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Thu 01/15/15 05:07 PM
How do you explain the earth's unique design and surmirat in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u Bumping old threads I see! ![]() OK, I'm bored. Earth's unique design? It's not. It's just a ball of cosmic dust just like the rest of them. It formed in an orbit that made it rocky instead of gassy. It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet. "Surmirat"(?) in a cosmic shooting gallery" I guess that means "still existing". Actually, the Earth has been destroyed many times as the accretion of rocks and comets built up to near it's present size. Then there was the "heavy bombardment" period where asteroids peppered the Earth. The Mars size planet that hit the Earth leaving debris that became the Moon turned the whole planet into a molten mess! You can still see the scars of the "heavy bombardment" of the Moon. In recent times the Earth has been destroyed three times in a general sense that represent major exterminations of life on the planet. It will happen again, hopefully not soon. The water probably came from the thousands of asteroids and comets that hit the Earth. They contain a lot of water. Water makes up 70% of our total mass? Maybe you are referring to people, not the Earth? Why is oxygen so abundant? ... because it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. When a star goes SuperNova, the explosion makes lots of new elements from the basic Hydrogen. Silicon (rocks), oxygen, iron, etc., are produced in abundance and become interstellar gas and dust. It later comes together again due to gravity and the shock waves of other stellar explosions to create more stars and planets. The abundant hydrogen and oxygen get together to form water... and lots of it! "if it was as small as mercury ..."? If? If is an infinite question. If a frog had a glass azz, it would only hop once! Mercury's lack of atmosphere is due to the fact that the solar wind blows it away. Earth has a magnetic field to divert the solar wind, hence protecting it. The comment about the Moon preventing the oceans from spilling over land is beyond any comment I could make. However, the Moon is our friend. ![]() "It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet." I,ve read that in science and its just a theory , imo common sense does not enter science , if two planets were to collide i doubt you,d be left with two spheres ? The Moon and Earth have been hit yes . But i dont buy theories . You don't buy theories? You "doubt" what happens when two spheres hit? Perhaps you should study the topic and learn the concept of "peer review". You think "common sense" does not enter science? Actually it doesn't really. That concept is what differs science from assumption. Common sense does play a huge part in experimentation however. It also plays a huge part in applied physics. Newton's laws of physics (note the word "laws" instead of "theory") give the reactions, forces, movements, and energy of objects hitting each other. Easy problems can be calculated by hand but finite element techniques have allowed the forces, etc., to be calculated to a much finer detail. These analytical methods are used to calculate, for example, what happens if a car hits a wall, car, post, etc. The comparison between the finite element result and the actual crash shows how accurate the computations work. Computing what happens when two spheres hit works in exactly the same way. "Common sense does play a huge part in experimentation however. It also plays a huge part in applied physics." Physicists are at odds about quantum mechanics they understand 'there' version of explaining it (theory) becuase it isnt SCIENCE Cannot be tested as is the Description of Science , so it fails by definition of science , sigh .... Im Currently looking at Quantum mechanics :- Break Atoms down , to protons ,Quarks , Electrons , Nutrons ... Then they are formed by even smaller particals , made up of LIGHT then dissapear into 'nothingness' , So everything we see is made up of nothing and nothing made everything we see ..... Quantum Chemist Henry F Schaeffer III Said :- A creator must exist . The big bang theory ripples and subsequent findings are clearly pointing to the ex nihilo creation consistent with the first few verses in Genesis . LET THERE BE LIGHT . Is it not amazing that The Bible first verses were LET THERE BE LIGHT and LIGHT is at the very Quantum of everything we see and dont see ? Only now are we finding this out yet thousands of years ago it had it right . GOD IS LIGHT . Man has intelectualised himself so much that science by definition IS NOT SCIENCE :- We need to define what science IS and what Theory IS as the lines have blured ... Science is :- hypothesis , experiment , data , evidence , modified hypothesis , theory , prediction and explanation , duplication by peers . That is a joke becuase most of our SCIENCE is THEORY accepted as fact , cant experiment on it , cant duplicate it cant explain it ... What we can do is predict by the universal fundamental constants in nature that are there as law , we have a rational inteligable universe (mathematically) which points upwards to intelligence not downwards to reductionism , we have order in the universe not chaos if one of the Natural constants were off by a hair's width we wouldnt be here , then you,ve gotta bypass all specualtions of an Earth filled with water , to the cell ?? which bypasses all of the above in science and enters the realm of miracle , then we go on and on with conitnued miracles in everything and everywhere ... Till you hold your miracle of a baby in your hands and slap the giver of that baby in the face saying this is just the product of chaos , it is the biggest shame in humanity , something that isnt going unnoticed by the giver of LIFE , something each person will have to have an answer for individually before him . ( oh science told me you dont exist ) aint gonna cut it ... you will not be able to point to 'them ' you will be alone to answer ' what did YOU do or study to find out about life ? You just happened to be there did you ? No scientists told me we came from nothing , non-life to life Oh i see and that makes sense does it ? i gave you a brain , you knew i was there , yet joined the crowd against me ... I bought into existence order not chaos , yet you were blind ... |
why we are???
