Trump and the news media
I agree with Trump. I think we have been in a slump for years because of the PC attitude . We are the strongest and most "at the ready" military wise of any nation. In other words we are the big dog in the neighborhood so it is up to us in most cases to put the other dogs in line to keep the peace. Past presidents have been willing to let things roll right on by even though we got the brunt end of the deal most of the time.Now we have a president that doesn't care if he comes off as a jerk or what ever you call him but he is determined to stop the practice of screw the Americans they got everything compaired to us.. If we keep going down that road than eventually we will be in a world of s...! PS there is nothing he said to believe he is racist, but after the media twists his words I can see why one might question his ethics . well settling a lawsuit based on not letting blacks rent might be one indication, mindlessly repeating a fake stat about how often blacks kill whites is another, stating african countries are shitholes or only 'some'mexicans are decent, might be another. Frankly I think he is just ignorant for not being exposed to any experience or culture of life but the uber wealthy. he has never had to think about anyone else, out of sight out of mind. so most of the crap he spouts are just his best 'guess'. |
Trump and the news media
I agree with Trump. I think we have been in a slump for years because of the PC attitude . We are the strongest and most "at the ready" military wise of any nation. In other words we are the big dog in the neighborhood so it is up to us in most cases to put the other dogs in line to keep the peace. Past presidents have been willing to let things roll right on by even though we got the brunt end of the deal most of the time.Now we have a president that doesn't care if he comes off as a jerk or what ever you call him but he is determined to stop the practice of screw the Americans they got everything compaired to us.. If we keep going down that road than eventually we will be in a world of s...! PS there is nothing he said to believe he is racist, but after the media twists his words I can see why one might question his ethics .
What was Roseann thinking!
Roseann , feeling good with her reboot and sudden popularity tried to make a joke( in bad taste) and it got her show canceled . I don't condone what she tweeted but I find it pecouiler being she was pro Trump and other comedians,usually liberal ,that say much worse about conservatives keep thier jobs. That seems like a double standard to me. Maybe fox network will pick up her show like they have done with" last man standing". What's your opinion?
Cosby guilty
I wonder how many days he will be in prison before some hard core " old weird Harold will try to put a fat Albert in his mush mouth. Start spreading that jello !
Trump 2020?
President Trump is the best President since President Reagan. No ifs, ands , or buts about it. He has done more for America in his first 6 months than Obamanation did in 8. Not that it was to hard of a task. Yes, Trump 2020. Which americans, what has he done for them? Just the rich, white ones. He's laughing at the redneck neo-nazis that voted for him, because he doesn't give two farts in a hurricane what happens to them. |
Democrats are defending MS13
Forget about Obama, he isn't president anymore, we know what he has done. Trump is in the white house and hopefully he has a plan to deal with the immigration problem plaguing certain cities. I have friends and colleagues in CA and I hear the crap that is going on in the people's republic of California ( am I allowed to say that about California) when will democrats wake up to the fact that we have a problem, is getting votes your concern over public safety? |
Democrats are defending MS13
It's a shame to see people defend murderers, rapists, but that is what the democrats are doing . Is it because Trump called MS13 members "animals" which is 100% correct. Or is it because the democrats relate to the violent, illegal tactics applied by this group to get what they want. Talk about one group resisting someone just because of who they are or what they stand for. I know the job of a politician is to gain support for their party and detract from the opposing party. But to go to the lengths that the Obama administration did, spying, lying, and and creating fake reports to incriminate another because you don't like his policies , that is a criminal act. All who knowingly participated in this plot should be brought up on charges of treason and that may happen when the IG report comes out. It looks like John Brenner might be the first to have a criminal indictment brought against him. Democrats, please keep defending and making laws to protect anybody but the law abiding American citizens. Your doing the job of a republican politician better than anyone I've seen.
