Community > Posts By > MetalShadow6
Historically, nations that have befriended and helped Israel have been blessed, those that have stopped or against Israel have not faired so well.
Still, and more importantly, most government programs for the poor do nothing but keep them poor and many people just scam off those programs. Even if many if not most programs for the poor were to be cut, very few people would come close to starving. The American public has to big of a heart. Where as in some parts of the world they view tears of a stranger as only water, American give more in both time and money to help out those in real need. Right now in Pennsylvania, a person making $29,000 is better off then a person making $55,000 when you add up all the government assistant that person making $29,000 gets. So there is no reason for them to do better because they will loose their government benefits. Adam Carolla has said that his mother had this mind set when he was young and they lived on welfare. By cutting many programs to the poor will forced many of them to try and improve their own lives and even force the lazy ones to get a job. Now those who are truly in need, will receive help from other Americans. Many people and charities will pick up what the government cannot do and they will do it better. Even some charities that help the poor, refuse to let the poor to take government help and many of them that have came out of this program says it made them a better person. Sure some people will become homeless but that does not mean they will be living in cardboard boxes under a bridge. If you loose your house, especially if it is one you couldn’t afford to begin with, and move back home with you parents, for the time being you are considered homeless. This happen with a cousin of mind, they built a nice brick house in a nice neighborhood with underground water system and many other things they couldn’t afford and ended up having to sell it and move back home with their parents, after the divorce. Private companies and groups do far better jobs then government. Government picks many groups and gives the X amount of dollars to solve a problem and we waste billions and get nothing or very little in return. Were as the private groups like the X Prize Foundation has offered money to who ever comes up with the best solution to a problem. Because of this, they found a group that built a car that got 102 miles to the gallon. They found a group that created a way that clean up oil spills four times faster then what the government required and did. Now some government programs need to be cut because they do nothing. Even the government’s own study has shown that programs like head start has no long lasting effect on the children that take it. They saw no difference in the children that came out of head start and those at risk that didn’t take head start. But privately own charter schools have done better at educating children then the public schools and done if for a fraction of the cost of the public schools. In the end, the private sector that is made up of the American people, will always do a better job then government. Remember Katrina, FEMA order ice for hurricane victims and had it shipped to Maine and Arizonian while the whole time stopping Wal-Mart from shipping bottles of clean water to give to the victims. |
They have been using children of all sorts of political pawns. They been using children as an excuse to poor more money in to education as a way to give money to their friends and the children still are not learning anything. Even the government’s own study says that Head Start has no long lasting effect on the children taking it. That at risk children that take head start once they are out so no difference then the at risk that don’t take head start. Yet politicians still support head start to gain political points and fund some of their buddies.
We told Utah they had to give up polygamy in order to join the union. If we change the definition of marriage as between a man and a women to allow gays to marry. Will you then support people that wish to be married to multiple people? I have seen some pro gay marriage say that gays have a right but polygamist don’t. If I wanted to return to the belief that a man can have more then one wife would you be supportive of that?
Aliens, what would you ask
Are you on the run from Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs?
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No it is not. I have not seen nothing in my study of the bible that says dating or dating sites a sin. After all in Genesis it says for a man to leave his parent sand find himself a wife.
May I ask what does being “Married,” mean in our country? The problem is not being aloud to marry but wither the government will acknowledge you being married. The marriage license does what? Change a person last name? A default will of inheritance to property? A legal right to certain things like social security checks in a relationship with another person? Wanting the government to recognize the union you have with another so they can put you in a hire tax bracket? Or simple to have access to your partners Social security check?