Life is just a passage to a longer existence. We are born to experience life and to get back to the Father. Agreed , Earth is just a test for Eternity . Its in the Bible :-) |
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Sun 01/11/15 06:06 PM
If we are animals, just like every other animal on Earth, why is it no other animal has created things such as the wheel, vehicles, or anything like we have created? How are we the only animals capable of this, if others are just as intelligent as we are? For example, why haven't chimps and apes created anything such as even the wheel, or discovered fire, or learned to use it? Manking is the supreme being according to the bible in the universe under the angels ... But we see intelligence all through the animal and insect kingdom .. From birds builing ellaborate nests to spiders setting traps etc , crows for instance a fairly intelligent ... |
Annunaki, made us what we are! That's why Annunakii , reptilians , aliens are nothing more than fallen angels . Fallen angels were the ones that showed mankind how to make weapons for war etc and give them knowledge . |
The spirits and angels
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Sun 01/11/15 05:45 PM
Hey everyone, I'm a bit spiritual myself & if anyone knows a lot about spiritual awakenings and things of that nature can you message me? I have had the craziest thing ever happened to me out here in the high desert. It scared me big time because I didn't understand what was going on. It happened last year around this time. I'd like to share my story, & see if anyone has any idea of what could have happened to me. Also I take pictures with my iphone and somehow there's always visible things like an owl, owls have followed me in person too, also faces that are clearly visible & I'll share pictures. I'm not scared anymore. I find it all a gift, or my guardian angel watching over me. Anyone who has a more experience with the mind, body, & spirits, angels, the divine. I have a lot I need to talk about. I also use Runes. Just haven't since the awakening I had or idk what to call it exactly. Please help, thank you all ![]() From my own experiences (but im going by the bible) They are'nt guardian angles . If you use runes , tarot , oiuji boards etc , you are given the Demons(fallen angels) a calling card. If never heard of them causing any real harm , apart from the odd 'hit' but nothing serious ... You mentioning 'Owls' is interesting as they are linked with the occult and witchcraft : ie Bohemium grove (Satanic) imo i'd throw away any runes etc etc as you have come under the radar of these beings . Im speaking from a Christian , my own personall experiences with 'shadow people' and my own research ... THe dead CANNOT be contacted , it is evil spirits masquerading as dead loved ones , via the Ouiji board etc to fool mankind ... |
Why is it that the scientific mind is always accused of not believing in god, when it is religion that we sorry I have a problem with, after all, religion was created by man, not god. Religion just another mans Mythology. ![]() Well alot of Scientsits do beleive in god , we have a scientist attend my church and i have a doctor whos a christian ... As for all religions being right ? We were all made in GODS image so there is some similarity in all but not all are true ... Jesus is the only one who claimed to be GOD ' " In the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god ...and the word became flesh " He Became man so he could judge us as we are , from a humans perspective . |
How do you explain the earth's unique design and surmirat in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u Bumping old threads I see! ![]() OK, I'm bored. Earth's unique design? It's not. It's just a ball of cosmic dust just like the rest of them. It formed in an orbit that made it rocky instead of gassy. It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet. "Surmirat"(?) in a cosmic shooting gallery" I guess that means "still existing". Actually, the Earth has been destroyed many times as the accretion of rocks and comets built up to near it's present size. Then there was the "heavy bombardment" period where asteroids peppered the Earth. The Mars size planet that hit the Earth leaving debris that became the Moon turned the whole planet into a molten mess! You can still see the scars of the "heavy bombardment" of the Moon. In recent times the Earth has been destroyed three times in a general sense that represent major exterminations of life on the planet. It will happen again, hopefully not soon. The water probably came from the thousands of asteroids and comets that hit the Earth. They contain a lot of water. Water makes up 70% of our total mass? Maybe you are referring to people, not the Earth? Why is oxygen so abundant? ... because it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. When a star goes SuperNova, the explosion makes lots of new elements from the basic Hydrogen. Silicon (rocks), oxygen, iron, etc., are produced in abundance and become interstellar gas and dust. It later comes together again due to gravity and the shock waves of other stellar explosions to create more stars and planets. The abundant hydrogen and oxygen get together to form water... and lots of it! "if it was as small as mercury ..."