Community > Posts By > breathless1
Potato Chips.
Cape Cod Sea Salt & Vinegar!
Love 'em! ![]() |
Yes, I would, but I think I would be hard pressed to find another woman named: Michal.
Weird, but funny, story to my ex-wife's name. They thought she was going to be a he, so they had the baby name picked out already: Michael. When she was born, they decided to just drop the "el" and name her Micha, but they screwed-up the birth certificate and she became "Michal". Her parents just said WTH, we liked the name anyway so I guess the baby's name was meant to be Micha(e)l. ![]() I'm sure there are other women named Micha(e)l out there, but I have yet to meet one. Anyway, regardless of the name, I wouldn't attach anything negative to a person's name - it's not who they are, it's just what they are called. ![]() |
My two biggies are:
1. Poor communication 2. Disrespect |
What's your biggest
A passionate spirit
She Cries Alone...
Thanks Kim, and to a few friends helping me in email with this.
![]() Again, I'm just concerned because this is not like her at all. When I dropped her off at school this morning she was her normal bubbly and hyper self - but, this afternoon when I picked her up? A totally different child. ![]() I just hope it's a "friend" thing and nothing inappropriate happened at school with a teacher or another student. ![]() She's sleeping again right now, so I'll let her nap awhile and see if she wants her dinner and to talk when she wakes up. Girls are so much more difficult to raise than boys!! ![]() ![]() |
She Cries Alone...
Advice please?
My daugther, Isabella (10 years old), came home from school today and was VERY quiet, which is not the norm for her. She did her homework right away and went straight to her room. She didn't want to go a birthday party tonight as planned for one of her friends, and I have heard her crying off and on behind her closed door. She won't even take any phone calls from her friends, doesn't want to watch a movie tonight, nothing. I've asked her gently several times what is wrong and she just says "nothing, I'm ok". This is so not like my little girl and I'm kind of concerned. My ex-wife is traveling and I can't get in touch with her to ask her advice right now or see if Isabella would even talk to her. What should I do? Just leave her be for the evening and see what the morning holds or gently push her a little more to talk? ![]() |
Pro-Life is Anti-Woman
In Mingle Land, I'm sure it stands for "Posts" and "Quotes".
![]() |
My body
Funny you should mention this. I actually slept in my son's *race car* shaped bed last night because he fell asleep in my bed watching a movie and I couldn't bear to wake him.
I woke up this morning because both my arms and feet fell asleep from hanging over the edges of his bed. ![]() NEVER again will I do that! ![]() |
people who have viewed me
We are talking about the same page, Ruby...
My Account - Who Viewed Me...right? They looked, but did not speak, so to speak right? To the far right of their screen name is a word called "REMOVE" it! GONE! Simple as pie. ![]() |
Who wants to be...
Did you say clubhouse and "business center"? Oh, I'm there!
![]() Sorry, man...I come with 3 children AND a dog. No exceptions! Scratch me off the list. ![]() |
Happy with yourself?
I'd be happier if I wasn't bored, which I am at this point. It goes beyond having a significant other, which bugs seeing as all of my friends are attached (meaning that I'm a third wheel constantly), and I love to cuddle. Teddy bears don't do the trick anymore. A fave quote of mine when others mention self-boredom: "It is a most mortifying reflection for a man to consider what he has done, compared to what he might have done." So, get out and DO...BE...LIVE! Even if it is alone or as a third wheel. Rejoice. ![]() Honestly, I'm very comfortable where I am with my life. My children are amazing and healthy, my career is prosperous and rewarding, my interpersonal relationships are thriving and nurturing. Yes, life is good. I personally don't focus on my *love* relationship or lack thereof. I simply focus on me and my loved ones needs on a daily basis...if a beloved enters that picture to enhance what I alread have, then even better. If not, I am happy and grateful anyway. ![]() |
people who have viewed me
Lucky YOU for such a long list...
