Community > Posts By > breathless1
...i dont think he's on the level of having an american idol style popularity though... it's not the only attribute he possesses, the character he exhibits by refusing to lower himself to personal attacks during debates, ... my point is not that you should vote for him soley because he possesses the skill of being able to inspire masses of people to be the best they can be... I disagree, Jasmine. I think Obama is right up there with Kelly Clarkson...unfortunately. ![]() I further disagree - Obama has funded some grossly offensive attacks on McCain, and still continues to do so via his TV ads and in his public speeches at various times throughout his campaign. I again further disagree - I will not, and never have, voted for the one who "inspires" me to be best I can be. That's my own job to tend to...not a politician's. I personally vote for the strongest candidate who can effectively and efficiently lead our country as a whole based on their experience and positions on the issues at hand...regardless of how many homes they own. Did I happen to mention...I will be voting for Obama? ![]() |
Pet Peeves
I say count your blessings that you have men who actually READ your profile and attempt to make a connection on some level vs. just asking you your boob size!
![]() Who's to say the guy is NOT fluent in Hebrew and knows more about it than you do, and he incorrectly thought you were because you posted something "Hebrew'ish" on yours? ![]() I say lighten up a's just the internet and not like he was pleading for you to have his bastard child or your hand in marriage. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 10/25/08 12:04 PM
yeah, there's a lot of stuff I agree with him on (and a lot of stuff I don't) It just worries me that so many people have this "Obama is the messiah" mentality he's just a guy who may or may not do a decent job Obama will get my vote this election, however, I do agree with your comment, Quiet. I personally have never agreed with ALL stances a presidential candidate has made that has won my vote. As the case is with most presidential elections, either candidate may or may not do a decent job. Most often, we are asked to choose the lesser of two evils. Some of Obama's followers do appear cult'ish to me at times and it's that mentality that scares me. Not to mention, I fear there will be an assassination attempt if he wins. Much like I fear others will only vote for McCain simply because his running mate is a woman. The above/below are NOT racial/sexist comments on my, let's not EVEN take it there, please. The grossest fear I have is that some people will be voting for him simply because he is radically different than past candidates our country has seen and are simply taken with his smooth sense of speech...or worse yet, the simple fact that he is black without fully educating themselves (beyond what they google) on the real issues at hand. And for Thomas27, each presidential candidate addresses this country with every speech, public appearance, etc. they make. They both make a "statement" to our Nation with every bill they have supported/opposed, their experiences and stances in the government positions they have held and so on. It goes far beyond their 15 minute "claim to fame"...if only you and others would pay more attention beyond their one-time address to the Nation. |
What I'd really like to know
is why people post questions or opinions and then when they don't like the responses they get mad? ![]() Because some of the responders can't attack the question or opinion without attacking the person. Then the person gets defensive and starts attacking back. Anytime I start to feel like I'm about to attack the person who is replying to something I said, because I felt the person took an intellectual discussion and turned it into a personal attack, I leave the thread and don't go back. I don't need to be pulled down to that level of mudslinging and don't want to play that game. And I recognize the pattern and tendency in myself to start defending my point when I'm really defending myself. Perfectly stated! ![]() I understand your response, Ruth. However, I just noticed you appeared frustrated with your initial post with the "beating your head against the wall" icon. No harm, no foul. ![]() Yes, I get frustrated when I state my opinion to a question asking for my opinion and then am told in not so many words that I am an idiot for thinking that. You were right in your first response, I shouldn't let it bother me. You're right, Ruth - water on a frog's back, so to speak. ![]() Next time you feel your blood boiling over something like this, just think to yourself "how much does this internet person really have bearing on my life beyond a computer screen?" ![]() |
I tried twisting my grade school girlfriend's left arm around once to see if her boobs would grow like that...
All I got was a bloody nose. I want my money back! ![]() |
What I'd really like to know
is why people post questions or opinions and then when they don't like the responses they get mad? ![]() Because some of the responders can't attack the question or opinion without attacking the person. Then the person gets defensive and starts attacking back. Anytime I start to feel like I'm about to attack the person who is replying to something I said, because I felt the person took an intellectual discussion and turned it into a personal attack, I leave the thread and don't go back. I don't need to be pulled down to that level of mudslinging and don't want to play that game. And I recognize the pattern and tendency in myself to start defending my point when I'm really defending myself. Perfectly stated! ![]() I understand your response, Ruth. However, I just noticed you appeared frustrated with your initial post with the "beating your head against the wall" icon. No harm, no foul. ![]() |
What I'd really like to know
but then in the political threads, it seems there are a few people who spend all there time surfing the crazy right/left wing hate sates and think they have to wallpaper mingle with all the hate articles. I like to talk about stuff and it's impossible with them Yep, I realized within 2 hours of joining this site to steer clear of the political threads. Saw more couch potatoe c/p posts than I care to mention or engage in. ![]() |
What I'd really like to know
I dunno...I personally post things that will provoke thought and stir up chaos. I like seeing people with their minds in a whirl thinking up a storm. Not that I want to upset people, but I loooove a good debate, ya know? You could be right about this. I don't like to debate at all. I like to hear everyone's view points and then just think about it all, coming to my own conclusions. There's nothing wrong with debating....mabye it's just me. Why don't you like to debate? Do you view it as confrontational? Are you perhaps the one who gets all flustered and pis*sy because folks may oppose your viewpoints? I'm not being confrontational here at all, and not even solicitating a debate. ![]() Just asking again...why does this seem to bother you so much? So much so to post a topic about it? |
What I'd really like to know
Might I ask why it seems to bother you so much?