then....who is more loyalty? the church? the trumpet? the thirds mideas? ![]() hey george.W.B!!!!!you the best!!!!!!!because 《WB》......go try some tea some day with your folks......I've made my decision teach a lesson with the empire of Li....... ![]() |
there are tones of news broacasting every day.......and you can't say which one is truth.....and which one is lying.......hail to the trump......and call him trumpet next time..... ![]() Trump has openly and often proudly announced that he lies, and lies often. He has said that he thinks it is part of his brilliant strategy to get what he wants. This includes his lies about the "media," and his false claims that when true stories are told, that they are "fake news." Anyone who buys into siding with only ONE person or "side" in what is or isn't really going on, is following in the mental footsteps of every group who ever refused to think and investigate reality themselves, and chose instead to worship a person. Yes, the world overall, is a messy place, and reality rarely matches up with the romanticized and orderly ideas that many people want it to. Bad guys are rarely all bad, good guys are rarely all good. Enemies are rarely all wrong in why they are enemies, and friends are rarely all right in how they treat with us. That does NOT mean that you should solve this complexity by simple-mindedness, as you propose that we all do. councilor will charge....but trump still with the iron Arm......where's the way that the policy you finally stable one day? that's another rediculars request of the principle of social it self. like those old churchies said "god wills it."...... ![]() |
there are tones of news broacasting every day.......and you can't say which one is truth.....and which one is lying.......hail to the trump......and call him trumpet next time..... ![]() Trump has openly and often proudly announced that he lies, and lies often. He has said that he thinks it is part of his brilliant strategy to get what he wants. This includes his lies about the "media," and his false claims that when true stories are told, that they are "fake news." Anyone who buys into siding with only ONE person or "side" in what is or isn't really going on, is following in the mental footsteps of every group who ever refused to think and investigate reality themselves, and chose instead to worship a person. Yes, the world overall, is a messy place, and reality rarely matches up with the romanticized and orderly ideas that many people want it to. Bad guys are rarely all bad, good guys are rarely all good. Enemies are rarely all wrong in why they are enemies, and friends are rarely all right in how they treat with us. That does NOT mean that you should solve this complexity by simple-mindedness, as you propose that we all do. |
![]() In which alternate reality, was the economy booming during the previous administration? the same reality where Trump did "more" in his first 15 months than Obama did in eight years probably 'booming' is up for debate, but 'improved' is not ... Again, I agree with msharmony. |
Do both of you seriously think that Trump is good for your country? Have you ever been abroad? The dude is a laughing stock all over the world and the states has and will lose all credibility and power with him in office for to long. Facts, not fake news! The economy was already on the rise, he's just harvesting the obvious of the former government. He has left the cabinet/administration in a mess and that will continue. 6-7 years more with him as president will, unfortunately degrade the states influence in the world I'm afraid. |
Extremism in America
raising kids is the parents responsibility. not the community, not the school or the church. 2) P.C. culture plays a role. 3) education plays a major role today as you can see how society at american society is being affected. Civic class cannot address these issues because today its more important to worry about kids feelings than to actually teaching them or a least put them in an environment that helps the develop critical thinking skills. the education system at least in America is teaching kids how to be sheeple and follow the collective vs being an individual . What about the point of view that kids grow up to be future leaders and promoters of culture, who will then affect not just parents but the community? isnt that reason for said community to invest in them AS well as the parents? There is a difference between investing in children and indoctrinating them. When our government " invests in communities" watch out because it means we conform to their ideas .even if we don't agree with their agenda. Besides, the American culture is not being taught in schools . Now the American culture is taught as an evil part of this country, so in thirty years or so our culture will be forgotten |
Do both of you seriously think that Trump is good for your country? Have you ever been abroad? The dude is a laughing stock all over the world and the states has and will lose all credibility and power with him in office for to long. Facts, not fake news! |
Extremism in America
It seems as if we are in a very divided time in America, with two separate extremes at war. It seems there is more hyper sensitive extremism, where people are looking for the offensiveness of even the most innocent situations and adjectives and demanding everybody and everything everywhere in every moment accommodate whoever wants to be accommodated It seems there is also more hyper insensitive extrimism, where people are wearing blinders to anything but their own benefit or obstacles, and completely apathetic to the things that may be impacting on others ... I am not sure it will not come to a boil, but I am always hopeful enough of those 'in the middle' can come together to find ways to address it before it does. Would mandatory civic service of some type in the formidable school years help people be less on the extreme of hyper insensitivity to the plights of others? Would replacing those home economics courses with courses on coping skills help people be less on the extreme of hyper sensitivity and over reaction? I know that we are in a culture that is mostly concerned with the dollars and cents bottom line, but how can we invest in the basic skills people need to have a 'balance' in living life? At a time where more and more parents are expected to be separated from their kids to make money, and when kids have so much more exposure to so many more things in social media, should the community and schools step up as co sponsors of the next generations and their direction, or do we continue to leave it to media, social media, and fate? |
Stormy Daniels porn lawyer has been on cnn so much he's like a regular anchor . Spouting off on how bad Cohen and trump are. Casting stones at them, but wait does he have not sin. No he have plenty of sin starting with numerous complaints about his ethics, and stealing from the employees of his coffee business by withholding federal taxes from them but not paying that tax to the Feds. Pretty shameless. Some are calling for his license to practice law to be revoked. Could spell trouble for this investigation into something that is not against the law. But it might shut the mouths of the fake news artists on cnn and msnbc.
Woman marries tree
This is great, everyone is great , all the trees are great , anyone and anything should have the right to marry . It's great, everything is great. No differant opinions, everyone thinks the same of marrying trees. That's great. Great, interesting debate here. More of these kind of debates would be great.
Iran nuclear deal
It feels like Bush all over, impulsiveness and no plan. I understood Bush motive for WANTING to go in at least, although it was not very leaderlike(imho) to do so with no exit strategy. similarly, unless information came in that the deal was causing actual harm instead of causing help, and if it was helping even slightly(and reading up on it, it seems it was) I dont understand why we pull out of it without a really good reason and something better to replace it ... unfortunately partisan politicians seem to work too often from a base of 'your plan is not good enough or fast enough so lets go back to the drawing board COMPLETELY until I come up with something better' but as you so logically stated Igor, Time will tell. |
Iran nuclear deal
Trump did the smart thing again. In 90 days "when the new sanctions that will ultimately be put on Iran " the mullahs will comply to any new deal that is worked out through negotiations . And that region of the world will be much safer. It's funny how when a bad deal or idea is confronted from a position of strength , what can be accomplished. That's one differance between Obama and Trump . Obamas presidential term was guided by popularity. Trumps presidency so far has been guided by making life more prosperous and secure for Americans and our allies.
on a serious note however, urine is good if you are camping and get bit, cut, or somehow gets an open wound. putting urine on it helps clean it and sterile it. it's why dogs piss on other dogs wounds. it's a natural remedy ![]() |