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If Yahweh's Wills
stop worrying about God for a change,and enjoy yourself! God can take care of himself! ![]() Thanks my Friend. Oh I am enjoying Myself. she is sleeping and I have not adjusted to the 15 hr time change yet it is 3:45 am June 4th here and she is peaceful. I am not worrying it is My Enjoyment as it is hers. Shalom and Thank You |
bad things / good people
Jesus said that only God is good (Mark 10:18). Mark 10:18) 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Context again please. Jesus was referring to specifically either him or God. And nobody is better then God, so therefore in comparison to God nobody would be good but God, for we all fall short of God's glory. I thought they were the same. I am glad u read the scripture. But show me the context that the 2 are the same. "God" Eg., the Father and Jesus aren't the same. Or am I misunderstanding what you are referring to. No where in any of these quotes in this refers to "2 being the same". I am glad u r seeing this. so after Yahshua was Baptized He did then hear his Father who he Obeyed to the letter of the law? Would you make the question more clear please, because there is no law God the Father has to obey, they are his laws. But if you are talking about Jesus, then yes he obeyed them to a T, he obeyed every bit of the law one bit and did not fault in one way or other. I'm assuming you're referring to the following Matthew 3 16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Yes and Heaven and Earth is still here. Matt 5:17-20 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. NKJV 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled Just like this is future Prophecy. it has not been fulfilled and it is Law Yahshua kept. Zech 14:16-17 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. NKJV |
If Yahweh's Wills
I am In Manila on my Honeymoon. Quite a shock in a way. people coming up to me with pictures of 20 or so young women on on photo telling me to pick one they will send to my room. Seeing men who are going to their rooms with several young women. Traffic is crazy. no stop lights, no nothing amazing they can drive like this. I stay back when getting a room and my new bride gets the room.If I walk up with her they seem to raise the room price 30% or more. All Americans are rich. sad place here in Manila. But some very interesting places. The long Jeep Taxis are so cool. Yahweh is providing in so many ways. His will, will come. he opens doors I just have to be ready to walk through them. Take care my Friends and May Yahweh of Host Bless all of you. The EliYah message is coming I can feel it. as Yahshua said when he 1st came out of the desert that is what My Hearts Desire is.
Luke 4:18-19 18 "The Spirit of Yahweh is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of Yahweh's favor." NIV Luke 4:18-19 18 "The Spirit of Yahweh is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the Evangel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh." NKJV |
bad things / good people
Noah could have chosen to believe himself insane to be hearing the voice of God. I think he still had choice/will. If he believed, however, that there would be a great flood, then his choice was an easy one. When we think we're doin the right thing, our choices are wicked easy, ya? didja see the movie? Im wondering if I should rent it. The stories you refer to, come with the struggles of following Gods direction. Moses had doubts, but made a choice. I would pay attention to the Hearts of these Main Prophets. They were willing to give their life for their friend. |
bad things / good people
Jesus said that only God is good (Mark 10:18). Mark 10:18) 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Context again please. Jesus was referring to specifically either him or God. And nobody is better then God, so therefore in comparison to God nobody would be good but God, for we all fall short of God's glory. I thought they were the same. I am glad u read the scripture. But show me the context that the 2 are the same. "God" Eg., the Father and Jesus aren't the same. Or am I misunderstanding what you are referring to. No where in any of these quotes in this refers to "2 being the same". I am glad u r seeing this. so after Yahshua was Baptized He did then hear his Father who he Obeyed to the letter of the law? |
bad things / good people
Jesus said that only God is good (Mark 10:18). Mark 10:18) 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Context again please. Jesus was referring to specifically either him or God. And nobody is better then God, so therefore in comparison to God nobody would be good but God, for we all fall short of God's glory. I thought they were the same. I am glad u read the scripture. But show me the context that the 2 are the same. |