With the exception of a few government things, marriage license is just of the government to recognize a type of contract between to people. We say marriage is a bond but it is a contract between two people by the legal view. |
Marriage is a religious practice and government should not be in it. Government wants to be involved so they can tax certain things involve with marriage. Now if something comes up for a vote by the people, then it is law and not even the courts has a right to over turn the will of the people. When the people vote, not politicians, which is the highest authority in the land. Are highest rules, like the Constitution and Bill of Rights can only be change by the people. Sure it has to pass congress first but only when 2/3, if I remember correctly, votes one way then that way becomes law. Marriage is not a right in our country but a privilege. I don’t recall marriage being in the Constitution. i'm not for gay marriage by any means, but technically, i think that gay marriage could be considered in the constitution, under the pursuit of happiness clause... Its not in the constitution its in the declaration of independence. Marriage is NOT a right. It is a legal designation that must be met by certain criteria. The license is issued by the states. Not the federal government. The 10th amendment clearly states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Which is why some wanted to make an amendment to the constitution to defined marriage between one man and one woman so no state can pass a law saying other wise and no court would have the power to over turn it. Although if we do allow states to decide and let gays marry, then can Utah return back to polygamy. After all, one requirement we had for them to join the union is they have to ban polygamy and accept monogamy. I have no problem with states deciding what they want to define as marriage but I do not think it would be right to get married in one state and moved to anther that by their laws do not accept your marriage and force them to by a court order. After all, if some has multiple wives and moves to my state, they should not be able to force the state to accept their marriage after the people of my state voted to defined marriage as between one man and one women. And if say like Washington state was to pass that only gay marriage is aloud and none other, a heterosexual couple should not be able to go their and have a court overturn it if the people voted the law in. |
loving someone, having consentual sex with someone is a HUMAN RIGHT
having the state validate, certify, encourage, promote, reward your choice of love or sex is not a HUMAN RIGHT<,, Human right is meaningless in the court of law. Human right is not a legal right and is just someone’s opinion and many are tied to entitlements in which we are not really entitled too. |
Marriage is a religious practice and government should not be in it. Government wants to be involved so they can tax certain things involve with marriage. Now if something comes up for a vote by the people, then it is law and not even the courts has a right to over turn the will of the people. When the people vote, not politicians, which is the highest authority in the land. Are highest rules, like the Constitution and Bill of Rights can only be change by the people. Sure it has to pass congress first but only when 2/3, if I remember correctly, votes one way then that way becomes law. Marriage is not a right in our country but a privilege. I don’t recall marriage being in the Constitution. If marriage was solely a religious practice, why are non-religious people allowed to marry? Marriage is a religious practice that our government took up, much like how they pray in congress. |
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The Gender Gap?
Don't you think a woman can poses every ladylike quality women have ever posessed and still be capable of doing things that are considered "man tasks"? Or does a woman fixing her own leaky pipe under her sink make her a "she-man? I'm just curious what qualifies a woman as a "she-man"? Short blonde hair. Bulging muscles to the point of explosive decompression. Animal hide underwear. Medieval weaponry. Hanging out with Conan. Sheena of the Jungle ![]() She is one but don’t forget Xena, Warrior Princess. Many guys like her. A strong girl that looks sexy. |
Sexting can be fun. If you are unable to be with that person at that time, sexting can be a good turn on. Some people like talking dirty and sexting is another form of that. Although phone sex with the person you like is better because you get to hear the voice and heavy breathing.
Name A Song A-Z - part 15
"Walking in L.A." by Missing Persons
Marriage is a religious practice and government should not be in it. Government wants to be involved so they can tax certain things involve with marriage.
Now if something comes up for a vote by the people, then it is law and not even the courts has a right to over turn the will of the people. When the people vote, not politicians, which is the highest authority in the land. Are highest rules, like the Constitution and Bill of Rights can only be change by the people. Sure it has to pass congress first but only when 2/3, if I remember correctly, votes one way then that way becomes law. Marriage is not a right in our country but a privilege. I don’t recall marriage being in the Constitution. |
Pet Toys
Most of my cats have always enjoyed the cardboard box. Many like playing with a shoestring or chasing the laser light down the hall.
Nashicon 2013
Is anyone planning on going? I am hoping that I can make it. |
Teach and Learn
Yakap, are nice. Halik is great Your mate telling you "Mahal Kita", priceless. Napakagaling! metalshadow.(very good!) Magaling- good |