Community > Posts By > Th3Dv8

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Wed 01/21/15 11:52 PM

John 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God's."


"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us....."

John 8:58

"Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I was!"

another Jesus was talking about himself NOT the temple mount .

John 2:19

Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." (A Metaphor)

Talking about being crusified and raising HIMSELF in three days , at the time they had no idea what he was talking about . Hence stupid religions assuming one of the prophecies is the 'rebuilding' orf the third temple?

There is NO need for a thrid temple Jesus is it , he was the ultimate sacrifice that the temples were used for hence the curtain ripping going into the holy of holies in the temple and earthquake at the time of his death ....

Study :wink:

There, I've fixed your quote.

It's GOD'S not GOD

Jesus said, 'I was.'

Don't forget in Colossians 1: 15- Where Jesus is the 'first born' of creation.

(That Which Is A Creation Is Not The Creator)

Totally agree with this 'mystery' Jesus said 'if you have seen me you have seen the father also .

'Father , Son and holy spirit and these three are one'

I Cannot get my head around it sheik , God is either 3 ppl/beings in one , or its a council of three ?

But Jesus also prayed to his father while on Earth , my explanation is this :-

Jesus as a man was showing us how to approach him when he returns to heaven , also on the cross , father father why have you forsaken me ?

Was it to show the vulnerabilites as a man and showing us that although we feel abandndoned Jesus Returned to heaven glorified and eternal ? Thats my take on it.

Jesus was GOD on Earth or as GOD is ? He was fully GOD but also fully human while here .

If i can't grasp The father/Son thing i dont tend to dwell on it , imo this is how i view it :-

God is so far above our intelect and what we call normal , 3 people in one as a creator doesnt make any sense to me atm , maybe it will when we meet him ?

It must imo be 3 ppl or beings in one becuase of Jesus's quotes , who also in Revelation says he is the alpha and omega also .

Revelation 22:12-14

"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.

Conclusion ?

Jesus is Equal to GOD created or Not .

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Wed 01/21/15 07:15 PM

So Mightymoe, is it possible that you've never done a controlled test to see if God and God's will being applied in your life will actually make any difference?

lol @ controlled test .

i,ve seen something supernatural at the end of my bed , something unique yet not uncommon , maybe if moe saw that he may be of a more open mind .

sheesh i gtg , you,s guys will keep me here all day , its beutifull outside , i gota get some sun ...enjoy your evening i wont be back on till probably about 1200-1am canadian ...

Catch ya's guys.

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Wed 01/21/15 07:09 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 07:12 PM
John 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."


"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us....."

John 8:58

"Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

another Jesus was talking about himself NOT the temple mount .

John 2:19

Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."

Talking about being crusified and raising HIMSELF in three days , at the time they had no idea what he was talking about . Hence stupid religions assuming one of the prophecies is the 'rebuilding' of the third temple?

There is NO need for a thrid temple Jesus is it , he was the ultimate sacrifice that the temples were used for hence the curtain ripping going into the holy of holies in the temple and earthquake at the time of his death ....(temple of the holy spirit as we are)

Study :wink:

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Wed 01/21/15 07:01 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 07:02 PM
Man i gtg bbl , do you yanks ever sleep lol what time is it over there ?

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Wed 01/21/15 06:58 PM

Should God be at Your 'Beck-&-Call' all the time or should it be the other-way-around?

God doesnt need us , we need him , think of it we are the most intelligent species non-supernatural it must of been a gamble ?

He hasnt given up on us , his intent is to 'promote' us as with the angels/eternity...

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Wed 01/21/15 06:56 PM

Noah's Ark is on Mount Judy in the Ararat Mountain Range, and I'd love to see the quote that Jesus claimed to be God.

lol if you dont know the quote , sry but i aint going to post it for you theres a few actually , surely if your a man of religion you would know them ?

you show me:tongue:

If you seriously dont know i,ll post them later ...