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Seriously, you are gonna pull a strawman argument? The question is worded that way for the modern reader. Was that snake-handling preacher on the "Swamp People" TV show a true believer if he died from that rattlesnake bite or just wrong for taking the verse literally? Remember Yahshua's words to satan when he was in the Desert for 40 days and night? One man does not eat by bread alone and 2 do not Tempt Yahweh Your Elohim |
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o translate is different than to transliterate. names do not translate
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I was answering Miles question, as he is obsessed with seeing "where is it written" If using " it is written" makes me wrong. I am glad to be wrong because I am in good company. your sources u use are commentaries which Yahshua came to abolish because they were not using the written word they were using a Rabbi's interpretation. That is why when the Holy Spirit came and we became the Temple with the Spirit of Yahweh living in us we can know with desire for the word the Holy Spirit from Yahweh will show you/guide you to all truth |
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Just study Malachi ask your pastor if this has come to pass lol you say that like I go to church Miles. I would possibly go if I had a car lol >.<. But just for the sake of a "discussion" that's not how it works. You don't just claim something shows something but doesn't explain what it's suppose to be showing. If you're going to post something, I ask that you explain the relation please. That's because I can show more proof than you would want. years ago I flooded things with proof then was asked not to , to just explain it. so I changed and that's what I did. But from our experience Cowboy it does not matter what proof I show u.. U r stuck on Tradition. In a day and age where the bible references where no bias is concerned just what the Hebrew and greek says anyone can find out what the bible says and come to their own conclusions. I do not want or wish anyone to believe what I say. I hope people will start to look at what the languages of the day really said before the KJV that is so Holy. it is so messed up. but today as Daniel said we would have a Knowledge explosion . a time where only now almost anyone can search the Hebrew and the greek and make up their own minds. Study to shew yourself approves we r told. I waist my time when no matter what u will keep to Christmas, easter jc, j-hovah. now their is a name u should really study and u will fall over backwards when u see who is being called upon. But no one cares. its a Free for All. Believe whatever you want to. yet still call upon jc all the time. u will find out when you throw out those names the Spirit will open to you. you can not be partakers of evil and whats Holy. Study. the bible tells me to stop telling you things when u reject it. so I am not going to do the work for you then you just say. that was all done away. you say you r a Christian. what does that mean? to be Christ Like right? But what do you do that is Christ Like? Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. Did Yahshua ever Sacrafice? no he did not. nowhere is it recorded he did a sacrafise other than his lips and himself as we are told to do. By the way it says that same thing in the Psalms . That Yahweh never desired the fat and the blood of heifers and goats. Study to shew yourself approved. You have to answer for yourself not me. Think you may have taken this "discussion" way to far Miles. lol You ask I'm assuming a hypothetical question "Did Yahshua ever sacrifice?" Lol who would he be sacrificing to and for what reason? lol. When people in the days when they made sacrifices, were making the sacrifices to HIM lol. So who would he necessarily make the sacrifice to? The sacrifices were not pleasing to him for he wanted us to do right in the first place and not have to sacrifice something. That's why he didn't necessarily "approve" of the sacrifices. Also you asked Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. He kept every bit of it, he never had one fault, not one sin. It was your sins, his sins, her sins, and of course my sins Jesus took the punishment for. Nothing he did, for he was pure. Sacraficing he did not do is an example. He did not pray to himself. He is Not Yahweh. It is written every temptation known to man he went through and did not sin. He was not Elohim on earth. He was a man or what did he really do since the pain and suffering he could endure as Elohim with no problem. He said he was not good only his father in Heaven was good. this is a problem thinking he is Yahweh. He is not How is not sacrificing an example? Of course he did not pray to himself, what would be the point in that? How would that even be possible? No he's not Yahweh, he's Yahshua. Yahshua is Hebrew for what we term "Joshua" which means Jehovah is Salvation. Yahweh . The closest