Topic: AARP matrial law commercial | |
was on earlier and there was a video of an AARP commercial. if your not aware AARP is an insurance the commercial theres a woman watching tv and you can hear the tv but its very faint. if you listen really closely though you can hear it. what it says is:
Riots nationwide have prompted local governments to declare martial law. The President is asking that citizens find safety and remain calm. Authorities are working to contain the outbreak. now what reason would an insurance company have to put that in their commercial? i cant think of anything? and its really really low so if you did see the commercial you probably wouldnt even hear it. maybe you would pick it up subliminally though. So the obvious question is, why is this subliminal message about martial law being declared by the President after an outbreak appearing in a public service announcement for care giving put out by an insurance company. It has no place whatsoever within the context of the ad. Think about this – this had to be specifically created by the company to appear in this PSA. They couldn’t use an actual segment from a tv news broadcast… because they would be concerned about copyright… and because no such broadcast exists about the President declaring martial law in America after an outbreak… So they deliberately put this in. And it’s not going to be heard consciously, but it may be picked up subliminally by the viewer. I mean… what the hell is going on here… this is bizarre. What’s more, the ad was approved and disseminated by The Ad Council, an organization that essentially now serves as a direct propaganda arm of the White House. None of this makes sense. Unless, of course, you consider that the American people are being psychologically prepared in advance of exactly such an event. Officials within the U.S. government clearly know something big is coming and they have been simulating collapse scenarios for many years. The American people, however, remain oblivious. check it out for yourselves! |
Unless, of course, you consider that the American people are being psychologically prepared in advance of exactly such an event. Officials within the U.S. government clearly know something big is coming and they have been simulating collapse scenarios for many years.
This ^^ It's called predictive programming. This has been used in the media, especially futuristic films, for years. Facts disguised as fiction to psychologically prepare the masses for what's to come. |
Unless, of course, you consider that the American people are being psychologically prepared in advance of exactly such an event. Officials within the U.S. government clearly know something big is coming and they have been simulating collapse scenarios for many years.
This ^^ It's called predictive programming. This has been used in the media, especially futuristic films, for years. Facts disguised as fiction to psychologically prepare the masses for what's to come. yupp, i know all about it hopefully alot of other people will figure it out... |
I'm going to copy and paste what I wrote in another topic here. It applies here as well.
Don't you all see what's happening here? We are being set up for a police state. The abuse of power escalates deliberately --> setting up the people to fight back --> the power abusers cry that they need to beef up their control --> police state. The game works and we play right into their hands. Psychological warfare. Men, people are really stupid sheep. The powerful have us exactly where they want us, hanging by the b a lls. The masses are so easy to manipulate and control. We think we are one up on them. It's the other way around. They are always 2 steps ahead of us and sinisterly laughing their heads off. Depressing. |
I'm going to copy and paste what I wrote in another topic here. It applies here as well. Don't you all see what's happening here? We are being set up for a police state. The abuse of power escalates deliberately --> setting up the people to fight back --> the power abusers cry that they need to beef up their control --> police state. The game works and we play right into their hands. Psychological warfare. Men, people are really stupid sheep. The powerful have us exactly where they want us, hanging by the b a lls. The masses are so easy to manipulate and control. We think we are one up on them. It's the other way around. They are always 2 steps ahead of us and sinisterly laughing their heads off. Depressing. yea i read that post on the other thread. very very true. they are now referring to baltimore as a police state, i think they said there 1500 national guard there and are expecting 2000 more police. |
Scary. Unless we find a clever way of fighting back and beating them at their own game, we are doomed. Violent protests only make us play into their hands.
Scary. Unless we find a clever way of fighting back and beating them at their own game, we are doomed. Violent protests only make us play into their hands. very scary, its crazy to see whats going on right now and then to see that commercial talking about martial law. starting to freak me out a lil. |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 07:50 AM
I have been talking about this for a long time but stupid, ignorant people scoffed and dismissed it as conspiracy theories. Now, they see what's happening. Time to get their heads out of their a s s. There are many terms which have been thrown around. Disinformation is one of them, a stalling tactic to slowly unfold what's to come, a police state. It's the way those in control confuse us by throwing out conflicting information so that we fight over what is really true. The non-believers consider themselves superior and above it all by disbelieving what is in plain sight in front of them. The believers are ridiculed and told to wear tin foil hats. Who was right all along? Look at the events which are unfolding. Martial law and police state. Told ya, fools. You refused to listen. Also wrote about the plans to mass exterminate the world's population by 2025 and cut it down by 90%, 6.3 billion are going to be wiped out, probably from a man made disease (I believe Ebola was a test run) or weather control or warfare. But again, the "sane" know it alls think they know everything and refuse to see the writing on the wall until it's too late. Dumb.
