Thanks Leigh.
I haven't seen the other one either for a few weeks now and I'm a bit sad about that because I was seeing her about twice a week for about a year and I did like her and she didn't seem to be nuts, like the other one. Maybe she's met somebody else. I don't know and she could have been run over by a bus for all I know but nothing that I can do about it really if she won't call me and she's not even on Facebook, as far as I'm aware. |
I don't even like Facebook and only went on there to find out how a girl that wasn't calling me anymore was. During the "relationship" she wouldn't call me for weeks on end, so it wasn't entirely unreasonable of me to think that it might not be over.
Just because I used the word "stalking" that doesn't mean that I did anything wrong by looking at an ex girlfriend's Facebook page a few times and messaging her a couple of times, without saying anything spiteful or vindictive. I actually wished her all the best. We all seek closure in our own ways. I think that trolling me like that and leading me on was nasty but the girl is psychotic. Maybe I'm weird but when you care for somebody and they have serious problems and tell you that they don't talk to anybody when they're depressed I thought that it was possible that she might have come to her senses and got in touch with me again, so I was in limbo and having trouble moving on. She really did totally lead me on and told me that whatever happened that we would always be friends. That last time when she hung up on me I had waited a week, worried out of my mind that she had done something silly because she told me that she had atempted suicide in the past. I don't think that there's really anything that you can reproach me here for apart from getting involved with a loony tune in the first place but it's not that easy to turn a twenty three year old nympho down when you haven't had a girlfriend for months and the thing with these people is that they can be extremely nice and make you feel great about yourself until something switches in their heads and they start hating you for no good reason. |
I need a Dom ...
Well Crystal, I've told you before that I had an ex that was a bit like you, or the way that you're describing yourself here.
I also have a dominant personality, whatever else you may think about me and there was constant drama and arguments and now she's with a guy that is a wimp compared to me that she says will run around after her like a blue arsed fly and they seem to be happy. I'm not going to offer you any advice because I know you wouldn't apreciate it from me anyway and frankly, I don't think that there's a man alive that would make you happy and the theme that runs through all of your threads is that you really don't care for men very much at all and apparently just come on here to slag them off. |
Edited by
Wed 05/27/15 05:41 AM
Maybe it's a bit confusing but I never had a proper dumping and I was concerned about her, as well as wanting to know if she had met someone else or whatever. I messaged her twice to wish her a happy birthday and to say that I missed her on Facebook. She must have assumed that I was stalking her and please bear in mind that this is an insane person that might have killed herself for all I knew.
You don't know the half of it. I haven't even said anything here about how she treated me when we were seeing each other and I never hassled her and mostly just let her call me. She also told me about a long string of ex partners that were hassling her, so it's not just me that she's sucked in and led on and then just dropped through some crazy whim. And no. I didn't get a threesome out of it. |
I met this girl a while back and to be fair, she did tell me that she was insane but I got involved anyway.
Last time I spoke to her on the phone she just hung up on me and sounded depressed, so I didn't know if that was it or not and spent months thinking about her and trying to make sense of her behaviour by reading up on the personality disorder she said she had been diagnosed with. Anyway, I met another girl through a mutual friend and was checking out the crazy ex's Facebook from time to time to try to find out what was up with her. She posted a few things about someone that she seemed to be involved with and then officially anounced that she was in a relationship with a woman that happened to have the same first name as the new girl I was seeing. I asked her if she was her girlfriend and she seemed shocked and said no but at one point she told me a story about hitting a swan with her car and the crazy edx had said something about that on Facebook. Then the ex apparently made a fake FB acount with the same first name as the other girl's dog. The other girl said that she went to see her about it and was told that she had just been doing it to wind me up. A bunch of her friends were in on it, posting congratulatory messages and her aunt even did as well, although the aunt probably didn't know that it was total BS and from her posts seemed to know that the girl is so crazy that she can't make a relationship work and that this fictional one wasn't likely to either. Now, admittedly I was stalking her on Facebook but I never mistreated her and we always had good times together when we were seeing each other, so I don't think that I did anything to deserve being treated like that. |
Hello again folks
Yeah. I'm keeping myself fairly busy at the moment but this site hasn't been bad when I used it before. Well, nothing longterm came from it but I certainly met a few interesting ladies and it's free. |
Hello again folks
Haven't been on here for a while and I'm a bit bored at the moment and not presently dating anybody, so might try giving this a go again.
