Community > Posts By > Gaia_Moonchilde

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Tue 05/20/08 03:30 PM
Beautiful, as always my friendflowerforyou

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Mon 05/19/08 05:14 AM
~Burning Bright~
By Shinedown

I feel like there is no need for conversation
Some questions are better left without a reason
And I would rather reveal myself than my situation
Now and then I consider, my hesitation
The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning, burning bright

I wonder if the things I did were just to be different
To spare myself of the constant shame of my existence
And I would surely redeem myself in my desperation
Here and now I'll express, my situation

The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning, burning bright

There's nothing ever wrong but nothing's ever right
Such a cruel contradiction
I know I cross the lines its not easy to define
I'm born to indecision
There's always something new some path I'm supposed to choose
With no particular rhyme or reason

The more the light shines through me
I pretend to close my eyes
The more the dark consumes me
I pretend I'm burning, burning bright

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Mon 05/19/08 05:12 AM
Shinedown - Burning Bright

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Mon 05/19/08 05:11 AM

Dripping with your so called sin
Repeatedly telling me over and over again
That I am an abomination, that I am not worthy
In your eyes, and yet you cannot stay away
Spewing your religious rhetoric
Convinced it will save me from my life of sin
Convinced that it will make me righteous and pure
I am what I am, no matter what you say or do
I will be who I am, what I am
Never will you change me, can't you see
That its ok to be who I am, what I am
Not everyone need be the same
That differences of thought and religion is the way of the world
It matters not whose god is better or right
The common goal, that is what matters
As you continue to spew rhetoric and judge me
Filled with your anger and hate
It is you and your type that continue the cycle of hate
When all that matters is the common goal
Love and peace that surrounds the world
Ending the hunger, educating the masses
Ceasing the violence and hate
Your own god preaches love and peace
It is as if you have forgotten what he said
Those words that you quote at me from your book
It seems as if upon them you are stuck
Turn the page, look again..see what he says
Love and peace are the only way

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:15 PM
My brother your strength and conviction will carry you through, and never forget that I do love you, and my hand and shoulder is always here for you. Excellent writing!!flowerforyou :heart:

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Sat 05/17/08 12:06 PM
I'm not junk food cravings are always different..and I don't do fast food

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Sat 05/17/08 11:51 AM

My hunger grows
To taste you once again
To feel your touch upon my skin
My hunger grows
To hear your voice once more
To smell your manly scent as you walk out the door
My hunger grows
Hunger not of the stomach
But of the senses
Of my emotions
My hunger grows
For the touch of your lips upon my own
For the feeling of love I had once known
My hunger grows
Oh my darling how my hunger grows
And your heart does it too know
This hunger of which I speak
The one in which your knees grow weak
Where you are unable to speak
Your hands shake and your heart does beat
Oh my darling does your hunger to grow
Can you not wait until the next moment we meet
Until your eyes finally settle on whom you seek
Does your hunger grow with each passing hour
As mine grows for you
On my darling my hunger grows
And the urgent whispered hellos
Shows me to , that your hunger grows
In that moment in which time will stop
As your lips touch softly upon mine
In that moment where only you and I exist
Only then my darling will my hunger be fed

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Sat 05/17/08 11:50 AM

Hello Baby
Hello Cutie
Hey there
Your picture is perfect
You're the one I want
The only woman I desire
The one who sets my pants on fire
I'll make you my wife
Give you all you need
Plant you with my seed
Hello baby
You're such a cutie
I read your profile
You're so full of beauty
Hey there cutie
If you want me, I think we're a perfect match
Just send me your MSN address
You want to see me, I want to see you
Let me put on a cam show for you
Tease you with ease
While you beg to be pleased
Oh and if you don't mind
And would you please
You see I am trapped in Africa
A single dad you see
I must get home to my babies
So if you don't mind
And would you please
Just send me a huge stack of fifties
Oh I'll pay you back as soon as I get home
You know baby, cutie so full of beauty
You're the only one I love
Even though I have sent this very same email
A million and one times, to every female here on oneplusyou
You're the only one I love, my beauty who is such a cutie
So baby, my beauty, hey there cutie
Send me money now, and I'll fly right home
To your waiting arms don't you know
Just send me money you internet whore
Before I kill you and hide you under my floor
What??No no baby I'm not mad, that wasn't me who typed that out
Please, please don't announce my name in forums
Blacklisted you say, I don't know what that means
Baby baby please..please please*shead scammer I'm not as stupid as you think
Baby my ass, shi* damn right I am
Beauty with brains and the ability to click
As*shead scammer be more beauty no more cutie
Hello baby my as*s, I'm a lady with class

