Well, I suppose that I'm the sort of guy that women find it fairly easy to talk to about their problems. They would probably tell me all sorts of things on a first date that other guys wouldn't get out of them. Whether they do drugs, for instance.
Oh and I don't know how someone gets diagnosed with a sociopathic disorder if they haven't been in prison and if he's a high functioning sociopath he's probably pretty good at staying out of prison. |
This seems to come up here quite a lot and be a major concern for some people. I don't know about you but a lot of the women that I've met through the dating scene were a bit mental and you know what it's like. You meet your date and they start telling you all about their issues and you're not sure if they're bipolar or what unless they actually tell you that they've been diagnosed.
Is this all just big red flag stuff to you and just totally not what you want to hear on a first date or would you listen to them telling you how they have Asperger's or are a high functioning sociopath or whatever and apreciate their honesty about that? |
Well, there could be a sacraficial element to it. They could be practicing sex magick. The purpose of the excersise is the same as it is with the drugs and alcohol. It is to atain heightened states of conciousness and to connect with primal forces, or the divine, or whatever you want to call it.
You do not actually want a virgin but a scarlet woman. This is a person that acts as a medium for you, so they need to have psychic abilities. They probably need to be a bit mentally unstable. I am not entirely sure why that is but whatever's going on when they do it they aren't in control of their rational faculties. It's someone that you can get into a trance state anyway. So, probably a nympomaniac basically. |
actually,Alcohol enters your Bloodstream and affects your Central Nervous System way before any of those Vittles have time to be digested! ![]() Really? Can I ask what your medical qualifications are? Can you tell me if the enzymes in the consumed food, which would be in the stomach along with the alcohol, would not allow a person to consume that alcohol at a more normal metabolic rate than if he had not eaten? |
Yes, that's good advice and if you're drinking on an empty stomach you're no doubt doing more damage to it. If you're drinking and eating you don't have as much room in your stomach for the booze I suppose.
Taken from a book I read: "Why the near psychotic shift in behavior from stone sober, kind, coherent gentleman to raging drunk with nothing in between? Recent medical studies may provide a physiological answer. Many people lack the proper enzymes to correctly metabolize alcohol. When they drink, the alcohol is not assimilated at a normal rate and the usual warning signals are not sent to the brain. The brain can be cold stone sober one moment and then assaulted by a massive dose of almost pure alcohol the next. This amounts to a chemically induced psychosis, which could easily trip the schizoid switch in an otherwise totally normal brain."
This seems to be saying that if you are unable to consume alcohol normally you can drink a lot more of it before you get horribly drunk. Also that you can be a social drinker if you drink in moderation. I'm not sure what moderation is here. Such a person would surely appear to be drinking far too much to a normal person that couldn't take more than a couple of drinks. |
You lot are no fun
Well, that's maybe a bit unfair because all I know about you is what you say about yourselves from your boring posts on the internet.
So, tell me really? What is it that makes you such a great person that I would want to date you? |
How do you feel about it? Are you a bit squeemish or have other reservations? Do you have a problem with it because you would only be a consort?
It's supposed to be a Celtic tradition that predates Christianity. I find it quite interesting. Well, I am Scottish. It's when you marry a witch. It's not legal though. A fun thing to do maybe. Jim Morrison did it. Unlike with a Christian marriage the vow is to promise that death cannot part you and only lack of love can. You are eternally bound in some way. It seems like more of a commitment than a Christian style marriage where you can just get divorced and marry someone else while you're still alive. |
I don't date anyone that drinks or drugs at all. If I even suspect some one, man or woman, I will not let them in my house, including relatives. ZERO tolerance Please feel free to carry on. Why? Because that's how you were brought up or because of experiences that you had or just because of personal opinions that you somehow came to yourself? |
How tolerant are you when it comes to dating somebody that claims to use drugs and/ or alcohol as some kind of a religious sacrament? Would it be alright if they drank communion wine and had a drink at Christmas but would you draw the line there? If you do follow a spiritual path that involves getting out of your box on a regular basis would you be prepared to date an uptight square?
Yeah. It's probably going to be a cold Winter and the council still haven't sorted my heating. I'm still waiting for them to do that and my kitchen and bathroom and I can't really sort the place out until they've done that. Having decorators in and having my stuff stored is all going to cost money.
I can't even eat all of that before I get payed. Nary a drop to drink in there anyway. I think I've got enough cash in my jacket to buy cigarettes but that's it. I really don't feel like this is a good time to try to stop smoking though.
Grumpy old men
Women can be grumpy because of health reasons as well. My ex had arthritis. People can be grumpy for all sorts of reasons. In extreme cases they become psychotic or psycopathic. A person can induce a psychotic state through the use of drugs, alcohol or the like and then he becomes the divine madman that is shaman to the tribe.
Grumpy old men
I don't know about that. You can get more attention on a forum by being unpopular and saying contraversial things. You don't have to be looking for some people to agree with you when you post a rant.
I'm a master at posting rant threads. I'm permanently banned from the flame forum that I was on for managing to piss almost everybody off. I got a thread about feminism locked for posting something that was so vile and awful that the site admin couldn't let it go on and they never lock threads there because it's a flame forum. I considered it to have been a personal acomplishment. You're not trying to be popular when you play internet tough guy. You maybe amuse and entertain some people but it's a reall narcissistic thing because everyone is attacking you and calling you a prick, so you get to call them a bunch of sheep that are getting on the bullying bandwagon and they're picking on someone that's different. You're different because you're not really a dipshit that gets all butt hurt over something that someone posts on the internet. |
Grumpy old men
Yeah, it's like this story this guy told me once about this girl whose friends were giving her a lot of crap and when he asked her why she was putting up with it she said, "Because they're my friends." That's pretty sad but I guess that made her a nice person? Or a doormat.
Why was it important to be popular at school? Can anyone remember? Was it because you didn't want to be bullied or shunned by the cool kids? So that you could get a girlfriend or boyfriend? Now that you've left school do you still care about being popular? |
I find it better to just not worry about it anymore. Every time I try to build up a picture of the right person for me it's just my "type" and things that I liked about girls that I used to know. They might not have exactly been my type when I met them though and it certainly didn't work out with them.
I tend to think that you're only going to find it when you're just open to it but what do I know? I'm just a crazy fool for those women. |
What do you think?
I'll maybe read it later. Thanks for copying and pasting that.
Grumpy old men
This is a question for the more mature ladies.
How realistic do you think that it is to expect to get a man that isn't a bit of an old git? |
Well, I sound them out a bit first with a bit of flirting and if they respond well to that I make friends with them and then tell them how gorgeous they are and stuff.
Doesn't seem like rocket science to me. |
Lying to women
I take comfort from the fact that all of my ex girlfriends were liars. Better off without them and I was honest with them. I learned a valuable lesson once when I told one that I thought that she was a compulsive liar. She was an ex by then, so this wasn't like some big confruntation. She told me that what I told her about how she said one thing one minute and something else the next just sounded like I was describing a mixed up girl.
So, the communication isn't easy. You don't really know where you stand and they're just saying what they feel at the time, because women are like that. |