Community > Posts By > hinkypoepoe

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:24 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other coulters in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:15 PM

noway people are stupid... I'm slowly losing my faith in humanitygrumble

You are the smartest person I have met on this web site yet. You and the person who started this forum. People do suck ...well a lot of people do but not all. I have noticed that our society has become more and more self centered over my life time. Political correctness has become a crutch and a way for groups to deflect any real discussion that people may want to have about inferior cultures and concealed hate. You know what I’m talking about. Me me me society. My way is right and all who disagree must bend to my will even if I don’t do what I say as long as you do what I say its ok…said the spider to the flies.

I agree with you, hard to find people who would drop what they are doing to help you out. my car broke down one day an I was waiting for someone to stop to help for about 5hrs cops even passed by, I had my 4ways on an the hood an truck open.. its pretty bad.

I helped a coworker drive a car back from North Dakota to Georgia. I didn’t charge him ..I just like to travel and thought it would be nice to see some of the country. I didn’t expect anything in return. A month later I asked the guy about a truck he was going to sell.. he says he will sell it to me for $2,500 then he raises the price to $3,500. I tell him ok I will buy it with 2,500 down and then pay off the other grand in installments. He says ok. 2 weeks later I have the money and he tells me he bought a boat and wants to keep the truck. I understand that but hell he could have said something earlier. What an a$$hole. That’s ok though because now his wife is divorcing him . what you do comes back to haunt you. sell the boat and truck cause ex wifey will be taken half.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:01 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 01:30 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s yours is everyones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:51 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway

You should write lyrics for RUN DMC. Corse one of em is dead I dont know if they will take your words and put them to a gangsta beat but heck you can always contact Lil wayne.

You have no idea of what i'm talking about do you??

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:47 PM

that is because they are insecure and feel they have to play with people!!!!! what comes around goes around:wink:

Justin Timberlake song - what goes around. He is kind of girly but I like some of his music. What goes around does come around. You are so so right.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:44 PM

Why is it so many people do what they want to whomever they want, then when they get a big dose of realtiy in their face, they whine and cry like a victim?

"I know I poked that dog for a year now every time I went by the house, but he should never have bitten me, he should be put down now." WTF is that?

You are on the money honey. You said what everyone is thinking. Question: Why do you think people are like this?

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:43 PM

noway people are stupid... I'm slowly losing my faith in humanitygrumble

You are the smartest person I have met on this web site yet. You and the person who started this forum. People do suck ...well a lot of people do but not all. I have noticed that our society has become more and more self centered over my life time. Political correctness has become a crutch and a way for groups to deflect any real discussion that people may want to have about inferior cultures and concealed hate. You know what I’m talking about. Me me me society. My way is right and all who disagree must bend to my will even if I don’t do what I say as long as you do what I say its ok…said the spider to the flies.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 11:22 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 11:49 AM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

Read the new book that just came out about will crap your pants. He is a typical red diaper doper baby. He was indoctrinated in college by Liberal professors like most good communist.

Ya know what ? I don’t think McCarthy was far off. After world war 2 I do believe the Soviet Union was infiltrating our government and educational systems. If you look at modern day liberalisms values you can see a definite relationship to Leninism…Marxism etc. Gee look at JFK and tell me that today’s Lib could hold a candle to his belief system cant. JFK would have black balled most modern day LIBS from the Democratic party. Bunch of commies hiding behind global warming and political correctness. It makes me sick.

Wow. Scary views.

I know McCarthy is the boogie man to the left..Boooo!!!

My point is still valid though. Its been proven that Germany had placed spies an operatives into U.S. government and educational positions during world war two. Don’t you watch the history channel?? So don’t you think the soviets did the same thing. It's logical my friend and it has shown fruit since that late 50's up until today. Especially in our education and entertainment industries.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:41 AM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

Read the new book that just came out about will crap your pants. He is a typical red diaper doper baby. He was indoctrinated in college by Liberal professors like most good communist.