we have is the consonants YHWH, or YaHWeH. They did not use vowels in that language, so the closest translation of the "letters" is YHWH. El is the word for God Elohim is the plural--not "gods" but God in the mystic threefold unity. Source of the name meanings-;_ylt=A0SO81CViIZT.EsAvj1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzc2o1YTgyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDEzMV8x?qid=1005122602291 Yes isn't it funny how Joshua the son of Nun and Yahshua had the same name yet Joshua they made it sound close as in Heb 4 8 you can see between the KJV and the NKJV one says JC the other Joshua. Joshua is correct. yet thoughout the NT they use JC. Why would they do that? Elohim is plural it is many things. It can be a judge , it is the spirit world as in Angels when Used as Yahweh Elohim it is then Refering to the creator as Yahshua did all things as he was told by his father. Keep searching u will find many things about the languages that does not mean what we see it as meaning. Blessings Cowboy Ps. what I mean by not sacrafising an example because Yahshua was our example as their was no reason for him to be baptized yet he did as an example. so he was showing Yahweh never desired sacrifice. Ps 51:17 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart — These, O God, You will not despise. NKJV Is this not what Yahweh desires today? to humble yourself and become a new person? In Hebrew and in several other languages where one might find such names, there are no vowels written. Sometimes they put little "points" on or near a letter to indicate a vowel so as to clear up any ambiguities. So Jesus and Joshua would look nearly identical. The name is Jesus in English because of transliterations into Greek and into Latin. And anyway, so he had a similar name as another, who doesn't? Probably others in the area and at those times had the same name. And yes Elohim is plural. But it's plural in the same sense "jury" would be plural. Yahshua was born of Hebrew parents given a Hebrew name just as Joshua/Yahshua son of Nun was. The Hebrew I was referring to was the Book of Hebrews verse 4 8 kjv and nkjv say different names. one reason we know is Yahshua did give them rest Joshua did not. jc is a greek, latin mixure,. Transliteration is done on all names. the sound never changes. if u r cowboy in America u would here the same sound in the Russian or any language. the sound of the name never changes. the difference between translating a language and transliteration lol the sounds never changes? You are incorrect lol. My name is Gregory and in Spanish it is Gregorio. Yes Jesus Christ is not Hebrew, done discussed that. And Joshua literally means "Yah is salvation" Yehoshua is hebrew Yeshua is Aramaic So you're saying Yehoshua and Yeshua is pronounced the same in their translations? And or Gregory and Gregorio sounds the same? no u r not correct. if you were born Spanish then that may be how your name is said. but your name is your name. when preachers go around the world with a translator you will here JC when he says that from the translator. when Obama's name is said in another country it has the same sound |
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Just study Malachi ask your pastor if this has come to pass lol you say that like I go to church Miles. I would possibly go if I had a car lol >.<. But just for the sake of a "discussion" that's not how it works. You don't just claim something shows something but doesn't explain what it's suppose to be showing. If you're going to post something, I ask that you explain the relation please. That's because I can show more proof than you would want. years ago I flooded things with proof then was asked not to , to just explain it. so I changed and that's what I did. But from our experience Cowboy it does not matter what proof I show u.. U r stuck on Tradition. In a day and age where the bible references where no bias is concerned just what the Hebrew and greek says anyone can find out what the bible says and come to their own conclusions. I do not want or wish anyone to believe what I say. I hope people will start to look at what the languages of the day really said before the KJV that is so Holy. it is so messed up. but today as Daniel said we would have a Knowledge explosion . a time where only now almost anyone can search the Hebrew and the greek and make up their own minds. Study to shew yourself approves we r told. I waist my time when no matter what u will keep to Christmas, easter jc, j-hovah. now their is a name u should really study and u will fall over backwards when u see who is being called upon. But no one cares. its a Free for All. Believe whatever you want to. yet still call upon jc all the time. u will find out when you throw out those names the Spirit will open to you. you can not be partakers of evil and whats Holy. Study. the bible tells me to stop telling you things when u reject it. so I am not going to do the work for you then you just say. that was all done away. you say you r a Christian. what does that mean? to be Christ Like right? But what do you do that is Christ Like? Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. Did Yahshua ever Sacrafice? no he did not. nowhere is it recorded he did a sacrafise other than his lips and himself as we are told to do. By the way it says that same thing in the Psalms . That Yahweh never desired the fat and the blood of heifers and goats. Study to shew yourself approved. You have to answer for yourself not me. Think you may have taken this "discussion" way to far Miles. lol You ask I'm assuming a hypothetical question "Did Yahshua ever sacrifice?" Lol who would he be sacrificing to and for what reason? lol. When people in the days when they made sacrifices, were making the sacrifices to HIM lol. So who would he necessarily make the sacrifice to? The sacrifices were not pleasing to him for he wanted us to do right in the first place and not have to sacrifice something. That's why he didn't necessarily "approve" of the sacrifices. Also you asked Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. He kept every bit of it, he never had one fault, not one sin. It was your sins, his sins, her sins, and of course my sins Jesus took the punishment for. Nothing he did, for he was pure. Sacraficing he did not do is an example. He did not pray to himself. He is Not Yahweh. It is written every temptation known to man he went through and did not sin. He was not Elohim on earth. He was a man or what did he really do since the pain and suffering he could endure as Elohim with no problem. He said he was not good only his father in Heaven was good. this is a problem thinking he is Yahweh. He is not How is not sacrificing an example? Of course he did not pray to himself, what would be the point in that? How would that even be possible? No he's not Yahweh, he's Yahshua. Yahshua is Hebrew for what we term "Joshua" which means Jehovah is Salvation. Yahweh . The closest we have is the consonants YHWH, or YaHWeH. They did not use vowels in that language, so the closest translation of the "letters" is YHWH. El is the word for God Elohim is the plural--not "gods" but God in the mystic threefold unity. Source of the name meanings-;_ylt=A0SO81CViIZT.EsAvj1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzc2o1YTgyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDEzMV8x?qid=1005122602291 Yes isn't it funny how Joshua the son of Nun and Yahshua had the same name yet Joshua they made it sound close as in Heb 4 8 you can see between the KJV and the NKJV one says JC the other Joshua. Joshua is correct. yet thoughout the NT they use JC. Why would they do that? Elohim is plural it is many things. It can be a judge , it is the spirit world as in Angels when Used as Yahweh Elohim it is then Refering to the creator as Yahshua did all things as he was told by his father. Keep searching u will find many things about the languages that does not mean what we see it as meaning. Blessings Cowboy Ps. what I mean by not sacrafising an example because Yahshua was our example as their was no reason for him to be baptized yet he did as an example. so he was showing Yahweh never desired sacrifice. Ps 51:17 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart — These, O God, You will not despise. NKJV Is this not what Yahweh desires today? to humble yourself and become a new person? In Hebrew and in several other languages where one might find such names, there are no vowels written. Sometimes they put little "points" on or near a letter to indicate a vowel so as to clear up any ambiguities. So Jesus and Joshua would look nearly identical. The name is Jesus in English because of transliterations into Greek and into Latin. And anyway, so he had a similar name as another, who doesn't? Probably others in the area and at those times had the same name. And yes Elohim is plural. But it's plural in the same sense "jury" would be plural. Yahshua was born of Hebrew parents given a Hebrew name just as Joshua/Yahshua son of Nun was. The Hebrew I was referring to was the Book of Hebrews verse 4 8 kjv and nkjv say different names. one reason we know is Yahshua did give them rest Joshua did not. jc is a greek, latin mixure,. Transliteration is done on all names. the sound never changes. if u r cowboy in America u would here the same sound in the Russian or any language. the sound of the name never changes. the difference between translating a language and transliteration |
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Wed 05/28/14 06:24 PM
