Community > Posts By > hinkypoepoe
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Fri 09/05/08 06:40 PM
"Obama, 47, has raised more than $400 million for his presidential campaign. Since clinching the nomination in June, he has raised about $80 million a month for his campaign and the Democratic National Committee. His fundraising goal, if met, may mean $100 million more to spend on the campaign than the Republicans. She raised 200 million in one week!!! 8 weeks till November 4th ... |
I Love.....
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Fri 09/05/08 06:28 PM
Feel the Warm Flowing Nectar of Stimulated Love Juice, Lubricating my Hot Ebony Wand of Everlasting Pleasure ![]() I did'nt know you liked to post on her PRINCE. Hey, how is the THE REVOLUTION these days. Vanity lost her mind you know. Is it true that you are only 3 feet 2 inches tall? ![]() Large penis yeh . I have the same problem. When ever I get an erection I pass out from blood pressure loss. I now have to tie a silk tourniquet around my balls. |
I Love.....
Feel the Warm Flowing Nectar of Stimulated Love Juice, Lubricating my Hot Ebony Wand of Everlasting Pleasure ![]() I did'nt know you liked to post on her PRINCE. Hey, how is the THE REVOLUTION these days. Vanity lost her mind you know. Is it true that you are only 3 feet 2 inches tall? ![]() So, thats how Vanity lost her blew a hole through it. ![]() It should have been called "When women love feminine males with short stature and large penises". To long though ..right? |
Sarah Palin for VP
Who keeps messing with my post....Censorship !!!! foul foul Censorship!!!!!!!!!!
I Love.....
Feel the Warm Flowing Nectar of Stimulated Love Juice, Lubricating my Hot Ebony Wand of Everlasting Pleasure ![]() I did'nt know you liked to post on her PRINCE. Hey, how is the THE REVOLUTION these days. Vanity lost her mind you know. Is it true that you are only 3 feet 2 inches tall? ![]() So, thats how Vanity lost her blew a hole through it. |
I Love.....
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Fri 09/05/08 06:12 PM
Feel the Warm Flowing Nectar of Stimulated Love Juice, Lubricating my Hot Ebony Wand of Everlasting Pleasure ![]() I did'nt know you liked to post on here PRINCE. Hey, how is the THE REVOLUTION these days. Vanity lost her mind you know. Is it true that you are only 3 feet 2 inches tall? |
did you know...
you can get pink eye if someone farts in your face with no pants on. Did you know that Gary Busey is out of his FU**ing mind!! |
I Love.....
| You would love me I have so much (of it) to offer. |
I Love.....
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Fri 09/05/08 06:00 PM
Chicks that are pregnant!!! They are like 110 degrees inside.
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Fri 09/05/08 04:54 PM
Not to say he doesn't like Sarah. He does... 200 million Dollar Baby. |
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Fri 09/05/08 04:36 PM
Palin was forced on Uncle Fester. He wanted Lieberman. Hall and Oats :Sarah Smile Baby hair with a woman's eyes I can feel you watching in the night All alone with me and we're waiting for the sunlight When I feel cold, you warm me And when I feel I can't go on, you come and hold me It's you... And me forever Sarah Smile Won't you smile a while for me Sarah If you feel like leaving you know you can go But why don't you stay until tomorrow? If you want to be free, you know, all you got to do is say so And when you feel cold, I'll warm you And when you feel you can't go on, I'll come and hold you It's you... And me forever Sarah Smile Won't you smile a while for me |
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Fri 09/05/08 03:05 PM
In the words of Cuba Gooding Jr. -"SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!"
