Community > Posts By > sail2awe

sail2awe's photo
Fri 08/14/09 06:04 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Fri 08/14/09 06:10 AM
The Biblical usage of Words are defined, not by Websters, but by Words the Holy Spirit teacheth. That means we must look them all up in every occurrance if we desire The Holy Spirits interpretation.

We find that, not everyone, as far as the Bible is concerned, are resurrected on the earth, nor in the heavenly city, nor in the super heavenly places. Abraham looked for a BETTER resurrection, BETTER promises, a BETTER hope, a BETTER country that is heavenly (in it's attributes), &c &c &c.

We read that there are things that are more excellent, and that Abraham, although he physically walked the land of promise, did not build himself a home, rather, he preferred to be a tent dweller and wait for something BETTER. Abraham is one of the overcomers, we learn in Hebrews 11.

Paul wrote that Truth, that is, The Word of God, must be rightly divided (2 Tim 2:15).

If one thing is better than another thing, then they cannot be the same!

So we find at least these three spheres of blessing, the meek shall inherit the earth, BETTER - the overcomers out of a certain called out group (no one can just join it) are seen as inheriting that heavenly city which also comes down to the earth, while BETTER - the third sphere of blessing is super heavenly, or, up in the heavenly places, and one Paul writes as having been 'hid in God' (not hid in the OT), and 'hid from ages and from generations but now' made known (after Acts sees (28:28) the Hebrews blinded and The Salvation of God SENT to the nations who shall here it).

Each one of these called out companies have their own instructions, their own hopes, blessings, adoption, and sphere of blessing. The practice for these instructions are different because the instructions are different.

Today these instructions are wildly mixed together, and causes great confusion in the proper application of what one should practice.

Paul, in 2 Tim 1, has already stated to 'hold fast the form of sound words'. What are these sound words?

One of them is translated 'knowledge', however, in most cases it is truly the word acknowledgment.

That great spiritual foe that meet head on within the first few pages of Scripture does not want anyone to acknowledge these differences. He likes it when things are all mixed together as if they are the same.

Again, if one thing is better or more excellent than another thing, then they are different. They are not the same. We need to rightly divide the Word of Truth, and allow for the differences that God Himself acknowledges.


sail2awe's photo
Fri 08/14/09 05:48 AM
Evolution is not even compatible with it's own premise, and certainly not with general mathematical principles, for example:

Excerpt from an article by Mark Nash:

Amino Acids

Consider an interesting fact of science: the existence of “levo-amino acids.” Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are necessary for life. They normally exist in two mirror-image forms, referred to as dextro for right and levo for left. One amino acid in protein, for example, is thymine. In INORGANIC (non-living) material, whether found in nature or produced in the laboratory, it is found in equal amounts of dextro-thymine and levo-thymine. The only noticeable difference in the two is the way light is rotated, either to the left or the right, when passing through the amino acid molecules. The same is true of the other amino acids. All inorganic material contains equal amounts of dextro- and levo-type molecules.

In LIVING things, however—both plant and animal—every amino acid molecule found in proteins is of the levo variety only. Not one dextro-amino acid is to be found among them. A moderately sized protein may be made up of a chain of 400 levo-amino acids. For one molecule in such a chain to be levo is a one in two chance, for two in a row is a one in four chance and for three is a one in eight chance—if determined randomly. This is simple probability, as we discussed earlier.

For 400 in a row to be all of the levo type is a probability of 10 to 120th power, if written out, this would be a one with 120 zeros after it. Said another way, the odds of such a random formation is a thousand billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion to one. But believing evolutionists will remark, “It could happen.”

Numbers this large don’t really have much meaning, as it is not possible to comprehend their size. So, let’s get some perspective. It is estimated that the known universe consists of a total of 10 to 80th power of atoms. So the chance against one modest-sized protein having all levo molecules is 10 to 40th power times greater than the total number of atoms in the universe!

The figures we have been looking at are for one amino acid. A human genome is made up of about 3.2 billion pairs of these molecules, and there is not even one that is of the dextro type.
Such figures put evolution beyond the realm of improbability. Evolution is an impossibility.

sail2awe's photo
Mon 08/10/09 05:36 AM
zone alarm phones home regularly, and not to check on updates either, for that server is different that the one it phones home to, moreover, when brought to the attention of za, they denied it rather than explaining what it might be doing,

so avg free if for no other reason - avg works just fine

sail2awe's photo
Tue 10/28/08 11:20 AM
I have no idea if the thread holder is searching in truth and in love, or if it is posted for instigation, regardless:

There is only ONE Book that speaks the future before it happens, is never off even a little tiny fraction of a bit. So read all the feel good books first, then look into that ONE Book which declares the end from the beginning, telling YOU things before they happen for the stated purpose of YOU knowing that HE IS.

Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God (God-Breathed), and is profitable for
(1) doctrine (grade school learning), for
(2) reproof (to prove again that you passed the grade school test), for
(3)correction (re: the answers you got wrong), for
(4)instruction in righteousness (how to graduate to college level equivalence).

sail2awe's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:47 AM

delete your msgs.

Now there is a practical woman.

sail2awe's photo
Sun 10/26/08 06:44 AM
I think it is very important to know the difference between falling in love with love and falling in love with a person.

Many of us in our youth, or at least for me, lol, fell in love with an idea, and that idea was the idea of love. And yes, it is true that a person helped turn on that place in my heart. But as it worked out (surely I am not alone in this), it was not the person I fell in love with in my youth, but love itself.

The love is still there, but the person is gone God Bless her.

It is so difficult to be certain.

Just sharing a thought on such a serious commitment.

Whatever you decide, the very best of fortune is desired towards you both.

sail2awe's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:55 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Wed 10/15/08 05:57 AM
I might add too, that even Google is giving notifications about links to websites that auto load spyware and other wares onto the computer before it allows them to be visited from the search engines site.

All one need do is look in there offline files and temporary files to see just how much stuff gets downloaded when a page is visited. And that is just the obvious stuff. Does not even take into account php injections into hidden and locked files, and that's just for starters.

Code can easily be injected into photos and links as well.

Additionally, once inside the local pc, on the way out the program makes a call to the firewall to say, see you when I get back, and the firewall will let it back in along with all it's friends. To think someone cannot write some code that will install in the background is just being gullible.

So be careful out there people. Personally, I don't even hover my cursor over links when on a page, I go around them.

I would urge each and every one of you to try that leaktest tool to see if your pc is just leaking out anything to anywhere that some program might call. Most will be surprised at bad their pc leaks data flow, allows programs to use other programs to 'phone home' and download stuff.

sail2awe's photo
Tue 10/14/08 09:07 AM
I don't repair them, I fix them. I am an anti-hacker, that means I get hired to hack into corporate nets, find security leaks, and harden everything.

I did not mean to attack anyone, just to explain that things run on the pc when we visit a web page. The proof is that you can see their web page on the local pc. They have to download their 'stuff' in order for us to see their pages, period. And if they are putting 'stuff' on our pc, then they are putting 'stuff' on our pc, period. It doesn't matter if they use scripts, buffer overflows, or whatever. It is not hard to be malicious if that is the goal. It is much harder to harden the pc against all comers.

That's my story and I'm stickN to it.

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 05:51 PM
Edited by sail2awe on Mon 10/13/08 05:53 PM
Just so you know...multiple screens presents an addition issue in Linux.

try the tool mentioned in the above 2 posts, it is easily uninstalled (via add/remove programs) as it creates no hard partitions.

I recommend Kubuntu over Ubuntu because of a more windows based menu type style, providing the nubee a modest degree of ability right away.

Linux is fast, not always on the load, but it is faster, never fragments, &c &c

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 04:55 PM
Edited by sail2awe on Mon 10/13/08 05:05 PM
very true all of the previous post is agreed. Photoshop does run under wine now, for awhile actually.

Moreover, vmware provides and windows based machine which runs on top without the partition factor. good to test something like this before doing it for real

it is difficult to uninstall the Linux partition.

it is hard to set it up if you have no experience with them.

Linux forums are notorious for giving you an answer within minutes, so the answers are available readily.

there is a platform that installs in windows add/remove rather than the hard partition, try it, it is fantastic tool:

You really want a full version of Linux distributions, otherwise, as stated in the above post, you'll be missing drivers that you cannot find or install easily.

BTW, I don't mind helping others when I have the time, so if anyone needs some help they can visit my mailbox no problems ~ I'm a fairly serious geek (but not geeky)

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 04:26 PM
Edited by sail2awe on Mon 10/13/08 04:27 PM
IMO, disable media player and use some open source, like
AND look to for some alternative resources, for example, realalt, which has no spyware and does not have a home phone to phone home to.

check all the boxes when installing vlc. it plays everything, even flv files, but real player files, hence the alt above ~ vlc is a web streaming server platform that has no frills, but allot of power and zero spyware ever, unlike Micro$oft's Media Player and most others...

also, i put up some make firefox faster settings on one of these recent threads, soryy, don't have the link for that handy.

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 04:13 PM
Edited by sail2awe on Mon 10/13/08 04:21 PM
if you have a wireless router then some is using it. you need to do 3 things if this is the case,

1 encrypt it using an unbreakable password

2 create a dedicated ip address and turn off some system services.

3 and most equally important - wep can be cracked in less than a minute. you want wpa. and turn off your SSID broadcast. you can learn more about your router at

or you could have a laptop and both the wireless is active and the LAN is active with the same ip's ?

