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Name A Song A-Z - part 15
"Hard To Handle" by The Black Crowes
Do you need salt?
Teach and Learn
Yakap, are nice.
Halik is great Your mate telling you "Mahal Kita", priceless. |
The Gender Gap?
One of the biggest factors is the pay of women and men are the type of jobs they have. There are some fields where it is hard to find a woman in, not because the field is keeping them out but many women don’t choose that field. Some people believe that all jobs, like colleges, are suppose to be 50% women 50% men. They forget that individuals have different taste. Take the show “The Deadliest Catch” not a job that to many men want, much less women, but they pay high dollar for the crab fishing. Then you have those women that choose to be a homemaker, which takes some of them out of the market or lowers the stats if they have a part time job. As for politics, I think the smart women stay out of it. Remember Sarah Palin was demonized and many sexist remarks were made about, even by other women. After all, when a woman does acquire high office in a business or politics, the rumors start about how she slept her way to the top. However Oprah Winfrey and Condalisa Rice both proven that women can gain great success in both business and in politics. @Dodo_David Some women are sexist against women. I have known blacks racist against blacks. |
![]() I want one. |
left a few days ago, really cold right now. Which is great news if you're a skier/ snowboarder. |
Aliens, what would you ask
Do you have Gundams?
why should they be getting a cut of ANY of the income we make though? even 9 percent or a flat tax is too much. They didn't do a damn thing to earn that money, what right do they have to take it? That's right. They deserve exactly NONE. Check out how much it costs per hour to fly Air force 1. Find out how much money the Obama's spend for their trips. Its a crime. We need government to provide some things like military to protection. However I think we need to take away a lot away from our government like making congress part-time so they are forced to come home to and get a real job. The down size with in tax plan change is that congress would try to get more money through fees, but a simple tax plan would be the start of true reform. |
Do you prefer salty or spicy?
Teach and Learn
I was wondering when that was going to be brought up. For some reason a lot of people only want to learn how to talk dirty, cuss or flirt in other languages.
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They get more then a few hours out side their cell. Besides, many have stuff to doing the cell like card games, working out, sleeping, playing dominos, read books and so on. I like to know what prison have nasty toilet because the guards are require to carry cleaning supplies to the cells and let the inmates clean their room. I knew guys that would manage to sneak and keep some Clorox bleach and cans of Lysol spray in their rooms. At Christmas time, one guy even bought up most the shampoo from the other inmates out of the Christmas package and he used some of it to mop the floor in his room. Many have used toothpaste to clean things including the walls in their room. Many off them keep their cell clean and refuse to live like a slob. They become very resourceful with the limited supplies. They will tear apart a bed sheet to make a clothes line in their cell to hang their clothes on. Those guys they would sneak and keep bleach in the cell were big on making sure their clothes were both clean and white. Now there was one guy that did pee all over the floor and didn’t care but his cellmates got him transferred out to another pod. They were not going to put up with him dirtying things up. It may very from jails and prison but because of human rights and the way many inmates are, the cells are not as dirty as you think. I can mainly speak about local jail and the Minimum Security Prison. Most from talking with people that have been and reading up on the different levels of prison but I would guess to much what I said, least about keeping their cell clean to be true. But knowing our government the Maximum Security Prison still would have some things. I think most if not all offer some type of classes. A few told me they got their law degree in Prison. My uncle took a few in the one he was in. |
If someone were truly evil, why would you want to keep a cancer alive? Death penalty should be reserved for things like rape and murder. Biblical, a murderer is to be put to death so they can stand trail before God and their accuser, which would be the person(s) they kill. However in the case of rape, statutory rape, would you sleep better knowing that if that person was imprison life long, that person can still get out legally and could start up again? There are some crimes that God commanded to have a death penalty so He could deal with them face to face. Did He? God send us His law(the ten commandment). Thou shall not kill. I believe that we have one final judgement. Living in jail without contentment and peacefulness is torture. By taking their life do you think this will help stop the crime? Even if we have appointed someone to take judgement, we didnt appoint them to take life. There is only one who can vanished us in this world and we have no right to tresspass what is destined. The commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is “You will not murder” in the Hebrew. In Numbers 35 starting in verse 9, God gives Moses the commandments for dealing with murder cases. In 16-18 it states that if you murder, you are to be put to death. They rest of the chapter talks about the other things involved with taking a life like an accident death and needing two witnesses. |
I say we put all the murderers on one island, the rapists on another, and so on.....yeah like the movie--let them have their anarchy. Prison and/or a death sentence is not right... messed up is the person that thinks like this. I don't want prisons where people profit and have jobs 'n stuff. I want the world to set aside an island or two and drop them suckers into the wild where they belong. They still would make a profit with the underground market. Part of the jobs is to train them and reward them so they can return and contribute to society. Just think, you are paying the chain gang to clean the side of the road and they take what little money they earn and buy honey buns and cards that a factory made which may be own by American company. Some in the work release program can save up some cash so when they get out they can afford a place to stay so they will not sleep on the street and with skills that can allow them to get a job so they will not have to steal to just eat. |
The Gender Gap?
