just so people know, venus is not a "frigid desert", it's temperature is hot enough to melt lead (around 640c) Rather hostile galaxy we live in really ... |
Shadow People
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Fri 01/09/15 06:47 PM
I am curious with shadow figures. I watch a paranormal show which interviews people who have seem shadpw figures & some can make out features like cloths i've read a lot about shadow people, and still haven't figured out what they want/are doing... people say they see them, and it just stops there... if they are real, they don't seem to be doing much other than scaring people... I,ve seen 4 of them , at different times , on two seperate occasions one stood at the end of my bed and just observed me . On one other occasion two were ate the end of my brothers bed and seemed to be conversing to each other about my brother ... I beleive in God and assume they were demons (fallen angels) , there precence felt sinister , i was frozen with fear , but like you said they didnt seem to have intent on hurting me , and if i didnt wake i wouldnt of seen them , so i wonder how many times these things are present when people are asleep ? It cant be to scare people imo if that was the case im sure they could do more than just stand there ? Biblically we have enemies in dark places , enmemies not of flesh and blood but of spirit . When i saw them was when i came to my conclusion that God exists , ive never seen them since , and dont really care , they cant harm us . From what ive seen on the net , they seem to be caught as i caught them when i woke , they dont tend to hang around after being caught watching you ... You said on another post ' i dont beleive ppl still believe this dribble " regarding god , i wonder what your thoughts would be if you saw something as supernatural as this , it is to me not the reason for my faith but i know what i saw and it was about the time i concluded God was behind creation ... |
shadow person??
I,ve seen 4 shadow people in my bedroom at different times as have millions of others , i know what i saw ...
Evolutionary flaws ....
Homo Sapiens did NOT evolve from apes or monkeys! Homo sapiens and the apes have a common species ancestor; and, going further back in time, that common ancestor has a common ancestor with the monkeys. In fact, on the tree of life, Homo sapiens closest living relatives are the bats! and where did you get your degree in biology? ![]() " Homo sapiens closest living relatives are the bats! " finally i have a question answered on the origin of batman ... |
Evolutionary flaws ....
Homo Sapiens did NOT evolve from apes or monkeys! Homo sapiens and the apes have a common species ancestor; and, going further back in time, that common ancestor has a common ancestor with the monkeys. In fact, on the tree of life, Homo sapiens closest living relatives are the bats! and where did you get your degree in biology? ![]() whee did you get your's , the same place my daughter is getting hers ? where they told her to basically renounce faith ? Many biologists are christian , go figure . |
You may say Uche9aa likes controversy,yes.I dont get blinded or intimidated by erring majority.In addition while i wait,why do meteors skip our earth or end up in areas nobody lives like the two that landed in Russia recently?I submit that everything points towards an overseeing being.We cant explain it thats why He is I AM.The begining and the end.He is my God lol, such faith you put in your god... god = random chance? try a few science books, or watch the history and science channels on cable... but please, learn something about sciences... lol hmm , it is science that has stregthened my faith in God as with John Lennox , Sir John Houghton FRS , Francis Collins current director of the Human Genome Project , Professor Bill Phillips , winner of the Noble Prize for physics in 97 . I could literally fill this whole page and the next with Science , these are Christian Scientists , i,ve studied science all of my life , the bible was the springboard to which i have learnt so much about Science , History and the like , so please dont assume Christians are Dumb ... Becuase most have ' tested all things ' as jesus said . The SCIENCE backs the creation account and not evolution , yes ppl do need to look at the Science , also look at the motives of a given result ie , continued grant . Also if Satan is the god of this world as the bible says it,s not rocket science to see the manipulation of fact . This is the school system that is teaching kindergarten kids to put condoms on banannas , penis shaped play doe toys and satanic dot to dots to our kids , ahh yer bring on atheism hey ?? oh where will it lead ... You,ll have to read the bible for that ... |
well i not sure , i was going to ask why when i about to suicide does something happen to stop me , it's not fair , stop the planet i want to get off Its your inbuilt eternal clock , we are made with eternity in mind . Why suicide ? ive been there before . why hasten the inevitable only for God to say i still had more for you to do and learn . We all will meet GOD and then know the purpose of life , our purpose now is to find him . |
How do you explain the earth's unique design and survival in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u Because the planet came before us and we adapted to the conditions over time...Also, it isn't the only planet in the Universe to display such properties. I'm not an atheist, but you do not know what you are talking about. "it isn't the only planet in the Universe to display such properties." you should be carefull of your statements , becuase i have to ask where do you get your info from ? Atmospheres on planets etc ? as far as i know we have a rover on mars , searching for life that is . I could of saved NASA millions becuase from what i can see its dust and rock , yet i beleive there gonna send astronaughts anywat to check ... |
My intention was to debunk and puncture the hallucinatory ballons of atheists via empirical arguement.But they have apparently shied away from the intellectual excercise.I do not have spare time to join issues with shilly-shallied critics whose criticism were borne out of either ignorance or spiritual destitution But apparently you have more than enough time to write a bunch of jargon, prop up your ego and ignore reasonable counters. It's hardly going to assist your silly crusade against atheism on a dating website, just so you're aware. Also, you misspelled *argument*. arnt you not looking at an Atheist post on a dating website ? why would you do that ? Atheists are so damn quick to pick up on gramma mistakes asif thats a proof of intelligence of argument ? |
My intention was to debunk and puncture the hallucinatory ballons of atheists via empirical arguement.But they have apparently shied away from the intellectual excercise.I do not have spare time to join issues with shilly-shallied critics whose criticism were borne out of either ignorance or spiritual destitution that is a common stance with atheists , they cannot give a scientific answer to the impossible , so i dont think its an intelectual detour as a moral one . |
How do you explain the earth's unique design and surmirat in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u Why do you attack constantly anyone who follows a different Philosophy from yours! Are you so unsure of your own? Well isnt that the pot calling the kettle black , us christians arnt allowed to beleive in GOD without being ridculed as fairy believers ? So i ask you Why do you attack constantly anyone who follows a different Philosophy from yours! Are you so unsure of your own? ?? |
How do you explain the earth's unique design and surmirat in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u yep,Venus is frigid and Cryonic indeed! ![]() BTW,what is "surmirat"? Yep Atheist explanation ,..Cant explain an impossibility unless of course you (insert) unexplained , untested theory here ... Evolution is a house of cards , grand design is just that .. |
Rev 13:9-14:1 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. 11 The Beast from the Earth Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. NKJV How do you escape the number of the Beast?? Most Bible like on here separate thought about the Patience of the Saints. If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. Yet it seems to be a message how to escape. How will the Saints Escape? The saints will escape either throught death or the rapture , either way the bible says do not accept the comming mark of the NWO and do not renounce your faith , the worldwide turn on religion has begun propagated by the invisible forces controlling the illumnati from the top down ... Revelation 12:11 "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." Mark 8:35 "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it." |
Evolutionary flaws ....
