Community > Posts By > europeanimport7

europeanimport7's photo
Wed 01/29/25 01:27 AM

Tarnished legacy worse president of USA.

Where is Bart when you need him, would Toddy say, lol. Oh my, those brainwashed Orange Guru followers are something, lol. Nice to look from the outside in, what a chaos and drama........ Got my popcorn ready, keep it flowing worshippers of the Guru!

europeanimport7's photo
Mon 11/04/24 01:41 PM

I swear to you, I am very tired.. Moments ago, I was crying to my friend and telling him about the bad relationship I went through... Why do men so have problems with being honest with themselves and others and being a real man?!

I'm tired of being single. I'm a 35 year old woman... How long will I stay single and keep wishing to marry a loving, caring, honest, respectful, romantic, clingy, kind-hearted, family-oriented man?!!! 🥺:disappointed_relieved:

Why do I find it so hard to find a real and honest man?! What's wrong with you man to be honest with yourself and others? Ha!:triumph::sweat:

I want a serious relationship that ends in marriage.. Where can I find this real man in this scary time?!:sob::persevere::sweat:

Well, you are complaining like a baby here. I sent you a nice direct message but you didn't think it is necessary to reply. Even I am not the one you are looking for, you could at least be so kind and reply, saying thank you for your efforts but you are not my type, age or whatever.
Work on yourself before you keep complaining about others.
Just wanted to get that off my chest!

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 11/03/24 09:14 AM
Every woman has the same societal role all over the world, period.
The only problem is that many countries do suppress the societal role of women. Look what happened in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over again, women are seen as less valuable, raised to be child bearers and housewife's with no education to keep them from revolting.
I feel bad for these women and hope that one day all people in this world are equal!

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 11/02/24 04:07 PM
In other words, I am looking for a mommy to house and feed me aside from ..........., lol.

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 11/02/24 04:05 PM
Spar Dir Dein Geld!

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 11/02/24 04:04 PM

Lathered into minions
by lies and spittle
coup coup caws
cuckoo madman.

Gallows stood
America teetered on the brink,
a swinging noose hung
to snap the neck of the Veep.

Flocking from coops
or coupe deville's,
dodo's scratched and scuffled
clawing into the hill.

Bird-brained maneuver
brain dead scheme,
walls smeared with feces
zombies going extinct.

Citizens turned mobsters
all-the-while the Don gloats,
flagpoles as weapons
intruder shot in the throat.

The cuckoo madman's
coup campaign failed.
He's out golfing
his dodo's are in jail.

Finally a good and truth reflecting poem, congrats techno!

europeanimport7's photo
Wed 08/14/24 03:18 PM

How to talk to men and at 43 it's just weird. I'm like bridgette Jones, how can I get better at this so I stop scaring them of. :tired_face:

I know it sounds cheesy but you are probably scaring a lot of men with your extensive face piercings. Without saying a word it does communicate to anyone who might consider chatting you up that you are not open to let anyone close. It's a psychological thing. Maybe it's just me thinking that but at least you know.

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 06/08/24 04:23 AM

how to find my password

Behind the sofa, did you check there?

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 06/08/24 02:43 AM

love is a part of life and marriage is a communication to share our feelings for our partner..

Yes, love is a big part of life but I disagree that marriage is a way of communication. I communicate much better when I am not married, lol. There are other ways of communicating your love!

europeanimport7's photo
Wed 11/29/23 01:44 AM

@ europeanimport7

Jehovah God gives man Free Will.

Study your Bible if you have one.

Everything bad is not something God did.

The Fall of Man caused Sin in this World.

Evidently you don't understand Scripture.

I don't have a bible and never will have one. It's too easy for all of you to say "God doesn't do this or that, it's the evil man doing it"
If God would exist and be the "almighty" as he is praised to be, there would be no evil in this world.
Have some common sense, open your eyes and see what's going on!
It's too easy to escape into the world of religion and pray to something that doesn't exist just to have some inner peace.

Humm but yet you profess to be a Catholic and don't believe in God..

If you are not a Christian why are you posting in this forum?? slaphead

Unless you have on your profile what your Religion is you cannot even post in this forum..

You are funny Tex Gal. Does that mean I can only post if I agree with what's written? I don't think so. I am born in a Catholic Family and paid many years taxes to the church. I know it's unheard here but in some countries in Europe the deduct church taxes from your paycheck. But that's not the reason why I lost my faith, I explained that in my first post.
Anyway, you guys and gals keep believing that there is "someone".
We will see who will wake up one day and realize the truth.
Good luck to all of you and don't be sinners, he might punish you, lol.

europeanimport7's photo
Tue 11/28/23 01:36 AM

@ europeanimport7

Jehovah God gives man Free Will.