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Wed 01/21/15 06:53 PM
When i smack my children (i have twin boys aged 5) believe me it hurts me more than them , when i go to smack them they fear me , but a minute later they tell me and i tell tehm ' i love you '

I then tell them why what they did was not good , not becuase i dont want them to have any fun but becuase i see the danger , when i take the time to explain it to them , it gets through and they no longer do that , play with the frikkin pepper shaker lol or something...

NO , you never believe a religious leader , jesus himself said to 'test ALL things' i fear for christians who have what you call blind faith i think its dangerous , i am the biggest sceptic around and approached the bible with that same seceptisicm , for 25 odd frikkin years ive studied all off shoots that the journey has taken me , why ? Becuase i dont beleive what ppl tell me i HAVE TO KNOW .

I dont take my faith as blind i take it as an educated assumption from all things i have looked at ...The bible for one is a miracle actually 40 odd authors , different time periods , different ones who never met , predicted jesus's birth , place etc etc , and then what he would do ...

Its fluent from beginning to end ..

Its like getting 40 ppl to write a chapter each for a harry potter novel (not allowed to contact each other) then bring these chapters together to make a story and make sense (impossible) unless that Aurthor is GOD who through his angels told them what to write ...

It is a supenatual book , and i have found that by living by it i am so much happier , you know moe , i havent allways lived by my beliefs (i didnt get it) in my 20's , drugs , sex , sex and drugs was i happy NO it depressed me (is this all there is to life)
Sex without love left me empty , yes it feels great but what about after ?

Gods plan is for complete perfect happiness , i have seen both sides and studied for a long time , i now understand to some degree GOD and also SATAN ...

He is not one to fear , he hurts and wants everybody to come to him , but his justice requires disipline , he is perfect in both .

God knows you better than you know yourself , he knows your heart , your failures , struggles and fears , GOD who became man in every sense of the word became flesh to know us at 'our' level our temptations our fears , he himself allowed his creation to punish him with ALL the pain of the cross and the severe beating beforehand to save us from SATAN and keeping to his own rules of justice ....

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.....'

Psalm 139:15

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.


John 3:16

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

I gtg its 1:30 pm here in OZ , time for lunch and out to do some shopping , catch later...

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Wed 01/21/15 06:24 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 06:29 PM

have you considered the possibility that "god" could have been an alien race/being that visited Earth while man was in his infancy?

misunderstood technology could have swayed early mans opinion on god or gods...
Lol!! And who created the "alien race/being"? Why won't you surrender to Jesus? Isnt that better,safer and headache-saving? Time is of the essence!

you guys just can't stop with the creator thing, huh... like a never ending circle jerk with you bible thumpers...

No mate i look at it from 'outside' that cirlce BUT there has to be just (ONE) truth , i have looked at all theories , you know the thing that is ultimate proof that outshines all that even jesus said ? Even forgetting about the question of origins .

Prophecy , when i was looking at this in the late 80's i thought , no way , how the hell can these things happen in a mosly peacefull world , then came the 90's then 2000 , we have literally plumeted into the last pages of the bible EXCACTLY what the bible said the world would be like before jesus's soon return ...undoubtably...

its irrefutable and unmistakable and unprecedented in any time in history , and SCIENCE confirms it , we are in a mass extiction phaze , Mass animal deaths , bee's are becooming extinct (you do realize what this means?) Einstein said if bees become extinct mankind will follow 4 years later , sees truning blood red , the worldwide turn on religion . morality plumeting , that is scratching the surface....

Jesus said 'look i amtelling you beforehand so that when they happen you will know I AM who i say i am ...

John 13:19

"I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am."

It is without a doubt this is the unprecdented time GOD is going to take back his people , watch this space we havent seen nothing yet.

I am 100% sure becuase through the bible i know as does every christian excactly where we are in history and how close this is to going pear shaped .unprecedented .

yea, sorry, i'm not a firm believer in prophesies... predicting would be a better term for me... Einstein? he was a mathematician, not a bee keeper... i'm going to look for that, i never heard of him talking about bees and extinction level events..

the earth has had many ELE's, and they are not over, it's like a reset for life on the planet... but in your bible, didn't god say it wasn't going to kill off all life again, and sealed it with a rainbow?