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I have been talking about this for a long time but stupid, ignorant people scoffed and dismissed it as conspiracy theories. Now, they see what's happening. Time to get their heads out of their a s s. There are many terms which have been thrown around. Disinformation is one of them, a stalling tactic to slowly unfold what's to come, a police state. It's the way those in control confuse us by throwing out conflicting information so that we fight over what is really true. The non-believers consider themselves superior and above it all by disbelieving what is in plain sight in front of them. The believers are ridiculed and told to wear tin foil hats. Who was right all along? Look at the events which are unfolding. Martial law and police state. Told ya, fools. You refused to listen. Also wrote about the plans to mass exterminate the world's population by 2025 and cut it down by 90%, 6.3 billion are going to be wiped out, probably from a man made disease (I believe Ebola was a test run) or weather control or warfare. But again, the "sane" know it alls think they know everything and refuse to see the writing on the wall until it's too late. Dumb. ![]() same here, im tired of people wit their heads in their a$$es telling me im crazy because i think martial law is coming. i think the non-believers just choose not to believe because deep down theyre $hitting their pants. i guess they think if they just dont believe it it wont happen. |
Yes, fear and denial.
Besides the disinformation tactic to confuse us and have us fighting over what is true or really happening in the world, the higher ups use the distraction tactic. This is easy to accomplish since all media is controlled and censored by them. This is the insidious, sinister way we are slowly but surely being led into the police state, martial law and the New World Order. Welcome to your new paradise!
Observe exhibit A below: ![]() |
Besides the disinformation tactic to confuse us and have us fighting over what is true or really happening in the world, the higher ups use the distraction tactic. This is easy to accomplish since all media is controlled and censored by them. This is the insidious, sinister way we are slowly but surely being led into the police state, martial law and the New World Order. Welcome to your new paradise! Observe exhibit A below: ![]() yupp, people still refuse to acknowledge the new world order when in fact its all documented. its crazy though how species of animals are being wiped out, forests are being wiped out, waters poluted and all that crazy $h!t, and all people care about is those things on the right of that pic u posted. we're allowing ourselves to be doomed because the censored media is dividing us getting ready for the conquer part. all this police violence going on and its always "white cop kills black man" when in fact color doesnt mean anything, cops do that to everyone, they dont discriminate. but it works really well to keep the races hating each other. my cousin was murdered by a cop in his backyard, she was white, and so was he but they keep force feeding us the race crap so we all hate eachother. |
That is another tactic, the divide and conquer tactic. Race baiting works the best. You are 100% on the money!
I saw the same Infowars article and had a couple questions.
1) Who was the source of the audio enhancement? Can we get a chain of custody on the audio track to prevent the issue of someone simply altering the commercial to create the story? 2) There's a lot of dead air in that PSA. You don't hear music, or even a voiceover for what is being sold or what is it you are being educated about. Seems a tad convenient that in all this 'silence' in the PSA you have room to insert the message does it not? 3)Is there some organization out there that actually listens to the background noise of every commercial trying to find this stuff? If not, since you can't actually hear the message in the regular volume version of the PSA, how was it discovered? As is pointed out in the article, the PSA seems to be a stunningly unlikely place for such a 'plant', and that someone actually had to produce the sound bite in question, since there is no historical tape of a news broadcast in the USA where martial law is being declared due to a disease outbreak. There could be some movies where that dialogue exists, but now you have to pay for its use or risk a lawsuit. So I have more questions than answers for Alex Jones and the gang, which frankly tends to be the case with a lot of his 'stories'. |
I saw the same Infowars article and had a couple questions. 1) Who was the source of the audio enhancement? Can we get a chain of custody on the audio track to prevent the issue of someone simply altering the commercial to create the story? 2) There's a lot of dead air in that PSA. You don't hear music, or even a voiceover for what is being sold or what is it you are being educated about. Seems a tad convenient that in all this 'silence' in the PSA you have room to insert the message does it not? 3)Is there some organization out there that actually listens to the background noise of every commercial trying to find this stuff? If not, since you can't actually hear the message in the regular volume version of the PSA, how was it discovered? As is pointed out in the article, the PSA seems to be a stunningly unlikely place for such a 'plant', and that someone actually had to produce the sound bite in question, since there is no historical tape of a news broadcast in the USA where martial law is being declared due to a disease outbreak. There could be some movies where that dialogue exists, but now you have to pay for its use or risk a lawsuit. So I have more questions than answers for Alex Jones and the gang, which frankly tends to be the case with a lot of his 'stories'. believe what you want, seems pretty clear to me. and as far as alex jones, he usually has documents to back up what he is saying. things he was warning us about 10 years ago are all starting to happen just like he said they would, so like i said believe what you want. |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 08:44 AM
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 08:47 AM
You need to take out the S from HTTPS.
Cool. You got it. ![]() |
Exactly. Believe what you want, people. I say seeing is believing. Just take a look around you. It's very plain and obvious what is happening. WAKE UP!
Yeah. I keep forgetting. I went back and fixed it but you were already doing it |
Like I wrote before, a lot of people live in fear and denial.