Well do all plant seeds have faith? what kind of faith would they have? do seeds have cognizance? do they even understand what faith is? why does jesus use this term? OMG He was referring to the size of the seed; NOT the seed having faith, or not....dude i cam't unnerstan yu?? 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have >>>>faith as a grain of mustard seed<<<<, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. well here it says if i have the faith of a mustard seed - correct? so what would that have to do with the size?? evidentally size doesn't matter - ![]() BUTT!! it says that it has faith?? faith enough that if i had that much i could move mountains? well - how much faith is that? how can i ever tell how much faith a seed has? and has a seed ever moved a mountain? can seeds talk as jesus states? anzur pleeze. |
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 09:24 PM
20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have >>>>faith as a grain of mustard seed<<<<, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
isn't it "faith the size of a mustard seed"? ![]() is it? |
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 09:14 PM
Well do all plant seeds have faith? what kind of faith would they have?
do seeds have cognizance? do they even understand what faith is? why does jesus use this term? |
To Yamin:
we wish you a merry christ-mass we wish you a merry christ-mass we wish you a merry christ-mass and a happy new year - ![]() oh you'd better not pout you'd better not cry you'd better not shout i'm telling you why, santa claus is dead!! |
Angels with "swords"?
I guess. I misinterpreted. Im not sure. I dont really consider working as being in service to someone. Maybe because I enjoyed my career, made my money and got out young. Everyone is different in that respect. If you have a horrible job that you hate, then yeah I could see it becoming a service in a sense that you hate yourself for doing and feel like you have no choice. ![]() ![]() i'll drink to that!! ![]() |
he is not pleased with man period!! he stopped being pleased after he created monkeys and mirror mirror - hmmm? well like i said - monkeys.
Father "BUBBA" prison pope. -
![]() |
we already have the means of outfitting every car in america not older than 96 with a hydrogen system that will supply all the fuel will ever need to run vehicles with - whats stopping or holding it up? big business and the government especially. >>United nuclear scientific<< [google it], has units installed in Suv's and even corvettes that as of now have well over 50,000 miles on the road with no problems, the units are completely safe no danger of explosions from wrecks and the canisters can be shot with armour piercing or incindiary bullets without worry of detonation. go read if your interested it would be out on the market now if not for the governments where they were but they are now moving to a alternative friendly state [Michigan] to set up for production, cost of installed unit 7-10 thousand alot? consider this, it has its own hydrogen generator that can run either on electricity from the home or by solar panels - if by solar panels you will never pay a red cent again for fossil fuels or other fuels, it is also instantly switchable to use regular gas or flex fuels at the hit of a switch no disconnecting anything!! so you'll never be stranded or left to contemplate whether or not you have enough energy to go where you want. - to me that's heaven!! you can read the details at the site - enjoy!! Hydrogen fuel comes from water. Where will you get your water from after you use it all to make fuel. The oceans will become poluted by the process of making fuel... Only oxegenated brine will remain. Every change we make (even the smallest) effects all other parts of the earth in some way... The trick is to make the changes with the least overall impact. We could try running our cars on methane... Might smell bad but you can make fuel out of garbage. well your correct no matter what we use it is not an endless supply nor the best answer for long term remdy my friend - including methane which has its drawback as to green house gasses. but for now if we dont get something that will allow for future research to come up with better alternitives, then its useless anyway. we will be gone and our children/grandchildren will be stuck with the problem. i'd rather see it done now than wait for anher 11 years to happen like the car companies are talking of - make it mandatory to use the unrelated systems not made by the car mfgs. **** big business conglomerates, use small entrepanuers to fill the gaps!! which is what we should have done all along!! |
My big problem with alternative fuels is to really make sure that we are making a difference in the overall issue (which is balancing our need for NRG with the sustainability of our environment.) I just don't see a way that we can keep growing and not eventually ruin the earth at some point regardless of technology. we dont have to ruin anything for fuels all can be made from hydrogen- non polluting- it will be here within 2 years and adaptable to most types of cars and other things needing fossil fuels or biofuels read my other post here. |
Angels with "swords"?
as to Krims and smiles info - I'm very happy to see this - it helps explain a lot - though i have known some of this in the past this is very helpful in seeing where these ideas of winged beings first came about. though i know it does not suit the christian/judeo thoughts, it does give credence of why these other myths would have angels that battled one another. and seeing this carried over by the latter. now this makes sense. the book angels don't!!
nor gods need of such beings to do battle in his name or for him - it just don't make sense that any true god would need an army to protect him from anything he supposedly created and especially with such inadequate weapons, i would think the least god would have created would be laser guns or spirit dissolving guns if it was his intent to try to kill spiritual beings. in reality it would have been easy for him just to have said be gone and have it done with and no need for wars. the very fact that god would allow wars in heaven as well as earth is a big reason i don't believe that god is "the" god, but just mans ideas he pawns off as a god to meet his own self-centered agenda's. It's to bad others cant see this - ![]() ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
no darling not talking to you..... hmmm? just got back - who are you talking to deb me? if so in reference to what?? |
Angels with "swords"?
