Saving the planet is not about self-importance. It's about salvaging something that can never be replaced so that future generations can live reasonably comfortably. It's about taking personal responsibility because the people that pollute the planet and drain its resources refuse to, instead cashing in because they won't be around to see the planet go to waste anyway. I see nothing wrong with saving the planet. This is an example. So, which way do we do that? Spare us the big words. How do we save the planet? I don't know; I'm no environmentalist. I merely agree with what they are doing. |
Edited by
Mon 01/05/09 08:33 PM
Saving the planet is not about self-importance. It's about salvaging something that can never be replaced so that future generations can live reasonably comfortably. It's about taking personal responsibility because the people that pollute the planet and drain its resources refuse to, instead cashing in because they won't be around to see the planet go to waste anyway. I see nothing wrong with saving the planet.
Turn the other Cheek ?
Dammit, all humans are human, regardless of whether they're Jew, African, Chinese, or Dominican, whether they're short, tall, fat, skinny, diseased, hairless, double-jointed, or vote Republican.
what do you do...
Get hostile. Get very hostile.
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Mon 01/05/09 07:29 PM
Final tally:
198 wrestling magazines dating back to 1994, with one published in '93 and one from 1990. 42 wrestling dvds. 31 wrestling books/autobiographies/historical pieces, including "Wrestling Title Histories." 51 wrestling tapes. 111 burned discs with a total of several hundred wrestling files on them, plus plenty more stored on my hard drive that I haven't yet copied to discs. Plus, three individual wrestling-related works I'm currently trying to finish. I might be the biggest wrestling nerd in Canada. ![]() |
for being too outspoken,and for being a perv,anyone here ever had that problem? lol people either love me or hate me No, never banned...I once got into a really ugly dispute on a previous site with other people about online bullying. I was so insulted I never visited the site again. |
Thinking is a must..
think back! when was the last time you were TRUELY happy? Tell us your story..! The last time I was truly happy was Christmas 2006, which I spent with my mom, dad, 2 sisters, 2 uncles and my sister's fiancee. We all polished off a bottle of white wine together while telling old stories, and then I played a game of poker with my mom and uncle while my sisters played board games. I was unbelievably happy that day. ![]() |
whats your bigger dream
whats your bigger dream 1-To finish my wrestling history books and get them published. To actually finish anything I start to write for that matter. 2-To see Japan before I'm done. 3-To find a naturally fulfilling love that fills my heart up until it wants to burst. ![]() 4-To play every great video game to come out in the future. 5-To win the lottery, allowing me to retire comfortably at age 35 (I'm 30). |
what is your passion?
My passion is researching wrestling history...and video games.
I guess those two things make me a geek, but I always liked being a geek. ![]() |
Indecisive people are people too.
hills have eyes. esp when that girl got like, raped by that ugly dude. that made me very uneasy. I agree. Shutter is another one like that. The girl in that one was drugged before getting raped. ![]() At least she gets justice in the end. |
Finally a TNA fan.
Oh yeah, America's Most Wanted...still don't understand why they split those two up...neither of them went on to accomplish much in singles. |
recovering from anxiety
My first nasty experiences with anxiety came during my adult basic ed course, ironically one of the most fulfilling periods of my life. While going to school, I frequently had to subdue urges to pick up objects and randomly throw them, either at a wall or someone's head. It was never anger that triggered these attacks, and I'm relieved to say that I never gave in. Interestingly, the attacks were always at their worst in the morning.
Years later, when I was a university student, I would catch the bus to go to class and be fine. Suddenly, while on the bus, I would have urges to shout random phrases and obscenities. For instance, I sat down one day and was fine until suddenly I almost screamed at the top of my lungs, "AMBULANCE!! AMBULANCE!! EMERGENCY!!!" Again, I never gave in to this urge, although that was probably the closest I ever came. Curiously, I was not thinking of ambulances or emergencies when that thought came to me. I still have these attacks to this day. They appear to be worse when I'm not at home. Always I'll experience an abrupt feeling of nervousness before an attack. However, I have learned to protect my dignity by immediately acknowledging the attack for what it is. I tell myself, "You are having an anxiety attack. The anxiety attack will pass. Life will continue along as normal." The words seem to have power, and I never have the urge to throw things anymore, although the urge to say stupid meaningless phrases out of the blue remains. I believe I may have a mild form of Turret's Syndrome. And before anyone asks, no I don't use medication, and no, I'm not willing to consider it. Thank you. ![]() |
Cabin Fever was pretty raunchy...
