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Just For Laughs
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Mathew 24-14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and the end will come. apperently the good news about the kingdom has not been preached yet. |
you are right. Money is not bad it is a tool. How we use that tool is the question. Solomon Prayed that he be given wisdom to rule the people correctly and for this was given riches also. His Heart was in the right place Was it not Solomon's taxes which caused the split into two nations? I am not sure. Could u show/ quote the reference u r talking about? Did Solomon Rule with respect? 1Kings 12:16 thanks |
Dreams So Real?
Sometimes a dream is just a dream. very true |
Dreams So Real?
thank you I guess. I don't quite know what to make of the serpent part. I don't associate that with anything good a serpent like satan will twist things. so my understanding of this is. u must be wise in what u do. think before you speak and in doing this know who u r talking to. whether they are new to the word or well grounded. milk and meat whether a babe or a adult. so wise as a serpent is to those who preach the word or tell others what the word says. listen to them before u speak but speak with zeal. The babes of the word who just want to do right be gentle with them as a dove |
you are right. Money is not bad it is a tool. How we use that tool is the question. Solomon Prayed that he be given wisdom to rule the people correctly and for this was given riches also. His Heart was in the right place Was it not Solomon's taxes which caused the split into two nations? I am not sure. Could u show/ quote the reference u r talking about? Did Solomon Rule with respect? |
Jesus like Muslim?
Sufi, means 'Mystic' Some have referred to myself as such, but I also decline. Heck...! I'm not even a Sheihk. The fact is I've only been a Muslim for the last 14 years. I don't have the whole Quran memorized. I've only ever been able to read it in English and I can't speak in Arabic at length at all. I do try to read the entire Quran at least once a year though. (It's only about three-quarters the length of the New Testament) Reading the Quran is a modest goal. Everybody whom I meet, I tell them, for as often as we may get on the subject of religion, "Islam is not so much a format for a religion, as a minimum prerequisite of faith." The Quran teaches, that every original format of Judaism and Christianity is a form of acceptable worship. It's apostasy that invalidates their format. Even modern Islam has its apostate factions too. You, (Everybody In General) must make 'submission to God' their own obligation of faith firstly. The Quran's purpose is to reiterate God's original minimum prerequisites for humanity. First, and foremost among those prerequisites, is You must not believe in or worship any other gods other than the One True God. Polytheism or the worship and belief in 'many gods' can not be tolerated... And yet the majority of humanity can't seem to evade that simple prerequisite. Christendom for the most part would not only advocate that You worship the Heavenly Father, but also Saints, the Virgin Mary, the Holy Ghost or Spirit, Jesus along with Icons, Statues, and Crucifixes. No disrespect in intended for those whom the True God has sent, but He hasn't wanted His worship to be redirected to others without His leave. This would be an insult to the Almighty's majesty. Once more, Jesus with all modesty, never asked to be worshiped. To the contrary, he reproached those who did. [Mark 10:18] I like what you have to say. You seem very grounded in your belief. I know a few muslims but not many. Because of not knowing what or who I might be dealing with I do not go out of my way to get to know them. I wonder and maybe you could answer this for me. The Govt's of Muslim Nations I believe have the power to get rid of the people who want to kill people who do not agree with their way. If Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, ect would come together and say we will work together and take care of this extremism ourselves I believe that it would end soon. Am I wrong or why can't Muslim Nations who condemn these action not bring these criminals to justice? |
you are right. Money is not bad it is a tool. How we use that tool is the question. Solomon Prayed that he be given wisdom to rule the people correctly and for this was given riches also. His Heart was in the right place
Jesus like Muslim?
Whateverrr.. ![]() #just saying. Yes we all need one. If we can call him whatever we want, then why do we need him in the 1st place? He listens to everyone then because of belief their should be no Doctrine of Hell. Yet all teach a fiery place for the unbeliever. The problem is the same now as it was before. The ones in power teaching us the word tells us we r to stupid to understand it ourselves. We need them and needing them denies the Power of the Creator. It is all custom but we love custom. We love to go to our churches and believe we r saved. Our Minister says so. As long as u follow what he says. Yahshua did not so they plotted to kill him from the beginning after his Baptism John says. Why did they plot to kill him? Because he did not g along with their customs. He did not follow them he followed the words of his Father which is the Scriptures. Choose who you will follow. Man or Life Why did they plot to kill him.? I think it has something to do with freedom..the bible starts with the fact that God built free choice into human race n the beggining..therefore, there would have to b the possibility of misuse of that freedom.. They killed him because he threatened the Religious leaders authority. He taught the people the scripture and told them to believe Yahweh his word that The Religious leaders were teaching Tradition over the commandments of Yahweh. This is very true today that is why he is coming again. Yahshua also ate with the poor. He was Homeless, he taught hardly a rich man would make it to the kingdom. we see ministers who preach a Health and wealth ministry. This is not following Yahshua. Even Paul did not get a Salary for preaching. He worked as a tent maker for his living. Religion is power and wealth . Fight against Power and they will do everything they can to get rid of you. To discredit you. Yahshua lived with the Poor ate with those the ones in Power did not want to lift a finger to help. the poor. We are the Temple what do we see churches in their Glory. Men in their Robes and fancy clothing. come as you are with a Humble and contrite spirit and The Spirit of Life will give you True Riches not of this world But of Peace from above |
Jesus like Muslim?