About the rainbow

God said i will put a Rainbow in the sky to show you that agian i will never bring a world wide flood to the world ...

Genesis 9:13

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life

Regarding our time , the bible says it will be the worst extinction EVER in the history of the planet , the flood , it will be unprecedented and will never happen again

Matthew 24:21

"For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. 22"Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.…

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Wed 01/21/15 06:23 PM

Bees on brink of extinction , i dont know about you but i noticed about 5 years ago that ' i rarely see bees anymore'

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Wed 01/21/15 06:17 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 06:32 PM

have you considered the possibility that "god" could have been an alien race/being that visited Earth while man was in his infancy?

misunderstood technology could have swayed early mans opinion on god or gods...
Lol!! And who created the "alien race/being"? Why won't you surrender to Jesus? Isnt that better,safer and headache-saving? Time is of the essence!

That interests me ? A (and no respect to you moe i know you are genuinly interested in these questions) 5 yr old would ask 'where did the Aliens come from ?

I dont understand , GOD of LOVE makes so so much more sense regardless of the bible than Aliens , if it were Aliens they'd be back for sure ...

UFO/Alien sightings imo would be these same 'fallen angels' decieving mankind down yet another path 'away' form truth .

Have you seen this ? its not fake there is many videos from different sources

back for sure... how is that a sure thing? god doesn't show itself, why would aliens? and who said they ever left? isn't one of the first things the bible says is that it made man in it's own image? maybe instead of bringing us war, maybe they brought the concept of god/gods? look how the concept of higher beings has changed/evolved of the centuries, and how many different types of beliefs there are... every species on earth has "war", but we are the only one with a deity concept... (that we know of)...

i'll watch the videos soon, and let you know, thanks for posting them...

Well my take is this , if i saw god in HIS form he would be Alien ?
Not human , who knows what his actual form is . But he made man in his image , says we can know him through his creation by that we see his love , doesnt need space ships to fly around ...

His minion of angels and the devels angels could ALL be classed as Aliens ...He has said he IS GOD and without me there is NO other .

Why it is so hard to beleive in GOD is my question moe ? is it becuase of human suffering (god being ansent? i assume)
God said whatever we put up with now is nothing compared to what he is going to give back throughout eternity , it is SATAN that is doing the hurting , GOD had to allow the question to be answered ,
one third of the Angels followed Satan in rebelion , GOD had to answer it above board and not simply destroy satan , what of the other angels with their free will ?(was satan right , can we/mankind live without GOD?)

God created ALL with free will , but creating us and the world he knows whats best for us , i allways use the example of my kids , their intelligence compared to mine ...

They will walk on a road even tho they know cars also use it , they will walk into a surf completely oblivious to the dangers , yes they will grumble at me , but i can see the dangers and set guidelines ..

That is GOD , he wants us to be perfectly happy BUT he wants us to listen to him with free will becuase we trust he is for our good ..

Or be our own God with disaster , greed and the like to surely follow us forever , but as predicted there wont be a forever without god , he has allready seen the end and (no flesh will be saved)
We ourselves are going to make ourselves extinct ...

This is the answer the heavens needs , to nip this question in the bud ( Can man rule himself) God is Love and God is JUST ...

His justice the bible says ' god reprimands those he loves ''if god puts you back on track through a hard lesson , know that he allows you to learn a lesson 'because' of love ...

His Love and justice are perfect , Satans is selfish and he is not looking after our welfare , for one he is not capable .

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Wed 01/21/15 05:59 PM

have you considered the possibility that "god" could have been an alien race/being that visited Earth while man was in his infancy?

misunderstood technology could have swayed early mans opinion on god or gods...
Lol!! And who created the "alien race/being"? Why won't you surrender to Jesus? Isnt that better,safer and headache-saving? Time is of the essence!

you guys just can't stop with the creator thing, huh... like a never ending circle jerk with you bible thumpers...

