Too skinny/too shy...
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And I would also like NOT to move four times in 2009!
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What would you like to happen to you or what would you like to do in 2009. ![]() I would like to meet that special someone. |
yeah i don't know why i hate sexy. always have. yes i know, i have what they call class. Your looks make you hot. Class gives you more dimension. Yep, you're definitely attractive. ![]() |
Sex Trade & the Web
The ability to film ourselves having sex is what separates us from the animals!
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It's random I think...
Black widow spiders
And yet, I would think that black widow venom is similar enough to other kinds of venom that other venoms would produce a similar response. It can't be completely unique in that respect.
In spite of the vast differences, all spider venom kills in roughly the same way, through inflicting cellular necrosis and mass system toxicity. If black widow venom causes cellular necrosis and system toxicity and kills people in that manner---and I don't know that it does, but it would seem natural and if it does---then it is not a matter of allergic reaction. It's a matter of the venom doing what it's supposed to do. |
Black widow spiders
About why nobody is allergic reactions from other spiders, it is because different spiders have different venoms. Same reason why not all antidotes work on all snakes bites. Different chemical reactions working. Yes, but if the "allergic reaction" myth is true, other spider venoms should likewise cause allergic reactions. Each spider venom is different, but it's all still spider venom. Personally, I think the allergic reaction line is garbage. It is in vogue in society today to categorize anything that makes a person sick as attributable to allergic reaction. Get sick from cigarette smoke? Well then, it must be an allergic reaction. Never mind that cigarette smoke is comprised of thousands of harmful chemicals. ![]() |
Black widow spiders
Edited by
Tue 12/23/08 07:06 PM
Some scientists believe that they have among the most toxic spider bites in the world.
Others believe this to be a myth, and that deaths caused by the bite are from an allergic reaction. Who is right? I have often been plagued by this question because I've seen credible sources to support both sides of the coin. But one thing nags me... If it is an allergic reaction, as some researchers say, then why is no one having allergic reactions to the bites of other species of spider? Why just the black widow? And why is it such a disputed thing whether or not black widow bites are generally lethal or not. Given the current level of modern science, I would think that it would be fairly easy to determine conclusively whether it is one way or another. Does the fact that such a dispute exists at all to the detriment of science? Or just the stupidity and gullibility of humans, the way we spread baseless myths for others to believe and accept? |
How often you sneeze ????
Any force caused inside one's head that can generate a speed of 95 mph would be sufficient enough to knock your eyeballs from their sockets if not for the closed eye reflex, I would imagine.
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![]() ![]() Not really, we're about 22 kilometers apart. ![]() |
I have learned.....
I've learned that leggin' it on a stupid 10 dollar an hour job is no fast track to inventing the world's first particle accelerator.
I have been a naughty girl... ![]() I kicked Santa in the balls once ![]() What do I need coal for, I'm not a railroad engineer! |
I am really bored
I'm considering watching a dvd movie...
Best movie music Ever
What in yalls opinion is the best music from a movie that yall have seen? Gladiator has some good music... The opening tune of Spiderman rocks... Batman Begins, Beowulf, Forrest Gump (of all movies). As for the best ever, that might be Terminator 2's opening riff. |
I am lonely....
Being on here helps with my loneliness Yes, I agree. |
I am lonely....
and Idk why ![]() maybe I'm just too desperate for love... aaaaaaaaa... Idk what my deal is, but I can't wait for classes to start again. thank god for college ![]() meeting new people is good, right? ![]() That's what I miss about university...the opportunity to meet new people. ![]() |
you would never date a girl
Has kids is another one.
If you have kids, I'm sure you're cool as a person...but I don't have the patience to deal with anklebiters. |
you would never date a girl
that ______________? Smokes and consistently blows the stuff in my face. That's not to say that I wouldn't neccessarily date a girl that would definitely be a turn off at first glance...but if she impressed me enough as a person, and if she took the care not to engulf my head in a cloud of noxious fumes, I wouldn't discriminate. ![]() |
The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. Why do you think he is so jolly? Only during happy hour! ![]() |