Whateverrr.. ![]() #just saying. Yes we all need one. If we can call him whatever we want, then why do we need him in the 1st place? He listens to everyone then because of belief their should be no Doctrine of Hell. Yet all teach a fiery place for the unbeliever. The problem is the same now as it was before. The ones in power teaching us the word tells us we r to stupid to understand it ourselves. We need them and needing them denies the Power of the Creator. It is all custom but we love custom. We love to go to our churches and believe we r saved. Our Minister says so. As long as u follow what he says. Yahshua did not so they plotted to kill him from the beginning after his Baptism John says. Why did they plot to kill him? Because he did not g along with their customs. He did not follow them he followed the words of his Father which is the Scriptures. Choose who you will follow. Man or Life |
Jesus like Muslim?
Most early Xians were Arian in orientation: Arius taught that God the Father and the Son of God did not always exist together eternally.[5] Arians taught that the Logos was a divine being created by God the Father before the world. The Son of God is subordinate to God the Father.[6] In English-language works, it is sometimes said that Arians believe that Jesus is or was a "creature", in the sense of "created being". Arius and his followers appealed to Bible verses such as Jesus saying that the father is "greater than I" (John 14:28), and "The LORD/Yahweh created me at the beginning of his work" (Proverbs 8:22).[7] Controversy over Arianism arose in the late 3rd century and persisted throughout most of the 4th century. It involved most church members—from simple believers, priests and monks to bishops, emperors and members of Rome's imperial family. Such a deep controversy within the Church during this period of its development could not have materialized without significant historical influences providing a basis for the Arian doctrines.[8] Some historians define and minimize the Arian conflict as the exclusive construct of Arius and a handful of rogue bishops engaging in heresy;[citation needed] but others recognize Arius as a defender of 'original' Christianity,[citation needed] or as providing a conservative response against the politicization of Christianity seeking union with the Roman Empire.[citation needed] Of the roughly three hundred bishops in attendance at the Council of Nicea, only two bishops did not sign the Nicene Creed, which condemned Arianism.[9] Two Roman emperors, Constantius II and Valens, became Arians, as did prominent Gothic, Vandal and Lombard warlords both before and after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Lucian of Antioch had contended for a Christology very similar to what would later be known as Arianism[citation needed] and is thought to have influenced its development.[citation needed] (Arius was a student of Lucian's private academy in Antioch.) After the dispute over Arianism became politicized and a general solution to the divisiveness was sought—with a great majority holding to the Trinitarian position—the Arian position was officially declared heterodox. Arianism continued to exist for several decades, even within the family of the emperor, the imperial nobility, and higher-ranking clergy.[citation needed] But, by the end of the 4th century it had surrendered its remaining ground to Trinitarianism in the official Roman church hierarchy.[citation needed] In western Europe, Arianism, which had been taught by Ulfilas, the Arian missionary to the Germanic tribes, was dominant among the Goths and Lombards (and, significantly for the late Empire, the Vandals); but it ceased to be the mainstream belief by the 8th century, as the rulers of these Germanic tribes gradually adopted Catholicism, beginning with Clovis I of the Franks in 496. It was crushed through a series of military and political conquests,[citation needed] culminating in religious and political domination of Europe over the next 1,000 years by Trinitarian forces in the Catholic Church. Trinitarianism has remained the dominant doctrine in all major branches of the Eastern and Western Church and later within Protestantism. Catholism is the Mother church. Many churches claim they do not follow Catholic Doctrine but this shows they do.Whatever they choose to say they do. It is easy all u have to do is do away with the beginning |
Jesus is the most known of this world
Jesus like Muslim?
