The Four
If you had to name four things (skills and/or experience) you would like to see in a POTUS what would they be? ![]() ![]() so only creators and not people that HELPED other americans in any other way but creation(That they profited from) someone who says what theyre thinking(thats a popular one that I think is nonsense because it describes everyone) someone who puts americans first no matter how often they're called 'racist' is often kind of vague without explanations of what 'america first 'means and someone not a cover up artist, okay, but Im not sure if people really want a POTUS who puts EVERYTHING in the open for not only americans but the WHOLE World to know about. This wasnt a comparing President thread, but its interesting many are feeling touched to defend or attack specific POTUS's. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() do you have four resume skills or not? |
The Four
If you had to name four things (skills and/or experience) you would like to see in a POTUS what would they be? ![]() ![]() so only creators and not people that HELPED other americans in any other way but creation(That they profited from) someone who says what theyre thinking(thats a popular one that I think is nonsense because it describes everyone) someone who puts americans first no matter how often they're called 'racist' is often kind of vague without explanations of what 'america first 'means and someone not a cover up artist, okay, but Im not sure if people really want a POTUS who puts EVERYTHING in the open for not only americans but the WHOLE World to know about. This wasnt a comparing President thread, but its interesting many are feeling touched to defend or attack specific POTUS's. |
The Four
If you had to name four things (skills and/or experience) you would like to see in a POTUS what would they be? |
Is it time?
Is it time to what??? The left is so out of whack... Ok, lets ban guns....What next?? Because it is the nature of humans to destroy themselves.... Toasters? Bats? Cars? Vans? Pretty soon the left will have YOU eating with paper spoons and forks, and you'll be walking to work... The reason why we don't ban guns is to keep corrupt governments from turning America into Germany, France, England, with the invasion of muslim imigrants. Corrupt government??? Comon Rob, that doesn't happen..Oh yea?? Hiw bout the corruption in THE: FBI CIA NSA MAINSTREAM MEDIA THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITY... The State of California... These groups have broken federal law....The only reason the DEEP state and George Soros gave up, was the thought of facing 175 million ARMED AMERICAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS. All enemies, forgine or domestic. I hope you leftists can understand. |
How many went to the women match of today? I was there and it was nice to hear good speeches now it is action time in the voting pool when next we vote. I want some action |
Pro and anti ... assumptions
Many times when people say they are 'pro' something, it is ASSUMED they must be 'anti' the opposite. And it is also assumed there is an opposite. So when people say they are pro (insert gender here), it can be taken as being anti(different gender here) or when people say they are pro(insert race here), it can be taken as being anti (different race here) or if people say they are pro (insert nationality here) it is assumed they are anti(different nationality here) In reality there are any number of issues, people, causes people can support but we tend to support, address, or speak of these issues one at a time. Just like when we say 'black lives matter' it is not the same as saying other lives don't. or if an event has ribbons to 'support cancer survivors' that doesn't mean those wearing ribbons don't also support HIV survivors or any other medical survivor group. I believe the recent Women's March is a prime example as well. I think there were certain women who mistakenly took to the 'pro women' movement to reflect their 'anti men' stance, which unfortunately distracts from the 'cause' more than it helps it. I wonder how many people believe in the idea that being pro something requires being anti something else? |
So why shouldn't we be taking more from Norway , is it because the majority of the people there are white and the liberals are racist against whites , or maybe because they are christens, we know Obama didn't like christens or white folks and he is still the liberal messiah . Remember when the white cop questioned that black guy , Mr. Gates. The cop thought he was trying to break in to a house and obama said that the cop acted incorrectly.even before he knew the facts. The facts were that Mr. Gates wasn't answering the cops questions and was combative. Many other examples of the racism during the obama regime and the black caucus. I'm glad the 5 liberal loons aren't going to the state of the union. I hope the rest of the libs. decide not to go. It would free up a bunch of seats for people who deserve to be there, why reward people for bad behavior . Are you under the impression that a vast hoard of Norwegians was aching to emigrate to the US, and that Obama turned them all away because they were white? All of the rest of your claims about Obama "not liking christens" (whatever christens are), are similarly fantastic, as in just fantasies. You'll have a hard time proving ANY of them. Obama even got into trouble, you might recall, for attending a CHRISTIAN church, where the speaker said some rather nasty things that the anti-Obama crowd objected to. And by the way, this all STILL has nothing whatsoever to do with "political correctness" or with "anti-PC." It's still JUUUUUUUUST about the President insulting entire continents. |
So why shouldn't we be taking more from Norway , is it because the majority of the people there are white and the liberals are racist against whites , or maybe because they are christens, we know Obama didn't like christens or white folks and he is still the liberal messiah . Remember when the white cop questioned that black guy , Mr. Gates. The cop thought he was trying to break in to a house and obama said that the cop acted incorrectly.even before he knew the facts. The facts were that Mr. Gates wasn't answering the cops questions and was combative. Many other examples of the racism during the obama regime and the black caucus. I'm glad the 5 liberal loons aren't going to the state of the union. I hope the rest of the libs. decide not to go. It would free up a bunch of seats for people who deserve to be there, why reward people for bad behavior . Are you under the impression that a vast hoard of Norwegians was aching to emigrate to the US, and that Obama turned them all away because they were white? All of the rest of your claims about Obama "not liking christens" (whatever christens are), are similarly fantastic, as in just fantasies. You'll have a hard time proving ANY of them. Obama even got into trouble, you might recall, for attending a CHRISTIAN church, where the speaker said some rather nasty things that the anti-Obama crowd objected to. And by the way, this all STILL has nothing whatsoever to do with "political correctness" or with "anti-PC." It's still JUUUUUUUUST about the President insulting entire continents. |
do you not understand that a white person can be a practicing muslim, just as a black person can be a practicing christian ? and that either one can be a practicing terrorist ?? |
so why shouldn't we be taking more from Africa, is it because the majority of the people there are black and the conservatives are racist against blacks, or maybe because they are muslims, we know Trump don't like muslims or black folks and he is still the conservative messiah.. |
So why shouldn't we be taking more from Norway , is it because the majority of the people there are white and the liberals are racist against whites , or maybe because they are christens, we know Obama didn't like christens or white folks and he is still the liberal messiah . Remember when the white cop questioned that black guy , Mr. Gates. The cop thought he was trying to break in to a house and obama said that the cop acted incorrectly.even before he knew the facts. The facts were that Mr. Gates wasn't answering the cops questions and was combative. Many other examples of the racism during the obama regime and the black caucus. I'm glad the 5 liberal loons aren't going to the state of the union. I hope the rest of the libs. decide not to go. It would free up a bunch of seats for people who deserve to be there, why reward people for bad behavior .
