Community > Posts By > sweetestgirl11
well the guy was a drug dealer that is fairly clear from his arrest record. I really do think the larger question is what was he doing on the streets
but his rap sheet is not material to being mistreated by the police. |
Answer. explanation for this your threads one ever tries to make me make sense in them ![]() ![]() |
144 Virgins coming up! ![]() are you dreaming Conrad? In all of the US I doubt you could find 144 virgins anywhere at the same time ![]() |
probably not the best art I've seen....obviously safer to stay home
What Do You Want From Me?
After you have been in a discussion (not necessarily "argument")....with someone you are just "almost *there* with"........can you answer this question? Can you take what "they" might answer? ![]() I seldom want to know that particular answer ![]() but were I to ask that question, I would be prepared fir the reply (not that I'd do it, I'd just be prepared) ![]() ![]() |
Any fellow talls on here? does that say talls or tails....I really must get my eyes checked lol ![]() |
ok for a Monday
Any fellow talls on here? does that say talls or tails....I really must get my eyes checked lol |
AARP matrial law commercial
Besides the disinformation tactic to confuse us and have us fighting over what is true or really happening in the world, the higher ups use the distraction tactic. This is easy to accomplish since all media is controlled and censored by them. This is the insidious, sinister way we are slowly but surely being led into the police state, martial law and the New World Order. Welcome to your new paradise! Observe exhibit A below: ![]() this is a pretty good list. personally I think most people are not willing to make the changes necessary to anything about this list, and many also are so comforted by the status quo that your list scares them. |
Books & Movies & Attraction
Last week I and some others mentioned that what's in the bookcase is indicative of someone's personality. Maybe a bit of an odd thing... I often come across men that seem okay till I read their film & book preferences... ![]() Men that are into the filmhouse genre. Which is an alternative, so called 'intellectual' genre, like literature and books. Now I suppose I shouldn't let their choice of movies and books bother me, but yeah ... If I go to the movies, I wanna see something like John Wick, 300 Rise of an Empire, not some so called intellectual BS. Now books, okay, you read a book on your own, for yourself. But you usually watch a movie together. Plus.. it says something about someone's personality and interests. Do you look past such things if the guy himself seems okay, appeals to you, apart from the choice of films & books? If it really is an indication of who he is... should you look past it? I couldn't seriously date someone who is totally into slashers or Jack Black |
Who do you turn to...?
no one. I do not ask for dating advice. If I don;t have it figured out by this time, I may as well stay home
Feminism vs Sexism
I don;t have real strong opinions one way or the other but I am very suspicious of men who spout a lot of anti feminist rhetoric. I am afraid they'd be too domineering and controlling....possibly mysogynistic
and suspicious of women who spout a lot of anti feminist rhetoric that they are just tryna puzzy up to the guys. Mostly I look for people have balanced approaches to most things, including gender equality. which is a must , of course :) |
I want you.....
I love Cheap Trick, but no, Ive never used lyrics to start a convo or to flirt. ![]() I thought I was the only one ![]() |
A vet needs to meet the same competency standards anyone else does and criminal standards. I don;t really see a problem with it
it's Friday! YAY
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The game changer....
game changer? I am a sucker for a compliment. If I am thinking about saying no, but he says something about enjoying my company or I am so much fun to talk to.....I'm in ![]() Eh, it was worth a shot. I lead such an exciting life that I was already in bed by the time you posted that....sorry ![]() |
The game changer....
game changer? I am a sucker for a compliment. If I am thinking about saying no, but he says something about enjoying my company or I am so much fun to talk to.....I'm in
I'm too busy getting ready for bed
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most say that you the victim antagonized them in some way that you asked for it or had it coming that if you had just kept your mouth shut and been sweeter and did what they said it never would have come to this abuse can be more than just getting punched or kicked or having a chair thrown at you or choked it can be not allowing you to leave, taking your keys, your purse it can be controlling you so that you do not have access to a car, a phone or the bank account separating you from your friends and family isolating you so that you are easier to control it can be saying mean and insulting things to you such as you are stupid, fat or ugly as a way of undermining your self esteem keeping track of your every move all the while telling you that they have what is best for you in mind Ooooh yes ^^^^^^ Also they like to make you look crazy or feel crazy. My kids dad would hide my stuff and tell me I never owned such things....stupid **** like that. All I can say is life is sooooo sweet without him! ![]() |
"God Fearing"
Why do men/women seek "God fearing" partners? When did it suddenly become the 16th century? Why not then add to it "...and preferably not a witch" this is one of the most confusing posts I have read. What's the connection? Are women who like God fearing men witches? Is that it? |