Topic: Are they welcome in your church? | |
Homosexuals, do you have any in your church?
Do you know them? Are they "out" and living their lives just like you? Do they have partners that they attend your church with? Children? How many do suppose are strong supporters in our flock? Would you let them teach Sunday School? |
wow....yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes....and they love God!
i think they run the place?????? or is that pedophile homosexual... is that the same???
Homosexuals, do you have any in your church? Do you know them? Are they "out" and living their lives just like you? Do they have partners that they attend your church with? Children? How many do suppose are strong supporters in our flock? Would you let them teach Sunday School? The issue is religion does not accept gay behaviour . So if you are gay , you are not a religious according to all religious books . If you accept gays , you kill the religion . I am not religious but I do not approve of such a life . |
MisKim - sounds like a great church.
ddn122 - I'll admit I laughed, but only because I was caught off guard (as in looking for sincerety were there was none). Otherwise I think we could do without such comments, it was offensive actually. sam - many things are a sin and not condoned by various religious groups, but they don't boot out the sinners out, or no one would remain. BUT it is a fact that the majority of homosexuals are not welcome in their church of their youth or are "allowed" to join the congregation only if they STOP their behavior. So it seems that only homosexuals are not allowed to be sinners. |
MisKim - sounds like a great church. ddn122 - I'll admit I laughed, but only because I was caught off guard (as in looking for sincerety were there was none). Otherwise I think we could do without such comments, it was offensive actually. sam - many things are a sin and not condoned by various religious groups, but they don't boot out the sinners out, or no one would remain. BUT it is a fact that the majority of homosexuals are not welcome in their church of their youth or are "allowed" to join the congregation only if they STOP their behavior. So it seems that only homosexuals are not allowed to be sinners. Maybe they are the most obvious sinners of any given society ..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Homosexuals, do you have any in your church? Do you know them? Are they "out" and living their lives just like you? Do they have partners that they attend your church with? Children? How many do suppose are strong supporters in our flock? Would you let them teach Sunday School? The issue is religion does not accept gay behaviour . So if you are gay , you are not a religious according to all religious books . If you accept gays , you kill the religion . I am not religious but I do not approve of such a life . Don't say that every religion doesn't accept gay people. That's not true. My religion is perfectly accepting of them. I think they're awesome. They keep the population down. |
I have read so many posts lately about Gay’s and Sinners,, are we all not human
Do we all not live, breath and share this land Mother Earth left for us Do we not put our socks and shoes on the same way,,, Do we all not look for Love, friendship and the ever after, Do we all not eat, drink and cry,, laugh, scream and shout I am a Sinner and have many Friends,,, Yes Friends,, Its not a requirement for me to Know whether or not they like the same sex,,, Why then Please some one tell me:::: When will the prejudice stop and the Human loving of man kind return Society sometimes Sucks big time,,,,, Red,,, sorry had to rant a bit,,,, I attend church and not on a regular basis,,, But my arms are open as is my heart,,, We all come together as a Human Race and sing praise,, Pray for those in need ,,, And are thankful for just another day to enjoy the beauty that surround ![]() |
LAMom - rant on woman, my threads always welcome you. And to be honest, I can't imagine you belonging to any religious organization that did not think at you do.
Sure was nice to see you, it's been a while. I like that you spoke out, sounds like you are well! ![]() |
LAMom - rant on woman, my threads always welcome you. And to be honest, I can't imagine you belonging to any religious organization that did not think at you do. Sure was nice to see you, it's been a while. I like that you spoke out, sounds like you are well! ![]() Hello Beautiful,, I am well as I hope you are,, Blessed be Sweet Lady,, Blessed Be Hugs & Kiss's to you me Lady ![]() |
I really have no idea about the churches i went 2! I believe churches accept people as they are! If not oh well! Thats y i believe in Morals!
churches should accept how they are at first, its ok to be in dark place, but it is the responsibility of the church to lift that person from darkness to light. accept the person yes but not there sin. But ar we talking just visiting for anyone can visit a church but becoming a member is a different story? but we as Christian of making them feel welcome, and show Chrit love for all. But saying this does not excuse thier sin and Christians should a new member out and doing it in a loving way.
