Community > Posts By > breathless1
Up early...
Good morning! I'm always up early...fixing breakfast for my kids before school... and would someone PLEASE tell my daughter to finish-up in the bathroom - she's gonna be LATE!!! ![]() Okay...I'd tell her she looks absolutely breathtaking and could walk the runway! Well, I tell her that every day...but, it's not that she is busy doing make-up/hair (she's only 10). She likes a very looooong hot shower and SINGS in there! ![]() One of my son's is waiting to shower and I can hear him singing WITH HER on the other side of the bathroom door to hurry her along. ![]() Who wants a slice of peanut butter toast? ![]() |
Up early...
Good morning!
I'm always up early...fixing breakfast for my kids before school... and would someone PLEASE tell my daughter to finish-up in the bathroom - she's gonna be LATE!!! ![]() |
When I am nervous...
I find the urge to dump!
![]() |
Stupidity and Religion
Discussion of the topic of religion, more than any other topic, enlightens me about how willfully and stubbornly stupid some people can and are quite proud to be... At great lengths, the effort is made to put the fear of hell into children when they have not yet developed critical thinking skills and will believe anything mummy, daddy and grown-ups say. By the time they grow up to develop and employ critical thinking skills to every other facet of life (hopefully) they fear a hell and are brainwashed from a young age so skillfully to crave a heaven that they put up that mental block between they're normal intelligent thought process and religion. Even questioning it is frowned upon as not "having faith" as is the self-preservationist clause inherent in it. Such people are past the ability to look at religion reasonably and will always fear questioning something they grew up being taught and what they're parents grew up being taught etc etc. To think "just because some thing has always been thought to be true, does it make it true?" is a hell sentence to some. I am not interested in debating such people who can not and who will not think for themselves and are willfully and stubbornly ignorant. I'm left somewhat perplexed and feeling rather *stupid* as to the point of your post. ![]() I have learned over my years in my own selected faith(s) and, yes search for my own truths, that simply because one feels passionately about their choices does not warrant them being labled stupid, stubborn, or worse yet...ignorant. Certainly, we can call those who are vehement about their beliefs "close-minded"...but, isn't this simply because WE don't agree with their heartfelt passions...regardless of the topic? Does this make US right and THEM wrong? ![]() Who am I...or even state that these people have not researched, sought answers, educated themselves beyond the teachings they were raised with...and still made their decisions accordingly? I personally find respect for those who have passion about their various beliefs...even if they differ from mine. When I utter one breath of judgment towards them, I'm only serving to place myself alongside them in their aimlessly drifting life raft. Live and let live. ![]() |
My appology to black america
I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this. Madison, I don't know that I've ever read a more patronizing and condescending "apology" than the one you wrote above. That you think you need to apologize for the actions of someone you dislike is beyond arrogant. That you think intelligent people of varying ethnicities need you to point out what they are fully capable of figuring out independently is just incredibly scary. -Drew I couldn't have *typed* it better, Drew! Your next drink is on me for your *cut right to the chase* post!! ![]() |
if you could who and why
So many to little time.
Abe Lincoln - To ask "So, whadda think of THIS election, dude?" Cindy Crawford - DUH! Just cause she's gorgeous! ![]() Martin Luther King - To ask "Have your dreams come true?" Jeffrey Dahmer - Just to see what he orders for an entree! ![]() Vincent Van Gogh - Pick his disturbed and talented mind, not to mention to stare at his missing ear and wonder if that "smarted" when he lopped it off. Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso - Chit chat and talk Buddhist shop. Sarah Palin - So at the end of the dinner, when coffee is offered, I can order her a large cup of STFU! ![]() |
Married People....
I take exception to your post, and quite frankly, your harsh judgment of those who are married on this site.
Obviously, if one is married and lies about it, thus deceiving and hurting another, that is a different ball of wax. However, those who are forthcoming about their marital status and what they seek or do not seek on this site warrant my respect. Two very fine people on my friends list here are married, and I find them anything but degrading to themselves or their supposed better half. There are some amazing *PEOPLE* on this site who just happen to be married - so what? ![]() I just choose to look at the "person" first vs. their marital status. Who am I...or judge another's life over the internet? I say, "ease up", you may just make a great friend(s) here...married or not. ![]() |
Tall or short?