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Sat 05/17/08 11:48 AM

Laying here
Empty of though, empty of reason
Just waiting for the change of season
Restless and impatient
Tossing in the confines of the box
Imprisoned,entombed, closed of from all that I know
Staring at the walls of the box, plain pine
No silk lined comfort
No pillow to rest my head upon
No flowers clutched in my hands
Not even a watch in which to keep time
Unsure of how much time has passed
One day bleeds into the next
And still I lay here
Empty of thought, empty of reason
Waiting forever waiting for the change of season
Rodents scurrying to and fro
While I lie here six foot below
I need no air in which to breathe
My blood long grown cold
My skin so fair and pale
Impatience grows, I start to claw
My nails digging in deep into the soft pine box
Long ago it started to rot, from the bottom to the top
Someone , someone out there must know
Someone , someone out there must remember
Remember who I was, who I am, that I am laying here buried beneath the land
My head detached, stake plunged through my cold dead heart
All I can do now is lie here listening to the rodents fart
As my impatience grows, laying here
Empty of thought , empty of reason
Waiting forever waiting for the change of season

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 08:41 PM
Interesting take on the way things go here S1ow

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 08:26 PM
Blues Traveler - Run Around

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 08:19 PM
Twirling her hair
Looking coy
He stares raptly
As she licks her lips slowly
Enticing him , entrancing him
Staring at him now with her bewitching eyes of blue
She beckons him with a crook of her finger
As if in a trance he goes to her
Seeing no one else in the room but her
He reaches for her hand as he loses himself in her eyes
Lips meet, tongues collide, temperatures rise
Swiftly they rise, leaving the room full of people
Alone, in the darkened wood, pawing and panting
Clothing being ripped and shredded, nails raking down flesh
Grunts, sighs,moans fill the air, thighs gripped around his
Pulling him in deeper and harder, she howls into the night
His hairs raise up in fright, her powerful arms locked around him tightly
Pulling him closer and closer, her lips upon his throat
Her teeth sinking into his jugular, feeding frenzy ensues
As she climaxes with him deep inside her as his life ebbs away

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 03:02 PM
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Tuesday's Gone

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:49 PM
Lynyrd Skynyrd -Simple Man

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:45 PM
I can't have any more children so its not a deal breaker if he doesn't want any, if he does well he's chit outta luck..its broke and cannot be fixed.

Marriage, its not a top priority for me, if it happens great if not then great too..I'm content living the rest of my days on this plane of existence "in sin" ie shackin up!! Basically either or ain't a deal breaker in my world

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:39 PM
Reality, short and sweet, the best way to serve it up. Really dig this!!

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:36 PM
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:28 PM
How moronic...

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:25 PM

why am i mad at you???huh

Displaced anger...its a social piece..look beyond whats plainly written..the answer lies in each of us..get rid of the drugs, treat our children with love and respect and maybe just maybe we won't have young girls growin up this way.

Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/16/08 02:22 PM
Laid it all out on the line
Nothing left to lose
What will be will be
Nothing can stand it its way
It all changes today
With those unspoken words
As they are uttered for the very first time
Here I stand laying it all out on the line
I've got nothing left to lose
It's now up to you to choose
Embrace what it is
Or turn your back and walk away
It all changes today.....

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