Community > Posts By > BigD9832

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 08:32 PM
From mightymoe
funny how religious people think they are the only ones to read a of the main reasons I'm the way that I am is because of the bible and how it makes no sense to me...

I suspect you have been reading the KJV. It is not a translation but an interpretation. I plan on writing more on this soon.

King James was a bisexual king.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 08:26 PM
From mightymoe
who physically wrote EVERY bible? Was it a God or a man? I can write something down and say this is directly from a doesn't make it anymore true than it did 2000 years ago... Since the bible was written by men, they had a reason for doing so, to get rich, for control or power or just to impress their girlfriend... Nobody knows, its here now and people accept it as the truth because that's what they were told...if everyone interpreted the bible The same way, there wouldn't be a need for churches or preachers, nor would there be 37 different factions of christiananity... Islam is the same exact way, that's why they are killing each other in the middle East...

I have never claimed the Bible was written by God or every word of it was from God. The Scriptures tells us...

CLV 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial for teaching, for exposure, for correction, for discipline in righteousness,
17 that the man of God may be equipped, °fitted~ out for every good act.

Surely you don't think that is a bad thing?

if death is the only way to get to heaven, why does the bible make it out to be a bad thing?

Actually, death is not the way we get to heaven. Jesus became immortal and just ascended, with His body.

CLV John 3:13 And not one has ascended into heaven except He Who descends out of heaven, the Son of Mankind Who is in heaven.

This may come as a shock to those who expect to go to heaven.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 11:33 AM
From mightymoe
imo, there is no heaven or hell, or a God for that's all man made up stories to help people define right and wrong...

That's fine...

CLV Pr 16:25 There is a way that seems upright before a man, Yet its end becomes the ways of death.

But I am still not clear on how you know there is no "Word of God" or that the Bible is not meant to be understood.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 11:28 AM
As I said earlier, I am not Religious, but Spiritual.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 11:24 AM
From mightymoe
that would solve a lot of confusions in the world today... I hope for religious peoples sake it does happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it the mean time, I'll enjoy all the sciences I can understand...

Actually, I am not really very religious. I am more Spiritual.

Do you understand Quantum Physics? You have two things in your home that are a result of that science.

CLV Jn 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, that `I say you are gods'?
35 If He said those were gods, to whom the word of God came (and the scripture can not be annulled),

Can you see how this relates?

God and science do not clash.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 10:23 AM
From mightymoe
the bible isn't meant to be understood, its meant to be explained by someone who says they are closer to God than you...

And exactly how would you know that?

The Bible is meant to be understood. But only those who have read it would know that.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 10:22 AM
From mightymoe
there is no "word of God", its all what man interprets it to be... Mans thoughts, mans thinking... In every religion

This is often the case. However, there is a Word of God. He has let His creation know some things about Him and what is going to happen.

But this thread is about the word "hell." Not the existence of God.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 10:18 AM
From mightymoe

that's kind of a weak argument... There's way more ideas showing that it doesn't exist than that it does...just because we can't figure out how life started doesn't mean a magical being snapped its fingers and poof, were all here...the theories on life and panspernia make much more sense than any magical being we should devote our lives too...

Actually, the Scriptures frown on magic, or a belief thereof.

Just because you cannot see Him is no indication that He is magical or does not exist. We can't see black holes except with x-rays. But we can see the effects of back holes.

Perhaps one day someone will invent a filter we can see through and see God.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 10:11 AM
From mightymoe
Can't any religious folks have a disscussion without posting 500 quotes from the bible? The bible is abstract, meaning everyone interprets a different way... So by posting scriptures isn't really helping anything, just makes for an argument... Plus that, if we can read it here, we can read it in the bible as well...


also, you can't really interpret stereo instructions 45 different ways, it isn't written in vague parables..

I suppose to some 500 quotes is alot of reading. But the Bible is an integral part of the Christian experience. It is hard to understand Christianity without the Bible.

We, as Christians, also believe that His Spirit leads and guides us to and through the Bible, among other places.

The instructions that God has left for us are in the Bible. These are instructions that will lead to a better life. A more spiritual life.

Interpretation is a problem among Christians. It is the reason I used the English version that comes from the Ancient Koine Greek text.

So whether you read these 500 quotes or not, you will never understand Christianity without reading The Scriptures in their entirety.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 10:01 AM
From yellowrose10
How do you proof a belief (regardless of the belief)?