No mate i look at it from 'outside' that cirlce BUT there has to be just (ONE) truth , i have looked at all theories , you know the thing that is ultimate proof that outshines all that even jesus said ? Even forgetting about the question of origins .

Prophecy , when i was looking at this in the late 80's i thought , no way , how the hell can these things happen in a mosly peacefull world , then came the 90's then 2000 , we have literally plumeted into the last pages of the bible EXCACTLY what the bible said the world would be like before jesus's soon return ...undoubtably...

its irrefutable and unmistakable and unprecedented in any time in history , and SCIENCE confirms it , we are in a mass extiction phaze , Mass animal deaths , bee's are becooming extinct (you do realize what this means?) Einstein said if bees become extinct mankind will follow 4 years later , sees truning blood red , the worldwide turn on religion . morality plumeting , that is scratching the surface....

Jesus said 'look i amtelling you beforehand so that when they happen you will know I AM who i say i am ...

John 13:19

"I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am."

It is without a doubt this is the unprecdented time GOD is going to take back his people , watch this space we havent seen nothing yet.

I am 100% sure becuase through the bible i know as does every christian excactly where we are in history and how close this is to going pear shaped .unprecedented .

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Wed 01/21/15 05:48 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 06:04 PM

have you considered the possibility that "god" could have been an alien race/being that visited Earth while man was in his infancy?

misunderstood technology could have swayed early mans opinion on god or gods...
Lol!! And who created the "alien race/being"? Why won't you surrender to Jesus? Isnt that better,safer and headache-saving? Time is of the essence!

That interests me ? (and no respect to you moe i know you are genuinly interested in these questions) a 5 yr old would ask 'where did the Aliens come from ?

I dont understand , GOD of LOVE makes so so much more sense regardless of the bible than Aliens , if it were Aliens they'd be back for sure ...

UFO/Alien sightings imo would be these same 'fallen angels' decieving mankind down yet another path 'away' form truth .

Have you seen this ? its not fake there is many videos from different sources

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Wed 01/21/15 05:42 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 06:02 PM

have you considered the possibility that "god" could have been an alien race/being that visited Earth while man was in his infancy?

misunderstood technology could have swayed early mans opinion on god or gods...

Yes i have considered that possibility moe , the conclusion i have came to is this :-

How can Aliens instill morals/concience ?

Where are they ? Why do they stay away when supposedly sighted only in the shadows ?

Amature astronomers which i am one have never sighted anything perculier .

If they were there is it ONE species or 'rival'species ?
If its more than one we would surely see the results of cosmic war .

JESUS claimed to be GOD .

The Bible explains these fallen angels visiting Earth , early civilizations called them annunaki , and teaching mankind the ART of WAR .
They were accredited with helping the Egyptions building the pyramids . GIANTS/Nephilim , some truly outstanding walls and builings around that we cannot build today and modern cranes cannot lift the weight now of some of these blocks .

And depictions of Giants working with the egyptions in carvings their (gods)

many other stories of giants/nephilim around the globe (gods)

fits in the bible very well , being able to take on 'any' shape some appeared as reptilian , others as human (as with the current stories of ex-illuminati members )

SATAN being the 'original serpent''that great dragon'

Watched the vid on Noahs Ark , interesting seen that aloong time ago tho , that sight they are looking at , does have petrified wood , steel studs , crossbeams etc they detected using ground penetrating equipment (but it could all be explained by other causes)allthough the stone anchors(there not really anchors as such-the ark had about a dozen of them on either side 'hanging' for stability)

I,ve seen the classified photo's i think that the airforce guy took along time ago unsure where .

It looked like the Ark as described in the bible , but it is covered with ice for the most part of the year , and the site , the turks fiercly defend (there is a station on Ararat) i think whatever is it they have claimed it for themselves (it could be nothing) locals can go look at it (arabs)

Whatever would be left ? how can it petrify in ice ? im unsure , to me it would mould and rot i dont know or would the ice preserve it being organic ?

Regardless if it us up i doubt it would ever be made public .
Satans illuminati run the world that being made public would be devestating to his deciet , ppl will die in numbers before allowing that to get out ...