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 8
Krimsa; I edited out the beginning of this cause the posts are getting huge. I'll take it from here. Yes, well since you are not willing to accept that Neanderthal man first lived on the Earth about 200,000 years ago then the only position I can assume that you are taking is he must ONLY be 6000 years at the oldest and perhaps even created around the same time as Adam and Eve. Correct me if I'm wrong but when else would god had made him if we are indeed forced to work within the confines of the biblical time line. I think that it best to recap here, since it appears that this discussion is expanding with each post. I think that we can establish as fact - that we have these fossel remains which by consenses - we will call "Neanderthal". Determining the age of "Nea" is presumptuous - as we have no means of travelling back in time to substanciate our claims. The same would be said of "cause". I will let you speak of your pesumptions on cause for yourself - but here are mine. I contend that man was created once. First Adam, and Eve from his rib. Whether this was 6,000 years ago, or 600,000 years would not change this. I tend to go with 6,000 (or so), prefering for the time being to shade towards literal interpretation of the numbers in scripture - but I'm not beyond entertaining other theories on this. I'm just not up to spead on the Old World creationist axioms. Anyway - this would demonstrate that the idea of God creating Neanderthol, and A&E as homosapien, as two different events a contradiction for me. I have never stated, or felt otherwise. Therefore - Neanderthol - by logic - would be a descendant of Adam & Eve, and since there is only one event of creation - by extension, allowing for your presumption that Neanderthol came first - this would mean A&E were Neanderthols, and not Homosapien. The only other option that would be acceptable within the confinds of my stated presumption, is that there is no difference between Neanderthol and Homosapien, beyond drawing an analogy of the difference between the physique of a caucasion and an oriental. Well it is your assertion that Adam and Eve are representative of Homo sapien sapien or modern day man because that is what you have concluded on another post. If you wish to change that position now, it is fine but please explain what genus Adam and Eve are if not Homo Sapien. I always assumed that the bible's position was that god made humans fully formed and as we appear today. In that case, Neanderthal still poses a problem because he is not Homo Sapien. So I ask, why did god make him exactly and when? What about Cro Magnon man?45,000 to 10,000 years ago in the Upper Paleolithic. He is even later on the time line. How would you explain the changes that are occurring between the skulls of Neanderthal and Cro Magnon? Cro Magnon has little to no brow ridge and he has the characteristically high forehead like homo sapien. Cro-Magnon man is also slender in build and stands upright. He does not have the exaggerated, flaring ribcage either, nor the wide pelvis. Neanderthal females would have needed that pelvis in order to give birth to those infants. As noted Homo sapien females would have had a hard time in labor attempting to give birth to these babies with such massive heads This is a plausible explanation for the eventual extinction of Neanderthal. In following in line with adaptation and the ability to pass one's genetic profile onto successive generations.. We are getting closer aren't we? Why are these changes happening gradually if Neanderthal died in a big flood? We can stick with Neanderthal until we can identify his genus and where he came from. The questions naturally arise of not only what are Adam and Eve, but what is Neanderthal and what are these other hominids exacttly? Why are we seeing a slow and gradual change in the physiology? As previously stated - my presumptions are that Neanderthol are descendant from A&E as priori. So the assertion that A&E is homosapien only serves the purpose of not recognizing Neanderthol as either preceeding H.S. or that there is no definitve distinction between the two, as is presumed in evolution. Again, I tend to find the differences in physicality more in line with the differences we find today within the races - than I do for the need to have adapted from one Eon/Age to the next. The distinction of what happened due to the flood, is that 3 facts are known. 1) the Majority of the decendants of A&E did not survive the flood - with the exception of 8 people. 2) That the expected life span of man decreased steadily, and rapidly. Fom an average of 900 pre-flood - to 200 up until Abraham, and to 80 Up until David and desreased until the middle ages, only increasing in the modern age with the advent of medical procedures and drugs discovered to prolong life and fight disease. 3) That up until the time of Babel - only one language was spoken on earth, and rather than disperse throughout the land and increase, man congregated. Causing language to be confused, and forced dispersement, and abandonment of building the tower of Babel. My presumption here is that - despite what labels we assign to the fossels - Cro magnon, Homo-sapien, whatever... The radical change in life-span, eventual change of atmospheric environment, and forced dispersion would account for the changing and adapting of the physicality of man, which is often sighted for the differences in physiques between Caucasion, Oriental, Arab, and Negro populations. So it would be expected that we find variants in the fossel records - for the ame reasons we see them in man today. However - I don't presume to have an adequate explination for this - beyond the premises of modern day science. Okay if we accept that the flood actually did occur which I don't doubt that it may have but in a localized region, how would that ensure the immediate death