Example: I am Christian. I can't prove my belief to others. Posting scriptures won't help. If someone doesn't believe in the Christian God, why would they believe scriptures?

On the reverse: can an Atheist prove there is no God?

Your thoughts...

You can't do either. There is no way that God will fit in a laboratory. But we can measure some of the effects of our beliefs.

Unfortunately, Scripture will not help you here. Many will simply not read this book.

Just do the best you can and ask God to guide you.

Who can ask for more?

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 06:33 AM

I never said it was a Christian Forum.

BigD9832's photo
Wed 05/30/18 06:31 AM

"hell" was a very cold place, when it was first conceived. It was thought to be the furthest away from God. Demons and devils were painted as blue, not red.

Like "trinity" the idea evolved.

One of the biggest differences between men's doctrines and God's Word. God reveals. His ideas don't evolve.

Was that a quote from Dusk til Dawn?

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/29/18 02:28 PM

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/29/18 02:24 PM
From mightymoe
they found religious nuts are controlled easier by fear, so they kept tweaking the wording of the bible to induce more fear of afterlife to control the masses better... Not a bad thing, but that same idea is still in use today by almost all governments now

Oh yes. They are masters at that now. Especially the Catholic church.

If there is no Ancient term for "hell," then it has no place in the Bible.

Most English versions have eliminated it.

BigD9832's photo
Tue 05/29/18 08:17 AM

Yes, it is true that Jesus said...

CLV John 10:30 I and the Father, We are one."

But He also said...

CLV John 17:11 And not longer am I in the world, and they are in the world, and I to Thee am coming. Holy Father, keep them in Thy name, in which Thou hast given them to Me, that they may be one, according as We are.

CLV John 17:21 that they may all be one, according as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us, that the world should be believing that Thou dost commission Me.

So no one here has explained the "trinity" in light of what Jesus said here.

Guys, you are stepping all over this thread. It is about "hell." or the lack thereof.

Why not start a "trinity" thread?

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/28/18 08:34 AM

For me, I speak to God, and He speaks to me. It is pretty much that simple. I also speak to Jesus, and He speaks to me.

They lead me and guide me. And have been doing so since I was 18.

I remember the day Jesus first spoke to me. I was in the back seat of a car, going to a prayer meeting on Friday evening. I was reading a Bible at the time. Jesus kinda jumped right out of the page and introduced Himself. And that was it. He said, "You will be hearing from me."

And I did.

When I was a teen, I used to Astral Project. I traveled to many places. When I spoke to Jesus He told me I was not to do that anymore. But that He would take me. and he has.

I first read the Bible (I do mean the whole Bible) when I was 14. I wasn't a Christian yet but I felt it was an important book. I have since read it several times.

I study and research the Scriptures in Ancient Greek and Hebrew. This is not something I could do if I did not have His help and guidance.

I do know where you are coming from iam. I have had so many experiences like that. But we have to remember that this is not DH land. There are atheists here and skeptics.

It would be nice if there was a Chrisitan Only forum here.

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/28/18 08:17 AM

From BlakeIAM
You are misguided.

You have not provided any evidence to support your claims.

You have not provided the Ancient word that is the source of a "hell."

You have proven nothing. All you are good for is your opinions. and everyone has one of those. Some people have even more.

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/28/18 08:13 AM

From msharmony
just judging is judging according to the law. those who read the bible laws can do it regarding biblical law (sin) just as those who read mans laws can do it regarding worldly law(the justice system)

That is not entirely true.

The Law allows Israel to judge another for the purpose of associating with that person. It is part of the dietary laws. Eat the animal that claves the hoof and chews the cud. It is symbolism. Claving the hoof means to distinguish between the righteous and those who are unrighteous. They were told to avoid the unrighteous and hang out with the righteous.

But we do not judge one another in relation to our destiny or our relationship with God.

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/28/18 08:05 AM
From R2d2r2d2
I want to see a Shakti Goddess

BigD9832's photo
Mon 05/28/18 08:01 AM
From iam_resurrected
it would do you some good to stop reading the KJV and to ignore the GREEK version.
if you want to understand who God is, it is always best to read the interpretation from God's CHOSEN PEOPLE [the Jews]!!

All NTs come from the Ancient Koine Greek text. That would include your so-called "Jewish" Bible.

So to ignore the Greek would be to ignore the source of your Bible.