Community > Posts By > mikaxel80

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 01:17 PM
Just want to meet new people, experience different cultures and so on.

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 07:40 AM
Edited by mikaxel80 on Thu 09/05/19 07:58 AM
I didnt join this site. My college friend used my email and password and joined to get ladies. After a while when he stopped, i started occassionally using it for the forums (Btw nobody uses it now except me. I have changed the password)

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 07:19 AM

Pure devastation in Bahamas. Just saw it on the news now.
Riverspirit111, i hope you are giving your positive spirit as your name suggests to the haters in need. Otherwise, there are some in need in my country:smile:

:thumbsup: :heart: :angel:


mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 06:31 AM
Pure devastation in Bahamas. Just saw it on the news now.
Riverspirit111, i hope you are giving your positive spirit as your name suggests to the haters in need. Otherwise, there are some in need in my country:smile:

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 05:04 AM

I think booze has a lot to do with it. The effect of alcohol has been well documented. In a nutshell it knocks out the latest developed facalties first and works backwards. Reasoning moral sense,then restraint/impulse control, speech, coordination and finally bladder and bowel control.
Stick a bunch of people together in various states of the spectrum and add some excitement ie a football game. What you will get is a lot of thoughtless ignorance.

In short I think that booze aggravates it. I've seen it happen many times. Otherwise good people, sozzled and going on about how its all the ( insert any race here )fault.

will it ever end? It's another symptom of ignorance. And wrong from start to finish.
And you cant wronger than that.

Its like saying we need mental institutions rather than background checks
I dont believe i quoted him

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 04:59 AM

I agree Tom4uHere. It MUST start at a personal here. If I judge people based on colour, race,gender, age,...... then I am not a human being. What i dont agree is that you said to focus on self.
Ppl can change(not all, of course). You even said it. You educate your kids, and ur kids will do the same. The trend continues.
I like the comment 'If a nuclear war or asteroid happens'. It tells us the extent it has gotten into.
Of course there will be some haters. But thats life. As there are people that love, there are also who hate. Thats reality, I think

I agree that people can change, and that it also must start at a personal level.

Racism is a sad thing... Unfortunately there are still those out there that feel threatened by anything appearing different than them, to the point of hatred. It's heartbreaking.

I believe though that even the most closed minded individual is capable of having their mind opened and feeling compassion for all of humanity.

What's going on right now with Hurricane Dorian is a clear example of how humanity is changing, setting aside differences to lend a helping hand to their fellow human being. It's beautiful to see and a huge change from how things were a few decades ago. It's slightly off topic, but also relates because if people can change and let go of hate during moments of catastrophe, there is a chance they can do that in every day life as well. :heart: :angel:

I dont see it as being off topic since its about us people.
Speaking of Dorian, i heard on the news a guy from US (forgot the city) bought 10 generators to be sent to Bahamas. If thats not positivity,generosity.... i dont know what is

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 04:29 AM
I agree Tom4uHere. It MUST start at a personal here. If I judge people based on colour, race,gender, age,...... then I am not a human being. What i dont agree is that you said to focus on self.
Ppl can change(not all, of course). You even said it. You educate your kids, and ur kids will do the same. The trend continues.
I like the comment 'If a nuclear war or asteroid happens'. It tells us the extent it has gotten into.
Of course there will be some haters. But thats life. As there are people that love, there are also who hate. Thats reality, I think

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 09/05/19 12:14 AM
It really saddens me.Those of you who follow soccer might have heard of it. This last few weeks there has been racial tweets on various players. For what? For doing their jobs and entertaining us? The latest bunch of all was a couple of days ago in ITALY! A group of supporters were monkey-chanting an opponent player before and after taking a penalty kick. The funny thing is that the club for which the player is playing said it is not meant as a racist chanting. Shameful
Its not only soccer. Its everywhere. When I hear international news, I hear this issue on a daily basis like Dorian (God help all the people)
I still couldnt fathom we are still talking about it on this century and 2019.
Please lets all do our bit in eradicating it

mikaxel80's photo
Tue 09/03/19 10:47 PM

Why do ladies don't like to chat first, they prefer men to talk to them first.

When it comes to dating and all that goes along with it, many are still stuck in the past with antiquated notions.
That is, it's the man's job to make the first move, it's the man's job to plan the date, it's the man's job to pay for everything, etc.
I have seen similar discussions numerous times on various online dating site forums.
With the same opinions over and over.

Right. I heard that many times. The "When it comes to dating, blah blah...". Last time I checked people dont date here. They chat

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 09/01/19 03:09 PM

What are your thoughts?

Wow, I didnt know a trick question was trending on minglelaugh

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 09/01/19 03:04 PM
To be continued....

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 09/01/19 03:02 PM
Looking for....

mikaxel80's photo
Sat 08/31/19 02:53 PM
Hey. I am one of those guys that like older women. I like having their insight. I feel comfortable when I chat with them. They are so mature

mikaxel80's photo
Sat 08/31/19 01:45 AM

Your profile is good, so much better than most.
Interests: no interests worth mentioning? crocheting perhaps? happy

What do you know? Crocheting it is!

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 08/30/19 03:03 PM

I meet one in person dated shortly freak out from my epilepsy meet several nice people in the forums flowers

Yeah. I have epilepsy too. When people find out, they freak out and no more be your friend

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 08/30/19 02:58 PM
Being in another country, none. Although those who like to travel are welcome to visit this wonderful land

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 08/30/19 02:53 PM
I have been a member for quite a while now. But my posts are so infrequent that i feel new everytime

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 08/30/19 02:00 PM
Tee things that make me happy-honest people, helping people, reading

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 08/30/19 01:56 PM
Yo know, this topic really interests me
First of all, who doesnt like sex-whether man or lady? It is the degree of our liking that differs
For me personally, love comes first. I know i will get some stick but love does it for me

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 08/30/19 01:33 PM

Some of the problem in the US is the distances involved. I spend much more time with friends than family because friends are closer by in most cases. I try to see my daughter and family every couple weeks but it is 1 1/2 hour drive each way.

1 1/2 drive away from your daughter oldkid46? Oh, c'mon! My friend, you only live once. People i know travel more to see their loved ones. 1 1/2? SMH!!!!!
Believe me,you will regret it. Make the 1st step

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