Community > Posts By > iceprincess

iceprincess's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:43 PM
laugh that was good........

iceprincess's photo
Wed 06/04/08 07:51 PM
I kinda live here in the middle of it so I have no all have fun though.........LOL

iceprincess's photo
Wed 06/04/08 07:35 PM
hmmm if you feel the need to know the answer.:wink:

iceprincess's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:21 PM

Ok I'll share something with you all............Last year I was diagnosed as having a brain cancer it was in an inoperable section of my brain my only recourse was sterotactic radiosurgery (using a radiation via laser). In the course of all this lovely discovery we found out i was pregnant. I had a choice........I could wait and pretty much guarantee I wouldn't have enough time for treatment to save me therefor leaving 3 children motherless..providing the child survived to full term and survived birth as they planned to to take it at approx 7 months to hopefully give me treatment time. You see i have other complications associated with my health which make it difficult for me to carry to term. Or I have an abortion as treatment pretty much guaranteed my childs in utero death or sever birth defects. Again I have 2 children Living breathing children who are here..........Do i guarantee my survival and my existing children keep mom? or do I gamble and hope i have time? or do i do nothing get treatment and hope good really does take pitty on fools and children? I chose to go wiht my dr's decision and abort. Do i regret it? Yes but not for the reasons you think....I wonder will i go to hell I believe it's murder tehn i look at my children and think it's wortth it. I have it's ultrasound pictures,............i sometimes wake up hearing a child that's not here crying.........and my arms ache as it would have been born by now...........I made my choice.
Judge me if you will but i always said Never. Till I was faced wiht the decision and God made me swallow those words. Till it's'll never know

as for those that say if you know it may endanger your life take precaoutions,,,,,,,,,my tubes have been tied for three years........

id never judge you, im so sorry im speechless. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I don't think you many people on here look at only two sides the rape/incest side and the stupid lets take no precaustions and get out easy side.......there are many other scenarious and No-One on here can honestly say what they would do under any given circumstances till your faced with them.When you are you may surprise even yourself.

i understand. as your cancer gone now?? flowerforyou

I am technically in remission

iceprincess's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:20 PM

I know it's real, but this is a dating site. Not the correct forum by any means.

Look on the bright side my you know who not to date...........laugh

iceprincess's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:16 PM

Ok I'll share something with you all............Last year I was diagnosed as having a brain cancer it was in an inoperable section of my brain my only recourse was sterotactic radiosurgery (using a radiation via laser). In the course of all this lovely discovery we found out i was pregnant. I had a choice........I could wait and pretty much guarantee I wouldn't have enough time for treatment to save me therefor leaving 3 children motherless..providing the child survived to full term and survived birth as they planned to to take it at approx 7 months to hopefully give me treatment time. You see i have other complications associated with my health which make it difficult for me to carry to term. Or I have an abortion as treatment pretty much guaranteed my childs in utero death or sever birth defects. Again I have 2 children Living breathing children who are here..........Do i guarantee my survival and my existing children keep mom? or do I gamble and hope i have time? or do i do nothing get treatment and hope good really does take pitty on fools and children? I chose to go wiht my dr's decision and abort. Do i regret it? Yes but not for the reasons you think....I wonder will i go to hell I believe it's murder tehn i look at my children and think it's wortth it. I have it's ultrasound pictures,............i sometimes wake up hearing a child that's not here crying.........and my arms ache as it would have been born by now...........I made my choice.
Judge me if you will but i always said Never. Till I was faced wiht the decision and God made me swallow those words. Till it's'll never know

as for those that say if you know it may endanger your life take precaoutions,,,,,,,,,my tubes have been tied for three years........

id never judge you, im so sorry im speechless. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I don't think you many people on here look at only two sides the rape/incest side and the stupid lets take no precaustions and get out easy side.......there are many other scenarious and No-One on here can honestly say what they would do under any given circumstances till your faced with them.When you are you may surprise even yourself.

iceprincess's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:05 PM
Edited by iceprincess on Sun 06/01/08 01:11 PM
Ok I'll share something with you all............Last year I was diagnosed as having a brain cancer it was in an inoperable section of my brain my only recourse was sterotactic radiosurgery (using a radiation via laser). In the course of all this lovely discovery we found out i was pregnant. I had a choice........I could wait and pretty much guarantee I wouldn't have enough time for treatment to save me therefor leaving 3 children motherless..providing the child survived to full term and survived birth as they planned to to take it at approx 7 months to hopefully give me treatment time. You see i have other complications associated with my health which make it difficult for me to carry to term. Or I have an abortion as treatment pretty much guaranteed my childs in utero death or sever birth defects. Again I have 2 children Living breathing children who are here..........Do i guarantee my survival and my existing children keep mom? or do I gamble and hope i have time? or do i do nothing get treatment and hope god really does take pitty on fools and children? I chose to go wiht my dr's decision and abort. Do i regret it? Yes but not for the reasons you think....I wonder will i go to hell I believe it's murder tehn i look at my children and think it's wortth it. I have it's ultrasound pictures,............i sometimes wake up hearing a child that's not here crying.........and my arms ache as it would have been born by now...........I made my choice.
Judge me if you will but i always said Never. Till I was faced wiht the decision and God made me swallow those words. Till it's'll never know

as for those that say if you know it may endanger your life take precaoutions,,,,,,,,,my tubes have been tied for three years........

iceprincess's photo
Sun 06/01/08 06:24 AM

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:14 PM

Murder is murder regardless of what you call it.

