Community > Posts By > 1Cynderella
I am still trying to achieve that pose! I have trouble getting into a bridge from an inversion. my head gets stuck lol....and IMA a little chicken - believe it or not this is me in yoga - I've been doing it about 5 years with 2 or 3 6-8 mo breaks for injuries not related to yoga ![]() ![]() |
![]() speaking of awesome ![]() |
nice cyndi is infinite as the easy to understand the sailor who can't stay home and legends of beautiful men and women who live beneath ![]() BTW - great new main photo! AWESOME! :) ![]() Thanks...I was just wondering how long I could hold that pose these days...WITHOUT ending up at the Chiropractor. ![]() |
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Taking a poll...
If this were a regular occurrence, I would consider it a discourtesy for certain, but would need more reasons than getting carried away with his friends to doubt his honesty or fidelity.
Personally, I would not care for the situation, but would rather just assume he was going on an all nighter every time he goes out with these particular friends, than make it a battle between, cancel our plans and plan my own girls night, and let him know I'll refuse to make plans involving him on these days because I can't depend on him to keep them. ![]() Now if these are benders that result in drunk driving...he'd best armor up. ![]() |
If you post on your profile that you want to chat but will not exchange nude photos do you get less responses from the guys? |
Sacrifice Lishb, he will be lucky to have you and hopefully you will never HAVE to sacrifice a darn thing. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 08/14/13 09:59 PM
so much for true love, huh... Why do you say that? cause your crap is worth more than love... crap can be replaced, true love cannot... But if it's true love, they wouldn't tell you what you can and can't have. It's not about "making" your partner do it, she was asking for a willing reason... would you sell everything you own to bail them out of jail or something like that What did they do to be put in jail? Like others have said, it all depends on the whats and whys. so your answer is no...not a big deal You didn't answer my question. I'm not able to answer without more info. If the allergy situation seems reasonable to you, then your answer is yes...there is a situation where you would do this. We can't answer to every situation that could require you choose between your relationship or your stuff or we would be on the topic for 71.5 years. That's a real number too, cause I ran it through an actuary this morning. ![]() But actually said "no", you would not give up a pet for a man. I forgot your last line for a minute, because I thought it was a reasonable request. ![]() |
Could you give up your stuff for the good of your relationship? Say you could keep one purse and a few cosmetic items and suitcase full of clothing? Would you walk away, or sacrifice and stay? Would it matter if it were an established relationship or someone new who you really cared for? Sure I could but I don't see why I would need to. Yes it would matter, I need something secure and established to give up another part of my life. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Could you give up your boy toys for the good of your relationship? Could you give up your motorcycle, boat, or man cave or comparable items. Would you walk away, or sacrifice and stay? Would it matter if it were an established relationship or someone new who you really cared for? You think I am gonna give all these things up and then have her keep her spa days, weekly shopping trips, more than 80% of my paycheck and 95% of the closet space? Well do ya? ![]() If so....then you would be absolutely right! I'd give it all up for some good food and kinky sex. ![]() ![]() So, you're telling us your holding out for a movie star? ![]() ![]() |
yes it is tragic comedy! It's so absurd, it's hilarious! Cindi and all, So we fall for a man and can't live without him! Then the fog clears and we try to... change him? (Not everyone and not always... I'm just sayin'!) I see so many couples especially the young ones (20's, 30's and even 40's) ((again, NOT all)) that are newly together, that HAVE to do EVERYTHING together! It's like a cardinal sin if they are separated! Doesn't that just take away from their individuality? We fell in love for the differences between us and then we try to... be the same? I don't get it! Maybe it's just me! I get that we would, of course, do several things together. But should we not also do our separate things or do our things separately as well and this would enhance our lives? I know I'm probably not saying this correctly but someone will "get me" and jump in and clarify!!! Thank you. I love it when someone just "gets me"!!! ![]() No one is trying to change everyone. Maybe neither of you can afford to move all of his stuff half way across the country. ![]() This is strictly about circumstances not about a relationship that, from the sounds of it, should not even be a relationship, and is not likely to be very happy or last very long...if you ask me. ![]() |
Could you give up your boy toys for the good of your relationship? Could you give up your motorcycle, boat, or man cave or comparable items. Would you walk away, or sacrifice and stay? Would it matter if it were an established relationship or someone new who you really cared for? Asking a guy to give up these kind of things he already had would be incredibly selfish of me. Now, if we were living together and he decided to take over an entire room as a "man cave" that would be different. Then again, I've never been with the kind of guy who had to have one. Again...this is not about anyone asking, coercing or demanding. This is about circumstances. If circumstances were that you would only be able to be with someone you wanted to be with if you were willing to give up some stuff...would you? If you need to know what the circumstances are specifically, then this abstract concepts like this are not ones you will be able to answer. Not everyone has to answer it....I won't be offended. ![]() ![]() |
