day care centers run on tax dollars. It doesn't take much searching to find his quotes on all of these things. And now I know the thought prosses you are comming from. |
Theory the operative word......God no theory, Christ no theory, the Bible no theory.....hmmmmmmmmmmm nuff said. You're absolutely correct. There is no workable theory that suggests the existence of a God. There is also no substantial theory that supports that 'Christ' ever even existed. On the contrary the evidence is overwelming that he most likely either never existed at all, or that if some guy did exist and preach something it was completely forgotten about for at least a minimum of almost 50 years, and then conflicting rumors were recorded by a very FEW individuals who apparently where working from each other's fabrications. The Bible? Theory? Again no. It's not based on theory at all. The best evidence has it that it was a very selected collection of stories that were rooted through to remove or edit out specific references to things like reincarnation, and multiple heavens and hells. The bulk of the New Testament is basically the ramblings of one man named Paul who was an extreme misogynist. Surely you don't believe that Paul speaks for God? Moreover, being a woman, if you do believe that Paul speaks for God then why would you be happy about that? ![]() Surely you don't think that God would change his misogynistic views in his heaven? If God demands that women are second class citizens on Earth then surely he's not go to give them equality in heaven. Personally I'm glad that there's not a single shred of proof nor even credible evidence to back up these men who wrote the Bible. I'm glad that there is no reasonable theory that even supports it. I would truly be utterly disappointed to think that our creator is that screwed up. And I'm not even a woman! I've always said that in the 60's when women were burning their bras to protest for equal rights they really should have been burning their Bibles! But it was more fun watching them burn their bras to be truthful about it. ![]() very well put. I am an agnostic realy. I do not see any evidence for a god what so ever. There are religions that I like (christianity not being one of them) That would be nice if one them were true. But just because I would like them to be true does not mean that they are. |
my tix
Details please.... When and where, and will you have a date ? And what will you wear? And do you know all the songs by heart? april 18 in farris tx. just me and a buddy. probably a hawaii shirt,shorts and flipflops. Not all of them but enough I think. I'm listening to Mother Ocean right now. Take me please, you might get lucky. ![]() done can you get to tx? lol |
Theory the operative word.....God no theory, Christ no theory, the Bible no theory.....hmmmmmmmmmmm nuff said. Actually, Since God's existence cannot be proven, God is very much a theory. Since many of the Gods from the Mediterranean region from 1000 year before Christ have very similar(if not exactly the same) stories as Jesus. Combined with the fact that Jesus himself cannot be accurately placed in History, Jesus is also a theory. The only thing about the bible that is not theory is that it was written by man. Not to mention the fact that Christianity has a history of being wrong... ("The Earth is Flat" "The Sun/planets revolve around the Earth"....) You know why your wrong and it's not a theory.....Because God shows people everyday of his existence....and just because your eyes and ears are closed....well that is who's fault...And there is so much history....there has never been any denying that Christ existed......and as far as history.....tons, artifacts....tons.... Again your only defense is that the Bible is written by man......well pick it up and read it sometime....every one of those men....and they were educated men....says that it was God that inspired try again. Various cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including ancient Babylon, Egypt, pre-Classical Greece and pre-17th century China. So not just ancient Christian people....... again you don't even know what a theory is. Tell you what, tackle that one first then come back. We have actual evidence you have one book. Um... you lost a long time ago. |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 05:09 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That's why they say "Be careful what you ask for." ![]() ![]() ![]() evolutionist think ![]() I know ![]() well you think you know because you don't understand science, and never will. So you cling to an old book, it's easer than actually thinking. Oh sure's funny that this is always what you come back too....Be careful who you are calling to stupid here...... It's always the same....can't prove and then get's old and weak...try again ![]() not getting personal. It has been shown to you over and over again and you still do not understand it. Thats just how it is. So, it seems easer for you to just think an invisible wizard that lives in the sky did it. ok. But I am a bit tierd of showing you the same proof again and again and you still refusing or are just unable to understand it. And then you ask the same questions again. What's to understand....we are the same as we have always been....may our brains have increased in size, yada get off your high horse and stop thinking I know nothing....Don't keep bringing the same stuff...I haven't seen any proof of your precious evolution...I have seen a bunch of theories....and that's it....doesn't cut it with me... When I see evidence to make me say hmmmmmmmmm then I will let you know...but so far videos and all is crapola...sorry but that's the way it is... Nope, you've seen it you just don't understand it. Thats ok you don't have to. |
Privileges, Not Rights Jeremy was born in Richlands, N.C. He was baptized Baptist. He entered the Army in April 2004. He plans to go to college when he separates from the Army this spring. Jeremy Hall is the second recipient of the Foundation’s Atheist in Foxhole Award–an award suggested by Foundation Lifetime Member and Board Member Steve Trunk, himself a Vietnam War veteran who is now the plaintiff in a major state/church battle. Jeremy is a young Foundation member who first contacted the Foundation office about a year and a half ago–calling from his base in Iraq and wondering if the Foundation could spare some of its literature, because he wanted to form a freethought meeting on his base and he wanted something that he and his other atheist in foxhole buddies could enjoy. He went through the proper channels but his first freethought meeting was disrupted and he was threatened with reprisal, and those threats have only grown as Jeremy, with the help of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, has sued the military for discrimination against freethinkers. Threats of fragging, forced the military to inaugurate around the clock security on his Iraq base, and then to send him to Ft. Riley, Kansas, shortly after the lawsuit began a year ago last fall. Steve Trunk presented Jeremy with a plaque and a medal on behalf of the membership of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Steve Trunk, in presenting the award: “A couple of years ago, I was working with a good friend of mine, Phil Paulson, a Vietnam veteran, two tours, and he sued for the removal of a cross off a mountain in San Diego, a case which now probably most of you are familiar with. Phil died a couple years ago, and I took over. This case has been going on for 20 years. And I thought that it would be important for the Foundation to begin to recognize atheists in foxholes, because we’ve all heard there aren’t any. “But there’s a lot of us out here who are proving that not only are there atheists in foxholes, there are atheists on ships, there are atheists in fighter jets, and there are atheists driving tanks. Now, when you join the military, you sign an oath, you swear an oath, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. It’s not to defend the CIC, Exxon Mobile, or Wall Street, it’s the Constitution. And some of us took that seriously. Jeremy Hall is one of those guys, and I am very, very proud, very honored, and very humbled to be able to present to him the second Atheist In Foxhole Award. So like the commercial says, there’s strong, and then there’s Army Strong. ” Jeremy Hall’s acceptance speech was delivered on Oct. 10 at the 31st annual convention of the Freedom From Religion Foundation at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. |
my tix
Details please.... When and where, and will you have a date ? And what will you wear? And do you know all the songs by heart? april 18 in farris tx. just me and a buddy. probably a hawaii shirt,shorts and flipflops. Not all of them but enough I think. |
![]() no-one but you is saying that though. You are the only one that says we evolved from a monkey. So I guess you are satan. |