? If? If is an infinite question. If a frog had a glass azz, it would only hop once! Mercury's lack of atmosphere is due to the fact that the solar wind blows it away. Earth has a magnetic field to divert the solar wind, hence protecting it. The comment about the Moon preventing the oceans from spilling over land is beyond any comment I could make. However, the Moon is our friend. ![]() "It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet." I,ve read that in science and its just a theory , imo common sense does not enter science , if two planets were to collide i doubt you,d be left with two spheres ? The Moon and Earth have been hit yes . But i dont buy theories . |
have you ever read about islam? read the following .froom quran . And when Allah said: '( Prophet) Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to the people: "Take me and my mother for two gods, other than Allah?" 'Exaltations to You, ' he said, 'how could I say that to which I have no right? If I had said that, You would have surely known. You know what is in my self, but I do not know what is in Yours. Indeed, You are the Knowledgeable of the unseen. [5.117] I spoke to them of nothing except that which You ordered me, that you worship Allah, my Lord and our Lord. I witnessed them whilst living in their midst and ever since You took me to You, You have been the Watcher over them. You are the Witness of everything. [5.118] If You punish them (for their disbelief), they surely are Your subjects; and if You forgive them, surely You are the Almighty, the Wise. ' [5.119] Allah will say: 'This is the Day the truthful shall benefit by their truthfulness. They shall live for ever in Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the great winning. ' [5.120] To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is in them. He has power over all things. http://www.e-quran.com/language/english/english4/r-sura5.html Yes i have read about Islam and the Quran ... |
sea, you did precisely what i said you would do, in the other thread... you used your own "beliefs", to decide if "others' beliefs were valid... and so deem "their beliefs", incorrect. so mentally demand ideas fit into one's own, or they are deemed "unvalid". that is a self looping brain system. totally mark of the "beast". smiles... and btw... every human is a metaphorical "jesus". find how that is so, THAN, one self will be "saved" from the "negative events" of "satan's" earth destiny. smiles ![]() |
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Sat 01/10/15 08:43 PM
What theory do you recommend ? 40% scientists are christian 15% are agnostic ? not sure where 40% came from ??? 93 percent of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, one of the most elite scientific organizations in the United States, do not believe in God. A broader description comes from the Pew Research Center, which reported in 2009 that 51 percent of scientists believe that God or some higher power exists, while 41 percent of scientists reject both of those concepts. Neither of these two statistics mentions Christianity... The 51% believe in a higher power or God. As an atheist-agnostic I understand this, much easier to believe in a higher power than in a god-man who's god-father immaculately inseminated a woman because he was so upset over a couple who ate a piece of fruit when a talking snake said not to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure what year the 93 percent comes from ' The National Academy of Sciences ' ? Last i hear it was 72.2 % as current ... Also to join the ' National Academy of Sciences ' means 'towing' the line , they also carry political weight , regardless statements from scientists are not necessarily statements of science ... On your 'attack' on christianity , have you heard of reptilians ? Annunaki , shadow shifters ? If Lucifer and his hoard can change forms as witnessed by ex-illuminati members (eye witnesses) to the Elites , raping children , skinning dogs alive and worshipping Lucifer and having actually being introduced to a three storey tall spirit who introduced himself as 'christ' but named Lucifer .... And these beings have infilitrated the top governments around the world including the white house , i doubt a talking snake to a naive eve early on in creation would be a hard sell ? Do some research on skull and bones , bohemian grove and the illuminati , they ALL worship satan and ex-members tell the