I'm not going to disagree..........but "murder" is also at times a necessary evil........hence the reason we have wars.

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:06 PM

No. How can you even justify killing an innocent baby no matter what the circumstances?

The only thing I can say to this is may you never be faced wiht having to make a decision between and unborn child that may or may not survive and two children who are real. May you never have to decide to take a gamble and hope you have enough time after the unborn is brought into this world to get treatment for something you know shall kill you. When and if you are then you can answer your own ?. till then my dear remain innocent and Thank-God you don't wake up hearing a child don't look at ultrasound pictures wondering were you right trying to justify it in your mind..........knowing you should have 3 and feeling the emptiness in your arms as you realize that he/she should have been born.never will be. It's not a light decision and you pay everyday of your life..........

Let those judging feel your anguish. I'm so sorry for your loss.brokenheart

I don't feel I'm judged.........people just don't realize that you never know what you'll do till faced with the decision........I used to be that girl.......Like I said God has a way of making us eat our words when we say never.

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:01 PM

No. How can you even justify killing an innocent baby no matter what the circumstances?

The only thing I can say to this is may you never be faced wiht having to make a decision between and unborn child that may or may not survive and two children who are real. May you never have to decide to take a gamble and hope you have enough time after the unborn is brought into this world to get treatment for something you know shall kill you. When and if you are then you can answer your own ?. till then my dear remain innocent and Thank-God you don't wake up hearing a child don't look at ultrasound pictures wondering were you right trying to justify it in your mind..........knowing you should have 3 and feeling the emptiness in your arms as you realize that he/she should have been born.never will be. It's not a light decision and you pay everyday of your life..........

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:51 PM

I'm pro-choice too. The CHOICE comes as to whether or not to spread my legs, or take a contraceptive.

Should not be a choice as to whether I take the life I so carelessly began .. IMHO flowerforyou

Thats providing the child was concieved due to carelessness.......there are may reasons as to why abortion becomes an option it's not always just to get out of a "mistake".....IMHO and life circumstance

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:47 PM
you never know the whole story behind any decision...........till it's your decision...........All i have to say is never say never.........god has of way of making us eat our words when we judge

iceprincess's photo
Thu 05/15/08 06:56 PM

Don't forget the rest of that information!

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 "...Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God... "

How many of us can say we don't practice ANY of those? Give me a break.

KJV nowhere mentions homosexuals so i don't see how this can be used as a means of debasing them...........I know your not but i'm using your quote of the verse (thanks)

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

who is to say that "abusers of themselves with mankind" means practicing homsexuality it could mean dominance or any other such "abusive" act

iceprincess's photo
Thu 05/15/08 06:45 PM

personally i don't care marry whomever you wish. I would like some clarification though where does it say in the New Testement that homosexuality is wrong..........I know it's in the Old Testemant but the new one kinda cancelled that out soo.......

I don't practice religiosity much so I'd really like to know.
look under corinthians. no homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven

where in corinthians does it specifically state this. As best i can tell there are only three approx refrences to homsexuality in the new testemant (don't qoute me as i said i don't practice much) and all are only refrences none actually come outright and condemn in the original KJV.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 05/15/08 06:35 PM
personally i don't care marry whomever you wish. I would like some clarification though where does it say in the New Testement that homosexuality is wrong..........I know it's in the Old Testemant but the new one kinda cancelled that out soo.......

I don't practice religiosity much so I'd really like to know.

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/09/08 08:25 PM
I hate the way you look at me
All you see is damaged goods
You see someone with scars
Both physically and mentally
I hate the way you see my children
A product of a dsyfunctional relationship
I'm damaged so they must be also.....right?
How could they not be
Look at their mother
You see me as cynical
You see me as wary
You see me as someone stronger for what has happened
You praise me for it
Yet with your eyes you tell me i'm to be pitied
You tell me I'm not whole
What you don't tell me
Is that it doesn't matter to YOU.

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/09/08 07:32 PM
I took a chance i stepped out
All the mores the pity
I believed the Lie that You spun
In webs of gossamer hope
I laid on the bed you so lovingly made
With a comforter of dreams
I slept the sleep you gave me
This bough from which my cradle of falacy hangs
I hear creaking as it gives way under the weight of reality
All the while I'm falling
Already knowing I shall shatter
The question is can I pick me up again?

iceprincess's photo
Fri 05/09/08 06:45 PM
I see me in pieces
I'm lying at my own feet
I wonder what happened
How did i reach this point?
I try to fit me together again
I try to shore up my seams
To make them as invisible as possible
I try to appear to be whole
I interact with the world
I laugh, I joke, I cry, I'm enraged on cue
I make my way gingerly through it
I try not to bump into the edges of reality to hard
I try not to fall at all cost
For if I do I know my patchwork will be for naught
The world will see my secret
I'm Damaged, I'll never be whole again

iceprincess's photo
Thu 05/01/08 07:42 PM

The divorce is in progress. Down in Texas you have to go thru a waiting period of 60days before its offical and its fixin to reach that 60day mark in bout a week!

scratch my prev comment..............your the fill in between times.......that's just as sad but hey if it works for you......

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