Just study Malachi ask your pastor if this has come to pass lol you say that like I go to church Miles. I would possibly go if I had a car lol >.<. But just for the sake of a "discussion" that's not how it works. You don't just claim something shows something but doesn't explain what it's suppose to be showing. If you're going to post something, I ask that you explain the relation please. That's because I can show more proof than you would want. years ago I flooded things with proof then was asked not to , to just explain it. so I changed and that's what I did. But from our experience Cowboy it does not matter what proof I show u.. U r stuck on Tradition. In a day and age where the bible references where no bias is concerned just what the Hebrew and greek says anyone can find out what the bible says and come to their own conclusions. I do not want or wish anyone to believe what I say. I hope people will start to look at what the languages of the day really said before the KJV that is so Holy. it is so messed up. but today as Daniel said we would have a Knowledge explosion . a time where only now almost anyone can search the Hebrew and the greek and make up their own minds. Study to shew yourself approves we r told. I waist my time when no matter what u will keep to Christmas, easter jc, j-hovah. now their is a name u should really study and u will fall over backwards when u see who is being called upon. But no one cares. its a Free for All. Believe whatever you want to. yet still call upon jc all the time. u will find out when you throw out those names the Spirit will open to you. you can not be partakers of evil and whats Holy. Study. the bible tells me to stop telling you things when u reject it. so I am not going to do the work for you then you just say. that was all done away. you say you r a Christian. what does that mean? to be Christ Like right? But what do you do that is Christ Like? Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. Did Yahshua ever Sacrafice? no he did not. nowhere is it recorded he did a sacrafise other than his lips and himself as we are told to do. By the way it says that same thing in the Psalms . That Yahweh never desired the fat and the blood of heifers and goats. Study to shew yourself approved. You have to answer for yourself not me. Think you may have taken this "discussion" way to far Miles. lol You ask I'm assuming a hypothetical question "Did Yahshua ever sacrifice?" Lol who would he be sacrificing to and for what reason? lol. When people in the days when they made sacrifices, were making the sacrifices to HIM lol. So who would he necessarily make the sacrifice to? The sacrifices were not pleasing to him for he wanted us to do right in the first place and not have to sacrifice something. That's why he didn't necessarily "approve" of the sacrifices. Also you asked Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. He kept every bit of it, he never had one fault, not one sin. It was your sins, his sins, her sins, and of course my sins Jesus took the punishment for. Nothing he did, for he was pure. Sacraficing he did not do is an example. He did not pray to himself. He is Not Yahweh. It is written every temptation known to man he went through and did not sin. He was not Elohim on earth. He was a man or what did he really do since the pain and suffering he could endure as Elohim with no problem. He said he was not good only his father in Heaven was good. this is a problem thinking he is Yahweh. He is not How is not sacrificing an example? Of course he did not pray to himself, what would be the point in that? How would that even be possible? No he's not Yahweh, he's Yahshua. Yahshua is Hebrew for what we term "Joshua" which means Jehovah is Salvation. Yahweh . The closest we have is the consonants YHWH, or YaHWeH. They did not use vowels in that language, so the closest translation of the "letters" is YHWH. El is the word for God Elohim is the plural--not "gods" but God in the mystic threefold unity. Source of the name meanings-;_ylt=A0SO81CViIZT.EsAvj1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzc2o1YTgyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDEzMV8x?qid=1005122602291 Yes isn't it funny how Joshua the son of Nun and Yahshua had the same name yet Joshua they made it sound close as in Heb 4 8 you can see between the KJV and the NKJV one says JC the other Joshua. Joshua is correct. yet thoughout the NT they use JC. Why would they do that? Elohim is plural it is many things. It can be a judge , it is the spirit world as in Angels when Used as Yahweh Elohim it is then Refering to the creator as Yahshua did all things as he was told by his father. Keep searching u will find many things about the languages that does not mean what we see it as meaning. Blessings Cowboy Ps. what I mean by not sacrafising an example because Yahshua was our example as their was no reason for him to be baptized yet he did as an example. so he was showing Yahweh never desired sacrifice. Ps 51:17 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart — These, O God, You will not despise. NKJV Is this not what Yahweh desires today? to humble yourself and become a new person? |
Minimum Wage?