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Wed 01/21/15 05:16 AM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 05:19 AM

ok i,ll bite ?

So you obviously need to see something to believe ?

Can you see your concience ? Can you see gulit ? Can you see gravity , oxygen , darkness :wink: , energy ?

Do you know what gravity or energy are ? NO dont say you do no-body does , we know what they do but we do not know what they are ...

Where did the design for the teapot come from would be my first question ? oh i got it , it just happened to be there . got it .

Your meme on your profile about 'rights' are not gifts , why do you think you should have rights ? by what standard do you measure your rights ? becuase you are a moral creation just like me and there hangs the Law of the prophets ...

I respect your rights and you respect mine and we will live peacefully as intended ...

hate to throw another scripture at you but

Mark 12 : 30-31

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: �Love your neighbor as yourself.�� There is no commandment greater than these.��

Jesus replaced ALL the laws in the Old testament to these two laws only . Listen to GOD and Love your neighbour ...

Respect his property , marriage and life as sacred as god intended ..

GODS laws are to protect you for your wellfare and that of your children ...

Why again do you assume you have rights ...?

Aghh we want the free will to own a Gun then blame god when our loved ones get killed by one ...(not having a go at gun owners i am one)

Just we cant have it both ways with free will , we need guidence , ultimate guidence from one who truly loves us and that aint the government ...

sry for the bold text i dont know how that happened ..

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Wed 01/21/15 04:49 AM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 04:58 AM

Read the PDF about Noah's Ark ...

I,ve seen that info before , its good that its taken seriously and documented imo .

IF it is still up there in one piece/pieces as the PDF said Ararat is most of the year Snow and Ice , so some sightings have been when there's a thaw .

Also Turkey , the sites that have been looked at the 'turks' refuse for anybody to excavate any of them .

The Ark of the Covenant is said to be in India ? Until i see them i wont believe any stories or rumors .

Like i said imo Noah would,ve used the wood to build shelters (why not ?) at that point it would seem the logical thing to do , or would he say 'na blow that they need to find this thing so as to believe'

So that would break it down to pieces of petrified wood at best , allthough so called ' anchors ' have supposedly been found ?

Same as Sodom and Gomora no ones found them yet , but im 100% sure they will someday .

Some have suggested in could be under the dead sea , who knows ?

And would that information be made public anyway ? I truly doubt it .

Yes the government likes religious ppl who abide by 'their' law but to show people tangible evidence of GOD a power 'above' them , then there's the whole (Satan rules this world)

His biggest deception is getting the world to beleive he doesnt exist , so i doubt putting the Ark on the table is a high priority ...

Who knows what will come to light in the future ?

S & G might have been wiped out by a meteor around 9000 years ago... there's some evidence of an event happening around that time...

Yes the theory being a meteor hit which threw up sulphur and brimestone into the air then back down on S & G ...

There is many instances where God has used Nature to Destroy , Not everything has been supernatural (Walking on water) ...

Some Geologists say there's evidence for a world wide flood some dont , so imo its not the evidence thats the problem but a pre-concieved personal viewing glass the person is looking through ...

Same could be said of the world wide flood ? Meteor impact Throwing ALL of Earths Ocean into the Air to Rain back down , followed by tsunami ? Same as the Red Sea Crossing , Scientists say ,as the Water receded for a tsunami it allowed Moses and the israelites to cross followed by the devouring wave ?Regardless the fact remains that many chariot wheels from the Reign of the pharoah at the time of moses ( the specific wheel design of that dynasty) have been found in a debri field (described as a scene of destruction)Along with other Artifacts , bones etc ...

Again No-one is allowed to take them from the sea floor , just photograph ? It is all interesting to me , becuase JESUS said by FAITH you are saved , jesus in regards his apostles said 'happy are you who see me , happier are they who dont see me yet believe '

My mum once said to me ' if they find Noahs Ark the churches would be full ' I really dont think so actually , Mankind enjoys being his own GOD unfortunatelly we are not smart enough to see the vanity of life ...