same stories , they witnessed them taking the form of men ... This fits in exactly with the bible that says ' we are ruled not by the seen but unseen forces , spirits in dark places ' and it says ' we have a fight not against flesh and blood but the spirit world ' AND Satan walks amongst us ... Man is walking towards extinction and Satan is at the helm , if he cannot rule us succesfully he wants us gone becuase he knows his time is short and will be destroyed . Despite mans 'good' intentions we keep sliding further in destruction and you havent figured out why yet ? Read the bible match it up with government and the jigsaw starts to get clearer . Talking snakes or Life from the non-living ? I,d take the odds that its more likely you,ll see a snake speak than life starting from nothing , i,d like to see the actual odds on that ? Satan is called , the Devil , the great Dragon the 'original serpent' and also a beutifull angel . Dont dismiss all things that you know nothing about . If there is a creator there most certainly can be talking snakes , Dragons in folklore=Dinosaurs , many many images / carvings around the world with Dinosaur and man living together , even a carving of a man riding a tricerotops .... Science has and was an alternative to the allways held creation account ... Look at some things . Worldwide extinction by asteroid or a worldwide flood or did an asteroid cause a worldwide flood ? Raining down its ocean for 40 days ? Our apendix ? science says we dont need it now becuase we no longer live in caves and eat mainly veg , The bible says prior to the flood everything was vegetarian hence we need an apendix ? Point is Science by its definition isnt sticking to it own rule of observbsble testable , repeatable ? |
6 in the bible represents imperfection 7 perfection . 666 represents the opposite of perfection , the Devil . and the Comming man of Lawlesness the Anti-Christ head of the NWO . there was a book with words. humans decided what the words meant. the definition one gives to anything decide the reality that it self shall live out? this opulent prize of self creation, each has. the book is undefinable without one self instantly becoming the definition one define, IF one self define any occurrence written of within as a "bad occurrence", or "evil" thing... to that which sea. for to that which define, eat, it become what it self eat, define. in other words, all one thinks the book means of another, actually describe it self. and none of the things listed that "666" mean are "bad things"... they apply equally at all different times to all humans born on earth. defining the words within as telling of some "evil" only exist in the minds of brains with the mark of the beast... those that eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil... in other words, those who define all they hear and see as either good or evil, inducing data into two different sectors in the brain, effectively bypassing their own pineal glands capabilities, hence, these have the "mark of the beast", "666", in their brains wiring configuration... that data enter's the mind and just does "loops like a six", like an 8-track... creating the "lived out reality" of the subject who defines it as such. 3 "666" in a row, only means it's a set path, unchangeable by human efforts, to change the final outcome... as the "666" define the nano circuitry of the human brain it self. there is NO HUMAN that was ever born on earth that is not a "666". and as to "lawlessness"... these "with the mark of the beast", create their own "laws" of good and evil in their brains... try to "impose" by "force"... hence are of lawlessness. because their "laws" of good and evil in their brains create the world to be of more "lawlessness", or create "crime"... anyhow. anywho. anyway. peace "there was a book with words. humans decided what the words meant." ok humans decide words hey ? so if i say Chicken with the letters C H I C K E N you know what that means and i guess you would say theres some sort of intelligence in those letters ? Some body of intelligence put those letters together ? What about the 3.7 billion letters in the human genome ? we,ll put that down to blind chance . God decided what those letters meant , HUMAN . No your talking about the biblical 'mark of the beast' and '666' as mentioned in the BIBLE , so we need to go to the BIBLE fro its interpretation not phycology from laymen ? It is telking about the mark of satan , the jews used to paint there doorframes in lambs blood so the angel of death would 'passover' them that is where the passover came from , Jesus is the LAMB of GOD and we need his BLOOD to be marked as saved if not you will have the mark of the beast , and SATAN through the NWO in the very near future will as predicted FORCE Christians to renounce there faith ( This is being orchestrated now ) via the boogy man of Al-quada and ISIS ...Ppl will not e able to function in society umless they have this comming mark , buy or sell as described in the book of Reveltaion . It is a Mark of COMPLIENCE AND ALLEIGENCE , this will be the two sides described in Revelation , as Jesus said ' if your not with me your against me' So when we see the attack on religion gathering momentum , we know that prophecy is being fullfilled and the time is short ... When we look at world events from weather change to , societies moral decline it is all right on cue for the perfect storm described in the bible ... Satan is the God of this world .. 