Community > Posts By > mikaxel80

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 07:04 AM

Amazingly, I have been accepted but not understood which makes me think of leaving him ...

Believe me to find a man that understands you is really difficult. And it requires great effort and patience.
But why do you think he doesn't understand you?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 07:04 AM

Amazingly, I have been accepted but not understood which makes me think of leaving him ...

Believe me to find a man that understands you is really difficult. And it requires great effort and patience.
But why do you think he doesn't understand you?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:58 AM

I find it rather simple and easy to understand women than MOST men. I don't know why. I have seen many couples break up because of inability to understand her. I find it saddening for this deficiency on most men.
Everybody, I am not a shrink

What's it like up there on the moral high ground.

What's moral got to do with it?? Its all about the facts!!

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:42 AM

That's what i told him the day before he came and got her things.

He has only seen the good side so I told him the bad is as bad as the good is good.

He stared at me, his mind spinning.

You know what they say. Love is blind.
Wonder who said it

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:36 AM

Everybody, I am not a shrink

Tell us something that we did not already know. rofl


mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:29 AM

My ex-wife used to start a row on purpose to push me away if she felt close.

Work that one out.

I am sorry buddy but sounds like she didnt want to marry you. But after how many years of marriage did that happen?

The whole 25 years, even on the honeymoon. Now she's with a new guy he will get it and I won't.

Poor guy!!! Doesn't know what he is into

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:24 AM
Edited by mikaxel80 on Wed 01/27/16 06:26 AM

coping mechanism developed in childhood
push anything away that feels too close, too loving, too good

for it cannot really be true or last

oh and as for OP's point that women are right 99 percent of time

not saying I am right..on this

but I am pretty sure you are wrong bigsmile

OK. Let me correct myself. Didn't mean 99% of all women. I meant 99% of the women i know
BTW TMommy are u anti live or what? coz sounds like u scared of sthg

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:20 AM

coping mechanism developed in childhood
push anything away that feels too close, too loving, too good

for it cannot really be true or last

oh and as for OP's point that women are right 99 percent of time

not saying I am right..on this

but I am pretty sure you are wrong bigsmile

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:17 AM

My ex-wife used to start a row on purpose to push me away if she felt close.

Work that one out.

I am sorry buddy but sounds like she didnt want to marry you. But after how many years of marriage did that happen?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:13 AM

So 99 percent of the women are always right and never at fault. Men just provoke them to do or say something wrong
Remember I am not a shrink.
Hey share your insights

Rubbish, is my insight.. it takes two

Good for you but who controls the man?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 01:29 AM
Edited by mikaxel80 on Wed 01/27/16 01:35 AM
Many people think when couples argue and break up, it is the woman's fault without understanding the whole situation. But when you closely examine the situation, you always find the fault on men (Sorry my fellow men but thats the hard fact). Sometimes when my friends come to me what to do with their quarrel with their GFs after hearing all the facts and talking to the girlfriend in question (since theee are always two sides to a story) i most of the time make them break up and once in a while i make them reconcile one another.
So 99 percent of the women are always right and never at fault. Men just provoke them to do or say something wrong
Remember I am not a shrink.
Hey share your insights

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 01:11 AM
I find it rather simple and easy to understand women than MOST men. I don't know why. I have seen many couples break up because of inability to understand her. I find it saddening for this deficiency on most men.
Everybody, I am not a shrink

mikaxel80's photo
Mon 01/25/16 10:46 PM


Its because you are not seeking true love. There is no true love. There is only love. No such things called false love

mikaxel80's photo
Mon 01/25/16 11:49 AM
Hi you two

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 01/24/16 10:48 AM

Where are the cute guys?

where are the beautiful ladies???

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 01/24/16 08:08 AM

we can talk

with whom?

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 01/24/16 03:08 AM

Genuine and sincere guys,where are you?

You know, most guys here and other sites are either scammers or very not mature guys (towards ladies).They don't either understand or try to understand the ladies. Those who do are few and you encounter the majority. Most of us are not on sites because we are taken. Ask yourself if a lady meets a very sincere guy would she let go of him and be with another? Please!!!!
So a few of us that are here are very genuine and sincere

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 01/24/16 02:53 AM

I am very close to my mom and now in relationship with this lovely lady.
My lady and I have a weekend plan but my mom is calling me home for a family get together. Now I am struck where to go and whom to say NO. Totally in pickle now frustrated

Really, dude? REALLY???? whatever it is, girlfriend first. She is part of your next lifep

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 01/24/16 02:46 AM

Yes, true love still exists. I may have gone through heartbreaks before but I haven't lost my hope that someday I will find true love without looking for it as I believe that love will find me. Im just here waiting patiently love :heart: smitten

Good for you. I don't know you but I REALLY wish you the best.Hope someday i will find it too

mikaxel80's photo
Sun 01/24/16 02:40 AM

I think (and feel right now) that the true love doesn't exit, at least until now.

If you don't more mind my asking why do you feel that?

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