Why don't we ban religion?
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Fri 01/23/15 02:38 AM
yes, religion has become 'abnormal' and things like promiscuity, casual sex, alternative lifestyles, and guns are ever more popular ,,,thats all gonna end REAL WELL.... LOL and doesnt the Bible say just that :- The whole world will turn on Religion becuase those damn pesky christians are against gay marriage ... The world will be as sodom and gomorah when christ returns , thing is unfortuantely ppl want it ... I can tell you excactly how its going to end , we push the boundaries and have become GOD to our own stupid demise .. The turn on Religion is prophecy as is the moral decline ... No more comment from me , cheer's ... |
Why don't we ban religion?
Wow Th3Dv8, You really aren't capable of answering anything are You? You can't get a quote right either from Anyone, the Quran, or even the Bible. Don't have a church to call 'your-own...?' No small wonder! sheik im not going to be drawn into any argument with someone that doesnt seem to grasp the Bible or Quran , im really wondering excactly what your motives are ? I,ve answered everything with truth , you tell the guy on the other thread his Quran quotes were untrue when infact they are very accurate , what game are you playing is the question ? Cheers. |
Why don't we ban religion?
no need to ban anything! A Shocking Number of Americans Under 30 Have No Religion — This Country Is Going to Change Americans are abandoning religion in droves. lol as the BIBLE predicts |
Why don't we ban religion?
Ughhhhhh!! If the only way you can argue your position essentially comes down to "because God/bible." Then just save your breath. Because SCIENCE. Archeologists have used the Bible to help them find Archeological sights etc as reliable information .I do not just say 'If i dont understand it therefore GOD did it nor do i or ever have taken the Bible on face value , i have picked it to bits from external sources , i have spent way to much time looking at different subjects and NOT accepting what the bible tells me , what i have found is when you labouriously spend time researching topics they allways seem to confirm what is there in black and white . I am not someone who accepts the Bible as a young child and i dont ask anybody to do that either ' faith ' comes from researching alternitives , looking at the 'evidence' we have not hypothesis or science that go's outside of 'cause and effect''testable' and thinking hard about simple logic ? I do not accept what scientists say about origin anymore than i accept what the bible says about jesus , i do the hard yards and spend time on historical evidence / forgeries / Early Rome ( i know so much about Ancient Rome now thanks to the bible -through external sources) In Short i spen every single day and have done for the last 25 years studying and looking at all possibilities for the big questions of :- (Yes i have a Life BUT if the bible and God are true it IS Priority # 1 )(All else is just going through the motions as the next person ) ( Im the type of person who cannot just live life / I HAVE to know to the best of my Ability ) " how did we get here " only two months ago i went to Adelaide UNI to hear a Talk from a Scientist 'John Lennox " who has debated Dawkins and Laurence Krauss Etc on the topic of " Cosmic chemistry " I do take things very seriously , you seem to presume i do . If you want to say Science , imo Science supports the Creation account ... The more Science is finding out the more my Faith in a creator is cemented , sorry if that offends you.. The Question of 'should we ban religion' Where do i sit ? Jesus overturned the money makers in the synagogue (church) saying do not turn my fathers house into a market .... I sit with him , i go to a non-denominational church to be with other christians , the truth is in The Bible not churches ..... Thats why when they do turn on Relgion it will be the POPE and the ROMAN CATHOLIC church which go's frist (babylon the great) in the bible ' The whore who sits on seven mountains( of Rome) her judgement is comming' Yup , God has Allready judged the church , did you know the Bible calls the church the 'bride of christ' 'true believers' whoever they are in any church will be gathered to be saved , those that follow CHRIST , Not the church ... ppl dont understand that the bible is anti-religious , the Catholic Church / The synagogue of Satan will be dealt with ... I am currently reading a book by John Lennox , Mathematician and have two more sitting here , i watch endless Science Documentaries , its all i watch actually ... I could give most scientsits a good conversation (Not Bragging) My Brother in-law is an organic chemist and he has no-idea of Broader Science , it boggles my mind ... I say do you know Richard Darkins ? NO , Laurence Krauss ? NO huh ? Stephen hawking ? Yes , thank god ... Why do i spend so much time on it ? I find it fascinating , so much to learn in so many fields and so little time , i love it ... I Collect Fossils and have allways been an enthusiastic Collector and Gold prospector , i love Geology and the list go's on Malarkey! Bet you love those 7'000yo Fossils! Well you assume carbon 14 dating to be accurate ? Tell me please how you solve the 'puzzle' of t-rex soft tissue found in fossils ? Tell me please how you solve the 'puzzle' of tricerotops soft tissue and blood vessels found in fossils ? Tell me please about the many carvings around the world of Dinosaurs ? Tell me please on an ancient drawing found of a man riding a triceratops. This scientist of 30 years was 'let go' after discovering soft tissue in a triceratop horn , why becuase it went against science lol ...What about following the 'evidence' wherever it leads ?? One of those pesky discoveries they dont want you to know about . “because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.” it backs creation thats why , quickly dealt with by the 'Aurthorities' |
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Fri 01/23/15 02:15 AM
Scarcely, is a single quote even anything remotely from the Quran. Bogus, through and through! Anybody with a computer can easily look-up several translations of the Quran and confirm that you're a complete liar. Serious , have not you read the Quaran , these are very definately in there . Smite the neck of the unbelievers and kill both christian and jew ... Peacefull ? submit to Allah or Die ... pick any quote he posted and google it... they are nothing as what what the Qur'an actually says... people are the problem, not scriptures or bibles... bad people make stupid people do evil things, in any religion... Ok i,ll take that challenge , what are ppl not getting is beyond me . Bout time the U.S and the world told it as it is : koran 47:4 Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them. Sahih International:- So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds. Notice how they [insert] [in battle] if not kill then ransom excactly as ISIS is doing 'true iSlam ... Next ( just add hoc here im not doing every one , im picking at /random , they are all excactly as in the Quaran, what google are you using ?) koran 8:12 Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran. Sahih International :- [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." Strike them on their necks is to behead , read the context of the Quran . Next koran 5:33 Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam. Sahih International - Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, If you do not convert to iSlam you are AT WAR with iSlams 'worldwide caliphate ' ok i,ll go one more as this is a mirror of everything that was posted and top of the list of my google search and i,ll put a thousand dollars up to anybody that can show me 'one' Quaran that says anything different ? people need to understand the msg in the quran , understand the War Warrior mohammud then you will know these verses are 'in context' Next koran 3:85 Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable. Sahih International:- And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. hmm different ? ok one more :- koran 9:30 The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them. Sahih International:- The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded? ok gota go one more :- koran 3:28 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends. Sahih International:- Let not believers take disbelievers[infidels thats us] as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination. Get your facts right on the 'peacefull' religion of iSlam... The 'promised land' which God promised The Jews/Israel from the nile to the euphrates is excactly what ISIL is after the levant . Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant .the land promised the jew .. Hence Israel being removed from modern arab maps , This is a prophecy unfolding before your eyes and there's more than a few christians that are expecting the Anti-Christ to come from ISLAM .. It certainly wouldnt surprize me . Jesus said :- ' NO ONE comes to the father except through me ' |
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Fri 01/23/15 01:08 AM