2 Corinthians 4:4 Has been since he decieved EVE , but just a little while longer some amazing things will take place on this planet ... Christians know it but 'everybody' can feel it ... Consider Jesus while you still have time . |
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Sat 01/10/15 05:04 PM
where do humans get their thoughts? from their brain. do not thoughts create all humans do? then the brain is each humans "own god"... in such all are than a "god"... as one self has the "most power", or is a god, over "it self" the term "god" was just one way of describing the elemental structure of the human species. thought patterns of the mind that provide "options" of creation... of give the self the choice to create. there is not a human born, that has any other gods, before it's own brain. to define word meanings into "some as holy", and some as "not holy", due to the chosen choice of creation of that being, is referred to as a elemental structure of thought of a brain of the "devil"... or that which divides it's own species into two groups, defining one group as being better than the other... hence, this mind frame will create a "waring" of the species against it's own kind... like lions eating other lions and their own young... so still in evolution as a more animalistic, or "beastly", or "devil" mind frame. anyhow "where do humans get their thoughts? from their brain." Interesting you say that as scientists do not know the difference between the BRAIN and the MIND , Consciousness from matter , thought is something given to us from our creator imo , along with morality , guilt , empathy etc etc ... just look at what is in one human cell or one animal cell for that matter , chance creates chaos 9.99.99 times out of 10 ... What science does is reduce humans to mere animal what God has done has shown man his brilliance , just under the Angels . |
Shadow People
I am curious with shadow figures. I watch a paranormal show which interviews people who have seem shadpw figures & some can make out features like cloths i've read a lot about shadow people, and still haven't figured out what they want/are doing... people say they see them, and it just stops there... if they are real, they don't seem to be doing much other than scaring people... I,ve seen 4 of them , at different times , on two seperate occasions one stood at the end of my bed and just observed me . On one other occasion two were ate the end of my brothers bed and seemed to be conversing to each other about my brother ... I beleive in God and assume they were demons (fallen angels) , there precence felt sinister , i was frozen with fear , but like you said they didnt seem to have intent on hurting me , and if i didnt wake i wouldnt of seen them , so i wonder how many times these things are present when people are asleep ? It cant be to scare people imo if that was the case im sure they could do more than just stand there ? Biblically we have enemies in dark places , enmemies not of flesh and blood but of spirit . When i saw them was when i came to my conclusion that God exists , ive never seen them since , and dont really care , they cant harm us . From what ive seen on the net , they seem to be caught as i caught them when i woke , they dont tend to hang around after being caught watching you ... i was thinking inter-dimensional beings... but i have no clue Biblically speaking God and the angels ( and the fallen angels/watchers) are outside of our time and space , so are from another dimension , outside of our Universe ...All paranormal comes from the ONE Source ( fallen Angels ) who are set on decieving mankind , UFO sightings the whole lot ... when you say god, what does that mean? if i went to another planet right now, just with the stuff i have in my pockets, and met up with a people advanced as our planet was 8000 years ago, i would be considered a god just by using my bic lighter... everyones idea of a god is a little different, as in what they know or don't know at the time... THe God that created ALL things the parts we understand and the parts we dont , not the annunaki who were really the fallen angels decieving early man ... The God of Abraham .The Alpha and Omega |
These are he Birth Pains of THe Return of Jesus Christ .
