Community > Posts By > mikaxel80

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 02/15/13 01:40 AM

Hummm move out....never works with two family's under the same roof...bigsmile

I like that

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 02/15/13 01:31 AM

Nothing wrong with fwb concept. Two consenting adults who want to have some rockin' sex, why the hell not? doesn't mean the woman is a slut and it doesn't mean the guy is just a sex hound with no emotion attached to him. Sex is all about emotion! physical emotion.

For you ladies, sure. But for us, most of the time we want to attach something more besides physical involvement

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 02/15/13 01:28 AM

I just can't. I'd let myself down. I did think about it some time ago, but no.

That's my girl!! I applaud you

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 02/15/13 01:24 AM
What if your spouse lives under the same roof as you and your mum? And they dont exactly see eye to eye? What would you do?

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 02/15/13 01:19 AM

You say people who aren't into ldr relationships make you sick. Well, people who try to use me as access to a green card make ME sick. Also, I'd only torture myself if I couldn't at least go visit my lover a few days a week. Or him visit me at times.

Hey I am not sayn physical is not important. It is but less than the mental according to my opinion

mikaxel80's photo
Fri 02/15/13 01:15 AM

Sure about that, Navy Girl? Everybody have something to bring to the table one way or the other.

I am 100% sure that I can bring nothing to the table which is why I keep myself so busy that I wouldn't even have time to date. Also, never having been married; men don't want anything to do with me so its a sealed deal.

Navy Girl, dont despair. That's the problem nowadays. In addition, don't have a -ve thinking. You don't know what you are missing until you try harder. Nobody knows what God has stored for us(in others words we dont know what the future holds). You might say i am incredulously optimistic but what i say is i am purely practical. Just have faith

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:08 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

Yeah; this why I was laughing at the statement. :thumbsup:

Well Navy Girl, got to go. It is 10 past midnight here and got to sleep. Bye

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:03 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

Yeah; this why I was laughing at the statement. :thumbsup:

We all have to laugh. Keep it up!

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:56 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:49 PM
Sure, it is never right to tell someone 'I love you' to get what you want and play with that person's heart. What if it is the other way round? Meaning what if the player is played? Would it make him/her happy? That's what i would like to know from these so called players. In my country I have seen many women do it. If there has been a law.....

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:15 PM
Right you are, Navy Girl. That should have been the question. And i go with being practical

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:02 PM
Love don't always hurt. You say it as if it does everytime. What gave you that notion? By the way, love cant always have a +ve result. God, not everything has. We just have to minimise its hurtfulness as we do for everything in everyday life

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:54 AM
Thanks mate

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:46 AM
Sure about that, Navy Girl? Everybody have something to bring to the table one way or the other.

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:34 AM

Do these three words, “I Love You”, hold some kind of magic power that can change a person’s life overnight?

Or is it only the lonely hearts club band that knows the tune to this song, and how these three words can string people along?

:heart: Is saying, “I love you”, ever wrong? :heart:

Why is it ever wrong?

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:31 AM

How many people have more or less given up hope/thoughts of someone being with them because of whatever reasons?

I know navygirl has.
And I have.

How about you, are you on here still looking, or are you here for companionship/interaction only.

Krupa and soufie and leigh and manoffewwwords obviously don't have to answer. Oh yeah, neither does captain and eileena. If there are more couples, just let us know!

Lolll @ "I know Navygirl has" bigsmile Even a Newbie Like Me Already Knows dat bigsmile

Nice to meet you, Navy Girl. You seem like a decent woman. Why did u give up?

Well; you finally got something right. I also will give up on responding to your posts as its simply not worth the effort. bigsmile

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:25 AM

It was ingrained in me from my youth that as a female it is not my place to approach a man first, I was also taught never to smile provocatively nor make direct lingering eye contact because men can misconstrue the look. My mother was of French ancestry and she was rigid concerning the way she expected me to behave in mixed company. I have a natural swagger to my hips also, so when I walk I look sassy, and men find this attractive. My mother told me I walked too sexy and needed to tone it down. But, I can't help the way God put me together, and to this day I still twist when walking, it's not done purposely, I can assure you. With this said, I also don't mind saying that at my age I would like to feel comfortable making an advance and letting a man know I'm interested, instead of suffering in silence. But, I can't seem to get my mother's face and words out of my head when it comes to the roles both genders are expected to follow. So, no I will never approach a man first about having a serious relationship.

Too bad.

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:05 AM

For me, If I like what I see??? I have NO problems approaching a man for whatever I am after. I will pounce. No problem.
Seductively with every time.

I really don't know why women don't like to make the move. Maybe they are more afraid of rejection than men are.

It's simple. It's just that since females are too judgemental and they care about their ego very much, they wont ask

Well that can't be it... because in saying that, you also described men. lol Men are very judgmental and are notorious for having huge egos. Are you in the US??? lol When a woman is turned on by what a man looks like, and how he can tell she is smitten. It's written all over her face. She may even do and say dumb stuff because she is nervous. Just like men. Have you ever seen a woman react to meeting a handsome famous person? It's ridiculous to observe lol. She cannot hide her attraction. Usually, there's no need to. If a woman isn't falling over herself to get to you, she's not interested. Again...JMO

Hey, i am not saying men are judgemental. I know we are. But not as females. I am saying women in general. Btw, i am not in US. But believe me i have heard about men in US quite a lot and it makes me wonder what a disgrace they are for men in general.
Btw, you r right about the nervousness for both genders. It's ridiculous when u observe it

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 10:50 AM

A prostitute? I understand a lot of them take really good care of themselves but you are always running a risk that you might catch an STD or a disease there is no cure for. I would rather have an FWB that I have know for a while and have been friends with where I know how many past relationships they have been in rather than someone who has been with hundreds of total strangers every month. I am not talking about having an FWB when you're already in a relationship. An FWB comes in when you have no partner. A good FWB is a Friend first and if you do get in a relationship the person who most wants to see you happy so there would be no interference in future relationships.

From your writing, I can guess you have only seen the upside of it. When you see the downside, wonder what you will think. Either way I would like to see the upside of it once again. Would u recommend me some ppl u know? Ow, I forgot. We are thousands of miles apart

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 10:33 AM

seriously no. it is not something I would do. (I am not saying it's not OK just that I - ME - it's not something I would do).

if a man is really interested he will let you know. nothing wrong with letting him know that he is on the right track tho

What if the woman is interested? Shall she keep quiet?