Community > Posts By > Roweanne

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Wed 04/22/09 02:09 PM
The added benefit of baking or gardening is that you get less expensive groceries out of the deal, in the long run.

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Wed 04/22/09 02:08 PM
Aw, ya don't have to not live. That's not good. You just have to find interesting things to do that don't cost money. I sometimes use myparents computer to get on mingle2 forums. Or go for a walk, or bake bread, or garden. Just not living expensive.

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Wed 04/22/09 02:00 PM
Does anyone know anything about garden crop rotation? What should be planted after which? What specifically shouldn't be planted after which? What makes good companion plants with different veggie crops?

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Wed 04/22/09 01:55 PM
My parents have been married for just over 40 years. they still hold hands in public, and they usually have some form of physical contact going on, without being too over-board. 40-yr newly-weds. As long as it isn't sloppy or obvious public fore-play, there isn't anything wrong with it.:smile:

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Wed 04/22/09 01:50 PM
having flying lessons from the seat of my bicycle wasn't fun; broken collar bone, scrapes down the side of my head and face, rather painful. but most of you really do have that beat.

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Wed 04/22/09 01:48 PM
That sounds like another way to say a boil on the tush. What a pain in the keester!

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Wed 04/22/09 01:13 PM
Howdy adn welcome. good luck.waving

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Wed 04/22/09 01:12 PM
Howdy adn welcome. Good luck and have fun.waving

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Wed 04/22/09 01:11 PM
Hi, Kiki, and welcome to the site.waving

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Wed 04/22/09 01:09 PM
Oh, silly me. I (rudely) forgot to say: Welcome!waving

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Wed 04/22/09 01:08 PM
In other words, the demographics of the site?

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Wed 04/22/09 01:05 PM
rofl OMG, that's hilarious!rofl

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Wed 04/22/09 01:03 PM
I think several beliefs say that if you want to find and identify with the higher power, you should look within.

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Wed 04/22/09 12:52 PM
Every religion has its end-times prophecies and theories. Tom Brown, Jr., has some interesting info in his books about the end times. His teacher had visions (in the 1940's or 50's) of 4 possible futures, and 2 of those things have already happened as he said that they would. We do have a disease on our planet that comes from monkeys and spreads through sex and drugs, and we do have holes in the upper atmosphere. According to him, we could still change the over-all out-come by actually taking care of the planet and healing it. The fact of the matter is, the earth wasn't put here specifically for our use and abuse, adn we are really arrogant to believe that it was. We really are just a very small part of something much bigger, and we are not neccessary to the over-all well-being of the planet. The "end times" are nearing, but we won't know until they get here. All of the prophecies have foretold it, and given signs to watch for. We, as humans, have repeatedly misintrepretted the signs for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We have created, through our collective ignorance, an attitude of indifference and disbelief, and we as a species may pay the price. The Earth adn the Universe go on, with or without us.

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Wed 04/22/09 12:05 PM
I found and attempted to hand-raise a litter of kittens once. 25% survival rate, but that was with stumbling through. And I don't know how long they were abandoned b4 I found them. Pet supply stores have KMR(kitten milk replacer) and 4 oz bottles. I prefer the pre-mixed KMR, as the powder tends to clog the tiny hole in the bottle nipple, no matter how well you mix it. Only warm up or mix as much as you are likely to feed at a time. And you do have to use a warm cloth to stimulate the bottom so that it will potty. Once it gets to where it has its eyes open and is starting to eat soft food from a dish it will start to potty on its own. You probably have a tomcat, as it is very rare to have a female yellow tiger. Good luck, but, realistically, don't hold your breath too much.

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Wed 04/22/09 11:52 AM

OK,soo i've already asked where all the cowboy's have gone but,what happened to all the gentlemen?What happened to opening the car door or walking on the outside of the sidewalk,what happened to keeping trash talk for boy time?When did men start thinking that just because i had a cookie that they were entitled to a bite(I'm not talking choc.chip here)Where did treating people with respect slip off to? If i choose to go out with a man it doesn't mean that i have made the choice to take him into my bed. Sorry GUYS i guess you may have came across women that made you think this way,but I don't want to be treated as one of the guys with a piece of ass on the side...
I had a man tell me that one time and he thought it was an complement

Chivalry still exist.


but does femininity?!
I have discovered that chivalry isn't just how men treat women, but how each person treats adn interacts with everybody around them. It is just as chivalrous for a young person to hold the door for an older person as it is for a man to hold the same door for a woman. "chivalry" is a $50 word for being polite, classy, and appropriate in your dealings with others. Being feminine isn't about being weak, or about being the "weaker sex", nor is masculinity about being tough or strong. There are some very strong (physically, mentally, emotionally) women out there who come across as being very feminine. And there are men who are quite attentive to the needs adn feelings of the women around them without playing the politically correct part of being "feminized". Too many feminists think that if a man is treating them with basic respect and manners, then he is being condescending to her. That's is absolutely not true. I like and appreciate it when a man holds the door for me, and I hope that he is not offended if I hold the next door for him, since I got there first.

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Wed 04/22/09 11:24 AM
Wow, 40% is really high. Right now, the figure that is the guide-line for subsidized housing is that you should be paying 30%, including you basic utilities. TV, cable, internet are extra. I will admit that, unfortunately, I am getting a small amount of my housing subsidized. Hopefully, the second job will come through, and that will elominate the need for the subsidy. But living within your means, to me at least, means keeping yourself fed, housed and clothed without having to go into debt. If that means sewing or gardening to save money that can be better spent elsewhere, so be it. Sometimes it means accepting a small hand-out on occassion, just so long as you don't get too dependent on said hand-out.

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Wed 04/22/09 11:03 AM
On a more serious note, I do believe that Jesus may have been a student of Buddhism, and that what he was teaching is not well reflected in what we think of as modern Christianity. This is not to say that modern Christianity is wrong or bad. There have been many good things done by followers of the religion. I just think that Jesus was teaching a rather different way than what is taught today. I also believe that each "religion" has a small part of the truth, and we will never see the whole, big picture if we limit ourselves to any one religious path.

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Wed 04/22/09 10:57 AM
A friend of mine said one time that I had a fascination with Buddha statues because Buddha and my BF at the time had very similar physiques. LOL

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Wed 04/22/09 10:48 AM
Yum, sounds good.

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