Fort Worth here
Exorcism, only in Texas
so why dog one chioce to like a state when your state has flaws. do not get me wrong i like colrado i think it is beautiful, i have been there it is very nice. But Texas is where i live asnd understand that i know it has its problems, but we like it down here. Good people, fun, and normal living, we just have a lot of pride of where we come from, and yes people have a right to say what they want but when it comes to insulting someones home then i will stand up and say something. I have too much pride to stand and let Texas name to be dragged through the mud, gernerations have lived since my great grandparents coing off the boat from ireland. For they made thier living in the oil fields driving mule in east Texas. So i do get a little preturped for my family has had Texas pride, we stick to our own, lopve our family, and welcome people. Yeah we have our crazies but we make up for by good babreque and friendly faces.
churches should accept how they are at first, its ok to be in dark place, but it is the responsibility of the church to lift that person from darkness to light. accept the person yes but not there sin. But ar we talking just visiting for anyone can visit a church but becoming a member is a different story? but we as Christian of making them feel welcome, and show Chrit love for all. But saying this does not excuse thier sin and Christians should a new member out and doing it in a loving way.
Exorcism, only in Texas
i was wondering were everyone else who hates texas to share where they are from, so i may tr and nit pick all the flaws of that state. I not mad but this is ridclous to sit up here and dog on one state, when others have just as many flaws. you sit here and say it should be like we are and my state is soo much more intelligent and would have handle so0 much better. How do you know they would have, can you have cartiasian certainity in telling me that any of ya'll states would have handled it differently, Texas rocks and i fly the right up there next to the american flag same height, why cause we can.
My fellow agnostics...
the words first are what give us christians understanding of Gods nature in Jesus Christ our savior. I would like to say that i have only read one book by an agnostic, betram russel why i am not a Christian. First the book is for Christian and written for them, that the hermenutics of the Christian. It is for everyone to read, but ever since the churchn started the scripture were for christians, look at justin martyr or tertullian, 1st century apologist. I want to say sorry for the spelling. But if someone does not want to hear, they won't and should not be looked down upon for this. I am not saying that they should not be hepled all you can do is pray forn them and hope God works on thier heart. But no can be forced or guilted into beleveing. Two they can find by proof texting any disproof by using the text, because it is not enough to be biblical, but we must have a good hermenutic behind it. Read Sweartly Slaery, Sabbath, Women, and War. He shows this mistake for each side in his book has both good hermenutics and bad. For the simple matter it comes down to faith in God in Jesu Christ. And Jesus told us to love our nieghbor as our selves. We see that this means both saved and unsaved alike. To the sin arugment saying that Christians are saying pointing out people sin, we sin everyone sins (Romans 3:23) for all fall short of the glory of God, which everyone is not perfect. This means we Christians have our fallacies to, and our egos do not like us to point them out. but we should as martian luther said sin boldly, which means not be afriad to let our sin show and ask for forgivness. God gave the Holy spirit to guide us. sorry for going off in tanget but i had to speak my peace.I want to learn more about agnosticism and if someone could give me more books to read, for if many have shown to study my relgion, i have to give someone the same respect to them and find out about theirs, so we can try to start a dialouge. I mean not to say to leave my faith, but learn where they are coming fromn and try seeing from thier point of view.
Exorcism, only in Texas
how can you say that just because there are crazies in my state, they are all over the place. I was born, raised, and will die in Texas.