The MobFather says....
I wonder how many votes Obama saved or created last night...
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not THAT'S racism...
does Obama ever work ?...all he does is run around and give speaches...he's still in campaign mode...someone needs to tell Barry that it's time to fix the fuggin' economy...remember when Clinton ran against Bush Sr....there motto was..." It's the economy stupid "...I think they might have been talking to Obama...
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Edited by
Tue 10/20/09 11:04 AM
Chaney's daughter and Cindy McCain are out talking to get people to be against Obama. If Obama fails, the U.S. fails. If he fails ?... ![]() He won't fail if people work with him and not against him. I'll take Liberty over Tyranny everytime... ![]() None of my liberties have been taken away since Obama became President. oh really ?...when the government...takes over two private car companies...then tells the CEO's how much many the can earn...and...what kind of car that said company MUST produce...thats Fascism...or...soft Tyranny...when the government tells you that you MUST...have healthcare or there will be heavy fines...thats Fascism...or...soft Tyranny...when the government nationalizes the banks...and decides who will and will not get loans...thats Fascism...or...soft Tyranny...when the government starts dictating what you can and cannot eat...based on THEIR desription of what is and is not " healthy "...thats Fascism...or...soft Tyranny...when the government starts watching and dictating your energy consumption...through a series of so called " smart grids "...thats Fascism...or...soft Tyranny...when the government nationalizes the student loan program...where THEY...determine what the graduating classes will look like in the future and who will be going to college...thats Fascism...or...soft Tyranny...other than that...Obama hasn't taken away any of your liberties... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Limbaugh: Obama's nomination "goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy" Rush Limbaugh said that "it is striking how unqualified [Sen. Barack] Obama is and, and how this whole thing came about with, within the Democrat Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy." Limbaugh went on to say: "I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. he's right... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Latching onto L.A. Times op-ed, Limbaugh sings "Barack, The Magic Negro" On the March 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh highlighted a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed that described Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as "running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination -- the 'Magic Negro'" -- a term used by critics of pop culture to describe certain benevolent African-American characters. Limbaugh stated: "The term 'Magic Negro' has been thrown into the political presidential race in the mix for 2008. And the term 'Magic Negro,' as applied to Barack Obama has been done by an L.A. Times columnist, David Ehrenstein." Limbaugh later asserted: "I'm going to keep referring to him as that because I want to make a bet that by the end of this week I will own that term," adding, "If I refer to Obama the rest of the day as the 'Magic Negro,' there will be a number of people in the drive-by media and on left-wing blogs who will credit me for coming up with it and ignore the L.A. Times did it, Limbaugh didn't sing it...comedian Paul Shanklin did...Rush played it on his show...the original article was written by a black Liberal... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Limbaugh is a racist, bigot and a shame to all good Americans. Archie Bunker is my true hero..although Rush is a close second... ![]() Archie Bunker was an ***. he was also my hero... ![]() |
Limbaugh and the Rams
This too Limbaugh: "Obama's entire economic program is reparations" July 22, 2009 4:57 pm ET From the June 22 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show: pretty fuggin' funny...and...right on !!...come on can do better then that... ![]() |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Limbaugh is a racist, bigot and a shame to all good Americans. Archie Bunker is my true hero..although Rush is a close second... ![]() |
The Dumbing of America