Messiah just means 'Anointed One' Which would also serve as a coronation ritual with someone to be King. Meriam dictionary Messiah - a : the expected king and deliverer of the Jews b : jesus ----------------- Have to step back from what we think of "words" first off hand. And think about the time frame and culture the verses were written to understand what they are saying and mean by what they say. And this is why in modern terminology Epicurus, who taught moderation is seen as a hedonist; The Word again is a stoic reference to the "Artistic Fire" In the book of daniel we have a passage that s particularlx impressive..the prophey of seventy sevens n daniel far as i can remember it states there about to atone the wickedness, to put an end to sin. Anointed one means the ruler. the mesiah..who will put an end to sin.. Yahshua also answered someone about how many times in a day do you forgive your brother and 70 x 7 was his answer. |
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Tue 08/19/14 05:01 PM
A song about a man Losing the love of his life. "Water Your Own Yard" |
LUKE 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. with only like 10% of our minds do we use I have always wondered if that real child like belief that it is true , it will happen. no doubts is the key to opening up a part of our minds that makes anything possible. Say to this be removed and it is moved. to the sick you r healed and they are healed. Personally I believe because of our disbelief in this world is why the wonders of our own mind are not opened up to us to be able to do as we see so many antient societies did that we do not know how they did it and we still can not do what they did. |
This is in the bible ...
science has but r reluctant to say. is this.
They have found off of the African coast, Austrailian coast and elsewhere that their seems to of at one time been a collapse of the ocean floor. This is why they keep finding antient cities they believe on the ocean floor close to land. They have said that it is possible their used to be a lot more land than their is now. that if their was a lot of water under this land in huge cavities and as the Bible says the Fountains of the earth Sprang forth emptying these cavises under the ground that a world wide flood would probally cause these empty caverans to collapse. hence this would cause whole cities to disappear and sink to where they are now. This they have said would explain where all the water of the earth went. right back to where it was, except the land now would be under the water and our oceans much larger. Science does not want to believe in a world wide flood. But they will admit that their was a large collapse of land for some reason in times past. Science is funny how it is wrong constantly and then they say oh well we know more now. Yet the scriptures have to be right all the time or it is of no use. What if Science had to live up to that same standard? would it be useless, a fairly tale? |
Dreams So Real?
I believe in God. I believe in prayer. I believe that sometimes God sends us messages in a dream. when I was 16 I kept having a dream that my biological father had died and needed prayer and forgiveness. we hadn't seen him since I was a year old. we investigated and found out that sure enough he had died recently. after reading your post about your dream, what I can say is this, if you believe it is a message that youare ssupposed to share, then share it. there are believers and non believers everywhere. some will pay attention. others will probably think you are crazy. but you have to go with what feels right to you. Yes you must be wise as a serpent and gentle as a Dove. |
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Sun 08/10/14 04:19 PM
Islam does not say kill peoples I just find it interesting how this people who is so small who have lived in the Middle east are trying to be exterminated by their own country. whoever that may be also these people were telling the US and the Un if we left that Genocide is what would happen to them because of the hate of them in the middle east. I believe followers of the Christian bible should take note these are the people who the 3 kings who cam to Yahshua from the Persian Empire to give him gifts as they saw the signs of his birth that it seems Yahshua's own people did not understand yet these people did. they have Christian roots that are very deep. if anyone cares to copy and paste this video and watch and listen to what was said a few years ago by a member. |
These people in the News are very interesting. They have roots in Zoraterism which if you do not know the Magi is what their priest were called.
This apparently is the last of that religion that we know of still caring on the old traditions and everyone hates them. When you celebrate Christmas and have the nativity scene their I would suppose their are 3 kings their bringing gifts to Yahshua in the manger. Those 3 kings are Priests of this ancient sect. even in this cnn article I am posting look at the name of the 40 day old baby. This mountain they have fled to is very interesting. I would suppose they went their on faith that if they got their they would be protected. Amazingly to me at least America has for now is trying to come to their rescue for the 1st time in Iraq since we left. I would think they believe their prayers are being answered as ISIS wants to wipe them from the face of the earth. Sound familiar? Nearly 40,000 Yazidis are trapped on the top of Mount Sinjar The Islamic State has forced hundreds of thousands of minorities from their homes The U.S. has sent them humanitarian airdrops and authorized air airstrikes (CNN) -- In a church in Irbil, 40-day-old Yeshua lies asleep in a crib, his sister playfully rocking him. It's a peaceful scene. Their mother watches over them, but her face shows the fear and despair many Iraqi minorities have felt over the past few days. The Sunni militant group ISIS, which calls itself the Islamic State, has steamrolled into Iraq's north, forcing hundreds of thousands of minorities from their homes. The militants have