of ALL Neanderthal? Besides, in order for Neanderthal to "adapt" and become physiologically akin to homo sapien wouldn't he require the time since creation nearly 6000 years ago to become homo sapien? Otherwise, yes okay we could go with your theory that the flood was worldwide and killed Neanderthal in the course of a singular cataclysmic event but then that still leaves you with not having an explanation of what he is? Even if you do not believe he is anything other than homo sapien, we understand from his skeletal structure that he is substantially different and by all accounts had a different mode of existence than these other 6000 year old humans. So why would god have created something totally different and not quite the same as homo sapien (Adam and Eve) It would appear that you are working VERY hard to smash square pegs into round holes in order to accommodate this annoying hominid specimen. Im only requiring you to look at the easiest and most logical explanation first. Actually that's another question for you since you mentioned fossil remains. Shouldn't all of Neanderthals excavated encampments and tools and skulls and bones and pottery and children and burial grounds all be located somewhere in the Middle East or the biblical Cradle of Civilization? Some sites were in Iran and Iraq but others have been found in Europe and Asia because it believed that he migrated and was able to break off into several bands. Here again - we have a difference in the presumption of time. What would be evidenced from the flood is that whatever variance occured from the creation of A&E till Noah and the other 7 boarded the arc, would have perished in the flood. So, by natural reasoning, Noah and his decendants would now be what would be considered Homo-sapien if the presumption of keeping the labels distinct is to be held to. As to the dispersement of fossels - this would have been a natural occurance due to the dispersement at Babel. It is not clear though, as to how far the ancients (pre-flood) dispersed, as the account of Genesis narrows it's focus to that of Noah, and the generations through to Abraham. All we have of an account in Genesis is that evil had spread throughout the land, and that man had essentially become wicked. So no clear distinction outside of subjective assumptions can be determined concerning where the fossels were located. There is no reason to believe that these early humans lived to be 900 years of age and for the hard life of Neanderthal, seeing 40 might have been considered rare. However I promised you I would TAKE everything into account. So far that Neanderthal could only be about 6000 years old, that he could have possibly perished in a flood, and whatever biblical parameters and restrictions you would like to enforce on this early descendant of man. The problem is he isn't going away and there is no easy way to explain what he is. Well - in order to reject the presumptions of their being decendants of A&E, it does not suffice to merely come up with another presumption, that is not sufficent to deny the axioms - what is needed to reject a presumption is to show cause why the presumption is an impossibility due to the claims of the presumption, as opposed to the validity of assumed presumptions that oppose it. Generally though - it can often be demonstrated that only one of the opposing presumptions has the ability to be viable, however assurtion of viability remains subjective at best. Okay so you are flip flopping here in your explanations. First you are attempting to explain the extinction of Neanderthal in terms of the great flood of Noah. So that would imply that Neanderthal was a descendant of Adam and Eve and existed prior to the flood correct? But then you must have lost track of that assertion because next you try to insert that the only reason we see this significant differential in terms of body structure is due to the atmospheric and climate changes that occurred POST flood. So that would mean you are now trying to say that Neanderthal was actually descended of Noah and his family and the story in the bible from that point on as it relates to repopulating the earth. Also, if we accept your theory that Neanderthal actually came into existence as being descendants of Noah's lineage and not Adam and Eve, and the normal human life span was decreasing by that time, that would give him even less time to adapt correct and become more homo-sapien like in appearance? Morning Song was at least giving him 900 years. You are essentially saying that it just depended on the topography and where those Neanderthal babies were born and that would determine their sloping brow ridge or longer arms or flared rib cages, or elongated cranium. Let me explain that "adaptation" is subject to reproduction and passing one's genetic profile onto that of offspring. It does not occur during the course of one life time, be that life time, 40 years, 80 or 900 years. I understand you were sleepy so just get to it on another post. No. Neanderthol would not be a decendant of Noah in our scenario. This would be contradictory to what I have been stating. Either there was previous misunderstanding of perspective on your part, or a typing error on mine. (Not unlikely since I have a tendency to word my mix up all the time, and obviously, I can't spell - nor type.) The difference in genetic anomalies could happen within one or two generations depending on the genome mapping of the parents and cross breeding. Of course the difficulty here is the lack of sheer numbers of the control group for DNA testing, due to the limitation of fossel records. There's no way to determine if the information of any genome tested is one that represents all of the potential information, or if there has been information lost within the genomes of the fossels to determine where that fossel falls into the generational time-line. Here, any explination is only going