What's that You say uche9aa...? Surrender to a Being that now exists on a spiritual or maybe a sub-atomic level...? Sounds pretty Alien to me! Prophecy unfolding :- The DOOMSDAY clock has now been moved from 5 minutes to midnight to 3 minutes to midnight , Science is now screaming what the bible has said for thousands of years ... "��This is about Doomsday; this is about the end of civilisation as we know it,"�� "��The probability of global catastrophe is very high, and the actions needed to reduce the risks of disaster must be taken very soon."�� Yer like thats gonna happen , the outcome is predicted and a given . 2,000 yrs ago a sniper fired a bullet , it has nearly arrived ... uche9aa , you do realize like i do as Jesus said that 'Most' peple will take no notice until like you said they see Jesus comming ... At some point mate you have to expend your energies in 'other' places I have spent alot of time on forums and talked to alot of people , everybody can see something comming 'WE' know what it is .MOST WILL NOT LISTEN , like i said you have to turn away and leave it to GOD . ( in No way saying give up on people but know when to move on ) It can bring you down , your # 1 Priority is your relationship with Christ as is mine , we can get distracted by you know who , with his inspired philosophies and Sciences , they all rampant in this age .. The world he has , he is after YOU and ME ,you know he will use any means avaliable including the 'confusion' of others ...Keep your guard high , you know this is the time spoken of , things are happening so fast now we cannot keep up , keep your eyes on the prize . This IS the great ' falling away ' and age of deception it will be over as quickly as it has arrived , the End isnt near it is here .. The world is teetering precariously on Global Collapse , the rubicon has been crossed and the ANTI-CHRIST MUST be getting ready to enter the world stage as ' the saviour of the world '..... weigh up where you use your energies 'these days' |
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Thu 01/22/15 11:23 PM
Apparently, in the following verse after 42... An Angel comes to encourage Jesus (Your God) So, God needs encouragement to follow-thru? (Lame) A quick question. If the writings were interpreted correctly, and Jesus is the son of "God", and spoke with God himself, why would Jesus need an angle to encuorage him? This question is easy to answer. Firstly, Jesus was first created by the Almighty God in the spirit-realm. He (Jesus) being the first-born (metaphorically) of creation was already very familiar with the Angelic creatures that accompanied him there. But, went Jesus was sent to Earth to be like Mankind, he had to give-up his spiritual form. Jesus knew it was only a question of time before he'd have to return to the spirit-realm and a physical death would have to precede his return. His having an Angel come and reveal itself was just a brief review of what he'd already been familiar with. Your answer to my question then make's other arguements (debat) viable in there personal conclusion. So you believe Jesus came from the heavens, while other's believe he was born on earth (Either one is OK with me.). You still did not answer, why he needed an angle to encourage him, since he was the son of God or an angle himself of God; if the writings' were interpreted correctly? On Earth he had all the weeknesses and vunerabilities of MAN all Temptation , he had to see it from a human perspective not from above , jesus cried when lazarus died even tho he could and did resurrect him . |
Okay Th3Dv8, You believe Jesus is the Almighty God, right? Please tell me 'who' is Jesus praying to in Luke 22: 42---> Now, if Jesus is God and according to the Trinity Doctrine, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are non-divisible, co-equal, and co-eternal, one in being with the other... Who is Jesus praying to? Remember, they're non-divisible and because they/he/it are the same Entity and must also be the same 'will.' What, is in the action of praying if Jesus is already God? Take Your time Th3Dv8, I don't need a long-winded distraction from this question, and I'm certain the rest of the Mingle readers would love to hear a concise answer as well. maybe he was "praying" with himself... you know, behind the curtains, away from everyone else... Yer Sick mate , dont tar all Christians with catholiscm , cheer's ... |
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Thu 01/22/15 11:21 PM
Okay Th3Dv8, You believe Jesus is the Almighty God, right? Please tell me 'who' is Jesus praying to in Luke 22: 42---> Now, if Jesus is God and according to the Trinity Doctrine, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are non-divisible, co-equal, and co-eternal, one in being with the other... Who is Jesus praying to? Remember, they're non-divisible and because they/he/it are the same Entity and must also be the same 'will.' What, is in the action of praying if Jesus is already God? Take Your time Th3Dv8, I don't need a long-winded distraction from this question, and I'm certain the rest of the Mingle readers would love to hear a concise answer as well. maybe he was "praying" with himself... you know, behind the curtains, away from everyone else... lol ok , i get the jist of the conversation , ive tried to be respectfull and correct with information , my twins start school this comming tuesday , ive been out running around , also drove 200 km round trip up the coast and just got back on the computer , but seems my time on this forum is up ... Love you guys , Been a good conversation ...God Bless |
