Topic: How old is the earth? | |
Scientist's calculate the earth to be about 4.5 billion years old. A quick read of the Bible around 6,000 years maybe 12,000 if you take a day as a thousand years. However Lucifer and all the angels shouted with joy when the earth was created Job 38:7
By the time Adam and Eve were created Lucifer was bitter and now Satan. How much time would it take for an angel to change? Are we missing something in the translation? |
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 08:17 AM
How Old is Earth? by Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor | February 27, 2014 11:57pm ET Since the planet Earth doesn't have a birth certificate to record its formation, scientists have spent hundreds of years struggling to determine the age of the planet. By dating the rocks in the ever-changing crust, as well as neighbors such as the moon and visiting meteorites, scientists have calculated that Earth is 4.54 billion years old, with an error range of 50 million years. How old are your rocks? Several attempts to scientifically date the planet have occurred over the past 400 years. Scientists attempted to predict the age based on changing sea levels, the time it took for Earth or the sun to cool to present temperatures, and the salinity of the ocean. As science progressed, these methods were proven to be unreliable; for instance, the rise and fall of the ocean was shown to be an ever-changing process rather than a gradually declining one. In an effort to calculate the age of the planet, scientists turned to the rocks that cover its surface. However, because plate tectonics constantly changes and revamps the crust, the first rocks have long since been recycled, melted down and reformed into new outcrops. In the early 20th century, scientists refined the process of radiometric dating. Earlier research had shown that isotopes of some radioactive elements decay into other elements at rates that can be easily predicted. By examining the existing elements, scientists can calculate the initial quantity, and thus how long it took for the elements to decay, allowing them to determine the age of the rock. Acasta Gneisses rocks, oldest known rocks A fist-size sample of the Acasta Gneisses, rocks in northwest Canada that are the oldest known rocks on Earth. Credit: Mike Beauregard/Creative Commons. View full size image The oldest rocks on Earth found to date are the Acasta Gneisses in northwestern Canada near the Great Slave Lake, which are 4.03 billion years old. Rocks older than 3.5 billion years can be found on all continents. Greenland boasts the Isua Supracrustal rocks (3.7 to 3.8 billion years old), while rocks in Swaziland are 3.4 to 3.5 billion years. Samples in Western Australia run 3.4 to 3.6 billion years old. Research groups in Australia found the oldest mineral grains on Earth. These tiny zirconium silicate crystals have ages that reach 4.3 billion years, making them the oldest materials found on Earth so far. Their source rocks have not yet been found. The rocks and zircons set a lower limit on the age of Earth of 4.3 billion years, because the planet itself must be older than anything that lies on its surface. Meet the neighbors In an effort to further refine the age of Earth, scientists began to look outward. The material that formed the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas that surrounded the young sun. Gravitational interactions coalesced this material into the planets and moons at roughly the same time. By studying other bodies in the solar system, scientists are able to find out more about the early history of the planet. The nearest body to Earth, the moon, does not suffer from the resurfacing problems that cover Earth's landscape. As such, rocks from early lunar history should be present on the moon. Samples returned from the Apollo and Luna missions revealed ages between 4.4 and 4.5 billion years, helping to constrain the age of Earth. Oldest known zircon A 4.4 billion year old zircon crystal from Australia is the oldest piece of Earth yet found. The source rocks for the small shards have not yet been identified. Credit: John Valley, University of Wisconsin. View full size image In addition to the large bodies of the solar system, scientists have also studied smaller rocky visitors to that fell to Earth. Meteorites spring from a variety of sources. Some are cast off from other planets after violent collisions, while others are leftover chunks from the early solar system that never grew large enough to form a cohesive body. Although no rocks have been deliberately returned from Mars, samples exist in the form of meteorites that fell to Earth long ago, allowing scientists to make approximations about the age of rocks on the red planet. Some of these samples have been dated to 4.5 billion years old, supporting other calculations of the date of early planetary formation. More than 70 meteorites have fallen to Earth to have their ages calculated by radiometric dating. The oldest of these have ages between 4.4 and 4.5 billion years. Fifty thousand years ago, a rock hurled down from space to form Meteor Crater in Arizona. Shards of that asteroid have been collected from the crater rim and named for the nearby Canyon Diablo. In 1953, Clair Cameron Patterson measured ratios of lead isotopes in samples that put tight constraints on Earth's age. The Canyon Diablo meteorite is important because it represents a class of meteorites with components that allow for more precise dating. Samples of the meteorite show a spread from 4.53 to 4.58 billion years. Scientists interpret this range as the time it took for the solar system to evolve, a gradual event that took place over approximately 50 million years. By using not only the rocks on Earth but also information gathered about the system that surrounds it, scientists have been able to place the age of the Earth at approximately 4.54 billion years. For comparison, the Milky Way galaxy that contains the solar system is approximately 13.2 billion years old, while the universe itself has been dated to 13.8 billion years. |
Good answer. It doesn't feel that old.