Umm, what happens in 12 and a half months? Wont his legacy not truly be apparent until he has SERVED his term? OR am I missing something? the mid-term's the first chance for the take their tea partys and town hall meetings to the voting booth... ![]() the guy who stays the hell outta my life... 2003 - Mark Klein, a retired AT&T communications technician, submitted an affidavit in support of the Electronic Fronteir Foundation's FF's lawsuit against AT&T. He testified that in 2003 he connected a "splitter" that sent a copy of Internet traffic and phone calls to a secure room that was operated by the NSA in the San Francisco office of AT&T. He heard from a co-worker that similar rooms were being constructed in other cities, including Seattle, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego. From "Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room", Wired News, 4/7/06 [Wired] [EFF Case] 12/15/05 - The New York Times reveals that "Months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials." The Bush wiretaps violated US law because he was required to get approval from FISA. He can start a wiretap of a suspected terrorist at any time but must then seek approval to continue within 72 hours. and I totally disagreed with must admit...Obama has taken goverenment intrusion to whole nother the anybody listening to Obama anymore...the presidency has sure lost it's's luster...I can remember when it was a big deal for the President to give a can't this guy off of the tube... ![]() |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 05:27 PM
Wow that has to be one of the most ignorant statements I've heard so far. You are the one accusing him of being a racist, PROVE IT! You can't because it's your opinion not facts! I posted earlier an article about the statement's that Rush was accused of saying. Did Rush say the statements he was accused of saying? Just curious. nope...and Rick Sanchez at CNN has publicly apologized...well here...I'll let you hear what the MobFather has to say about our fearless leader... "It's not the color of Obama's skin that we oppose. It's the color of his policies. It's not his blackness. It's his redness"... heres a few more from the MobFather... The Obama administration is going to issue a new medical marijuana policy today, which, frankly, I'm thankful for, because we're going to need to be stoned to live through the next three-and-a-half years." "Interesting little poll here from James Carville and Stan Greenberg. You ready for this? Wait for it... 'Racism is not a factor driving conservative opposition to Obama.' Well, damn." "If you didn't hear Snerdley's rant on Friday about all this NFL stuff, avail yourself of the opportunity now: Snerdley has now made YouTube. It's going to go viral out there, Snerdley!" "I know that at the end of the day, none of these competing leftist groups are going to abandon Obama because they hate us more than they can ever be mad at him." "More and more industries have just lost courage; they're not willing to fight for the system that made them prosperous. They're so scared now that they're playing ball with Obama in the hopes that he'll exempt them from the harm they know will come to others in their business. It's simply outrageous." "I have a suggestion, Mr. President. If you're going to attack insurance companies, would you please attack those in Iran, North Korea, and the Taliban like you do the insurance companies?" "If you believe anybody about anything ever in your life, including your mom and dad, believe me when I tell you that the entire, sole, 100% reason for national health care 'reform' is a public option." "Can I be honest with you, ladies and gentlemen? Well, you know I always am. But until we get rid of the unions, we're not going to have any change in the public schools." "I keep saying how there are very, very dark days ahead of us, but you're doing more than you know you're all doing by staying informed and spreading the word. I would urge more of this." |
The Dumbing of America
Umm, what happens in 12 and a half months? Wont his legacy not truly be apparent until he has SERVED his term? OR am I missing something? the mid-term's the first chance for the take their tea partys and town hall meetings to the voting booth... ![]() the guy who stays the hell outta my life... |
Chaney's daughter and Cindy McCain are out talking to get people to be against Obama. If Obama fails, the U.S. fails. If he fails ?... ![]() He won't fail if people work with him and not against him. I'll take Liberty over Tyranny everytime... ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 02:41 PM
Chaney's daughter and Cindy McCain are out talking to get people to be against Obama. If Obama fails, the U.S. fails. If he fails ?... ![]() |
Yes We Can...
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 07:38 AM
the electoral winds of change...and...the agony of defeat ?...early returns seem to suggest...a bloodbath for the the 2010 says...The American Thinker...