People's skin falling off...ew... ![]() |
Do you think that the internet was a good invention? or do you think it was a terrible invention? Do you think it will help create more peace amongst the human race or do you think it is irrelevant? or do you think it brings more hatred and misunderstanding in the end. If you had one world important task that every nation in the world appoints to you on issues of the internet, what would you do about it? Would you shut it down? Would you take out somethings it shouldn't be allowed to have? Would you leave it as it is? or what have you? Like anything man creates, the internet has the power to be used solely for good, but is generally used to spread evil. I suspect that in the future, stories about identity theft and cyber bullying will become more prevalent than it is today. Sex sites will develop with the specific intent to brainwash minors into fracking each other. I don't hate the internet. It's a good thing to have. It permits file sharing (allowing me to watch tons of wrestling) and total access to a worldwide database on everything. I just believe they need to moniter some things more closely. And no, that doesn't mean having government officials randomly confiscating your computer so they can scan the hard drive, like they were talking about doing a few years ago. To be honest, I don't know what making a "safer, healthier" internet entales. You might think I'm bad, but at least I've established a healthy medium. You should listen to my parents ramble on. According to them, the internet is the tool of the devil. ![]() |
I might be the only wrestling fan on here that doesn't like WWE.
Oh, I watch WrestleMania every year. I can never miss that. Otherwise no WWE. I prefer TNA, Ring of Honor, SHIMMER Women Athletes, New Japan, All Japan, Pro Wrestling NOAH and Dragon Gate. |
Edited by
Sun 01/04/09 07:01 PM
Aww, retro WWF, there's a topic I like.
![]() Demolition caught my attention in late-89, when I first became a wrestling fan. Unfortunately, they lost the belts to Andre and Haku a few weeks later, and only held the title one last time, but as heels (I didn't care for heels in those days ![]() I also liked The Legion of Doom. At the time, the WWF was implying that they were Demolition knockoffs, when it was Demolition that had actually copied them. Yep, folks, Animal and Hawk were the originators. When I began cheering for heels in the mid-90s, my favorites were Owen Hart and Yokozuna, who took the belts from those stupid boneheaded cowboys, The Smokin Gunns at WrestleMania XI. Man I was happy. I also liked the Owen-Davey Boy Smith pairing, who likewise beat the Gunns to start a run of their own. Over in WCW, my favorite team was Harlem Heat, although in hindsight, Booker T definitely carried that team. In terms of more recent history, I wish WWE did a bit more with the Benoit-Angle pairing, although that might have delayed their Royal Rumble match, one of the top ten encounters I've ever seen. Other teams I respected were The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation, the Steiners and Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki (from the FMW promotion in Japan). Old school WWF fans might remember Shinzaki as the underutilized Hakushi. There must be other teams I'm forgetting...oh yeah, Toshiaki Kawada and Akira Taue were my favorite Japanese team (they worked for All Japan Pro Wrestling in the 90s). Vader and Bigelow could have been more dominant, I thought. Today, my favorite teams are Mark and Jay Briscoe of ROH fame---they could outwrestle any team in WWE today---and The Latin American Exchange in TNA. ![]() |
I like how he spaces his knocks on my door exactly one second apart, like I'd have time to get out of bed and answer the door that quickly. Or like I'm deaf.
![]() |
Odd dreams
I dreamed last night that I lived in a strange foreign place that I've never been. I remember a darkened living room, a huge shower room, and a cavern with a deep pit that was somewhere inside the house. The house seemed enormous, even though I only remember these three settings. I was alone in the house except for this strange creature I had with me. It stood approximately 2 feet and was shaped like a clam, except the "beak" was pointed upward, giving it a vaguely triangular appearance. It was mostly covered in a shell, with only four yellow eyes that could be seen through a cleft in the shell, and six bony legs, like those of an insect or crustacean. Our relationship was like that of master-pet, and it accompanied me everywhere, while I never thought much of it. At times, I was almost oblivious to it.
I remember showering in the big showers (they were almost like public showers), but weirdly, I would sit crosslegged as the water poured over me. On my way out of the shower, I became aware of a vague threat. Walking through the cave part of the house, I looked into the pit and saw hundreds, perhaps thousands of creatures identical to my "pet" clambering up the steep sides. Enraged and hostile to them, I attempted to knock them back into the hole as they emerged from the pit, but there were too many. I soon realized my actions were fruitless and gave up. The creatures paid no attention to me, climbing past me into the house beyond. I woke up with this uncanny feeling of defeat. |
Hit up the first lesbian bar I could find!