Scientist's calculate the earth to be about 4.5 billion years old. A quick read of the Bible around 6,000 years maybe 12,000 if you take a day as a thousand years. However Lucifer and all the angels shouted with joy when the earth was created Job 38:7 By the time Adam and Eve were created Lucifer was bitter and now Satan. How much time would it take for an angel to change? Are we missing something in the translation? I am seeing the bottom part of this article it does mention that earth is 4.54 billion years old. However it also mentions that the milky way including the solar system is about 13.2 billion years old and the universe maybe 13.8 billion years the bible at 12,000 billion years old is closer to the age of the milky way galaxy . By using not only the rocks on Earth but also information gathered about the system that surrounds it, scientists have been able to place the age of the Earth at approximately 4.54 billion years. For comparison, the Milky Way galaxy that contains the solar system is approximately 13.2 billion years old, while the universe itself has been dated to 13.8 billion years. Edited by SM8 on Wed 09/02/15 08:17 AM |
Good answer. It doesn't feel that old. I agree :) |
Will it be okay to mention the age of earth in terms of the present time it is taking to revolve around itself?
What if this revolution time is different before? |
Will it be okay to mention the age of earth in terms of the present time it is taking to revolve around itself? What if this revolution time is different before? that still wouldn't change the 4.5 billion years... you talking about a perception on how we interpret time... |
Scientist's calculate the earth to be about 4.5 billion years old. A quick read of the Bible around 6,000 years maybe 12,000 if you take a day as a thousand years. However Lucifer and all the angels shouted with joy when the earth was created Job 38:7 By the time Adam and Eve were created Lucifer was bitter and now Satan. How much time would it take for an angel to change? Are we missing something in the translation? Actually, the Bible doesn't give an age for planet Earth. |
Will it be okay to mention the age of earth in terms of the present time it is taking to revolve around itself? What if this revolution time is different before? that still wouldn't change the 4.5 billion years... you talking about a perception on how we interpret time... Yeah...I mean whatever the age is calculated's in terms of the years...the time that earth takes to complete a revolution around the sun. How can this calculated figure be realistic if suppose our planet was rotating at say half or may be double of it's current speed?? |
actually the year is orbit around the sun time and if we went noticeably faster or slower we would not stay in orbit. so the variation even over that length of time would be a fraction of a percentage point
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 12:17 PM
Will it be okay to mention the age of earth in terms of the present time it is taking to revolve around itself? What if this revolution time is different before? that still wouldn't change the 4.5 billion years... you talking about a perception on how we interpret time... Yeah...I mean whatever the age is calculated's in terms of the years...the time that earth takes to complete a revolution around the sun. How can this calculated figure be realistic if suppose our planet was rotating at say half or may be double of it's current speed?? eric is right, without being closer or further away from the sun, that couldn't happen... but depending on how close the moon is to the earth, the rotation speeds up or slows down... but the present speed it moves away is about an inch a year, so it that only be a few hundred feet difference back then... but i always did wonder about the people that lived for around a 1000 years mentioned in the bible... so the two obvious reasons are not likely... |
The age of the Earth is a science topic.