Matthew 24 : 3 - 14 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of BIRTH PAINS. "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come If 1000 yrs = 1 day we are at 11:59:59 , the last seconds of this worlds history and in the the last few prophecies in the bible . This prophecy mirrors todays world , Jesus spoke of a time unprecedented in human history , many many more even much more detailed thant this , Jesus said by looking at world events we wouold be able to tell how close it is . |
i shall explain mine once you answer and explain all you ask of others to explain and answer... since you are the one asking and demanding others belief's be incorrect based upon your own single brains version of correct. I,ve explained my views and position of belief . Im not ' demanding ' others beleifs based upon my single brain version of correct ? Note to self : Do not engage davidben1 in converstation again sheesh . |
Very well put. Sadly most Christians never read the bible from cover to cover and even worse most never look to the history before 2000 years ago. To bad if they did they would discover that the bible and the god in it they so badly want to believe in would be considered the worlds most jealous, psychopathic, narcissistic serial killer of all time. Worse than 1000's of times worse than Hitler and all others combined. Most people in this group talking against Atheist are talking out of their *** holes and know jack **** about it. I was a hard believer as a kid and as I got a work assignment back a fee years before the Arab spring in Egypt where I was able to get to visit the town of Luxor and first hand view carved in stone scriptures from 5900+ years ago that are all the same BS stories in the bible only diff is that the gods are star configurations. The Jesus story has been repeated dozens of times dating back to 4000BC. We are born programed to and reinforced by are parents when we are kids which blocks many people to dig deeper and research history. Religion is now falling and it is amazing how many ministers, priests etc. are Atheists and the clan they preach to weekly know nothing about it. Many that taken the time to read the bible cover to cover and then do some research discover that no historical records show the kings mentioned in the bible during such period 2000 years ago existed. The passover died and rose from the dead comes from the solstice cycle when winter moves to sprint and a 3 day hold cycle moves from a non growing season for food (dead/died) to the start of the growing season Rising up/Life again. Sadly the Vatican holds most the blame for the misleading of man kind and religion as it was them going back to 500 year and more that would kill scientists and destroy records that showed advancements in knowledge. All for the fear of risk that could destabilize believers and the followers. There is a reason a mass exodus is happening and that is people are starting to do historical background checks. clergyproject.org around 700 Ministers etc. are still preaching that are Atheists in hiding Another site with around 22,000 also . Plus the big secret (Freemasons, Illuminati and others are hiding is that they were privy to see lots of material that shows the biggest crutch that can be exploited an is fake is religions) Sadly the narcissistic within the groups will let many around think they are believers just for a self serving cause themselves.) It amazes me how many Christians believe but know nothing about the god they worship and have never done any historical background research. Scary. Christan religions stem off of Plagiarizing previous belief systems from the middle east and other areas of the world. Such as the Catholic faith and the sign of the cross adopted from pagan symbolism and faith's dating back to 2300BC along with doing the sign was also used as a group hypnotic suggestion phase from India around 800BC. Having a group make gestures together lowers the resistance level of those in a group. Where to start with this wall of misinformation ?? I suppose your talking about ISIRIS / SET and HORUS ? or MITHRA ? You need to look at some research , becuase Christianity is not a copy ... [Religion is now falling] Dont be so fast to cheer , 9/11 was orchestrated by the NWO to bring ppls attention to RELIGION , invent a bogey man , Al-queada , then ISIS , then it will be ISLAM , then CHRISTIANITY , it is planned and orchestrated to and for the gullible who swallow whole the illuminati agenda ( Satanists ) So while you are cheering the fall of religion . be forewarned this is predicted in the bible you so hate as one of the last prophecies , everyone will be sucked into the NWO with its one world government , one world religion and one world currency all cheering thinking the age of aquarias is here ... Then when you,s have willingly given away your freedom for'peace' you,s will then be turned on , there agenda (agenda 21) is to rid the world of 7 billion ppl , yup , this is the great tribulation predicted in the bible ... 