Trump has denied it. Some others deny it. Some say he said it about Haiti only. Some say it was all of Africa. Same thing IMO. who knows what was really said (unless recorded) any more than Obama. Trump could have been talking about the corruption there only then why things like this happen? may be trumpy was notice about Iraqi maybe hes notice about the china, maybe hes notice about the rusia and maybe.......... why people always like to be like this? sigh~~~~~~~~~~it's a sign~~~~~ a significant sign.....people are marvelous~~~~~~~~~and they bet~~~~~~ ![]() |
Didn't Obama call Libya a sh** show 2 years ago? ![]() Yes, he did but he was a Dem and Black so its o.k. blacks can call African nations sh*tholes, whites can't remember that whole n*g*er topic.. they can say that word.. we can't In context, he did not call 'African nations' shitholes. He was also not speaking about who should be permitted to emigrate. He was referencing a SPECIFIC place and incident(the fall of Gaddafhi) in an interview where he was asked SPECIFICALLY about it. |
The numbers don't lie, we have let millions of immigrants from Africa and Mexico into our country, but only a few thousand from Europe . These are the rules of entrance to the u.s. during the Obama years. Yet that is not racist? B.S. But when trump suggests we take more from Europe and less from Africa all of the sudden that is a racist view. I disagree. What is racist is the views coming from the left. They are trying their best to turn this country into a haven for uneducated muslims that will bring nothing valuable to our country. It seems to me the liberals here want to have the culture of most African nations, sharia law, no rights for women, death and destruction of people with differant views, crapping in the streets, all the things we have fought against for many years. But I guess the liberals think as long as they vote for these liberals it's well worth it. I say this to warn all liberals, take advantage of all these anti-American ideas you can for now because come November when the growing number of conservatives go to the polls and vote against these unpopular ideas than you will have no voice in the way we run this country. That will be a great day for this country. Make no mistake the silent majority is watching and very ready to silence your extreme views once and for all.
WHY must we accept immigrants from the sh*thole countries like: ...Mexico (rapists,murderers,drug dealers) ...Haiti (diseased with Aids) ...Africa (they'll never go back to their huts) WHY can't we have more immigrants from *Good countries like: ....Norway.. if people can't see the inherent racist rhetoric in these statements then you need a red-tipped white cane.. just calling it like it is......IMO |
May as well change the words on the Statue of Liberty so they read " we don't care who comes in , gangsters, thrives, terrorists , as long as you vote for the democrats. Because we care. Only in a liberal s+*thole world.
Our president has been accused of racism , again, for calling it like it is. There are sh#t hole country's in our world.. And to sugar coat your description of a nation and how they treat their citizens is wrong. When discussing the security of America and the people we let come here, we need to be honest. No matter whose feelings get hurt. If the truth hurts than you should probally take in to consideration that your doing something wrong and should change the way your doing things. So why is it racist to state your opinion about a place that is in such bad shape that even their own people don't want to be there. But it's ok for a powerful politition to make a racist remark about " 5 white guys " discussing DACA. Nancy pelosi is always putting her foot In her mouth. But she always gets away with it. Trump does not mince words. He calls it like he sees it. We need more people like him to fulfill our political posts.
A stable genius
I remember the skit where he was a milkman making his rounds and trying to collect payment from the Nigah family! Funny as hell you gotta watch.
Earning it
![]() |
Happy new year Host39, and everybody else here. Wether we agree or disagree we should all try our best to be civil in our discussions. Politics is a dirty game but we are not polititions . We are a sample of this nation giving our opinions and trying to understand the reasoning of others.... Now , after saying all that I think the good is the election of Trump. In my opinion we needed a president that wasn't as forgiving for bad actions as Obama was. Someone with a tough response to country's threatening America or our allies . Someone that puts America and it's citizens first.... The bad was when the Obama justice dept. went after a navy machinist on a sub. taking a picture of classified equip. ( his sleeping quarters) and putting him in jail, all at the same time they were " investigating " Hillary and Huma for much worse and they get off Scott free. What a shameful and dispicable act. ... The ugly has got to be the way the democrats carried on after the election, childish , immature and self centered.... So here's looking forward to a new year filled with positive news and plenty of winning for our country.