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 04:04 PM
Edited by sail2awe on Mon 10/13/08 04:49 PM
1) YOU CANNOT get a virus from roaming websites... You must install somthing for it to be on your computer... simply going to a site will not give u a virus...

I don't want to do anything but expound on the premise here by reminding everyone that 'active content', whether FROM your local pc, or FROM the web, is 'active' because you have already given it permission to download something (your keystroke or mouse movement on the screen / or, folder contents, or...), otherwise we would not be able to see it at all. If it can download to the screen FROM your pc - OR FROM the web, then something has obviously happened, and this is how people get hammered by malicious websites. And some things you cannot see!!!

Even if I click on the 'X' rather than selecting 'install', that 'X' could have been also programmed to close the window while installing something. Once our signal goes out to someplace (my pictures folder or the web either one) the computer if its a local call, or the router if it's a web call - we expect a response and that is when we get into trouble because our pc if local, or router if web, is not only expecting a response, it welcomes the response. And web wise, that is because the way tcp/ip is designed. And it is this design which allows both our good experiences, as well as those promoted by malicious people who abuse these foundational computer principles, which allow us to be here on the web at all. So harden your security.

Many people believe that they have a good firewall installed. Maybe. If your pc can call out, the incoming signal cannot be easily stopped, if at all.

To see if your firewall works, use this tool to see if your pc leaks information that you cannot stop (it doesn't install it just calls out as a test and if very safe, see the site)

To make this easy...if I move my cursor over a link, or a hidden object on a page, I have signed a legal waver to let them do something that is headed my way. It might be just a link that turns a color, it might be spyware, but by passing my cursor over the link, it has permission to do whatever it is designed to do.

IMO, a persons security cannot be too hardened.

So the real question becomes, why does anyone get pop ups at all? I don't get them and I don't need to use any pop up blockers !!!

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 02:57 PM
send me a hijackthis log and i will help you

sail2awe's photo
Mon 10/13/08 07:10 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Mon 10/13/08 07:23 AM
there is a free tool called process explorer you can download for free, which replaces the taskmanager along with it's inherent inadequacies big time.

I agree with running vmware, it's a smart move. I am an anti-hacker, but could not really see much but arguing over who is smarter on this thread. sort of shame really.

bottom line, bots do the hacking, the person only looks at what is spit out on their printer after the firewall or whatever has been breached, unless it is just a malicious site visit in the first place, then it is also too late there 2.

ransonware is not that hard to get rid of, make certain you turn off system restore and del the hibersys file or the problem will often return.

avg free is a good program, but it competes with others, many of which are also spyware, crapware, or some kind of wares - which means the pc needs to be cleaned up from excessive programs before work is attempted...

test your browser, not your isp, at

firefox needs to have noscript installed, and then:

Firefox's configuration is a long list of keys and values. To view this list, type about:config into the Firefox address bar. Then, enter the name of the key you want to update in the "Filter" field.

type refer, and change the default (2) to 0 in the referer so FF will not show where you have been and how many times you have been there.

Tab width modification:
* Key: browser.tabs.tabMinWidth
* Modified Value: 55 (fit in more tabs before overflow enables scroll)
* Alternate Modified Value: 0 (disable scroll entirely)
* Default: 100

Firefox has this wacky little feature that downloads pages from links it thinks you may click on pages you view, like the top result on a page of Google results. This means you use up bandwidth and CPU cycles and store history for web pages you may not have ever viewed. Creepy, eh? To stop that madness, set the network.prefetch-next key to false.

* Key: network.prefetch-next
* Modified Value: false

Speeding up firefox for broadband:
Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to 8.

Limit allowed cookies to those set by the originating website can use about:config to modify the preference network.cookie.cookieBehavior to "1".

layout.spellcheckDefault=2 will enable spellcheck for text inputs, not just textareas.

TOR (for those of you who make your own proxies)

First, open Firefox's advanced settings menu by running about:config
from the address bar. Upon entering this address, you will see a long
list of internal settings. Modify the following ones and set them to
the suggested values shown here for maximum performance:

network.http.keep-alive.timeout:600 (300ms default is OK usually, but
600 is better.)
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy:16 (Default is 4)
network.http.pipelining:true (Default- false. Some old HTTP/1.0
servers can't handle it.)
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests:8 (No default)
network.http.proxy.keep-alive:true (Default- true, but double check)
network.http.proxy.pipelining:true (Default- false)

Afterwards, just restart the browser and experience the difference

If your pc is set up correctly, security hardened, then when testing your browser, well, mine reads, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, English, and Excellent.

What does yours read?

Turn off third party cookies in IE and FF.

sail2awe's photo
Sat 10/11/08 07:48 AM
get kubuntu, tis friendly and runs many micro$oft programs such as photoshop, &c.

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