Community > Posts By > SheikOfLaBroquerie
[ The Next Day ] another good question, i don't have an answer for you... but i don't want to invent an answer until i know more about it... has anyone tested the wood to see where it came from? has anyone actually seen it or taken pictures of it? this science thing works both ways, to prove or disprove what the bible is saying... would you want to know the real truth? The actual type of trees that were used can't be verified since they've turned to stone through petrification. This boat even has some very curious alloy metals that were used at various locations throughout the vessel. They've even made an excavation well into the hull to reveal Cat Hair, Dung, and Antlers and Horn. The hour-long documentary has pictures point-blank of various parts of the boat. I hope You'll take the time to watch it, Moe. |
But, God's Truth will be finial, and without reproach.
Acts 5:1-4 Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife's full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles' feet.
Then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God." Yes, the Emissarial Servant that God sent to give the order for the Charitable contribution was technically ignored, thus lied to, but more importantly God who sent the original order was ignored. Remember, when the Holy Spirit or Ghost confronts You... You have NO EXCUSES not to listen to the order. (It's Almost Always A Dramatic Event) |
![]() ![]() got to do better than just trying! ![]() Having trouble unlike me, Conrad ? ![]() |
lol, "truth" is subjective... what may be the truth to you might not be so true to others... many wars and deaths have happened because of someones truth... The type of 'subjective truth' You're wanting to imply is pertinent to various warring factions, but ultimately what Milesoftheusa was asking is only pertinent to what Almighty God will ultimately deem The Truth. |
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Edited by
Fri 04/24/15 01:06 PM
Genesis 10:25 doesn't say anything about the Earth's continents. From John Wesley's Explanatory Notes: The reason of the name of Peleg, Genesis 10:25, because, in his days, (that is, about the time of his birth) was the earth divided among the children of men that were to inhabit it; either when Noah divided it, by an orderly distribution of it, as Joshua divided the land of Canaan by lot, or when, upon their refusal to comply with that division, God, in justice, divided them by the confusion of tongues. I'm afraid John Wesley's explanation is woefully out of chronological order. Just think about how ridiculous the idea of Noah bothering to allocate the Earth into portions for an overall population that was probably in the tens of thousands at most. ![]() Also, You'd get the impression from this comment that Joshua had already existed already. He wont be born for another couple thousand years. Lastly, the confusion at the Tower Of Babel is also an event that doesn't occur for at least another thousand years later, as well. (Genesis 11) |
The space ship heaven hovered over the planet Earth...Captain God and his first mate Jesus contemplated the human species...?....still ![]() ![]() |
Ouija board
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Ouija board
Hey Brother ZabsMan...
The Ouija Board probably wont work for Mightymoe, because he's already an adamant Atheist. Basically, Satin has him right where he prefers him to be ! ************************************************************************** The truth is, everybody should avoid these mediating tools. One should have the same attitude as the Brothers in Ephesus. (Acts 19: 18+19) |
I hope You Gentlemen don't mind if I leave-off on this discussion tonight.
Perhaps, YOU TUBE will entertain everybody for a while. When everybody has finished scratching their heads, we'll talk again. ![]() |
I must admit Cowboy GH...
The actual number of original species would actually be incredibly expensive to determine just because so-many strains of species will all-too-often never try to mate with each-other in nature again. Here's a small example: A Pigeon and a Dove are the same species. Put a wild Pigeon and a wild Dove in the same cage with each-other (Male & Female) and they'll still try to kill each other ! |
has anyone tested the wood to see where it came from? has anyone actually seen it or taken pictures of it? this science thing works both ways, to prove or disprove what the bible is saying... would you want to know the real truth? Most of the research has been done by a fellow called Ron Wyatt. A Seventh Day Adventist Christian from Kentucky. Sadly, he passed away in 1999, I think. |
We might have 8.7 million 'Strains' of animals on the Earth, but we haven't got that many Species in the least. K, I'm done in this discussion. Forget I mentioned anything about the amount of animals. Was just again for example purposes as there would be absolutely no possible way to have physical evidence to show how many and what species were there. Good day sir. Don't become indignant Cowboy GH... I'm just saying that it would of been very easy to strike a number somewhere between what You've said and something much greater yet. |
While we can only form conjectured ideas as to how-many of what could potentially be on-board... It still leaves the question as to who and why-else would a 515 Ft. long prehistoric boat be sitting 6300 Ft. above sea-level.
Really, what 'OTHER' explanation is there ? If it's a joke and was built on the spot... How did they get the lumber up there ? Absolutely, no other local trees to speak of. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We might have 8.7 million 'Strains' of animals on the Earth, but we haven't got that many Species in the least.
Say RockGnome...
Once You find-out just how well equipped this ocean-going freighter was... You'll realise Noah and his sons probably did some fishing, too ! (Free Meat For The Carnivores) |
I'd argue that there being only 500 species on the planet is a little lean, even for my understanding of what potentially could have gone on-board.
According to the Bible...
The ratio was 6 to 1 for length to beam. (The Most Stable Sea-Going Dimension Of All) |
Just watch the documentary on-line that's about an hour long.
Believe me... You'll Shyt Your pants ! ![]() |