so u r of the Air Rean Race. The 1 percenters. who want to rule the world. Very Interesting Where you dropped as a baby? First do you even understand Ayran Race, a bunch of neo-nazis associated with Hitler. Doesn't seem so. Second, the 1% are related to the elitist, the ones that own the politicians and they do rule the world. I guess it was all those big words like statesmen and republic caused all the problems. Or was it that 20% figure that got it all confused with those one percenters? But that is ok, the internet is open to everybody. thiers difference between ayran (huh?) and Air Rean Which "they" have a difference? If you don't know what Ayran means, use google. And what language is Air Rean? Sure it's not part of your inability to spell? No its a language u do not know but I would guess u would know what Air is. now here is what Rean is. dialect ( Southwest English ) a ditch, esp a drainage channel Get the picture. take care before you say what u do not know So you were dropped, sorry to hear that. Parents need to be careful with youngsters. And there are many things that I care not to know, such as the abuse of a language by those that choose to remain ignorant of what a language really is. I prefer to to expand knowledge, not to diminish, I leave that to those that think they are cool. I was just messing with ya.. take care |
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I think you guys missed the point of the OP; which in a way illustrates the OP. Believing in a g-d or a message without believing in a book about g-d. The study of the Bible has resulted in the Modernist era- lack of faith in g-d, due to the bible's historical, scientific and even internal inaccuracies, regardless of any praeterit eschatology. Can you believe in a message of love in a way that it helps you in your everyday life? It is easy to send your $20 to Greenpeace, more difficult to care for the person standing next to you Jesus recognized a bleeding woman touching him as a sign of her faith. By complimenting rather than rebuking her, Jesus ignored another of his scripture’s rules: “If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, not at the time her [period], or if she has a discharge beyond the time, all the days of her discharge she shall continue in uncleanness... Every bed on which she lies during all the days of her discharge shall be treated as [unclean]… Everything on which she sits shall be unclean … Whoever touches these things shall be unclean” (Leviticus 15:25). Ok. How about this he says Yahshua broke the law by her touching him. Where does it say that? |
Jesus came to earth for u and died on cross for ur sins.anyone who accepts Jesus as his personal savior and repent from sin will go to heaven and be called sons of god.if not u will go to hell. My friend, I'm a Catholic and I go to Church every Sunday and even sometimes through the week. I don't think the big man would appreciate your preaching crap. You sound almost threatening and that's not what it's about. Threatening? how so.. Telling the truth. many places says the dead know nothing. your posts sounds threatening. going to church does not mean saved |
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Just study Malachi ask your pastor if this has come to pass lol you say that like I go to church Miles. I would possibly go if I had a car lol >.<. But just for the sake of a "discussion" that's not how it works. You don't just claim something shows something but doesn't explain what it's suppose to be showing. If you're going to post something, I ask that you explain the relation please. That's because I can show more proof than you would want. years ago I flooded things with proof then was asked not to , to just explain it. so I changed and that's what I did. But from our experience Cowboy it does not matter what proof I show u.. U r stuck on Tradition. In a day and age where the bible references where no bias is concerned just what the Hebrew and greek says anyone can find out what the bible says and come to their own conclusions. I do not want or wish anyone to believe what I say. I hope people will start to look at what the languages of the day really said before the KJV that is so Holy. it is so messed up. but today as Daniel said we would have a Knowledge explosion . a time where only now almost anyone can search the Hebrew and the greek and make up their own minds. Study to shew yourself approves we r told. I waist my time when no matter what u will keep to Christmas, easter jc, j-hovah. now their is a name u should really study and u will fall over backwards when u see who is being called upon. But no one cares. its a Free for All. Believe whatever you want to. yet still call upon jc all the time. u will find out when you throw out those names the Spirit will open to you. you can not be partakers of evil and whats Holy. Study. the bible tells me to stop telling you things when u reject it. so I am not going to do the work for you then you just say. that was all done away. you say you r a Christian. what does that mean? to be Christ Like right? But what do you do that is Christ Like? Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. Did Yahshua ever Sacrafice? no he did not. nowhere is it recorded he did a sacrafise other than his lips and himself as we are told to do. By the way it says that same thing in the Psalms . That Yahweh never desired the fat and the blood of heifers and goats. Study to shew yourself approved. You have to answer for yourself not me. Think you may have taken this "discussion" way to far Miles. lol You ask I'm assuming a hypothetical question "Did Yahshua ever sacrifice?" Lol who would he be sacrificing to and for what reason? lol. When people in the days when they made sacrifices, were making the sacrifices to HIM lol. So who would he necessarily make the sacrifice to? The sacrifices were not pleasing to him for he wanted us to do right in the first place and not have to sacrifice something. That's why he didn't necessarily "approve" of the sacrifices. Also you asked Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. He kept every bit of it, he never had one fault, not one sin. It was your sins, his sins, her sins, and of course my sins Jesus took the punishment for. Nothing he did, for he was pure. Sacraficing he did not do is an example. He did not pray to himself. He is Not Yahweh. It is written every temptation known to man he went through and did not sin. He was not Elohim on earth. He was a man or what did he really do since the pain and suffering he could endure as Elohim with no problem. He said he was not good only his father in Heaven was good. this is a problem thinking he is Yahweh. He is not |
Jesus came to earth for u and died on cross for ur sins.anyone who accepts Jesus as his personal savior and repent from sin will go to heaven and be called sons of god.if not u will go to hell. Read the scriptures. No one is in Heaven but Yahshua |
Minimum Wage?