I don't go to a Christian Church.
We have a metaphysical group of women who get together weekly. We do Tarot card and psychic readings. At our last meeting we had a gay man who attended because he wanted a psychic reading. He got an awesome reading. He is an awesome guy. He would be allowed to join as a regular member because he is interest in tarot cards and metaphysics. There are five regular members, all women. Guests are welcome to attend if they make arrangements. The restrictions we have on members are that they must be metaphysical and open minded and primarily interested in tarot cards and intuitive readings, and the creative techniques involved with the law of Attraction where you manifest your reality. (Positive thinking and visualization for healing and other things.) JB |
I would say they are welcome, but shouldn't teach sunday school. I mean I am sure they will completely skip leviticus 18:22 lol
churches should accept how they are at first, its ok to be in dark place, but it is the responsibility of the church to lift that person from darkness to light. accept the person yes but not there sin. But ar we talking just visiting for anyone can visit a church but becoming a member is a different story? but we as Christian of making them feel welcome, and show Chrit love for all. But saying this does not excuse thier sin and Christians should a new member out and doing it in a loving way.
So everyone in your church, every member, is without sin, is that correct? I meant once they became accepted they became prefect sinless, right? Does your church allow people who are divorced to become members? Almost all divorced people live in perpetual sin, why is that any different than a homosexual? What about members who have premarital sex or commit adultery? You don’t really think you know all about every incidence, do you? Or do your REALLY believe that doesn’t go on in your church? Now that I’ve made you think about all that, do you know that there are currently MANY educated theologians who believe that homosexuality, in the current context of a loving and committed relationship, was never spoken of in the bible. In fact many have been setting out to prove that the acts being discussed were acts of pagan rituals that new Christians would get caught up in without even knowing that they were against their new religious beliefs. Did you know that? So it could be that all the judgment regarding homosexuals is completely erroneous. In fact it could be that the worst of sins by your biblical reckoning may be divorce. New information is always worth the review, especially to one who believes their immortal soul is at stake. |
I would say they are welcome, but shouldn't teach sunday school. I mean I am sure they will completely skip leviticus 18:22 lol
Quite the contrary Chaz, I think, most homosexuals, would have a very GOOD grasp of these particular scriptures. Two examples are below. English Bible Mistranslation
Greek/Hebrew texts Mistranslated. Bible translated wrong translation on homosexuality, same-sex love. Textus Receptus. -.Books - For years, many documents have described the mistranslation of the Bible into English from the original Hebrew and Koine (ancient Greek) New-Testament writings. Issues of incorrect translation concern many areas, such as: the word "virgin" (Isaiah 7:14); the name "Yahweh" (YHWH); descriptions of angels; the term "Sons of God"; and incorrectly translating forbidden sexual practices. There are several passages often mistranslated as forbidding homosexual activity; however, those Bible passages can be correctly translated by considering many aspects of the Bible, as a whole: literal translation, rarity, priorities, sanity-test and reality-test. Literal Translation- . In the New Testament, the two verses 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 1 Timothy 1:10 are often mistranslated as condemning homosexuality in English Bibles (but not in the Roman Latin Vulgate Bible or the 1545 German Bible of Martin Luther). Mistranslation is based on two ancient Greek words "malakoi" & ""arsenokoitai" (Greek letters " literally, "male-beds"), which was a new word used by Paul (Saul) at the time and not a common term for homo-sexuality. Because Paul was speaking in a religious context, the word "arsenokoitai" has been translated as referring to male-pimps or customers in temple prostitution, a common practice in so-called pagan rituals widespread in Temple Cult worship of the time. [The minor term "malakoi" (used to describe "soft" clothing) is non-sexual and has been translated as "effeminate" (KJV), although others state "weaklings" or "morally weak, lazy" men.] Rarity of Words- . The ancient Greek word "arsenokoitai" occurs in only those 2 verses, 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 1 Timothy 1:10. Logically, if homosexuality were considered a sin, there should be many verses about it, and the word "arsenokoitai" would occur more than twice if it had referred to a major issue, such as homosexuality; the rarity of the word fits the logical translation: the word "arsenokoitai" refers to the rare practice of temple prostitution, not general