Is this a Ginger or Mary Ann sorta question?
![]() I prefer my height, or shorter...just a preference. But, certainly not opposed to taller. However, never been there with taller women, but willing to venture. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 11/03/08 11:34 PM
Thanks for those encouraging words msmyka I think I am going to try just one on the bottom lip and if I end up liking it I will just add the other You have flopped more than a docked fish on here, dude... how about you just GROW a PAIR and decide for yourself! ![]() If you want to puncture your face...just go for it! ![]() |
I'm Undecided
No wait...Obama, cause his Grandma died and all, yanno?
![]() Is a pity vote the same as a pity f*ck? ![]() |
Can you afford to date ?
Well I cant speak for others of course and Im not claiming it doesn't occur. I just dont see it happening. Doesnt say very much for those particular women but if the men were somehow expecting something like that to happen, then it says even less about them. I can tell ya you could have spent half that much for something sure fire if you catch my drift. ![]() Oh, I catch your drift...hence, my post keeping the first few dates SIMPLE! Weeds out the undesireables...regardless of how desireable THEY think they are! ![]() Yeah. I know I have had that happen when I was a little younger. A man might take me out and spend A LOT of money or do something weird I wasnt expecting and then clearly a form of compensation is expected of me. I just tried to get away. Thats really an awful feeling. ![]() Yeah, try handling it from a man's perspective.... ![]() Take a woman out who "appears" to be a nice lady...spend a little money...and then...BLAM...she's all over you! ![]() As my 12 y.o. son puts certain situations so eloquently: "Talk about the perfect YUCK...!" ![]() |
Can you afford to date ?
Well I cant speak for others of course and Im not claiming it doesn't occur. I just dont see it happening. Doesnt say very much for those particular women but if the men were somehow expecting something like that to happen, then it says even less about them. I can tell ya you could have spent half that much for something sure fire if you catch my drift. ![]() Oh, I catch your drift...hence, my post keeping the first few dates SIMPLE! Weeds out the undesireables...regardless of how desireable THEY think they are! ![]() |
I'm Undecided
no matter what happens tomorrow, half the people are gonna be really dissapointed kinda like sex How true is that?! ![]() |
Anything termed "snakebite" cannot be good...
So I vote NAY! ![]() |
*puts down barbells*
Thank GOD...those suckers are HEAVY! *grabs beer and bag of chips...* Where's the remote? ![]() |
Can you afford to date ?
On a first date? A woman slept with you because you threw around some cash? Pfft. ![]() Yep, happens ALL the time - amazing, huh? Just take a peek at our welfare system. ![]() For me, I typically keep the first few dates simple. Based on those first few dates, then no expense is spared if a connection is made beyond that. ![]() |
What did you learn, today?
Edited by
Mon 11/03/08 10:41 PM
That an internet-bought Tinkerbell costume can last FOREVER.... don't even ASK! ![]() No worries there, dude...but, I can't promise I don't like to play with the Tinkerbell wand. DON'T ASK!!!! ![]() As far as running a tab at a strip club...dude? What rock have YOU been living under? ![]() |
You ain't gaining any points with me....My mom walked out when I was six months old...(She did call once when I was 28) No, I am not kidding. A man whose grandma I never knew what. I am even voting for the guy but that weak assed pity play score Zero on my card. Are you implying her death was timed to help him in some way? I don't think he/she was implying that at all... but, if anyone REALLY cared...send flowers! It makes/made no bearing on MY presidential vote whatsoever. I voted last, her kicking the bucket made no bearing on my vote anyway. RIP...Obama's Grandma. ![]() |
I'm HOT!
Was he texting to you...or the chick in black leather with you, cause yeah...she's kinda hot, for sure!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Better yet...does she have a profile on here...I'll tell her myself! ![]() |
What did you learn, today?
Edited by
Mon 11/03/08 10:23 PM
That an internet-bought Tinkerbell costume can last FOREVER....
don't even ASK! ![]() |