Study your Bible if you have one.

Everything bad is not something God did.

The Fall of Man caused Sin in this World.

Evidently you don't understand Scripture.

I don't have a bible and never will have one. It's too easy for all of you to say "God doesn't do this or that, it's the evil man doing it"
If God would exist and be the "almighty" as he is praised to be, there would be no evil in this world.
Have some common sense, open your eyes and see what's going on!
It's too easy to escape into the world of religion and pray to something that doesn't exist just to have some inner peace.

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 11/26/23 02:22 PM

We should tell the Lord God we love Him.

People should be lead by the Holy Spirit in Praying within God's will not our own.
People who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus haven't a clue what that really means.

Many people are just Religious they don't really know Jesus.

Psssst, let me tell you a secret, there is no God.
If there would be one he would make us love each other unconditionally, there would be no wars, no child rapists and murderers, no racism, no corruption, just love and peace on earth. Religion, no matter which fate is made up for profit, no more, no less. Think about it!

europeanimport7's photo
Mon 11/06/23 11:38 AM


Do you mean Salami?

europeanimport7's photo
Sat 09/16/23 03:44 PM

I have more belly than button, so that's not gonna work 🤣

Well, someone made you having a baby or even more than one. So there is something he was attracted to. I know you heard that many times but smiling can seduce a man, you need to practice a bit, lol. Good luck!

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 08/20/23 03:22 PM

It is, over 4000 fakes and counting I have reported in the last 2 years. Has become a game to me when I am bored I look at the latest 50 or so fakes that "match" me and report almost every one.

Hardly any get banned but of course it is totally natural for a woman that is 18 to want to match a 60 year old man half way around the world or even 4 hours away? LOL

Total BS but hey something to do while I watch mold grow and paint dry.

Be careful with your criticism, the police is watching and will make sure your post is deleted, lol.
You know who you are, right?

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 07/30/23 03:11 PM

They take woman like us for granted because we show too much love to people that don’t deserve it

What do you mean with "women like us"?

europeanimport7's photo
Tue 06/20/23 03:03 PM

someone rate me please :pray: :slight_smile:

Nice *** ets and pictures. Just missing the emotional intellect.

europeanimport7's photo
Sun 05/14/23 02:13 PM

for me love of God is the best.but her in online we cant trust too much coz i learn that my past can hurt me only,i am serous to commit a people unhonest is not good coz im bigging him always from the end he well not accept.we need to consider our langguge capacity for being and understanding.

I do not understand this.

"For me God is best" ok

"But her in online can't trust too much" Who is her because you talk about a him and your picture has a male and female in it.

"I am serious to commit a people unhonest" So you want to commit to liars?

"Not good cause you I am always bigging him up" Bigging who up? cause you still have me confused to "Her in online"

"We need to consider language" Yes we really do, we need to consider what we are saying so people can understand what you are saying. I do not currently.

I am seriously trying to be patient, but I am struggling to understand who her and him in written in the context you have put it.

I mean, this comes as across as a rambling thought. I can't make mind up if you are drunk or speak or English isn't your first language. I am not normally bothered about grammar, but the combination is blowing my mind.

Well, if you still have some braincells left (according to your profile) then you should know that her first language is not English. Give people a bit of room to make mistakes when they write in a foreign language. You should know that the word you are bashing (her) is here. You should also know that when she says bigging that she means begging.
So please try to be a bit more open minded if you can, if not then don't bash people when they make grammatical errors.

europeanimport7's photo
Mon 05/08/23 03:07 AM

Please tell us what the Conservatives are doing to fix your problems

The Republicans? They're doing the same
jack and schitt, as the Democrats.
A whole lot of nothing.

Conservatives? I miss real conservatives.
But, there aren't enough of them in office,
to even be noticed anymore.

Trumpster dumpster? He's an azzclown
carnival barker. Lifelong loony leftist
Democrat, until 2015. Shortly before
announcing his candidacy on the Republican

Kudos to Trump, and his liberal friends,
for destroying the national Republican party
from within.

Looks like finally the two of us do agree on something. I like your post and you are spot on. Looking in from the outside but very keen on observing American politics.
Keep it rockin.....

europeanimport7's photo
Thu 04/27/23 02:41 PM

My posts are not negative but truth telling. Most of them are censored anyway. I am surprised this one wasn't, yet.


I'm gonna call B.S. on this one.

Cool, your opinion matters, thank you!

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