10 commandments of the NWO #1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones Lucifer is pushing this planet to extinction and he has ppl in high places ... "Many that taken the time to read the bible cover to cover and then do some research discover that no historical records show the kings mentioned in the bible during such period 2000 years ago existed." Maybe you should have becuase i have , and inscriptions have been found for KING david and pontius pilate and he had 3 coin designs minted to commemorate the crusifiction of Jesus Christ , i had one in my possesion until i had to sell it , i researched them thourally before i purchased , minted in jeruselum aroun 29=30 AD. BTW dont use the catholics when discussing Christianity becuase they are not christian and the bible condemns them .... They are pagan to the core and Lucifarian ... I,ve researched this for 20 years , everything Atheists have put foward to debunk Christianity is groundless if they themselves want to do some in deapth research rather than just beleiving what 'other' atheist schollars are saying , groundless . The biggest Lie and accusation is God is a monster ? You have no idea about the mosaic law , abramic law or Jesus ... I doubt you,ve actually looked into this yourself it seems to me a typically parroted Atheist Argument , which is a copy of a copy .. People actually think Christians are Dumb , Christians who have faith without knowledge ie Just beleive what the church says , thats just dangerous regarding some cults etc ...Jesus said 'test ALL things' including the bible ... |
6 in the bible represents imperfection 7 perfection .
666 represents the opposite of perfection , the Devil . and the Comming man of Lawlesness the Anti-Christ head of the NWO . |
Shadow People
I am curious with shadow figures. I watch a paranormal show which interviews people who have seem shadpw figures & some can make out features like cloths i've read a lot about shadow people, and still haven't figured out what they want/are doing... people say they see them, and it just stops there... if they are real, they don't seem to be doing much other than scaring people... I,ve seen 4 of them , at different times , on two seperate occasions one stood at the end of my bed and just observed me . On one other occasion two were ate the end of my brothers bed and seemed to be conversing to each other about my brother ... I beleive in God and assume they were demons (fallen angels) , there precence felt sinister , i was frozen with fear , but like you said they didnt seem to have intent on hurting me , and if i didnt wake i wouldnt of seen them , so i wonder how many times these things are present when people are asleep ? It cant be to scare people imo if that was the case im sure they could do more than just stand there ? Biblically we have enemies in dark places , enmemies not of flesh and blood but of spirit . When i saw them was when i came to my conclusion that God exists , ive never seen them since , and dont really care , they cant harm us . From what ive seen on the net , they seem to be caught as i caught them when i woke , they dont tend to hang around after being caught watching you ... i was thinking inter-dimensional beings... but i have no clue Biblically speaking God and the angels ( and the fallen angels/watchers) are outside of our time and space , so are from another dimension , outside of our Universe ...All paranormal comes from the ONE Source ( fallen Angels ) who are set on decieving mankind , UFO sightings the whole lot ... |
Evolutionary flaws ....
there is no evolutionary flaw that will be perpetuated or exist in life, except the bad that self creates, that all the weakness of one self created, that one self blames upon the actions of others, those who one met in life, and decided to engage with, but truly, only engaged with in the hopes of finding who would only adore one self, and find one self guiltless. the never changing trait of the gullible, and those blind to them self. hmm , me no comprehend what you are trying to say ? you are a poet yes , but im not :-) So we create our reality , i got that , but what are YOUR views on evolution vs Creation ? save me re-reading your post's . |