Porn gets a bit old after a while and I'm also looking for someone to go out and do stuff with; have deep conversations with and so on and so forth. |
naughty talk..
... do you enjoy it..?... and I don't mean... you have been a bad bad partner !now go sit in the ... and how naughty can it be.. do you have a line... that you don't cross ,or want your partner to cross.. .. and do you find it easier to do.. naughty talk over the phone .. then in that is do you find it easier... to use those ohh. so so hot words... from the safety of your phone... but then when you have your lover in person.... those same words you were using . earlier seem to xscape you.... when you are in the moment...?.. . . Yes, I suppose you could say that I enjoy it. Not on the phone though. Only when I'm trying to get into someone's pants, or actually having sex with them. |
Mystery girl
So, she told me that she went and had a word with her about it and was told that she was just doing it to wind me up.
Internet debating techniques
Well, I'm guessing that the link didn't work because this site probably blocks links to ED.
It was a link to "TL;DR" as an internet debating technique anyway. Now, the Gish gallop is a kind of TL;DR attack, as mentioned in the OP. Interestingly, saying TL;DR is a technique utilised by passive aggressive ADHD morons that have absolutely nothing to contribute to a debate and just jump into threads to say that they don't want to read them. |
Is this thread really a sequel or a remake?
If you say, "Ask for a refund" one more time I might just stop reading your posts. Hell, I might stop logging on altogether. Also, brownosing mods is so obsequious. |
Also, time wasters that won't make a date.
People who assume that you're a loser because you say you're bored or lonely. Must be wonderful to live in your happy little world where you're never bored or lonely but talking to people on the internet anyway.
Internet debating techniques
Why is every post from the OP so long? I can't be arsed to read a post that long? Chill out and shorten them and maybe people will read them properly? ![]();DR |
Older Guys Younger Women
Women can think that you're creepy, whatever their age is. Probably more women my own age think that I'm a perv than the younger ones.
Internet debating techniques
Gish Gallop
Sometimes being foundationally and fractally wrong can help you in a "debate". "Dr." Duane "Blabberbot" Gish, the quick-tongued creatard looncase, invented a way to weaponize stupidity. His debate tactic (that used to be called "vomiting up brain-dead verbal diarrhea") is now called "The Gish Gallop.". Ever since, it became the go-to drama generating technique for Creationists, conspiracy nuts and whackaloons everywhere. By inventing the Gish Gallop method, Gishbot finally achieved the immortality his religion failed to give him. The Gish Gallop is an underhanded punch to the beanbag, and is used almost exclusively by delusional douchenozzles. Strangely enough, it manages to merge several other "Internet Winning Debate Techniques" into one huge colon-blocking brick. It's a dozen Inane flames folded together. It's the verbal equivalent of the 50 Hitler Post and tl;dr Verbal DDOS Attack. In some ways it is also several nested copies of the Your argument is invalid gambit....turned inside-out and worn at a jaunty hat. Contents 1 How to Perform the Gish Gallop 1.1 Main Steps 1.2 Outcome #1: Optimum WIN 1.3 Outcome #2: Self-Inflicted AssPwnage 2 What the Gish Gallop Looks Like in Action 3 People Who Use the Gish Gallop 4 Other Internet-winning debate techniques How to Perform the Gish Gallop Zero to Dickbag in under a paragraph. The Gish Gallop, although simple enough for even the most simple-minded to deploy, does require a bit of prep-work. Here's a step-by-step guide. Main Steps 1. Be passionately wrong about a subject you do not understand. 2. Challenge someone who holds a different opinion to a "formal" debate. 3. Write Down a List of 5 legitimate rebuttals to the opposing point of view. 4. Take the list from Step 3 and wipe your dirty arse with it. As a moron who uses the Gish Gallop, you will never have any use for it. 5. Write Down a List of 20 utterly stupid, fallacy-laden lies, ad-hominem insults and strawmen arguments that you could kinda, sorta pin on your opponents position. 6. Write Down 5 more utter non-sequitur "rebuttals" that are so deliberately broken, ****tarded and nonsensical that it would make the listener seriously wonder if you are actually speaking English. 