But, it's simple. Look at the list... See that REMOVE button/option to the right... CLICK IT! Job done! *swipes hands clean* ![]() |
one question.
Goodnight, Dia - thanks for the smiles!
![]() So, do you SNORE? ![]() Oh, and wasn't that Tony Rezko dude the punk who stole my lunch money in 3rd grade, LHB? ![]() |
Taking away the sucky
Great advice given, especially saying each child is different.
![]() Eldest child of mine: It was called a "lolly" (lollipop). He weened off it himself at about 2 years, no problem. He just graduated into EATING plastic or hard bits and parts (even the coffee table) while teething. ![]() Middle child of mine: It was called "binky". OMG, she LOVED that thing (or thingS I should say, we had nearly 2 dozen scattered about and stored away for emergencies). This child would literally throw the WORST fit EVER if you took it away from, shut her up, we gave it back to her at times. The dentist told us the same thing: STOP IT or she will have buck-teeth. Never happened, she finally gave up her "binky" by age 5, and she has perfectly straight teeth so far at the age of 10. Youngest child of mine: It was called "silky". He never took to pacifiers, but couldn't stop himself from sucking on his blankets, linens, clothes, anything soft. He LOVED my ex-wife's silk shirts or our satin sheets. My ex often sewed things for friends, and would give him a few samples of "silk" to play with, and he took right to them. Yep, go ahead and laugh, we sure did! ![]() Point being, don't we ALL need "comfort" at times? When your child is ready to replace that comfort of his/hers with something else...they will. Certainly, attempt to ween them off ot it, but in a loving manner vs. cold turkey. Help them realize, that all of life's comforts are not wrapped up in one "sucky". ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pro-Life is Anti-Woman
Edited by
Fri 10/24/08 12:47 AM
What happens when a woman carries a child? Her body changes and she is at risk for a number of pregnancy related health concerns. Males, having delivered their sperm do not experience similar health risks during those nine months. Once her pregnancy and her plan to keep or surrender the child is revealed to those around her she experiences social, family and workplace pressures that a male can completely avoid. Remember, until fairly recently in human history a man could fairly easily deny paternity. Because of her physical condition her ability to work and support herself may be greatly compromised. Again, the male who provided the sperm does not experience the same disruption in his earning ability. I am sure I could think of some other differences as well but I am feeling unwell. Those differences, off the top of my head, tip the scale somewhat towards a woman having a greater say in whether to continue a pregnancy. We can save the after the child is born argument for later. It's too late in the evening even for me. I sleep very little. I do think the way men are treated in this process is often unfair. Here in Michigan there was a man who filed suit for, and I might be wrong about exactly what he stated I will look tomorrow, wrongful birth. His contention was that he had made clear to the woman he'd had sexual relations with that he did not wish to be a father. He felt that he should not be required to pay child support because the child resulted against his expressed wish to not be a father. At any's late. Maybe more tomorrow. I'm acutely aware of what occurs with a woman's body during pregnancy/childbirth...being a father of three children. Not to mention, I nearly lost my wife due to an eptopic prenancy during our marriage. Please try to understand and comprehend that men also suffer social, family and workplace pressures when a pregnancy occurs: Social - Told "You MUST care for this child", or worse yet, "back away,'s going to ruin your entire life". If you don't want this child or feel you can provide for this child adequately at that point in your life (which is often the SAME reason a woman will and does give to abort), then you, the MAN, are likely labled "dirtbag", "scum", "loser", and one who abandons their responsibilities. Family - Let's discuss grandparents to be, potential aunts/uncles/cousins that want to fulfill their own dreams of being the part of the offspring's life...and if you, the man, don't do the *right* thing, you can potentially live a life of guilt and shame for not making their "dreams" come true. Workplace - Oh, boy...let's not even go there, shall we? If a *man* is committed to the pregnancy and health of his unborn child, he must also take time off of work to care for his