It is a violation of the rules of science to requires science stuff to pass a religious litmus test. |
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 07:07 PM
I've often thought about how old the Universe is, but it's also a question of what constitutes being the Universe.
If for example God, in his infinite ability, just decides to create matter out of nothing, then we could conclude that the entire cosmos of space, Earth included, are a very immediate event. In contrast, if all matter has always existed, then it's just a question of how long ago was any of it assembled in the relative order in which we see it. In either case both the Bible and the Quran give fairly definite time-lines during which these events of Creative Order seemingly occur. ********************************************** For example, just the major events occurring on the Earth have been vastly exaggerated into millions of years of tedious gradual change, when in realty these events are much closer together then most think. According to both the Bible and the Quran, and to quote the Quran, "The Heavens and the Earth and all you see therein were made in a mere 6 days of your accounting of time." According to the Bible, the cosmos of lights and stars and planets and galaxies with the Sun, Moon, and an unfinished Earth are merely the first day. Perhaps this is the creation of matter itself... ? God only knows ! But, from the second day of creation onward are metaphoric events mostly pertinent to the Earth and all therein afterwards. Apparently, an atmosphere with condensation above and an endless ocean below are what occurs next. Life forms are put in the endless ocean followed by the terra-firma (ground) getting pushed upward into a single continental land-mass. Animals are made for the ground and last among them was Mankind. While Mankind is on the Earth, two more dramatic events are recorded as having occurred. 1656 years after Adam was made the great flood of Noah's day occurred. During this great flood many creators were lost forever, like the dinosaurs, who's fossil record in sedimentary rock is very evident. Many generations of Mankind continued until the one land-mass split apart in the generation of Peleg. (Genesis 10: 25) When both Man and Beast got off the boat Noah built they had all long-since traveled back over the most distant parts of the one land-mass before its splitting apart. Tiny groups of specific animals became dominate strains of species, and they didn't even need to get their feet wet. ********************************************* In conclusion, how old is creation... ? The most dramatic events are probably no older than 7 thousand years. |
If the scientist's calculations are reliable the dinosaurs died out about 60 million years ago. I think we need to take another look at Genesis. I would like to know more about the Greek translation. If Greek is a "synthetic" language, is it easily misinterpreted?
I digress...
Assuming conservation of matter and energy... How many times has creation been destroyed and re-created? ![]() |
By what do we gauge 60 million years with ?
What do we have that we can say, "Here's something 60 million years old." |
If the scientist's calculations are reliable the dinosaurs died out about 60 million years ago. I think we need to take another look at Genesis. I would like to know more about the Greek translation. If Greek is a "synthetic" language, is it easily misinterpreted? Genesis is originally in Hebrew. |
SM8 went into that a bit. Radiometric Dating. There are a few different ways to calculate. I think they are reasonably reliable.
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 09:49 PM
Radio Carbon Dating will only take you so far then it doesn't work.
****************************************** Here's a thought... Take a measurable distance that You can plainly see in front of Yourself. It could be 6 feet of length, for example. Now, start dividing that increment in half... Six feet becomes three feet... 3 feet becomes 1 and a half feet... And so forth. Eventually, You see it's plausible on paper as a written mathematical formula, but not plausible to actually see when making something that much shorter. ******************************************* If that's too abstract try this... Measure out one inch, and let's say the inch represents a year. Now, measure out a thousand inches and that'll be a thousand years. I need You to now measure out a million inches... Remember, there's 12 inches to a foot and 5280 feet to a mile. ******** Have Fun ! ******* Once You've measured out a million inches (Or A Million Years) please multiply that distance times 60. |
Will it be okay to mention the age of earth in terms of the present time it is taking to revolve around itself? What if this revolution time is different before? that still wouldn't change the 4.5 billion years... you talking about a perception on how we interpret time... Yeah...I mean whatever the age is calculated's in terms of the years...the time that earth takes to complete a revolution around the sun. How can this calculated figure be realistic if suppose our planet was rotating at say half or may be double of it's current speed?? |