Churchil said ' The truth is hidden by a body guard of lies '

Just look at the twin towers ( they freefell ) it was clearly a controlled demolision , planes have hit steel framed buildings before the whole steel frame was left , the rest , gone ...
YET ppl believe the LIES they are told , it is dangerous ..

If Satan is the god of this world who through the elite illuminati run media spoon feed baby food to us bit by bit on a GLOBAL scale
and science who is owned by the same ppl who intern do not get grants continued unless (the desired results are given) feeds us false theories it is very important becuase ETERNITY is at stake and LIFE has NO meaning whatsoever , just animals to breed ? The world is symbiotic everything relies on everything else to survive , the trees give us oxygen in return we give them carbon ...

Bill gates who has interests in vaccine openly says ' if we do a really good job with vaccines we can REDUCE the popultation ?

How do vaccines reduce the population (what is in the fluvax?)

from 2.35 onwards - reduce the population by 10-15% ?? and who decides who gets the 'vaccine'?

There is speculation AIDs was created in a lab ?

why do these 'diseases' break out in africa ? Becuase no-one cares ?
testing on them ? unhygenic living conditions ?

To me The book the bible the Word of GOD gives me the answers to why the world is like it is both beutifull and abhorent , gives the meaning of life , death etc looking at the deception in the world , nothing surprizes me what man is capable of including the church , we are all fallen sinners living under a spirit of darkness that takes pleasure in seeing Gods children Raped ...

THIS is why GOD said do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , becuase when you do YOU will play GOD and decide whats good or evil ...

No thanks , GOD save us from ourselves and provide some rules plz ...

(ahh i hear ppl say , but we have rules) and if we break them we go to Jail ? BUT are not the prisons corrupt ? Are not the politicains corrupt ? surely all the bad ppl cant be in 'prison' ?

In Indonisia you get the death penalty for drug smuggling but you can bye magic mushrooms freely ?

Forget second chances ? Death ...cannot tell me the governments in the world dont have BIG stakes in drugs .

on another topic noway

Man the weather in Australia is weird atm , all over the shop , frikkin FEB and MARCH are going to be scorchers bet we reach 50 degrees celcius ....eeeek

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Wed 01/21/15 02:08 AM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 02:12 AM
Read the PDF about Noah's Ark ...

I,ve seen that info before , its good that its taken seriously and documented imo .

IF it is still up there in one piece/pieces as the PDF said Ararat is most of the year Snow and Ice , so some sightings have been when there's a thaw .

Also Turkey , the sites that have been looked at the 'turks' refuse for anybody to excavate any of them .

The Ark of the Covenant is said to be in India ? Until i see them i wont believe any stories or rumors .

Like i said imo Noah would,ve used the wood to build shelters (why not ?) at that point it would seem the logical thing to do , or would he say 'na blow that they need to find this thing so as to believe'

So that would break it down to pieces of petrified wood at best , allthough so called ' anchors ' have supposedly been found ?

Same as Sodom and Gomora no ones found them yet , but im 100% sure they will someday .

Some have suggested in could be under the dead sea , who knows ?

And would that information be made public anyway ? I truly doubt it .

Yes the government likes religious ppl who abide by 'their' law but to show people tangible evidence of GOD a power 'above' them , then there's the whole (Satan rules this world)

His biggest deception is getting the world to beleive he doesnt exist , so i doubt putting the Ark on the table is a high priority ...

Who knows what will come to light in the future ?

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Wed 01/21/15 12:14 AM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 12:24 AM

the reason we shouldn't ban religion is

freedom of speech
freedom of peaceful assembly and

oh yeah,, wait for it

freedom of religious expression

there is no feasible way to legislate peoples faith or enforce such legislation,, and no way to prevent them from congregating without crossing a very dangerous line

trying to combat the spread of values by imposing ones own to the exclusion of others is not a 'moral' thing to do,,whatever ones faith or lack of

Faith is actually possible without religion. No one is trying to destroy faith. The title of the thread regards banning religion (aka money hungry, less-than-ethical corporations that happen to get tax breaks, btw)... not faith.