No, my parents were married. And to save you from killing some additional brain cells, no I'm not a Dumbocrat nor a Libertarian. I am a free man living in the republic of these united States. In the republic, there are no politicians, just statesmen. There are no representatives as free men are capable of representing themselves. There are no privileges, just fully understood rights. We live by the common law and understand that statutes do not apply unless we consent to contract for some benefit. Back a couple of centuries ago, the vast majority of the 3 million or so land inhabitants resided here, today less than 20% of the 300 and some million land residents reside here, it's really not very crowded but lately the immigration rate has increased exponentially. so u r of the Air Rean Race. The 1 percenters. who want to rule the world. Very Interesting Where you dropped as a baby? First do you even understand Ayran Race, a bunch of neo-nazis associated with Hitler. Doesn't seem so. Second, the 1% are related to the elitist, the ones that own the politicians and they do rule the world. I guess it was all those big words like statesmen and republic caused all the problems. Or was it that 20% figure that got it all confused with those one percenters? But that is ok, the internet is open to everybody. thiers difference between ayran (huh?) and Air Rean Which "they" have a difference? If you don't know what Ayran means, use google. And what language is Air Rean? Sure it's not part of your inability to spell? No its a language u do not know but I would guess u would know what Air is. now here is what Rean is. dialect ( Southwest English ) a ditch, esp a drainage channel Get the picture. take care before you say what u do not know |
I would recommend this book
Just study Malachi ask your pastor if this has come to pass lol you say that like I go to church Miles. I would possibly go if I had a car lol >.<. But just for the sake of a "discussion" that's not how it works. You don't just claim something shows something but doesn't explain what it's suppose to be showing. If you're going to post something, I ask that you explain the relation please. That's because I can show more proof than you would want. years ago I flooded things with proof then was asked not to , to just explain it. so I changed and that's what I did. But from our experience Cowboy it does not matter what proof I show u.. U r stuck on Tradition. In a day and age where the bible references where no bias is concerned just what the Hebrew and greek says anyone can find out what the bible says and come to their own conclusions. I do not want or wish anyone to believe what I say. I hope people will start to look at what the languages of the day really said before the KJV that is so Holy. it is so messed up. but today as Daniel said we would have a Knowledge explosion . a time where only now almost anyone can search the Hebrew and the greek and make up their own minds. Study to shew yourself approves we r told. I waist my time when no matter what u will keep to Christmas, easter jc, j-hovah. now their is a name u should really study and u will fall over backwards when u see who is being called upon. But no one cares. its a Free for All. Believe whatever you want to. yet still call upon jc all the time. u will find out when you throw out those names the Spirit will open to you. you can not be partakers of evil and whats Holy. Study. the bible tells me to stop telling you things when u reject it. so I am not going to do the work for you then you just say. that was all done away. you say you r a Christian. what does that mean? to be Christ Like right? But what do you do that is Christ Like? Did Christ keep the Law? so wouldn't being Christ Like would be to keep the same Law also? He was our example. but we throw it away with one word. Fulfilled. read the rest of the story. Did Yahshua ever Sacrafice? no he did not. nowhere is it recorded he did a sacrafise other than his lips and himself as we are told to do. By the way it says that same thing in the Psalms . That Yahweh never desired the fat and the blood of heifers and goats. Study to shew yourself approved. You have to answer for yourself not me. |
I would recommend this book
Just study Malachi ask your pastor if this has come to pass