7. Combine all 25 lies into a dense paragraph of nonsense. 8. Repeat steps 4-7 at least 4 more times. 9. When it comes time to offer your first point -- instead of making one single cogent point and then backing it up with common-sense evidence and argumentation (the way you should in a formal debate) -- blurt out one of your tangled, over-complicated hell-paragraphs of deranged horseshit, preferably in one sudden, breathless burst. 10. Then angrily insist that if your opponent can't debunk every single point (even the most clearly stupid ones) then the opponent has shown that your opponents position is wrong and yours is (somehow) right by default, and that anyone shows that you are wrong are liars from the butthole of Karl Marx. at this point one of two things will happen... Outcome #1: Optimum WIN 11a. Your opponent will be flustered, flabbergasted and stunned...unable to know where to start the time-consuming process of unsnarling your mass of self-contradicting balderdash. He will use all of his time on disproving the worst lies, and can not manage to defeat all of them. 12a. Declare Victory! or Outcome #2: Self-Inflicted AssPwnage 11b. Your opponent will see the few key traits that all your points have in common. Then he will handily disprove every single point by destroying the flimsy "foundation" these fallacies are heaped upon. Irretrievable pwnage occurs. The entire audience now sees you for the brain-damaged sham you are, and laughs and points. Then they throw rotten fruit at you and hoot like howler monkeys on Ecstasy. 12b. Pompously Declare Victory Anyway! It does not matter that your opponent is right; the mere fact that he is your opponent makes him a commie nazi pedo, so screw him and his "facts"! The super-retarded non-sequiturs from Step 6 are the secret evil heart of the Gish Gallop. Anyone who hears these will feel compelled to unpack and parse these lies first, but won't be able to. If done right, those lies will be too confusing, mystifying and complicated to debunk in the time allowed. This leaves the other 20 lies hanging in the air uncontested. This tricks the gullible or biased in the audience into thinking that those points were plausible after all. How to turn Thoughtful Debate into Brain-Hemorrhage Inducing Chaos “ "While you are tied down by pesky annoyances like Intellectual Integrity, Honesty and the Need to fully research and reference your claims, the Creationist is free to utilize their army of BS claims and logical fallacies...while you dash around trying to clean it all up." -- ThetaOmega, explaining why the Gish Gallop is so painful to deal with. "The Modus Operandi of the Creationist is to memorize a bunch of copypasta and find somebody to regurgitate it to." -- TruePooka on where the Gallop starts. What the Gish Gallop Looks Like in Action Moderator: Hi everyone. This is a debate between Prima and Secunda. The topic of the debate will be: "Does Capitalism Lead to Tooth Decay?" Prima will be Defending the Position that Capitalism does not lead to tooth decay, while Secunda will back up his assertion that it does cause tooth decay. Participants have requested the following format: Each will make one point in support of their contention, and have 3 minutes to defend why the contention is true. Then the opponent will have 3 minutes for rebuttal. So it will be Prima Point, Secunda Rebuttal....Secunda Point, Prima Rebuttal...Prima Point, Secunda Rebuttal...and so on. There will be six rounds in all and at the end each will have a 5 minute closing statement followed by questions from the audience. Participants have also requested that both parties stay on topic, and that both not deny the arguments of the opposition before the arguments are heard. We do of course expect the participants to obey the forum rules, so try to keep it clean and professional. Prima: Don't Worry. I will. Secunda: Let's get this going... Moderator: Good luck to both! Prima: Okay, first of all due to a more robust, decentralized economy more people have easier access to high quality dentistry and cheap teeth cleaning impliments (....and so on....after which Prima shows numerous peer-reviewed papers, statistics and testimonials by well-informed and trusted authorities.) Secunda: Capitalism is wrong because Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven! Tooth Decay is God's punishment