I totally agree , Religion turns ppl away from GOD , yup sry gotta mention the Bible again grumble

The comming Prophecy is that the world is going to turn on Religion to wipe it out , the Bible says 'God will put it into their minds/Governments to deal his blow on religion )

Satan is the Father of Deception and uses Religion to turn ppl Against God , this video shows the POPE and Catholic Church singing to Lucifer ' Their God '

Go's for 3 mins

Or this one with the throne with an upside down cross ?

Catholics would of Course say its all to do with st-peter being crucified upside down ? Really everybody else seems to attatch it to Satan worship , AntiChrist , so begs the question why they would do it ...

Along with the pedaphilia rumors within the vatican ..

' the whore that sits on the seven hills (why a whore?) that fornicates with the kings of the Earth '

Revelation 17:9-20

This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated;The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth."
With a mighty voice he shouted:

"'Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!' She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit:For all the nations have fallen because of the wine of her passionate immorality. The kings of the world have committed adultery with her. Because of her desires for extravagant luxury, the merchants of the world have grown rich."Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "'Come out of her, my people,' so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues:for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.

I long to see the Roman Church Fall as does GOD ...

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Tue 01/20/15 11:43 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Wed 01/21/15 12:03 AM


If the only way you can argue your position essentially comes down to "because God/bible." Then just save your breath.

Because SCIENCE.

Archeologists have used the Bible to help them find Archeological sights etc as reliable information .I do not just say 'If i dont understand it therefore GOD did it nor do i or ever have taken the Bible on face value , i have picked it to bits from external sources , i have spent way to much time looking at different subjects and NOT accepting what the bible tells me , what i have found is when you labouriously spend time researching topics they allways seem to confirm what is there in black and white .

I am not someone who accepts the Bible as a young child and i dont ask anybody to do that either ' faith ' comes from researching alternitives , looking at the 'evidence' we have not hypothesis or science that go's outside of 'cause and effect''testable' and thinking hard about simple logic ?

I do not accept what scientists say about origin anymore than i accept what the bible says about jesus , i do the hard yards and spend time on historical evidence / forgeries / Early Rome ( i know so much about Ancient Rome now thanks to the bible -through external sources)

In Short i spen every single day and have done for the last 25 years studying and looking at all possibilities for the big questions of :-
(Yes i have a Life BUT if the bible and God are true it IS Priority # 1 )(All else is just going through the motions as the next person )
( Im the type of person who cannot just live life / I HAVE to know to the best of my Ability )

" how did we get here " only two months ago i went to Adelaide UNI to hear a Talk from a Scientist 'John Lennox " who has debated Dawkins and Laurence Krauss Etc on the topic of " Cosmic chemistry "
I do take things very seriously , you seem to presume i do .

If you want to say Science , imo Science supports the Creation account ...

The more Science is finding out the more my Faith in a creator is cemented , sorry if that offends you..

The Question of 'should we ban religion' Where do i sit ?

Jesus overturned the money makers in the synagogue (church) saying do not turn my fathers house into a market ....

I sit with him , i go to a non-denominational church to be with other christians , the truth is in The Bible not churches .....

Thats why when they do turn on Relgion it will be the POPE and the ROMAN CATHOLIC church which go's frist (babylon the great) in the bible ' The whore who sits on seven mountains( of Rome) her judgement is comming'

Yup , God has Allready judged the church , did you know the Bible calls the church the 'bride of christ' 'true believers' whoever they are in any church will be gathered to be saved , those that follow CHRIST , Not the church ...

ppl dont understand that the bible is anti-religious , the Catholic Church / The synagogue of Satan will be dealt with ...

I am currently reading a book by John Lennox , Mathematician and have two more sitting here , i watch endless Science Documentaries , its all i watch actually ...

I could give most scientsits a good conversation (Not Bragging) My Brother in-law is an organic chemist and he has no-idea of Broader Science , it boggles my mind ...

I say do you know Richard Darkins ? NO , Laurence Krauss ? NO huh ?
Stephen hawking ? Yes , thank god ...