women have fought long and hard to be seen as the same as men,,, Now certain people within the feminism movement want women to be view as the same as men and ever way but for most people that is not so. True most want men and women to have the same equal chances but men like me don’t want a woman that is in every way like a man, if I wanted someone like a man, I would date a man. I have view men as expendable but women are important treasure that should be respected. I have also view men as my rivals in getting attention from women. but I do think that men are mor emotionally vulnerable in general. at least that is how it seems to me We men are very emotional but we many are not open about their emotionally needs. I think Yahoo had an article up about this showing the men primary get their emotional needs from their wife/girlfriend where are the women get it from friends and family. The article said that we a man does not get enough emotional and even some physical needs meet, that he is more likely to cheat on his women and often these men feel real terrible afterwards. Now this is not the reason why every man that cheats but why some do. on another site I visit there is a man who persistently argues that feminism has had the effect of enslaving women. what I do not understand is why women (we) cannot still be feminine and desire the masculine protector of our heart...even if we can do some tasks that are traditionally masculine? I have saw a woman argue that feminism has created so inequality between the genders in how when a woman cuts a man’s dick off she is somewhat praised for it but if a man did that to a woman’s breast, he should have a strung out for the futures. This is why she was promoting the humanist movement in which both genders are treated with the same respect. Some women are feminine and like a guy to be traditional masculine, yet the woman is a successful businesswoman. Many are found in the Asian cultures. |
![]() Cute ![]() |
Aliens, what would you ask
What do you do when you come across Thundercats?
If I remember correctly, if you murder a pregnant mother you are charged with two homicides. So why is abortion not considered murder? Well murder is an unlawful plan killing and abortion is legal by USA law, therefore it is not murder. Still it is weird that we want to keep murderers and rapist alive and support them for the rest of their life in jail and yet an innocent life like a fetus is kill because of the choose the mother made.
Keep in mind I only support abortion if the woman was raped or if her life is in jeopardy. I don’t by the “I was raped because I choose to get drunk at a party” line. Although I wonder how much of the pregnancies are the result of the government paying for the abortion or aid for childcare. I have seen some women have kids just to get a government check. And one nurse told me that she had a girl that wanted to get the abortion so she can go parting. Also in the next room was a couple trying for the third time to have a child without having a miscarriage. She also told me that many of the nurses had to rotate with helping the doctor with the abortion that they had difficulty with helping in the death of an unborn child. |
I am still in favor of the 999-tax plan. 9% income, 9% capital gains and 9% sales. Also it should be written that congress can’t pick and choose what to raise taxes on that all have to be the same percent that way they can’t slowly raise taxes by picking and choosing.
I did a forum once on some of the things our Government has wasted our money on. The main problem it congress likes to give lobbyist federal dollars, after all the congress wants their support and vote. |
Phineas and Ferb
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Name A Song A-Z - part 15
"Kaze" by Kouji Wada