Ya know what ? I don’t think McCarthy was far off. After world war 2 I do believe the Soviet Union was infiltrating our government and educational systems. If you look at modern day liberalisms values you can see a definite relationship to Leninism…Marxism etc. Gee look at JFK and tell me that today’s Lib could hold a candle to his belief system cant. JFK would have black balled most modern day LIBS from the Democratic party. Bunch of commies hiding behind global warming and political correctness. It makes me sick.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:10 AM

So lindyy, you are supporting a man who committed adultery, applied for a wedding license for his second wife before divorcing his first and then lied about it?

I thought you were solidly against that sort of behavior.


No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag. Most of the A-holes we have in office are jumping from bed to bed and loven them ear marks. They care about themselves and their family not the American public. You are sticking up for people who would not piss on you if you were on fire. Wake up People.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:05 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 10:16 AM

McCain is a golddigging Loser. The man doesn't know how many houses he owns yet he portrays Barack Obama as "elitist."

Ok...lets look at Oboma. He has 4 million dollars in the bank. He is a brat too. Rich is rich. Oboma is a communist not an elitist. ..That much is true. He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C. Cause you know the government does great things with our tax money.. bhaaaa haaaaa haaa.

By the by McCain is not rich his wife is rich. Look it up. Also some of the homes he owns are rental property. He is a business man.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:12 AM

Dance with me on the edge
Of the crescent moon
Let my feet never
Touch the ground
As your kisses full
Of magical wonder
Catch hold of the depths of my soul...

We belong under this crescent moon
You and I
As we dance beyond our dreams
With just the kiss
That has been
Placed on each others lips...

So when you look at that
Crescent moon
You will see in the corner
The dancing figures of our souls.:heart:

You have a way with words. Nice very very nice.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:08 AM

i think you need a psychiatrist:tongue:

and by the way your not being ignored bluebox

Holly Crap!!! Some body left the cage door open...Hey what the hell is bluebox ,is that code for a horny girl or somthin???? has a blue box when the person does not have a picture.

Okiee Dokiee

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:01 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 01:06 AM
"Your song" by Elton John.


"Shining star" by the Manhattans.


"Lets just kiss and say goodbye" by the

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:53 AM
south park rocks!!!!!!!!!!

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:45 AM

Heres what my dad taught me...The 4 F's

1. Find

2. Feel

3. F*ck

4. Forget

P.S. Sadly it never worked for me

Yep, it was that forget part for me. A mans Penis has a long memory and some times a women will even leave you with a reminder rap your Jimmy Timmy!!!!!!!!!

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:42 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 12:46 AM

i think you need a psychiatrist:tongue:

and by the way your not being ignored bluebox

Holly Crap!!! Some body left the cage door open...Hey what the hell is bluebox ,is that code for a horny girl or somthin????

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:35 AM

well...The father of my children was my husband for 10 years, during the entire ten years I was beaten by him and he caused me to lose the twin of my daughter...I finally found an escape for myself and my five children and raised them because of the past that I have lived...does this mean I should not be allowed to find a good man and remarry?

Sorry to hear your ex was a rotten a$$hole. But I think she was talking about having three or four husbands or wives at the same time..I think.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:29 AM

I never said yall were old i just said i wanted someone a little closer to my age damnit lol ... i kno i should have been a little mosre specific ... damn ... srry lol

Im just fun'en with ya missy. I gotta go anyway. one of the boys here at the shop got's a gawd awful flue. He's all bowed up an what not. I think I had better let'em hit the out house before he soils em'self.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:16 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 12:18 AM

well darn...I think I'm offended:cry:

She is tellen us old the words of Mr. Eastwood." Dont go away mad..Just go away" Old clint ya gotta love'em!!!

Come on Granny the yung'ans wanna talk about rap music and unpurtected sex..we better scat..yeee doggie!!!