pregnant loved one who is too sick/tired to go to work that day and needs assistance. How about the time off of work HE also needs/wants to take to make every doctor's appointment, every Lamaze class, and wouldn't it just be grand if men were granted 6-8 weeks of leave from work also post-birth to help his beloved with the newborn? Nope, doesn't happen (unless they are self-employed - which luckily I was and am). Not to mention most times, NOT all, but MOST...the men have to carry the financial burden, whereby taking on additional hours or extra jobs to carry the load. Personally, as a that gives his all for his children, I see no "tipping of the scales" here. Other than, of course, women who use the physical trump card at times to say "we have it worse". Again, I love and completely women and their abilities to nurture and bring LIFE into this world. It is the ultimate gift, no question. However, to use the "gift" as a sword against men who were not the architects of the reproductive system and state: "We suffer/risk more" is simply a power play for control. We, as men, certainly didn't design the process...but, neither did women. I believe it was specifically and purposefully designed to be a SHARED process, and therefore a SHARED responsibility. Men can't reproduce without women...and guess what? Women can't reproduce without men. So, how about a truce and a call for EQUALITY? Most women tend to like that word...or so I have heard. ![]() |
late night confessions
and now before i go to sleep as well.... Am afraid to visit this website when i'm on the computers at school because i fear people will judge me lol Well, you got to actually GO to school and not skip, before you worry about this! ![]() ![]() ![]() Last confession before I go to bed: I'm going to each a FIFTH piece of that pound cake in my kitchen. Who cares, right? Hey? Does my a$$ look fat in these jeans? ![]() |
Y is it.............
Edited by
Fri 10/24/08 12:07 AM
It is a proven fact that SIDS is not necessarily caused by external suffocation - old wives tale, to be honest.
Unfortunately, they have not determined the resulting factor for SIDS to date. A known fact is this, that any breathing being will "fight" for almighty air, even infants. As long as the object (or blanket) is light enough for them to kick/toss/remove on their own, they will be fine - not to mention, most infant blankets are so lightly woven it will allow air to flow freely enough. My ex-wife and I were very concerned with one of our sons...whom seemed to possess the same habits as yours with his crib linens and blankets. We finally discovered he simply was cold or wanted to feel the comforts of the womb-like scenario. To this day (he is 8 years old), he still pulls the covers over his head, or even totally wraps himself in his covers head to toe. When/if he can't breath...he kicks them off. For an infant, keep an eye on them...but, don't obsess over it. It's natural, but just make sure their "blankie" is for infants only and not an adult comforter or the like. The child will be fine, and you will be given lots of photo opps for cute pics. ![]() |
Pro-Life is Anti-Woman
Yes we may need sperm to fertilize an egg but look around and tell me honestly that after that moment it's an equal playing ground. Agreed. But, look around, we might as well say "which came first - chicken or egg", right? ![]() Please hear me out, I have the upmost respect and honor for a woman's body and what it represents. It is pure beauty in all aspects. However, I ask that women accept that fact that their "delicate" condition of pregnancy and childbirth would NEVER occur without the MALE sperm donation to set the whole process in motion. Therefore, please tell me why we (MEN) are belittled, discounted and often times disrespected for the complete process of reproduction. Simply and quite harshly (my apologies upfront) stated: Women - male sperm = NO BABY! |
late night confessions
I do the same thing, Once I moved the plates to the cup cupboard and the glasses to the plate one.... totally freaked them out the next morning. OMG, great idea! Thanks! ![]() And if any guy in here has been sitting on his balls today, need to take care of something that *I* can't help you with. ![]() As far as clothes in the dryer? OMG...thanks for reminding me - I have clothes in the WASHER from last weekend. ![]() |
one question.
Very admirable and impressive answers!
![]() Next question (I could keep you going all night, just ask a few of my friends I correspond here with). ![]() In this supposed *15 minute claim to fame* scenario us minions are granted in a lifetime...what would you want yours to be? |