Community > Posts By > Devion1

Devion1's photo
Fri 10/05/12 01:28 PM
Hmm it seems both of you have small points some valid some not so much.. In my humble opinion as a soldier who has tasted the loss of blood and shed blood and tears in three different theaters of combat.. I feel I have seen the truth and the lies in both parties and over all I am discussed with them both.. I understand that in war me and my comrades are calculated as acceptable losses... or recognized as heroes for political gain and nothing more.. When I first was sent over seas I witnessed no terrorist to fight but did see oil and lots of it and was instructed to guard it even though it was not our oil and we were forced to fight and risk our lives and yes we volunteered to do so, never the less that does not devalue our lives... we put our lives on the line so bush and cheney could settle scores and get rich.. bush with the attempt on his fathers life and cheney with the companies he had vested in.. and the country was lied to and was told the al qaeda forces was in iraq.. and when the cia came out and said that we were all being lied to the democrats said nothing to condemn or impeach the president and vice dictator.. and the republicans did nothing as usual..when does it become ok and acceptable to have lives lost for personnel gain and no one act how is it they impeached clinton for a lie and a excuse my language a blow job.. but getting soldier blown up and killed isnt worth impeaching.. please cheney can get a heart transplant knowing he was the reason so many lives were lost but vets cant get there benefits.. really.. how is it these so called Representative are willing to cut benefits for vets and other people working in the government but they wont take a pay cut or cut out the "donations" to their "respectable parties"? where is the justice and honor and in god we trust at in this government of ours.. its a fascad you have humans who are after money..and want to do what ever it takes to get it... granted everyone is not bad but those who do not speak out against the ones that are are as just as guilty. please respond...

Devion1's photo
Fri 10/05/12 12:43 PM
Just looking for some feedback positive or negative.

Devion1's photo
Thu 10/04/12 03:22 PM
try this brand and if you go on ebay you can always catch a deal HP $199- $299 2311GT 23” 1080P LED 3D MONITOR WITH 2 PASSIVE 3D actually wont loose any quality.