My belongings are mine. If you can't accept that then you are not Luna, whom I seek & is the only girl that I would ever be with. I don't go around telling girls what they're allowed to posses so why would they try to tell me what I can have? I don't want the girl that I'm with to be my mother. Telling me what to do, nagging me for no reason, and being a total drag. I'm capable of making my own decisions. Just in case you don't know who I am. ![]() I am Lunar, The MoonsDragonLionWolf, Knight Of Moonlight! ![]() I purposely used the word "give". Isn't to give indicative of willingness? ![]() It pains me to see so many jump to this kind of we weigh everything on the scales of experience. Have women really become such oppressors of men these days? ![]() No because I'm not willingly giving away anything just because you have problems with me having something and you not liking it. There are women who try to oppress and suppress men and others who don't. No differently than men. Sad, but valid point Fear, but that's not what this was supposed to be about. Everyone seems to want to make it about that kind of demand though, so yours is not the first time my meaning was misunderstood. So I have to believe I did not phrase it well, or this has snowballed from the first person who made this kind of response. There are many reasons why both parties might have to make sacrifices in order to be together. Whether financial, constraints in living arrangements, one party moving a long distance that they cannot take all of their belongings or allergies to...IDK...leather or whatever. If a VALID reason would cause you to make a choice of relationship or your stuff...what would you choose. That might have been a better way to pose the question in the OP...had I realized it would have taken this path. ![]() ![]() |
Hmmm! thats a hard question honestly..depends on why I'm giving it all up I guess Things are an replace them. Real love is rare, one of the hardest things in life for me to find anyways. I did ask myself this question many times I don't think I could be with a man who did not rate above any and all belongings I had. I like to think I would sell my great grandmother's wedding ring to be with the right one. ![]() |
It would depend upon the circumstances... In a former relationship, I was planning to move to Hawaii. I was prepared to give up everything nonessential due to the high cost of shipping. It was my choice and It is just stuff. I can't imagine being asked to give up anything though...and I'd never ask him to give up anything either ... although that supersize leather recliner with the sports logo stitched in the back with the built in beer cooler would definitely not be going in the livingroom! ![]() ![]() ![]() didn't go? Hawaii, huh? Would you mind if I take a crack at him? ![]() If the only way to get the BIG TV in the living room is to accept the man can stay as far as I'm concerned. That is, as long as he does talk during the game. I would think a grown man can remember what he was going to say until the commercial! ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 08/14/13 10:02 AM
If I gave it up, would I be able to buy new stuff?? Maybe you will never have 25 pairs of shoes again...or maybe you will have to move into a larger home to accommodate 2,000. The spirit of the question is more along the lines...does it matter that much to you? If you want a relationship, which is more important to you? Your lifestyle or preserving the relationship you want? |
OK There are 2 things I need to know! How big is my suitcase/trunk/traincar? Do I have to be able to carry my purse/armbag/dufflebag when I have filled it? If there is AMAZING SEX every night, then I'm not seeing a need for a lot of clothes! ![]() ![]() One...I have a rather large suitcase myself. ![]() And two, how would I know...are you accusing me of sleeping with your mythical man? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Any guy got anything left to give up aint been divorced! ![]() too funny!!! ![]() ![]() |
My belongings are mine. If you can't accept that then you are not Luna, whom I seek & is the only girl that I would ever be with. I don't go around telling girls what they're allowed to posses so why would they try to tell me what I can have? I don't want the girl that I'm with to be my mother. Telling me what to do, nagging me for no reason, and being a total drag. I'm capable of making my own decisions. Just in case you don't know who I am. ![]() I am Lunar, The MoonsDragonLionWolf, Knight Of Moonlight! ![]() I purposely used the word "give". Isn't to give indicative of willingness? ![]() It pains me to see so many jump to this kind of we weigh everything on the scales of experience. Have women really become such oppressors of men these days? ![]() |
Could you give up your boy toys for the good of your relationship? Could you give up your motorcycle, boat, or man cave or comparable items. Would you walk away, or sacrifice and stay? Would it matter if it were an established relationship or someone new who you really cared for? When I got married, she had two little boys, after awhile I gave up going to the dojo to spend more time with them and timed trips to hang out at a cigar store for weekends when they were with their dad. She did once pull the cord out of the socket when I was on the verge of destroying all mankind in WarCraft II That's harsh! I guess she didn't see your potential as a world we do. ![]() Having had studied the Classics, I would have followed Plato's Dictum for Tyrants ![]() Sounds a bit like card stacking to me. ![]() |