If a diety made the water i doubt he'd have a problem walking on it .
you can have your science :-) oh how did the water get here ? asteriod ? um um waiting . |
What theory do you recommend ?
40% scientists are christian 15% are agnostic ? Survival of the fittest ? Well thats a given . Origin of species? Thats a lie it should of been called adaption of species . The fossile record ? Cambrian explosion ? which seems to back the creation account not evolutionary theory . Scientists cannot even agree on a theory , what is their is inconclusive ... |
Always Trust God :)
Amen ...
world events put him closer to reclaiming humanity ... " just a little while longer and the wicked one will be no more , you will look for him but will not be able ti find him " |
Eternity is a great reward and a long time , timeless ...
What we have now will not be remembered , if at all for the seconds that make up this life . imo keep steady , 70 years go's by very fast , you could be hit by a car tommorrow ? We all will be before our LORD before you know it and onto eternity and away from the filth of this planet . Two choices ? keep with jesus who see's your 70 yrs as a mere blink/flash , he has bigger things in store for you :-) Or live for whatever you can get what u can out of this life , entertain the flesh and possibly impact your chances of eternal life ... |
Evolutionary flaws ....
It is a theory that man and ape decended from a common ancestor , it is not proven with hard facts ...
Banana's in the wild are not really nice to be eaten , man has 'engineered' them to be better 'apparently' I neither beilieve in Evolution or the Science behind it . I beleive we were created with a purpose , science and atheism degrades humanity ... We share 85% of our DNA with cows and 50% of our DNA with bananas , imagine if monkeys didnt exist ? Scientists would say we 'evolved' from cows i guess ... apes share 97% of our DNA with primates , 0.001% accounts for 30 million differences in a species . AND DNA only replicates it doesnt , never has come up with new information , mutation either deform , die off or revert to what they were ...Bacteria remains bacteria , flies remain flies etc etc etc , Evolution is the worlds greatest fraud ... We cannot 'mate' with apes ...A female horse and a donkey can create a mule which CANNOT pro-create A mae horse and a female donkey can mate and produce a hiny which CANNOT pro-create ... What scietists do is get past our collective ignorance , antony flew the worlds most famous atheist for 30 odd yrs , put text books in Universites about Evolution etc , comes out of the whole thing eventually conceding ' if i follow the science it leads me to believe intelligence is behind it ' His books tho remain , we have been lied to by the academic world and theres a reason behind it ... 2 corinthians 4:4 |
Hmm , a Universe from nothing , life from no life , that is what evolution tries to force upon us .
Go's against common sense and rational thought , the mere theory go's against everything science tells us to accept , observable , testable , repeatable science ... The universe is rationaly inteligable , we know that if the percentages were one hairs width off in any equation of natural laws , we wouldnt be here . Then you gota get past that hurdle onto the next , the cell comming from a chemicle pond ...the probability of a simple, basic cell forming is 10^57800 to 1. let thank sink in, that is 1 with 57,800 zeros after it and the number of atoms in the observable universe is 10^80, and any probability past 10^50 to 1 is deemed universally impossible ... Then we continue on with complexity , impossible complexity that is , we shouldnt be here according to naturalisms own theories . We live on a simbiotic planet which reeks design , everything has a purpose or co-purpose ... Now rewind back to the big bang - Before hubble scientsits assumed the universe had allways been here , although the bible has all along said it had a 'beginning' when it was found to have a beginning Scientists were at odds to release the information as it would lend to much weight to religion ... That brings up further problems , time and space according to science didnt exist before the big bang , hence no laws of physics , interesting ? We are moral beings , that want to live forever , we want justice and equality , we are created in Gods image ... Atheism is not only incoherent in its theories it degrades the magnificance of the human being to mere animal , and the beuty of the planet to mere accident ? Again going by naturalistic viewpoint we shouldnt be here , it is the odds of winning the jackpot lottery first division everyday for a thousand years , that is the odds of life from non-life ... Impossible ... |
what is the meaning of life?
Im a Christian and believe the answers to life are within the bible ...
We are meant to live forever , eternity . We have been given 70 years to work life out and find GOD ... |