Community > Posts By > Shiashu

Shiashu's photo
Sun 10/07/12 06:22 AM

It doesn't care

Full of life
Ready to die

The Sea washes it all away.

Shiashu's photo
Sun 10/07/12 06:21 AM the flow. One of the better poems I've read in awhile. Thank you for sharing it.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 06:24 PM
Then again I suppose most of us joined this site because we were alone in one way or another.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 06:01 PM
I feel bored and really lonely. :/

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 02:08 PM
Pretty sure you just go to your account, then the settings tab...

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 10:38 AM

Apparently, you don't don't know the difference between a scientific theory and pure speculation. A theory isn't a theory unless it is testable.

Possible dimensions and universes? Is there a way to test that belief of yours?

I was saying that was what I heard someone say on T.V. that some scientists believe. It isn't anything I actually believe, I thought it was ridiculous when they were trying to explain it.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 09:46 AM
I might too...once I finish wrapping up a few series that I've watched on and off for like a year.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 09:43 AM
I'm sure you could find it for free, on some sites, maybe.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 09:31 AM
Always considered watching it, never have.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 09:18 AM
Sure they exist, but are any really active on these forums, let alone this site?

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 06:08 AM
Exactly why I found this theory crazy.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 05:56 AM
Just curious to hear what some of the craziest scientific theories that people in here have heard of before are.

One of mine would be that out of billions and billions of possible dimensions, universes and planets is that ours is the only one with the ability to sustain life. Possibly just the luck of the draw.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 05:50 AM
Dogs. All the way, though I may be slightly biased since me and my mom are severely allergic to cats. I do still like some cats, I am just pickier with them more than I am with dogs.

At least this is what my dog is telling me to say right now.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 05:47 AM
One time I was almost asleep in my bed and then it started shaking like something was on it and I felt like I couldn't even move really until I yelled, then it stopped. And another time I woke up to some "strange" women like screams that I swear were going off right in my ear, not in my dreams.

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 05:43 AM
If the way you die in a dream is the way you really die...then my life is going to end in an epic battle against Satan for my dad's soul... o.O

Shiashu's photo
Sat 10/06/12 05:40 AM
A moment shared in the dark
A touch
A kiss
A caress
A body barely illuminated by the moon and the stars
A hand
A chest
Your face
All just memories of a better time

Shiashu's photo
Fri 10/05/12 02:55 PM

Welcome brother .....hope you dig it here.

Ps....I ain't ever had a fortune cookie that tasted good...and I always get some lame crap like, "the slowest horse doesn't always lose the race ".....

What idiots ....the slowest horse ALWAYS loses a race.

Thanks. And the slowest horse might not lose if it trips another horse.

Shiashu's photo
Fri 10/05/12 02:43 PM
Nah, it didn't give me a dirty look. Tasted really stale though, do you suppose that meant anything?

Shiashu's photo
Fri 10/05/12 02:25 PM
.......I chose to forget about that.

Shiashu's photo
Fri 10/05/12 01:59 PM

I was expecting a zombie....laugh

Nice write... smokin

Thanks! I blame the rain outside. And that totally being something that my dogs would do...