for a sinful world! My Opponent merely wants to defy god by drinking soda pop and eating too much bad food, and that's why he supports Capitalism! If it were truly our place to choose our own economic system, we'd have perfect teeth instead of rotten sinful ones! You know who else had bad teeth? HITLER, That's who. That's why you never saw him smile, because you'd see his sinful teeth and he knew he should've been ashamed of them. And Hitler fought against Stalin, who fought against you know WHY? Because Stalin KNEW that Communism cures Tooth Decay! You never see Buddhist Monks with bad teeth, that's because their religion demands that they never touch gold! And if you don't touch gold you can't engage in Capitalism! Jesus also had perfect teeth....and you might say that's because he's the perfect human who was actually God in disguise...but it was really because he threw the money-changers out of the temple! Tooth Decay is worse in people who eat alot of candy, and only someone who lives in a decadent Capitalist culture can (or wants to) overindulge in sweets! And let's not forget Gingivitus...which actually means "Money Filth Lust" in an ancient Mesopotamian Language that only smart people have ever heard of or understand! AND THAT my fellow Sinners is Why Capitalism Causes Tooth Decay! And if MY OPPONENT can't disprove every single point I've just made, then he is as Guilty for Apartheid as P.W. Botha was! I Defy you to Prove Me Wrong! (Secunda wheezes as he runs out of breath. Long moment of stunned silence, while Prima stands, mouth agape.) Prima: .... Moderator: Wait....Whut!? People Who Use the Gish Gallop Creationists Libertarians VenomFangX Conservatives Glenn Beck Liberals NephilimFree Liars Douchebags Kent Hovind Other Internet-winning debate techniques 50 Hitler Post What's the matter? Too DEEP for you? cool story bro GTFO Inane flame Occupatio tl;dr Your mom Your argument is invalid |
sex drive
Oh, I take ownership for what I post. Let's face it, it's the humourless busybody control freaks reporting posters that they don't like.
Screw their popularity contest. I've got nothing against you two and no gripe with you. I can't go into details about bans but we talked about that before Blondey and we talked about how I made a parody thread of the other one mentioned above. I piss certain people off and I'm cool with that. Personally, I think that they have issues. I'm not on here to be hating on women, or whining about not having one. |
sex drive
Anyways TS..I don't need a link to form an opinion on what I'm referring to and that was you 2nd post that got chopped. The link BTW doesn't seen to match anything about a cartoon skit? Furthermore I don't think we are talking about the same write? Maybe something else? You were comparing you junk to her toys in a back door context and been very blunt.I mean.. man! not that It offends me but as if thats guna fly.And two days ago you started a thread about "keeping the site clean"..I think your hilarious and I don't want to see you skidded. .but that was pretty Peace Hey, let's have a debate about how that's worse than some of the things that some of the ladies post on here. Cooking with sperm and what a forty five year old feels like inside are a couple that spring to mind. Man, I got banned on purpose. I get bored with reading insulting and inane drivel and go off to do something more productive with my life. So, I told that same story on another site last night and they didn't appreciate it. Well, there's plenty of things that I don't like reading either. I was replying to some guy's thread earlier where he asked why this site is so boring and he said that he checked it out for a while and then got nailed for something he said. The thread was deleted though. |
Well, as I understand it, it's considered to be a religion but there's a distinction between Wicca and Celtic witchcraft. They worship a mother goddess and the horned god is just her consort, so it appeals to feminist types.
Whether it's really derived from ancient traditions is doubtful but occultism is not a stagnant thing that hasn't developed. Personally though, I think that they tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater a bit and are quite ignorant when it comes to the knowledge of the ancients and do faddy things like collecting rocks and buying books about people seeing angels, rather than actually studying it as spiritual science. |
sex drive