Edited by
Tue 03/16/10 05:57 PM
hunter douglas blinds/shades/shutters will kiss the sunshine as it passes through the windows and into your will give you feelings of addition to hope...especially the silhouette's and luminette privacy sheers..
roko sorry for the plug.. |
an ode to you and me both
you and me both..
can make beautiful children = )... can explore new worlds and explore each other.. can whether the storm with the long as the team, or friends, are not fair whether... roko |
dirty little secrets....
that secret is neither dirty nor is it little..
cancer -- how unfortunate the worst secret i have is that I'm a sex addict...sure wish they had something that had the opposite effect of viagra... roko |
What do you think???
Just in case you don't know the term affirmative action refers to policies that take race, ethnicity, physical disabilities, military career, sex, or a person's parents' social class into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or increase ethnicity or other forms of diversity. The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs. The impetus towards affirmative action is twofold: to maximize diversity in all levels of society, along with its presumed benefits, and to redress perceived disadvantages due to overt, institutional, or involuntary discrimination. ![]() it works by the letter of the law, but not by the spirit of the law, so long as people continue to not date outside their race...once people start f*kn others, then we will all be each others race...then no need for affirmative action.. roko |
this stuff affects business/work too...there are case studies to suggest that managers who only date a certain race are less tolerant of others in the workplace as evidenced by a decrease in employee morale and an increase in lawsuits when compared to managers who date more than one race..the correlation is high and can't be discounted due to a statistical anomaly or chance..
roko |
so bored
idle time is the devils playground...
should suit you fine...being a vamp roko |
I have met some great guys, and also some disappointments. Just stay positive-I think if you hang in there you just may be pleasantly surprised!!! ![]() Yes, you have to be careful. I talk to the person on the phone after the email thing, then if we agree to meet it's during the daytime in a public place like a bookstore, the mall, or in a coffee house. Also drive yourself. Be cautious. ![]() just say it to him like your saying it now...if his behavior changes as a result, (was nice before, then gets mad or pushy), then that should be a red flag for you roko |
am i ugly?
Think of it like this, most predator animals hunting fail to make a kill. The average with lions is like 12 to 1 failure to success. Hunting for a partner in life is a lot harder. Humans have a bad habit of making everything so damn complicated. It ain't you. It is the game. Nothing more. unless your a mountain lion..cougers have an 80% kill ratio roko |
Hey there!
i think you'll do fine, sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders along with a good attitude
roko |
Hey there!
Its just hard starting over....seems even worse down here in the "bible belt" south. ![]() well..all you have to then is roll around in all the hay until you get "poked" roko |
btw - great new pictures, i plan on putting up some more facial shots myself
roko |
Believe me I will run from this one. Not what I want in a guy. good decision, just curios, not to be to invasive or anything, but were there any indicators ...such as ..hey, we'll go dutch...i have a coupon for this restaraunt..or the more direct got me on this one...ect...., did he mention anything of his circumstance prior to you going out.. roko |
also, run, not walk, as fast as you can...away from this guy..sounds like he's setting you up for something, and it wouldn't surprise me the least bit if he asks for money....all stand up guys that i know wouldn't reveal such financial information, at least not that early in the relationship and especially if they are really into you...they'd rather use their credit card, borrow money from friends, ect..nothing short of moving mountains and seas to have the opportunity to spend time with you....
roko p.s. -- you sure know how to pick em.. |
Edited by
Sat 03/06/10 08:14 AM
no gas, no ***
roko hint; sounds like grass, but take the grrrrrrrrr out of it, or put it into it, i don't care...wait, he can't because he has no gas = ) |
i live in humbolt, by choice, green grass is everywhere..and i like it
roko |
Fuzzy wuzzy...
i have a ding dong like king kong
roko |
stuck on guard duty
what what do you do to pass the time
roko |
Expensive Love
i know it's expensive.the price of hookers went up another $20 ![]() it actually went down, perhaps your an easy mark roko |
Expensive Love
Touching..this part made me reflect:
"Yet I find myself waiting...waiting....waiting for? Time heals all wounds they say, but who has time to wait?" -- ' good thing comes to those who wait, but not to those who wait too late ' Roko |