Okay Th3Dv8, You believe Jesus is the Almighty God, right? Please tell me 'who' is Jesus praying to in Luke 22: 42---> Now, if Jesus is God and according to the Trinity Doctrine, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are non-divisible, co-equal, and co-eternal, one in being with the other... Who is Jesus praying to? Remember, they're non-divisible and because they/he/it are the same Entity and must also be the same 'will.' What, is in the action of praying if Jesus is already God? Take Your time Th3Dv8, I don't need a long-winded distraction from this question, and I'm certain the rest of the Mingle readers would love to hear a concise answer as well. My opinion as with most thing jesus did was to show ppl acceptable worship to GOD , he said ' you must pray this way '----'father why have you forsaken me' etc in my opinion as i said before , he allthough looking like being 'abandoned' on the cross , one of the thiefs said ' if you are the son of God take yourself from the cross ' as did the Romans i think ... As with praying , i think it was as an example to the humans/people that saw him , sometimes seeing something happen is an easier way for ppl to learn ? There is question marks with the trinity doctrine i dont deny that , but Jesus utterly confirmed NOT denied he was GOD .... Jehovah's witnesses put the article (a) in ' in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was(a) God is not in the Original Greek and ALL Scholars agree it is a misinterpretation . Is GOD equal to Jesus ? To me the sriptures support it , they are three different beings allthough ONE , is it like my Son , who i can command to take care of business while im God with My Aurthority as the Romans did ? I Dont know and i dont get 'stuck' on it ... The text clearly says Jesus is GOD who became flesh in ALL translations , The Quran isnt a bible tranlsation ... In the end the bible says : ' and God loved the world so much that he let his son be put to death by his creation to save them ' Would you do that for someone that doesnt deserve it ? Jesus has ALL the Aurthority of GOD , he said I AM , the Jews knew excactly what he meant , as they said ' is it not GOD who can forgive sin and Not man ? Jesus forgave Sins and the jews hated him for both statements... |
Yes, Th3Dv8 worships Jesus because he's under the assumption that he was God-Incarnate. The Quran says there are two different types of Christians. Those who say Jesus is Allah and often worship Jesus along with Holy Mary and a host of Saints. Many think it's okay to use statues in their worship as well. These ones, have no hope of salvation unless they repent before the Angel of Death takes them. On the other hand, there are those who call themselves Christians that worship the Almighty who is unseen, as they ought. They do not worship any other entities in degradation to the Creator, and upon these ones there will be no fear on Judgment Day. Yes, Mightymoe, it is as You said it yesterday, 'They're breaking the very first of the Ten Commandments... Thou shalt have no other gods before me sayeth the LORD.' The commandments say 'tho shalt not kill ' Allah and the quran says ' 'beheaded the unbelievers ' He is NOT the God of Abraham , sry , dont mean to offend ... 'Tho shalt not have no other gods before me ' ? Obviously this is semantics ? The Caanantites were worshing , baal , asherah , ashterah , the list go's on . Anybody that know the bible knows , worshiping Jesus is Not a contradiction , when the bible says these 'three' are one and ' if you,ve seen the son you have seen the father ' The early jews (of christs time) were in no doubt what jesus claimed 'They were going to stone jesus for healing and good works . Jesus said :- John 10:33 "We are not stoning you for any good work," they replied, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God." with the many scriptures i put up before it is clear jesus was GOd the Son , then theirs God the father and God the holy spirit ..... Jesus walking with his apostles started unravelling ALL of history to them , which astounded them ... And of course God revealed himself to moses as I AM . And jesus said before Abraham was I AM . |
Please call me John guys , Th3Dv8 is a 'old' username , cheer's .