homosexuality. (See: 73 references to arsenokoit* found in TLG E Feb/2000, "".) Yet, precisely because the word is so rare and had no formal definition, the word "arsenokoitai" is crucial in fostering misinterpretation of the Bible: a more common word could not be so easily redefined. Priorities - . The verses in the Bible follow certain priorities: for example, the words "adultery" or "adulteress/adulterer" (Greek "moixoi" ) occur 47 times in the King James Version; however, the word "arsenokoitai" occurs only 2 times, and the common terms of that time period about homosexual activity are not mentioned in the Bible at all (such as man-boy pairing, Greek "erastes-eromenos"). Condemning homosexuality in Biblical times was not an issue, not a priority, at all. A Sanity- Test - . Since adultery & adulterer are mentioned 47 times in the King James Version, it could be expected that a sin would be mentioned many times in the Bible: the condemnation of lying/liars occurs over 70 times ("liar" 21 times, "false witness" 19, "lying" lips/tongues 31 times); murder is prohibited 35+ times ("murderer" 20 etc.); and stealing is condemned 73+ times ("steal" 23 times, "thief/robber" 50+, except stealing for food: Proverbs 6:30 "Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry." [KJV]). However, the common terms (used in those days) to describe homosexual activity are not even mentioned. It doesn't make sense to translate a few rare words & phrases as condemning homosexuality, when specific sins are mentioned many times in the Bible--it simply doesn't pass a sanity-test. Reality- Test - . During the time period of 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 1 Timothy^ 1:10,:the word "arsenokoitai" occurred in only a few religious writings, such as a later text describing Adam deceived to have sex with serpent-god Naas. The erotic literature of the period never used the word "arsenokoitai" but used other ancient Greek terms ("erastes-eromenos": man-boy pairing) to describe homosexual practices, and those Greek terms were never mentioned in the Greek texts of the Bible. To try to re-interpret & translate other Bible verses into condemning those specific (unnamed) acts is just not realistic--it doesn't pass a reality-test ("reality_check"). The translation of the ancient Greek New Testament must fit the language & cultures of the time period. The translation must match the reality of that era. Old-Testament Literal Translation - . The infamous verse Leviticus 20:13, often used to condemn homosexuality, is about a married-man with another male, in the "marriage-bed" as with his wife. See the Latinized Greek for Leviticus 20:13 below: "Kai hos an koimEthE meta arsenos koitEn gunaikos, bdelugma epoiEsan amphoteroi; thanatousthwsan, enoichoi eisin." [Lev 20:13 in Greek Septuagint LXX]. The translation of the Greek term 'gunaikos' is interpreted to mean: wife. Hence, the verse actually forbids male-male adultery, pertaining only to a married man. Similarly, for Leviticus 18:22, the wording of the original Hebrew is very different from the KJV form: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." [Leviticus 18:22, King James Version] However, the original Hebrew for Leviticus 18:22 reveals a different 3rd meaning: "We-et-zakar lo' tishkav mishkevey 'ishshah" [Lev 18:22 Hebrew, Latinized] ("And-with a-male NOT lie-down in beds-of a-woman") [Lev 18:22 literal translation] So, the Hebrew Leviticus 18:22 mentions: someone + a male + a woman; hence, a forbidden 3-way. Those 2 infamous Leviticus verses actually mention other women or wives, rather than male-male relationships, as is often the misinterpretation & mistranslation. When many aspects of Biblical issues are considered, there is no textual basis for misinterpreting & mistranslating Bible verses to condemn homosexuality: the original Hebrew & Greek texts of the Bible do not condemn homosexuality at all, and so, homosexuality should not be considered a sin by today's society. Finally, the question arises: In 1611, did the Bible translators/scribes for King James purposely mistranslate Bible verses into English because they had intensely resented King James, with his open homosexuality & various male lovers? The answer might never be known. And if you don’t like how that one comes out – here’s another way of teaching that scripture. Excerpts from “The Children Are Free” By: Rev. Jeff Miner and John Tyler Connoley Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22) “If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood be upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13) If we wish to understand the true meaning of these verses, we mush look at their context, both textual and historical. Until we understand what prompted these rules in Old Testament times, we will not be able to determine if the rules should be applied in the case of two people in a committed, loving relationship. The text itself gives a big clue as to the intended meaning. Three different times we are specifically told that the rules set forth in chapters 18 & 20 are meant to prevent the Israelites from doing what the Egyptians and Canaanites did. The term