All eyes, for now, are focused on the gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey. Will those races be referenda on Obama and the Democrats? Yes, to some extent they will. If Republican candidates win those two races, that reflects upon the Democratic Party and its national leader. But off the national media radar, there are plenty of other smaller elections -- special elections for state legislative seats -- which already show serious political problems for the Democrats. The following list shows: (1) a particular state legislative seat which has held a special election in 2009; for example, the first race listed is the election results for the 89th District of the Maine House of Representatives, (2) the percentage of the vote that the Republican candidate running in that district received in the 2008 general election last November, and (3) the percentage of the vote that the Republican candidate received in a special election this year in the very same state legislative district. State/District GOP Vote 11/08 GOP Vote 2009 Special Election Change Maine House (89) 33% 66% GOP +33% New Hampshire Senate (3) 50% 68% GOP +18% South. Carolina House (30) 45% 54% GOP +9% New Hampshire House (4) 49% 62% GOP +13% Pennsylvania House (124) 68% 70% GOP + 2% Alabama Senate (7) 34% 67% GOP +33% Delaware Senate (19) 0% 63% GOP +63% Florida Senate (28) 62% 77% GOP +15% Tennessee House (62) 45% 67% GOP +22% Oklahoma House (65) 0% 56% GOP +56% The data speaks for itself: in the very same legislative districts, Republican candidates have been doing much better in special elections after Obama took office than Republican candidates did in November 2008, when large numbers of black voters and young voters turned out to elect Obama. The big jump for Republican candidates appears in Red states (Oklahoma, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee), in Blue states (Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maine), and in Purple states (Florida and New Hampshire.) These little elections across the nation confirm what polling data trends have shown: the nation as a whole is moving away from the Democratic Party and toward the Republican Party; the intensity of Republican voters these days is greater than Democrat voters; and these reach across all parts of the nation. Some of the Republican wins are real eye-openers. Republicans have never had a state representative from Oklahoma's 65th District and Delaware's 19th Senate District has been represented by Democrats for a long time. Democrat dominance had been so strong in those two districts that Republicans did not even field candidates in the 2008 general election. The 30th House District in South Carolina had not been represented by a Republican in thirty years. In several of these races, Republicans lost the state legislative race in November 2008 and then captured the seat in a 2009 special election. The tea leaves from these little races all over the nation should hearten Republicans and trouble Democrats. Other recent elections, like the surprising Republican win in the Albuquerque mayoral race earlier this month, confirm this trend. Democrats tried hard, when polls in Albuquerque showed that a Republican might actually make the runoff election, to bolster the Democrat front runner. These efforts failed. In yet another Purple state, voters in the largest city in the state have moved away from the Democratic Party and embraced the Republican Party. But on November 3, 2009, both political parties will know quite a bit more about the strength and consistency of these trends toward the Republican Party. While voters in New Jersey and Virginia are choosing their governors, voters in those states will also be electing state legislatures. If Republicans, who only control one of the four legislative chambers in those two states now, make major gains and maybe capture a legislative chamber in Virginia or New Jersey, that is very good news for Republicans. Virginians will also be electing other statewide elected officials, like Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General, Republican victories, and particularly the size of Republican victories, will tell a great deal about whether Virginia is a Red state once more. But the careful political eye will look at state legislative races on November 3rd in other states. Alabama, Michigan, South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, New Hampshire, and Washington will all have special state legislative races on the first Tuesday in November. If Republicans do well in these races, then a general Republican trend will receive powerful new evidence. Republicans, to be sure, will need to stand for something positive and principled. But right now it seems that the average Obama voter in 2008 is, today, apathetic, troubled, and wavering. |
The Dumbing of America
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 06:45 AM
Umm, what happens in 12 and a half months? Wont his legacy not truly be apparent until he has SERVED his term? OR am I missing something? the mid-term's the first chance for the take their tea partys and town hall meetings to the voting booth... ![]() |
The Dumbing of America
Edited by
Sun 10/18/09 10:17 PM
The majority is not opposing Obama so you are wrong there. you must being living in a dream world...this guy is in of this night...right now...he is without a doubt...the worse president in this countries history...and that includes Jimmy Carter...there are more Americans scratching there heads...saying..." this is NOT the change I voted for "...he is history !!! You have the bigger than thou art syndrom too huh??? LOL You didn't seriously think those two would admit Obama was doing well did you? Even if it was clear to them they wouldn't admit it, they are too invested in his failing than anything else. don't you talk to everyday people ?...he's pretty much a laughing stock...oh well...only 12 1/2 more months...we will see...remember...I'm from Chicago...and this guys downfall will be Axelrod and Emanuel...the 2 wise men...they are scum...I've seen there act for 20+ years... |
The Dumbing of America
The majority is not opposing Obama so you are wrong there.