While the Virgin Mary was a servant of the True God, God doesn't expect You to worship her. That would be counter-productive. Mary is a creation of God, like You or I, and worshiping the creation rather than the Creator would be a malediction. yes, another contradiction in the bible... so what does that make Jesus? a human thats a god? have you watched the "Da Vinci Code" with tom hanks yet? i watched it last night for the first time, kinda goes along with we are discussing... Mistaken moe , how is that a contradiction , mary is hardly mentioned in the bible , nothing of note . it is the Roman Catholic church that worship mother mary that is nothing to do with the bible , they are the biggest hypocritical religion on the planet ... You,d be well advised to not look to them as christian they are pure paganism .. the contradiction is you worship Jesus... he was just as human as me or you... No contradiction , he was GOD , ' if you,ve seen me you have seen the father also ' |
Th3Dv8, I've got some home-work for You. I hope You don't mind. Now I need You to remember, that long before there were any other Christian congregations, like up-ward of a thousand years ago, the 'only known' church of the time used a word in Latin called, 'catholicus' or Greek called 'katholikos', which just meant universal or world-wide. The orthodox views of the time were already steeped in long standing creeds and what was called 'catholic', but by no means does it imply a specific Christian group. On the Search Engine of your computer, please look-up, 'Three Catholic Creeds.' NOW REMEMBER... There are no-other would-be Christians at this time. Not unless they lived in a cave of were complete introverts. This is my question... Can You say, "Amen" to any of these three creeds? I could probably say 'amen' to the THE ATHANASIAN CREED is scriptually accurate imo ... The Apostles creed :- imo this was inserted by the Catholic church :- (the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints ) Jesus said ' keep doing this in remembrence of me ' lords supper / communion , i,ll tell you my problem with the catholic church at the bottom . The Nicene Creed :- Was inserted at the council of niecea 'obviously' ( I believe in one holy Catholic Church ) The Catholic Church melded True Christianty through Christ alone with Roman rule(pagan) and was born , kneeling before statues(idols) Forbiden in the bible , The way they are dressed(cardinals) like kings , mentioned in the bible , confess your sins to GOD not man , who will give you five hail mary's to say ? The list go's on and on undoudtably proving the Roman Catholic Church is babylon the great mentioned in the text . They are the mother of false religion today and got their Traditions right back from ancient babylon the melting pot of pagan religions before Rome . The Catholic Church has not right or Authority to name SAINTS ... And lastly the bible says 'by their (christians) fruits you will recognize them (true christians ) The Catholic church fails every time , there sins reach to heaven as i mentioned before ... |
While the Virgin Mary was a servant of the True God, God doesn't expect You to worship her. That would be counter-productive. Mary is a creation of God, like You or I, and worshiping the creation rather than the Creator would be a malediction. yes, another contradiction in the bible... so what does that make Jesus? a human thats a god? have you watched the "Da Vinci Code" with tom hanks yet? i watched it last night for the first time, kinda goes along with we are discussing... Mistaken moe , how is that a contradiction , mary is hardly mentioned in the bible , nothing of note . it is the Roman Catholic church that worship mother mary that is nothing to do with the bible , they are the biggest hypocritical religion on the planet ... You,d be well advised to not look to them as christian they are pure paganism .. John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." and angel appeared to prophets in the past and they fell on their knees , the angels said Revelation 19:10 "At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus." GOD and JESUS being one , not a contradiction Jesus was no mere man . |
Why don't we ban religion?