Just curious is all. ![]() |
i told you so....
Edited by
Sat 10/25/08 10:36 AM
NOPE. Took it at home from mom. Who knows better than mom, right? Mom taught me everything I know about a home. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I guess that's why the room you are sitting in is Hot Pink in your second pic, huh? ![]() ![]() Just kidding, dude. ![]() |
What I'd really like to know
Or maybe it's just because...well...they do!
![]() I never really let it bother me because quite frankly...I could give two sh*ts! ![]() |
i told you so....
![]() ![]() Can we watch you next time? I need a good laugh, bud! ![]() |
i told you so....
| what i told my brother. He pluged the deep frier into the wall, (already had cooking oil in it), i told him do NOT touch it to see if it is ready to cook in.--anyway he almost burnt two for his fingers touching the deep frier. can you say 'special?' ![]() Better yet, can you say DUMBASS? ![]() Keep it simple for him next time: Electrical Heat + Cooking Oil = OUCH! ![]() |
Relationships, marriages and families (in my opinion) should be eglitarian. This means that all responsibilites are shared! I agree with breathless' example of partnership. Thank you! Now get me a beer, dammit! ![]() Kiss my @ss! ![]() Would it be sexist to say...GLADLY?? ![]() ![]() My paper and slippers are gladly handed to me by my DOG - not to mention, he appropriately wags his tail when he delivers them too. I think I'll marry HIM! ![]() |
Relationships, marriages and families (in my opinion) should be eglitarian. This means that all responsibilites are shared! I agree with breathless' example of partnership. Thank you! Now get me a beer, dammit! ![]() |
I believe in "partnership" in a relationship. It's not about who does what/when/where/how...but, rather it just gets done...together. I have no problem braiding my little girl's hair or washing the dishes when needed, and my ex-wife has no problem in practicing with my eldest son to perfect his softball pitch or helping my youngest son fix the chain on his bicycle. I think in a healthy relationship, the roles can easily be reversed when needed. It's called mutual respect and meeting the needs of another when they arise. Good point and well taken...I'm talking about the women who get soo caught up in being "Woman, Hear me Roar", that they don't take care of their families at all!! I understand what you are saying. I must say, in my experiences, I have seen more men do this than women though. ![]() IMO, women who do this fall into one of two categories: 1. They are just extremely selfish people by nature. or 2. They have found themselves so caught-up in defending their gender and their power struggle to be viewed as "strong independent" women that they lose their whole sense of self and who they really are as a person...and a woman. |
I believe in "partnership" in a relationship. It's not about who does what/when/where/how...but, rather it just gets done...together.
I have no problem braiding my little girl's hair or washing the dishes when needed, and my ex-wife has no problem in practicing with my eldest son to perfect his softball pitch or helping my youngest son fix the chain on his bicycle. I think in a healthy relationship, the roles can easily be reversed when needed. It's called mutual respect and meeting the needs of another when they arise. |
Can someone tell me?
Want some advice? Never go back. Never take them back, do not give second chances. If they did it to you once, they will do it again. People do not change. I had to learn this lesson the hard way, but I think everyone does. With all due respect, I do not agree with this perspective. People do have the ability to change and are constantly evolving...right before our very eyes. I can honestly say I'm not the same man/person I was 20 years ago...are you? ![]() Sure, I've screwed-up and made mistakes in my life and in my relationships. I try to learn from those mistakes and extend forgiveness to others for theirs. I've given others in my life a second, third and numerous chances before - depending upon the cirumstance, of course. Sometimes I've been disappointed. Other times, I've been pleasantly surprised. I'm not perfect and the minute I start thinking I am, I get punched in the gut with the reality of my own humility and human-ness. ![]() |
Can someone tell me?
I'm sorry you are hurting over this. It's never easy during a break-up.
A few things I would point out to you as hopefully lessons learned on your part: 1. You can never "start over" with a loved one. You can, however, "move forward" and choose to interact differently with one another. 2. If you didn't talk things over - BIG MISTAKE! You can't accomplish #1 without #2. 3. Really look at yourself and determine if what she said was true. Was she taking care of you? Were you too clingy or dependent on her without giving anything back to the relationship? 4. Granted, you are young so likely she is too, but if she moved on to another in just a week's time? Well, that speaks volumes to me about her character and how she "really" felt about you. Best of luck to you, PSP. Time will heal the hurt. ![]() |
Potato Chips.
Cape Cod Sea Salt & Vinegar! Love 'em! ![]() SOLD! Now I know where I'm going to vacation next year. ![]() "Lay's old fashioned sea salt potato chips" I've not tried those, SKPCG...are they as good as Cape Cod's brand? Cape Cod's are really thick-cut, which is what I love. ![]() |