Canaanites refers to the group of nations who lived in the land into which the Israelites migrated when they left Egypt. It follows, therefore, if we can determine what type of homosexual behavior was common among the Canaanites and Egyptians, we will better understand what these verses were meant to prohibit. Biblical historians tell us the Canaanite religions surrounding the Israelites at the time of Leviticus often included fertility rites consisting of sexual rituals. These rituals were thought to bring the blessing of the god/goddess on crop and livestock production. During the rituals, whole families, including husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, cousins, aunts and uncles would sometimes have sex. Also included was sex with temple prostitutes. In short, every kind of sexual practice imaginable was performed at these rituals, including homosexual sex. Consider that a male worshiper was offering his greatest possession, semen (which was thought to be the essence of life), to the goddess through her priests. Depositing semen in the body of a priest of that goddess was believed to guarantee one’s immortality. This is what was going on in Canaan and Egypt at the time the Levitical rules were announced - - Homosexual temple prostitution. As already noted, Leviticus 18 and 20 specifically say they were written to address pagan religious practices. Leviticus 18 begins with the admonition, “You shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you.” (18:3) Chapter 20 is even more specific, beginning with an injunction against the pagan practices associated with a god named Molech. And both chapters include long lists of sexual practices common in the cultic rituals we mentioned above. However, neither of them speaks to the question of whether two people of the same sex can live in a loving relationship with the blessing of God. Historians tell us our model of loving, long-term homosexual relationships did not meaningfully exist in Canaanite culture. This was a tribal culture in which it would have been virtually impossible to form such relationships. Offspring were essential to survival in this primitive agricultural economy. Moreover, there were rigid distinctions between women’s work and men’s work. If two men had lived together as a couple, for example, one of them would have been placed in the position of doing women’s work, and the presence of a man working among the women of the village would not have been tolerated. It simply is not reasonable to believe the author of Leviticus intended to prohibit a form of homosexual relationship that did not exist at the time. When read in textual and historical context, the prohibitions in Leviticus 18 & 20 are clearly directed at homosexual temple prostitution, and that is how they should be applied. Some people may object, saying, “But if you ignore the context and just read the words of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 in black and white, they appear to prohibit all sex between men, not just sex in pagan rituals.” But this is the whole point: The meaning of words depends on context. Remember, the words of Corinthians 11 also appear to require long hair and head coverings for all women in all circumstances. But, because we have studied the context, we know that is not what was meant. A text taken out of context is pretext. Let’s apply the same common-sense rule here. |
I don't go to a Christian Church. We have a metaphysical group of women who get together weekly. We do Tarot card and psychic readings. At our last meeting we had a gay man who attended because he wanted a psychic reading. He got an awesome reading. He is an awesome guy. He would be allowed to join as a regular member because he is interest in tarot cards and metaphysics. There are five regular members, all women. Guests are welcome to attend if they make arrangements. The restrictions we have on members are that they must be metaphysical and open minded and primarily interested in tarot cards and intuitive readings, and the creative techniques involved with the law of Attraction where you manifest your reality. (Positive thinking and visualization for healing and other things.) JB Dang, that sounds like a great group. I want one. |
I have read so many posts lately about Gay’s and Sinners,, are we all not human Do we all not live, breath and share this land Mother Earth left for us Do we not put our socks and shoes on the same way,,, Do we all not look for Love, friendship and the ever after, Do we all not eat, drink and cry,, laugh, scream and shout I am a Sinner and have many Friends,,, Yes Friends,, Its not a requirement for me to Know whether or not they like the same sex,,, Why then Please some one tell me:::: When will the prejudice stop and the Human loving of man kind return Society sometimes Sucks big time,,,,, Red,,, sorry had to rant a bit,,,, I attend church and not on a regular basis,,, But my arms are open as is my heart,,, We all come together as a Human Race and sing praise,, Pray for those in need ,,, And are thankful for just another day to enjoy the beauty that surround ![]() ![]() could not have said it better. |