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Thu 01/22/15 12:44 AM
********From Th3Dv8 on previous page;******** Its Called a God given connscience ... ISIS and ISIL are TRUE Muslims ... The Crusaders were NOT true Christians neither is the pope ... Jesus condems acts of Violence the Quran Demands it ... About banning Religion ? The Bible predicts they will when the one world NWO government takes over , one world currency , one world Government , one world fuzzy new age world/state religion ALL others will be outlawed made to go underground , actually people will take the " mark of the beast " or be slaughtered , give up your Faith or die ... ISIS / ISIL is just propganda to get the world ready for when its outlawed , why do they give airtime to one muslim in my country Australia who killed 2 ppl ??? if they want it crushed ? That siege played ALL day on TV , excactly what the guy wanted . Its propaganda , Al-quada / ISIS / ISIL >>> next bogey man plz stand up ? The News is owned by the ruling Elite and they are getting you ready for their Totalitarian Rule ... An ALL out Attack on Christianity is comming soon *********Then I wrote;******** I'm curious Th3Dv8, Where has 'your' specific brand or denomination of Christianity been for the last 17 hundred years? (Maybe, that's too long) Where has 'your' specific brand or denomination of Christianity been for the last mere thousand years? (Maybe, that's still too long) Where has 'your' specific brand or denomination of Christianity been for the last little fraction of the past 500 years? (Maybe, the highly enlightened members of 'your' church, haven't been around as long as that either) Last of all... Where were all the Faithful, through the ages, pervious to 'your' enlightened views on Christianity? lol , from the bible , if you knew it you wouldnt be asking me ? I dont follow church teachings , i look for wisdom and common ground from various pastors but , the bible is my source of information and study of external sources ... If you are talking about the Quran stuff , its the plain truth , iSlam is NOT a religion of peace , they have first as the Quran says , infilitrated(society)Befriend(their Enemy/country) THEN demand sharia law or riot and call for the beheading of ALL who oppose ISLAM ... That is the TRUTH in the Quran , lets not sugar coat it , it is what it is , derogatory towards woman and a religion which has NO outside sources of reference (the Quran is self referencing) , take woman for sex slaves it is a religion that hasnt emerged from the dark ages .Fact sorry. What they have got in the quran was copied from the bible with mahumamad adding his bit , he commited atrocities against the jews and hated christians alike, nothing has changed . ISIS is TRUE ISLAM , them crusifying Christians today is what they are commanded to do in the quran , KILL ALL NON-MUSLIMS ... I wouldnt be at all surprized if the last anti-christ isnt a MUSLIM . A Muslim opened the house of congres with prayer not long ago , As obama said ' America is no longer a christian Nation...' Watch this space , muslim extremists ? Dunno about extremists from what ive read , the Quran demands it... |
TB Rich, have You got whatever it is that Davidben1 has got? (I'm getting concerned) LOL, no, however the strokes I have had appear to have left me with PBA and it makes me unusually emotional which is sometimes very difficult to hide. LOL- I feel like a woman! Agggh and on her period! Apparently it takes a while for the treatment to take effect. Plus, every doctor who has seen MRIs of my brain appear more interested in the fact that it is covered in spots-Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury or some such nonsense, apparently too many concussions from my fighting days. Sorry to hear that . |
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Thu 01/22/15 12:28 AM
Scarcely, is a single quote even anything remotely from the Quran. Bogus, through and through! Anybody with a computer can easily look-up several translations of the Quran and confirm that you're a complete liar. Serious , have not you read the Quaran , these are very definately in there . Smite the neck of the unbelievers and kill both christian and jew ... Peacefull ? submit to Allah or Die ... |
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Thu 01/22/15 12:07 AM
Jesus too, was a servant of the True God, but Jesus never ever asked anyone to worship him either. Jesus, is a creation as well and worshiping Jesus, would also be a malediction. Jesus, when he walked the Earth directed all reverence to his Heavenly Creator. yes, but now he's a god... i guess we can thank Constantine for that... didn't he rewrite the bible? constatine brought the books together and kept nostic texts out , ppl use the argument that it was altered but there has been thousands of manuscripts found after the council of nicea/constatine dating to the first centuries , which showed only spelling errors etc , the basic text was kept ... It Remains the same as intended except for one or two translations especially the ' (new world translation ' JW's) and book of mormon etc . All Biblical schollars pretty much say it is as per the original copies , constatine changed nothing ... I,ve read many of the nostic gosepls , they are forgeries of eraly anti-christians ...the only one worth reading is the book of enoch . That should of been in the canon imo ... |
While the Virgin Mary was a servant of the True God, God doesn't expect You to worship her. That would be counter-productive. Mary is a creation of God, like You or I, and worshiping the creation rather than the Creator would be a malediction. yes, another contradiction in the bible... so what does that make Jesus? a human thats a god? have you watched the "Da Vinci Code" with tom hanks yet? i watched it last night for the first time, kinda goes along with we are discussing... Mistaken moe , how is that a contradiction , mary is hardly mentioned in the bible , nothing of note . it is the Roman Catholic church that worship mother mary that is nothing to do with the bible , they are the biggest hypocritical religion on the planet ... You,d be well advised to not look to them as christian they are pure paganism .. |