No angels but many of the stories that the Sumerians wrote down on huge stone tablets are almost exactly duplicated in the bible. The Tree of Knowledge and the story of Noah. Also the depiction of Moses was identical to that of a Sumerian king. I would be more worried about that than Angels if I was a Christian. ![]() ![]() yeh, that i'm aware of - thnx K. ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
SUMERIAN ANGELS CARVED IN STONE Sumerian society is the oldest society that has left us clear evidence of the use of a winged human motif. This evidence is in the form of stone carvings, either in the form of three-D statues or relief carvings that provide the illusion of three-dimensionality. Sumerian culture flourished around 3,000 BC between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in present-day Iraq . The religion of these people was complex, embracing a wide variety of spirits and gods, but of particular interest was their belief in 'messengers of the gods', angelic forces who ran errands between gods and humans. The Sumerians also believed that each person had a 'ghost' of some sort (that we would now probably label as 'guardian angel') with this entity remaining a constant companion for a person throughout their life. Altars that appear to be dedicated to guardian angels have been found in the excavations of ancient Sumerian homes, along with stone engravings and temple wall paintings of human figures with wings. After the polytheistic Semitic tribes had conquered the Sumerians around 1900 BC their mythical cosmology borrowed the notion of angels from the vanquished Sumerians. These Semitic peoples developed the idea of a corpus of angels split into groupings answerable to each of the many Semitic gods, further subdividing these groups into vertical 'ranked' heirarchies, a notion which persisted into Zoroastrianism and monotheistic Judaism and beyond, as we shall see. Sumerian ideas probably set the scene for the development of Egyptian theology as well, although it is difficult to be clear about the detail of such cross-cultural influences. http://www.feedback.nildram.co.uk/richardebbs/essays/angels.htm excellent miles - thnx for that i will go read it later - but in the meantime did it mantion any warring or battle angels swords etc?? |
Angels with "swords"?
So tell me....in the whole scheme of life....who cares when they came, or how they came......who cares....there here and their working in our lives isn't that all that matters. tribo well if they were working in everyones life maybe - because they are working in yours dies not mean their working in mine or others, as you say this is "your" expierience, which you have evry right to beleive, but it is not mine. the only supernatural things i have had happen to me has nothing to do with god or the book or angels. |
Angels with "swords"?
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 12:22 PM
The height of the Sumerian empire lasted from the first settlement of Eridu in the Ubaid period (late 6th millennium BC) through the Uruk period (4th millennium BC) and the Dynastic periods (3rd millennium BC) until the rise of Babylon in the early 2nd millennium BC Date Moses (or whoever) wrote Genesis 1440 B.C. ![]() ![]() ![]() thnx K, do you know of any sumerian writings that mention angels or angel like creatures/spirits/gods?? |
Angels with "swords"?
Norse mythology predates the advent of Christianity Tribo. The bible was in fact based in part on myths that had been passed down through the conquered Sumerians.They were sacked by the Akkadians, who were Semitic in origin. The Sumerians were not. I was going by the boks outline Krim, if A&E were the first people then they would have been the first to see an angel, sumeria cmae later according to the book, but for interest sake when did the sumerian civilization flourish? what dates? did they write of angels to your knowledge? i can find nothing on this? |
Angels with "swords"?
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 12:17 PM
Well you would have to ask him...now wouldn't ya...I don't care why he did it...I am just grateful that he did. And trust me when I speak of God, Angels, all of it.....It is strictly from my own experiences so what other proof do I need....do I need to know if they go back in time to the beginning or whatever....no because the proof for me is what they have done for me. hmmm? then it seems strange to me if this is the case that if the book is true that there would be no mention of angels in other civilizations that were before the monotheistic beliefs. if angels were supposedly known from the first days of creating man then would not A&E have passed on this info to those who became other civilizations? why did not the Sumerians or others know of the existence and write of these beings if they were handed down by word from the earliest times? surely A&E would have mentioned them to their children if that were the case? having seen the one that guarded the gates of Eden with a fiery sword, long before mankind made swords. the talk of swords in the book leads one to have to contemplate historically when we as humans first came up with these weapons, was that about the time of moses or before? interesting subject this angels with swords and chariots and bows and arrows which would have been the ultimate weapons of those early days. you would thing a god that knew of future weapons would have used future weapons NO? why stick with ancient weapons when he could have outfitted them with M-16 and rocket launchers and machine guns. strange this all knowing god seems so limited to have to use the most common ancient war items to fight with huh? of course i guess it makes no difference since angels cant be killed even with atomic bombs anyway. thus my point - why the need for any weapons what so ever? for cutting seat bolts in cars? doesn't make sense Deb - they could have just as easily pulled you from the car unscathed without any weapons at all. you don't have to prove anything to me deb, your experiences are yours - not mine, that said, i was merely pointing out that angels should not need weapons of any kind - who or what are they defending?? even the angel that guarded the gates of Eden - why the sword? could he have not just stopped anyone from entering with but a word? the weapons seem to me to be why i don't agree that this book is of god and not of mans making? there are absolutely no needs for spiritual beings of any sort to use weapons on each other or mankind that i can fathom? |
Angels with "swords"?
The norse civilization was born in the South of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the land of the fjords, lit by the boreal sun and swept acros by the winds of long and cold winters. The formation of this people began around the 10th century BC, and the iron age started rather late on these lands, about the >>>>>5th century BC.<<<<< The first certain proofs of a norse culture date from the time when these people began crafting iron objects. The first representations of the gods Odin and Thor, as well as the first runic inscriptions also date back to this period. so if it was te 5th Century BC as to the developement of the mythologies, then it does not supercede the angels of monothestic thought. correct? hmmm I an confused. If you say it is 5th Century BC then that is before christ. So they had thought of angels way before Christianity started. but I still think it goes even further back! Try Sumerian Mythology! ahh - i didnt say this it is from a site - i just C&P'd it - angels did not start with christian thought but jewish'israelite thought/moses wrote it down, it in history supposedly goes back to A&E in the garden, so if thats the case it would be at the beginning of mythology. sumerian literature would have been later if the book is beleived. thus sumerian/egypto/or other would be later mentions - but i have read no sumerian text speaking of angels?? of course my knowledge is limited there' |
Angels with "swords"?
Oh wow Norse myth started somewhere in 200 AD for sure. A very long time before Christianity. 200 AD?? a long time before "christianity"??? are you drinking early today - ![]() that sounds like an "ale" reply - ![]() |