beheaded some who won't bend to their will and are "putting people's heads on spikes" to terrorize others, a senior U.S. administration official said. Nearly 40,000 Yazidis are trapped on the top of Mount Sinjar with few resources; many with just the clothes on their back, U.S. President Barack Obama said in an address late Thursday evening. "These innocent families are faced with a horrible choice," Obama said. "Descend the mountain and be slaughtered, or stay and slowly die of thirst and hunger." So who are these people being threatened by the Islamic State? And why do the militant Islamists have them in their cross hairs? The Yazidis The Yazidis are one of the world's smallest and oldest monotheistic religious minorities. Their religion is considered a pre-Islamic sect that draws from Christianity, Judaism and the ancient monotheistic religion of Zoroastrianism. Watch this video Who are the Yazidis? Watch this video The importance of Kurdistan Watch this video New round of U.S. airstrikes in Iraq Watch this video Yazidi lawmaker: We're being slaughtered Yazidis worship one God and honor seven angels. Unlike Muslims and Christians, they reject the idea of sin, the devil and hell itself. Many Muslims regard them as devil-worshippers because the Yazidis revere an angel who, their tradition holds, refused to obey God. Their religious differences have made them a target for persecution throughout history, most recently during the U.S. war in Iraq -- in 2007, more than 700 people were killed when suicide bombers attacked a Yazidi village. Before that, they were targeted for centuries under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Iraq's Yazidis trapped, hiding from ISIS in the mountains President Obama and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry have said that if the Yazidis are not protected, their slaughter could quickly escalate to a genocide. To help the trapped people, the U.S. has sent them humanitarian airdrops. Obama has authorized airstrikes against the Islamic State fighters who are threatening the Yazidis there. Opinion: What chance to Yazidis have against group too brutal for al Qaeda? The U.S. State Department's 2013 International Religious Freedom Report estimates that approximately 500,000 Yazidis live in the northern Iraq, accounting for less than 1% of the country's population. Another 200,000 live in other parts of the world, according to the website Like the Kurds, they mostly reside in Iraq's north, many in the town of Sinjar in northwestern Nineveh province, bordering Iraq's Kurdish region. The province is home to mostly Arabs and Kurds, who have jostled for control over it for centuries. Iraqi Yazidi lawmaker: 'Hundreds of my people are being slaughtered' But Yazidis also reside in Turkey, Syria, Armenia, Iran and parts of the Caucasus region. The people speak Kurdish and are of Kurdish descent, but most see themselves as ethnically distinctive. Iraqi Christians Before being targeted by ISIS, an enormous portion -- some say as many as half -- of Iraq's Christians fled the country at the start of the U.S. war in 2003. Al Qaeda in Iraq, which preceded ISIS, brutally targeted the country's Christian minority. Watch this video Christians targeted in key Iraqi towns Watch this video Is ISIS still a 'JV team' to Obama? Watch this video Christian leader: ISIS beheading children According to the State Department, Christian leaders and nongovernmental organizations estimate that there are approximately 500,000 Christians in Iraq -- a that figure has declined by nearly 300,000 in the last five years. At one point there were over a million Christians living in Iraq. 7 terrible countries for Christians Most Iraqi Christians are Chaldeans, who are communicants with the Roman Catholic church. They predominantly reside in northern Iraq. The al Qaeda splinter group has taken control of the country's largest Christian city, Qaraqosh. And last month, Christians in the country's second largest city, Mosul, were told they must convert to Islam, pay a fine or face "death by the sword." "Christian communities are particularly affected: a people fleeing from their villages because of the violence that rages in these days, wreaking havoc on the entire region," said the Rev. Federico Lombardi, a spokesman for Pope Francis. The Pope said on Twitter: "I ask all men and women of goodwill to join me in praying for Iraqi Christians and all vulnerable populations." ISIS overtakes Iraq's largest Christian city Turkmen The majority of the world's Turkmen, a Turkic-speaking, traditionally nomadic people, live in Turkmenistan and elsewhere in Central Asia. But a small minority of them can be found in the Middle East, primarily in northern Iraq, Iran and Turkey. The city of Tal Afar, whose population is mostly made up of Turkmen, was caught in the crossfire of sectarian violence between Shiites and Sunnis during the recent Iraq war -- a suicide attack killed 150 people in 2007. The city's population dwindled from about 200,000 to 80,000 in just a few years. Sunni Turkmen make up 1% to 2% of Iraq's population, according to the State Department. A smaller group of Shia Turkmen live there, as well. Shiites Despite the risk ISIS poses to Yazidis, Turkmen, Christians and the country's other minorities, the risk to Iraq's majority Shia Muslims is far more widespread. In their quest to create an Islamic caliphate stretching from Syria to Iraq, ISIS has targeted Shiites in both countries. In June, the group claimed on Twitter that it killed at least 1,700 Shiites in June. ISIS is also fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces in Syria. Assad is a member of the Alawite sect, on offshoot of Shia Islam. Like many of the minorities in in the Nineveh province, Shiites and Alawites have been labeled as infidels by ISIS. Shiites outnumber Sunnis in Iraq on the whole. Most of Baghdad is predominantly Shiite, but large portions of Iraq's western and northern territories contain Sunni majority populations. |
where to go?
Where To go? People always want to tell me where to go..
![]() Crater Lake Oregon is quite a sight |