Why do i spend so much time on it ? I find it fascinating , so much to learn in so many fields and so little time , i love it ...

I Collect Fossils and have allways been an enthusiastic Collector and Gold prospector , i love Geology and the list go's on :smile:

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Tue 01/20/15 10:43 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Tue 01/20/15 10:49 PM
" so you just quoted that i'm your enemy?... hmmm "

No your not my enemy mate , that was a Quote was from God/JESUS ...

This world is ruled atm by SATAN , we are told to be no part of the world for that reason .

And when pilate asked Jesus if 'you are a king ? ' Jesus answered with a question ' is it YOU asking or others ?' He said it is the jews that say you are a king .

Jesus said ' Yes i AM a king but my kingdom is not of this world , otherwise my servents would of fought for me '

John 15:19

'If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.'

John 17:16

'They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.'

AND Luke 4:5

(in regards to jesus's tempatation by Satan)

So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time.+ 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me,+ and I give it to whomever I wish.

He Could not offer what was not his and Jesus did,nt dispute Satan in saying the world was his . The minute Satan decieved Adam and Eve , God had to allow Satan to prove his point ' CAN MAN LIVE WITHOUT GOD ' So Satans attempt is shown through the holocaust and WARS , diseases , poverty , crime everything that Satan doing his very best to get man to stand without GOD has failed miserably ...

Satan was one of Gods closest Angels but he has no-where near the power of GOD but SO much more power than us .

This world is the devils , cannot ppl see this ??

The beutty of the planet contrasted with Rape , pedaphilia , cancer and hopelesness ? GOD intended mankind to live forever on a paradise Earth , mankind and Animal in unison ...

This world :-( After God has destroyed Satan for decieving mankind)

Isaiah 11:7-9

7:Also the cow and the bear will graze, Their young will lie down together, And the lion will eat straw like the ox. 8 : The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra, And the weaned child will put his hand on the viper's den. 9 : They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the waters cover the sea.…

Satan Question of GODS right to rule is being answered now in THIS world of hate for all eternity . Satan knows his sentence which is extinction , he is more than angry he is cornered , robable and his only intent now is to take GODS creation down with him , GOD has allready given the outcome on that , things will be scarey , BUT knowing just how much more powerfull GOD is compared to Satan , if we fear what Satan is doing and soon to do , it is nothing compared to Armageddon ....

When the heavens themselves will roll up like a scroll , the earths axis will reverse , one earthquake will flatten 'every' building on the planet ( all predicted )

And Jesus will defeat Satan with his mere breath .

There is Two sides ( no fence sitters ) We love this life and how ppl use their free will or we hate it ...

I hate it .

I will look at the noahs Ark stuff in a bit , cheer's ...

But from what ive seen of FALSE ark discoveries is just that ,false , as with Alien sightings , imo Noahs wouldve used the wood of the Ark for buildings , and no-body knows for sure where it landed ,The Bible says on the MOUNTAINS of Ararat ...

Does it matter if they,ve found it or not ? in all seriousness Science would pick it to pieces and say a tsunami or Earthquake put an ' Ancient vessel ' up there , they have found sea shells on Ararat , that doesnt prove anything either ...

In All honesty imo , if The yanks can bring down towers upon their own ppl , if they can fake a moon landing and fool the masses ANYTHING is possible ...

The CIA of all ppl , Mohammud Atta was a CIA operative (twin towers)
and ISIS are a CIA invention ...Look at some ex-CIA whistle blowers interviews on youtube

Flight 93 , the pilot who shot it down is still in prison (if still alive ) chenney ordered military Aircraft to stand down ??

Satans World / FBI/CIA are run by Lucifarian illuminati

They openly worship SATAN and some of their top officials are Actually as an illuminati whistleblower said possesed by demonic spirits directly .

I allways wondered how Excactly did SATAN rule the world 'being a spirit ?' Now i know ...

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Tue 01/20/15 07:47 PM
Edited by Th3Dv8 on Tue 01/20/15 07:49 PM