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New Church of Free Will
so how has everyone been lately?
New Church of Free Will
![]() i get called to battle by catch and yet no it the days of JSH peace already? |
my mother has Fibromyalgia =( i feel so bad on her "bad days" but shes
strong and pulls through =) |
why must the beast that feeds me everyday clean up after my mess? i
worked so hard to make it. why does this other beast named dog jump on my cage trying to get in? its not all that great in here, hell i wanna get out. why does my roommate steal my snacks after eating his own? i have one, you have one...why take mine? why does the beast that feeds me shove me and my roomate into a bag when we go on a trip? all i want to do is explore this thing they call car. Why does my roommate try to hump me? im fixed....hes why bother? i dont like it....yet he trys now and again when he thinks im not looking. Why does the beast that feeds me, take away all my goodies after i just finished stashing them? These are mine...not yours. How come when i climb up really really high and seek to drop down the beast that feeds me panics and catches me? if i wanted to be held then i'd go over to you. Why Does my roommate ALWAYS have to be the first to soil the new litter....when im still not finished dunking my head through it? Why Does the beast that feeds me puts me back in the cage after letting me out? why tease the both of makes no sense. Why can't i live up in the bed...or in the couch....its more to my liking. Why does the other beasts that dont feed me, scream and yelp when i chase them around the house? don't they want to play? Why do socks just taste so good? if i could have it my way i would eat 30 socks a day... it makes my tummy upset...but its really worth it. and finally why do they not like it when i go for their toes.... they act like its a bad thing... you have ten on each foot? why can't you share them? all i want is one....or three...they are nice should be proud you got nice toes...why? why? why? ![]() |
lets see, i need a bath everyweek, wash my ears, feed me really good cat
food so i dont loose weight. dont mind that i eat their socks, clean out my litter box cuz i can take a **** every 3hrs. make sure i got fresh water, dont mind 'love bites", take me buh-byes, wont get mad when i take your things and hide your keys. and most of all play with me =)...any takers? ![]() |
another "in god we trust"
hmm ? what? i want donuts
hear me roar!
Can't match this sexiness...
check out them teeth... warm fuzzy coat... all primal here |
oh for those that are not aware of the unspoken phrase... "you cant
hate thee if thy be fuzzy." the end |
Are we superior?
you are only superior when the concept of this question serves no
meaning.....and you have a million offspring and all other opposing males/female lay dead and broken......or something like that.... i think its stated on page 34,675 paragraph 5,732 line 962. in the book "the laws of nature" |
let us speak about the faith...ferretism
ferretism holds no evil nor concept of good. the common know "laws" if you will work as such, 1-Thou shall take if it be shiny 2-Thou shall bite ye stranger cuz thee can 3-Thou shall dunk head in fresh litter for fresh litter may not always be there for head dunking 4-Thou who craps first in corner, owns Corner and thy corner shall be made for thy crapping hence on 5- Thou shall take, when one isnt watching 6- Thou shall take, when one is watching 7- Thou make mess of water bowls, and anythign that can be tipped for choas is fun, and messes are made to give purpose to the "lesser" beings 8- Thou shall play, giving no regard to time of day or situation for life is but a game and nothing more. 9-If you can destroy it, Then do so. For if it is easyly destroyed then it serves no purpose to thee. 10- If thy nips, then thy must run so that one becomes immune to wraith. these are just the basic of ferretism... however it goes much deeper then this. To truely follow the way of ferretism one must become at peace with one self and learn that the purpose you serve is the purpose you make for thy self. Like the ferret we must understand that life is ment for enjoyment at all time. Sin has no meaning for there is no evil. and goodwil is meaningless for the world is harsh and if one nips...then nip back... while this may seem agressive, in truth it is not. for just because one is nipped does not mean that is done out of cruel intent. often times its a symbol of affection or at worst a symbolic leave me be. for if one was to draw blood then it would be done with ease. For we are all here to play, nothing more....nothing less. |
New Church of Free Will
well nice to see everyone still floating around =) Im off to go take a nap... i need it . on the brightside friday is payday and i get it off =D |
New Church of Free Will
tired...bored...and a lil thristy..... so what is everyone up
to? ![]() |
New Church of Free Will
![]() retail sucks... they made me go in at 430pm-3am then i had to turn around and go back in at 11 in the morning =(...could had been worse... but it still sucked... |
New Church of Free Will
![]() " the baby gotta love me!.." |
New Church of Free Will
i have a bellybutton
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off to bed i go...the ZZZzzZZzzZZ are starting to pile up on me....Night
Catch! Night all! ZzzZZzzzzzZZzzZZZzzzZZzZ ![]() |
dont mind my buddy skunk hes fried...gone...gone...gone... lets just
hope he don't pee himself.....mostly for the sofa's sake |
bring me this thingy mah jiggy thats better then catnip!
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better then CATNIP? it cant be true... LIES!!!
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