Community > Posts By > Easygoing14U

Easygoing14U's photo
Mon 07/27/09 06:19 PM

Easygoing14U's photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:33 AM
More people die on a Monday than any other day of the week. Ban it !!

Easygoing14U's photo
Thu 10/23/08 06:26 PM
I wouldn't know for certain but if I were to take a guess I'd say it was related to identity theft and personal safety.

What you think of as personal info may be OK but another person posting may not have your sensibilities, so everything is banned to cover all bases.

A little info here, a little phishing there...who knows what bad stuff may happen?

I work at a C.U. and I have seen it all. You really do not want to know.

Easygoing14U's photo
Sun 10/19/08 08:52 AM
Edited by Easygoing14U on Sun 10/19/08 08:55 AM

It just goes to show how hateful the left is in their GOP witchunts. Expect more of the same if they get elected. I have experienced what life with DEM majority is... only there is no press to come out screaming like a bunch of lunatics when LIB DEMS break the same laws they legislate.

PLEASE! Don't talk to me about's a one way street with democrats. They like to point fingers. the only thing good about a win for them is they will now have to lead...come up with ideas that actually work!!!! Instead of blaming others that is.

Then they will have to live with the outcome.

I find the GOP much quicker to point the paranoid finger- but that's OK.

I take majority to mean the ability to pass any law or legislation you chose without opposition to block it. You have never experienced what life is with a DEM majority - just as we have never experienced life with a rebuplican majority - due to checks and balances.

The best thing that could happen for this country: a complete landslide on all levels. Because then there would be no one to blame but themselves when things screwed up. And I would bet every dollar I have that neither party really wants that much power because they both do like pointing fingers.

Easygoing14U's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:47 AM
What happened to the days of 'sticks and stones may break my bones..."?

Don't get me wrong. I believe what was done to be 'low road' and 'rabble rousing' but hate.... come on.

I wonder what this country would be like with honest politicians who could say what they mean and treated the electorate as capable of making up their minds on issues instead of emotions?

And that goes for both sides.

Easygoing14U's photo
Mon 10/13/08 08:46 AM
Please close the bathroom door. That's a mood killer.

Easygoing14U's photo
Sun 10/12/08 07:47 PM
For sure it was not you. The world is full of all different sorts. Take it from me cause I've seen the best and worst walk into my office over the years.

Consider the reply you got as a blessing that things didn't go any further.

Easygoing14U's photo
Sun 10/12/08 07:36 PM
Best invention since the internet is online banking. Before that - color tv. And befor that - alcohol

Easygoing14U's photo
Sun 10/12/08 12:26 PM

most men are pigs,
but there's a select
few of us who are gentelmen

I think even the gentlemen have some repressed pig in them. It's a question of what we chose to think with. Our head and heart or our other head (which has no heart).