Community > Posts By > anniebananie85

anniebananie85's photo
Fri 04/27/12 11:29 PM
i can relate i am a make up artist and a lip gunk junkie... well you need many different kinds in your arsonal :wink:

anniebananie85's photo
Fri 04/06/12 10:40 PM
thanks guys for the help. sadly i have had weirdos before i had that pic, i just have that one up because i was all dolled up. oh well... such is life, right?

anniebananie85's photo
Thu 04/05/12 10:46 PM
hey there, i need some help. it seems like the only guys who message me are complete weirdos. is their something wrong with my profile?

anniebananie85's photo
Tue 04/03/12 11:20 PM
mine would be hanson

anniebananie85's photo
Fri 03/02/12 08:40 PM
lol, why yes, i am in fact old...

anniebananie85's photo
Sun 02/26/12 09:04 PM
that is kind of cute, i would just come clean and tell her the truth she might think it's cute too. if not, oh well, ya gave it shot.

anniebananie85's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:39 AM
aww! that's very sweet! :)

anniebananie85's photo
Fri 02/03/12 10:48 PM
well, some people just suck! good luck with your search!

anniebananie85's photo
Fri 02/03/12 10:47 PM
cute dog is always a good start! that works way better then a child in the pic!

anniebananie85's photo
Thu 01/26/12 11:00 PM
oh wow, im sorry to hear that. best luck to her. keeping her positive is half the battle.

anniebananie85's photo
Thu 01/26/12 09:39 PM
i really like those and all are oh so true!

anniebananie85's photo
Mon 01/23/12 02:29 AM
a client of mine was just telling me about this the other day. ok, going to be completely honest, i didnt read you're entire post just some of it but i have a question for you. she was telling me there is a site that will tell you which foods dont have this stuff in it, it was 3 letters but for the life of me i cant remember what they were. do you by any chance know what that is?

anniebananie85's photo
Mon 01/02/12 12:57 AM
lol, i'd stick with husband #10

anniebananie85's photo
Wed 12/28/11 09:23 PM
oh my goodness! you have to have the funniest family! that story is great!

anniebananie85's photo
Sun 12/18/11 03:48 PM
cute, it made me giggle!

anniebananie85's photo
Wed 08/17/11 07:04 PM
oh that's awesome about your son! i will say a prayer for the both of you!

anniebananie85's photo
Tue 08/16/11 09:22 PM
well good luck, hopefully they find out what's wrong soon and ya feel better.

anniebananie85's photo
Wed 08/10/11 08:30 PM
i'll rent ya and see how it goes ;)

anniebananie85's photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:57 PM
that's hilarious!

anniebananie85's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:11 PM
mine would be grey's anantomy. totally addicting!

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