you must being living in a dream world...this guy is in of this night...right now...he is without a doubt...the worse president in this countries history...and that includes Jimmy Carter...there are more Americans scratching there heads...saying..." this is NOT the change I voted for "...he is history !!! |
The Dumbing of America
YOU SAY: the last year under George Bush...the defecit was $459 billion...this fiscal year it stands at 1.4 the math son...Obama has no fuggin' clue what he's doing...he's just another tax and spend radical Liberal.. ACTUALLY: this is not something that falls all on Obamas shoulders. We were in a recession and on the way to depression. The increase in deficit is a natural process in recovery from such a situation. According to TIME magazine Between 1901 and 1916, the budget was almost always balanced. But then came the Great Depression followed closely by World War II, which resulted in a long succession of deficits that caused the federal debt to balloon from $16 billion in 1930 to $242 billion by 1946.(thats a rise of 1100 percent, we are at 300 percent now but I doubt that number will rise at the same rate during the coming years as it has had to during this first). YOU SAY: wrecking this countries's standing in the world...our currency is worthless...he's spending money we don't have. ACTUALLY: these were all conditions already in existence before OBama took office YOU SAY: while he's trying to force healthcare on a country that's 85% happy with what they have ACTUALLY: I am not sure where you are getting your numbers. Last I heard, support for some type of reform were pretty evenly split. YOU SAY: people are losing there jobs each and everyday...the true unemployment 17%...when you count those who have stopped his 9 months...almost 4 million jobs lost... 2 car companies taken over...nationalized the banks...nationalized student loans...a record 35 million on food stamps.. ACTUALLY: these conditions are also things that didnt START with OBama, These are balls that were already rolling down the hill and it is gonna take some time to slow down or stop the momentum they had already gained. YOU SAY: he's surrounded himself with 34 czars who would never have passed the Senates approval...with there communist what's next on his agenda...Cap and Trade...or better know as KneeCap and Tax...which will be a way for the government to dictate how each individual household regulates there heating and air conditioning...through what they call " smart grids " ACTUALLY: I dont really know enough to comment on the details of this accusation although most sounds like speculation and nothing that is backed up with proof. czars, and communists, and dictators,, OH MY!! I dont see this president as being a czar and at best I coudl see him offering incentives and rewards to those who choose alternative energy or make smarter choices YOU SAY: did you know that in this bill...all the fines that the goverment collects from businesses that don't conform to their stringent polution standards...will go into a government account and then be directly deposited into the bank accounts of those people who are 150% above the poverty line if they can't pay there heating bills. ACTUALLY: Not likely or legal. Do you understand the paperwork and man hours involved in depositing money directly into peoples bank accounts? It would be more likely that fines collected would go into production of clean energy and promoting a green economy. YOU SAY: that is what this guy meant by redistibution of wealth...his whole agenda is to return this coutrty to it's rightful owner...and in his mind...thats the poor...the down troddin'...who he believes are there because of the rich...and...the middle class... ACTUALLY: I will give that this one is PURE opinion and speculation. I see his statement differently than you but that is nothing that can be proven or disproven so I will leave it alone. the point is...Obama has made everything worse...last June the unemployment rate stood at far as spending your way out of a I've said country has ever tax and spent it's way to prosperity...FDR's policies actually made things worse...what ended the depression was WW2..heres a couple of polling sources you need to the way did you see the latest poll nunbers on Obama...only 43% said they'd vote for him if the election were held's pretty simple...Obama got 52.7% of the vote when he don't think he's pissed off at least 3% of those voters ?...which would have him at less then 50%...only 12 1/2 more months for the country to let him know what they 1994 when the country had it's first chance to show Clinton what they thought...he lost 54 house seats and 8 senate seats...remember...right now 82 house seats sit in districts that voted for McCain and or Bush in the last two elections... |