to be subjective due to a serious lack of onmncience on either of our parts. Therefore, it remains difficult to assess the factual evidence and the DNA it provides with any certainty - due to what is missing to assure an adequeste control group. As a side note - It is encouraging to note though, that the world view on the necessity of the ongoing excavation of the middle east and beyond has eased tremendously in just the last half century. But - it will take vast numbers of people, and unlimited co-operation of what remains as hostile countries to continue the research. I look forward to additional findings to expand the control groups of these presumptions, so that it does not remain so subjective, for it limits any viable discussion because of it. lj Well If that is contradictory to what you are stating then by all means try to formulate some kind of an opinion if you would like. The questions that have been posed to you thus far are: What genus would Neanderthal fall into? I only assumed that you had asserted that he was homo sapien because Adam and Eve are homo sapien and Noah and his lineage are homo sapien. When would Neanderthal have existed on earth?The paleontologists have a theory based on credible research that would give him a range of 200,000 years and as recently as 30,000 years. I would agree with this premise. I am assuming that you disagree with it in some respect. If you do, please explain when Neanderthal man came into existence and for how long did he live. We are both just hypothesizing here so I dont see the harm. Also, of what direct line is he descended since now you are claiming that it was not Adam and Eve, nor Noah and his family. Your insistence that the difference in the physical traits between homo sapien and Neanderthal are nothing more than genetic anomalies does not explain why an entire group of people would share these characteristics and pass them from generation to generation. (Please see the list of physiological differences between Neanderthal and homo sapien that was posted). Also, how would you explain these same differences in physiology manifesting themselves in specimens found in various locations through out the world? There is actually a fair amount of recovered Neanderthal fossil specimens available, including, as you have already been introduced to, children of varying ages who are already showing the characteristic of the adult Neanderthal. A humorous bone sample was taken. It was determined that the amino acid levels were at 20% to 73% of those in modern bone, evidencing DNA survival. Also how would you explain the difference between Neanderthal and Cro magnon man as we inch closer towards homo sapien. Is he also yet another anomalie? I am not claiming any "omniscience" on my part here. Were you in some respect? I am uncomfortable with those terms as it smacks of some kind of god like influence. I am simply a human here who is presenting these various issues for your assessment with strong supportive evidence on my side. I am asking that you rebut in some fashion or formulate an argument that would successfully diffuse its credibility as it has been presented thus far. Damn!!! What are you doing – writing a theses? |
i am proud to say that i am almost done all my christmas shopping for this year ![]() Can I slid down your Chimney? |
The Grinch:
The nerve of those Whos. Inviting me down there - and on such short notice. Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn't allow it. Four o'clock, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, jazzercize. 6:30, dinner with me. I can't cancel that again. 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing; I'm booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9 I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness. But what would I wear? |
favorite bands
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Fri 09/05/08 02:17 PM
F.U.B.A.R. !!!!! These guys kick serious ass! G.H.M.A.T. !!!!! Gave Her Massive Anal Trauma – Now that band rocks!!! Have you ever herd their hit single “ I want to squeeze your nipples until they turn purple!!!” |
dinosaurs were used in The Flintstones Movies!! and dinosaurs RULE!!! Incidentally, I feel like its a bad idea to be re-introducing dinosaurs into a modern environment and setting. I agree with the line from "Jurassic Park" "They had their shot and nature selected them for extinction for a reason." If someone had paid closer attention to that guy, then far fewer humans would have been consumed over the course of that film. Just my two cents. Did'nt a big rock fall on them.........I'M BACK SUGAR! |
Sarah Palin for VP
McCain is such a hypocrite. First he's not sure a woman can "step up to the plate in a time of emergency", and now he picks a female running mate just to scoop up all the Hillary votes? Pathetic. That is because he found the right female. She is not a wimp. Sounds smart to me. |
Sarah Palin for VP
Really how crazy is it that this 17yo is pregnant and these Christan people aren't outraged. as long as she keeps it pre-marital teenage sex and shotgun weddings are okay??? WTF??? this just shows you that partisanship is stronger than religion. Her daughter is not running for VP. Oboma even said that Palin's daughter should be left out of this whole thing. You lib's are going to verbally beat up a 17 year old girl who made a mistake that 1000's of inner city girls make everyday??? You libs are going to blame the mother for the daughter getting pregnant?? You can teach your children all the right things and they still make their own choices in the end. I bet she doesn’t leave her baby in a crack house or a dumpster. a crack house dumpster?? holy hyperbole batman your a moron. I bet she doesn’t leave her baby in a crack house or a dumpster. You missed two words in the previous post, which help to clarify your misunderstanding. Sarah Whomped that AZZ last night son !!!!. |